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Mistress Juliya from Uranium...

[May 30,2007 4:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
SacreligionNLI said:that no resistance thing is probably the worst selection of words i've ever heard


"Mild tearing" would be far more appropriate.
[May 30,2007 4:08pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
at least mild tearing has a connotation of traction
[May 30,2007 5:40pm - nooooooooo  ""]
SteveOTB said:mOe @ work said:yea, i heard she got canned

Supposibly what happened was Fuse wanted to renew her contract, she wanted an insane amount of money and Fuse couldn't meet her demands so "supposibly" Juliya quit Fuse because they couldn't come to an agreement.

supposibly is not a word. You are incorrect. She was a druggie and then let go.
[May 30,2007 6:00pm - SkinSandwich ""]
If Tiny fisted her, her salty clam box would be cavernous.
[May 30,2007 6:43pm - Josh_Martin ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:[img]

She must thank god every day for the invention of push-up bras.

Tiny-titted whores who wear those things are just as lame as Vince Neil stuffing socks in his crotch.

Pay for the boob job or wear loose clothing, fucking jew-bag.
[May 30,2007 6:47pm - the_reverend ""]
not a single logged in person got it right. watch the anna nicolse smith video and you'll get the drift.
[May 30,2007 7:06pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
i don't trust anything with an eyebrow ring
[May 30,2007 7:51pm - PatMeebles ""]
I don't trust anyone who can't grow their own eyebrows.
[May 30,2007 8:47pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
GoatCatalyst said:i don't trust anything with an eyebrow ring

i'm a pretty trustworthy guy
[May 30,2007 9:20pm - xanonymousx ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:xanonymousx said:get firefox and click view-page style-no style and it deletes all of the code on the page and makes the flash players much smaller and such... it also lets you read comments that people hide with code among other things

Your e-wizardry humbles me, sir. Accept me as your e-apprentice. Together, we shall conquer teh intarnetz!

we may just be able to do this.... hmmmm

SacreligionNLI said:i'm a pretty trustworthy guy

i agree.
[May 30,2007 9:29pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
you don't even know who i am!

[May 30,2007 9:33pm - xanonymousx ""]
maybe its cause i don't judge people before i meet them...
is that a bad thing?
[May 30,2007 9:34pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
depends on the person you aren't judging, i guess
[May 30,2007 9:36pm - Archaeon ""]
PatMeebles said:I don't trust anyone who can't grow their own eyebrows.


fuckin whoopie goldberg.

[May 30,2007 9:40pm - xanonymousx ""]
hmm i just noticed that the time is 10 minutes off.
[May 30,2007 9:41pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
RTTP: Powered by a flux capacitor.
[May 30,2007 9:42pm - xanonymousx ""]
[May 30,2007 9:53pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
man, i wish metal tony from manchester (CT) posted here

his two cents would prove to be a susan b anthony on this matter
[May 30,2007 10:01pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
sir, you are a natural born poet
[May 30,2007 10:07pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
You all know if she gave you the chance you'd do her.
[May 30,2007 10:19pm - Archaeon ""]
Y_Ddraig_Goch said:You all know if she gave you the chance you'd do her.

Hate fuck
[May 30,2007 10:35pm - Dankill  ""]
Corpse lays must die!
[May 30,2007 11:05pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
thank you, dave.

i wouldn't hatefuck her with Y Ddraig's grimmtadger if Rich Horror was pushing

... nu-aidz
[May 30,2007 11:53pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
[May 31,2007 12:22am - Sacreligion ""]
while looking for other pictures that i could put funny captions to, i found this:


and all i could think was "HA! I get better weed than you."
[May 31,2007 12:23am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Isn't that incriminating evidence?
[May 31,2007 12:27am - Sacreligion ""]
umm...high times?

i suppose it'd be something like they can't prove it isn't prop marijuana since it's a picture and all, they have no physical evidence
[May 31,2007 1:31am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
She was cavernous after I banged her in 2004 after Metalfest.
[May 31,2007 1:42am - GoatCatalyst ""]
Sacreligion said:


[May 31,2007 3:52am - Dar ""]
She told me she liked my hair in the middle of the pit during superjoint ritual's set at whatever metalfest that was
I wondered if she was dumb since every other dude there had long hair

nonetheless this thread sucks, there's a million posts about how she doesn't play/know/like real metal or whatever
guess what dorks, she could probably give a salty fuck about the music...all she did is make some bucks/mild celebrity over dweeby ass metalheads. More power to her. Personally if I wanted to watch boring interviews and tepid videos, I'd rather watch this chick than Jamey Jasta. No attractive woman is going to give a fuck about what Slayer's first demo was called or what have you. (Ok, I know one--that's the exception that proves the rule)
From these stories it sounds like she at least tried to be friendly, more than you can say for most celebrities. Jesus fucking christ, if I saw this chick at a show I'd just be happy I was looking at something other than a sweaty mongoloid motherfucker or a pudgy dweeb in an ill fitting obscure death metal shirt
[May 31,2007 7:24am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Dar said:She told me she liked my hair in the middle of the pit during superjoint ritual's set at whatever metalfest that was
I wondered if she was dumb since every other dude there had long hair

nonetheless this thread sucks, there's a million posts about how she doesn't play/know/like real metal or whatever
guess what dorks, she could probably give a salty fuck about the music...all she did is make some bucks/mild celebrity over dweeby ass metalheads. More power to her. Personally if I wanted to watch boring interviews and tepid videos, I'd rather watch this chick than Jamey Jasta. No attractive woman is going to give a fuck about what Slayer's first demo was called or what have you. (Ok, I know one--that's the exception that proves the rule)
From these stories it sounds like she at least tried to be friendly, more than you can say for most celebrities. Jesus fucking christ, if I saw this chick at a show I'd just be happy I was looking at something other than a sweaty mongoloid motherfucker or a pudgy dweeb in an ill fitting obscure death metal shirt

3:52 AM - You stay up all night coming up with that one?

P.S.: She sucks.
[May 31,2007 7:57am - succubus ""]
ok first off Dar is on the West Coast, so chill out and give him a break. All you guys are doing is posting hateful crap. Just let it go. You've said what you wanted and now move on. As for the geniuses who wanted to send her a link to this, WONDERFUL thinking! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WANT AARON TO DO TODAY. DEAL WITH PHONE CALLS AND EMAILS FROM PEOPLE TELLING HIM TO DELETE THE THREAD. Haven't you learned anything yet? Stop starting shit for aaron.
[May 31,2007 8:30am - xanonymousx ""]
sorry i thought it just give some more exposure to the site.
i forgot about all of the people who cannot take a joke.
[May 31,2007 9:30am - GoatCatalyst ""]
succubus said:ok first off Dar is on the West Coast, so chill out and give him a break. All you guys are doing is posting hateful crap. Just let it go. You've said what you wanted and now move on. As for the geniuses who wanted to send her a link to this, WONDERFUL thinking! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WANT AARON TO DO TODAY. DEAL WITH PHONE CALLS AND EMAILS FROM PEOPLE TELLING HIM TO DELETE THE THREAD. Haven't you learned anything yet? Stop starting shit for aaron.

Carina... RTTP without hateful crap posts is like a casino without roulette.


at least this one isn't slandering an entire ethnicity.
(though when babies start being born with shitty highlights, eyebrow rings and poor taste in music... i suppose we can commence wholesale maledictions)
[May 31,2007 9:31am - GoatCatalyst ""]
PS - Dar is great
[May 31,2007 9:46am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Let's just hope she doesn't google her own name and look at every link.
[May 31,2007 9:57am - Josh_Martin ""]
succubus said:ok first off Dar is on the West Coast, so chill out and give him a break. All you guys are doing is posting hateful crap. Just let it go. You've said what you wanted and now move on. As for the geniuses who wanted to send her a link to this, WONDERFUL thinking! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WANT AARON TO DO TODAY. DEAL WITH PHONE CALLS AND EMAILS FROM PEOPLE TELLING HIM TO DELETE THE THREAD. Haven't you learned anything yet? Stop starting shit for aaron.

Damn, it's someone's time of the month.

[May 31,2007 10:08am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Y_Ddraig_Goch said:Let's just hope she doesn't google her own name and look at every link.

Is there really any doubt in your mind?
[May 31,2007 1:37pm - Iluvufreebeer ""]
Awesome New Thrash Talk with Lacuna Coil! (view more) ?

[May 31,2007 3:27pm - xmikex ""]
succubus said:ok first off Dar is on the West Coast, so chill out and give him a break. All you guys are doing is posting hateful crap. Just let it go. You've said what you wanted and now move on. As for the geniuses who wanted to send her a link to this, WONDERFUL thinking! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WANT AARON TO DO TODAY. DEAL WITH PHONE CALLS AND EMAILS FROM PEOPLE TELLING HIM TO DELETE THE THREAD. Haven't you learned anything yet? Stop starting shit for aaron.

Carina is forever the voice of reason.

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