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attn TheGoddessFreyja

[Nov 30,2011 8:18am - xgodzillax ""]
Ryan just remember, she fucked flavor flav. She has the burnt ass nigga post pepto shit log aids...
[Nov 30,2011 8:54am - ShadowSD ""]

xgodzillax said:only bitches dressed in princess leia bikinis are allowed here. you know, when she was chained up by jabba

josh_hates_you said:I got $5 bucks that says either I hit it by new years or I have already tapped it while drunk.

I don't know, man, jabba's pretty hard to get, he demands a lot of romance.
[Nov 30,2011 12:28pm - goatcatalyst ""]

Headbanging_Man said:In order to cuckold someone, they must have a penis. True fact.

you know what i mean. and the cum-eating-cuckolds... no sir... not for me. i'm more of a traditionalist
[Nov 30,2011 12:31pm - Slarms_Mckenzie ""]

scorndog said:show us your boobs

[Nov 30,2011 12:39pm - Hungtableed  ""]

arilliusbm said:Women getting hazed upon initial post is a commen occurence on this board. If you want to talk music, go ahead. I'm sure people will join in. Granted, this is under the assumption that you like good bands.
Considering you said you go to shows, I would assume you've met some of us or have seen our bands play.
You had a good answer to Duck Duck Goose so there is some hope. Beware and tread lightly; there are other women that post here but they don't do it too often. This site full of IMMATURE stuff, racism, and penis pictures. You clicked the disclaimer before entering, so I'm assuming you'd know this.
Music discussion occurs often, but not as much as it should be. We are all immature rejects.

[Nov 30,2011 12:45pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
TheGoddessFreyja, dont listen to these guys they are just trying to get a rise out of you.

My girlfriend and i would like to get to know you better. Want to meet for coffee? maybe have some fun with us? ;)
[Nov 30,2011 12:54pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
ITT: strange bedfellows with Wren Leader
[Nov 30,2011 1:01pm - boblovesmusic ""]
haha, that wasn't me!
[Nov 30,2011 1:07pm - boblovesmusic ""]
but I'm game!
[Nov 30,2011 1:16pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
i could cum ropes of jizz on your forehead and watch my girlfriend lick it off clean.... so hot
[Nov 30,2011 1:23pm - boblovesmusic ""]
they're not ropes, they're steel rods of jizz!
[Nov 30,2011 1:24pm - Pedro Norte  ""]
I imagine Wren being more of dribbler than a rope-shooter.
[Nov 30,2011 1:29pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
its usually really watery considering my extremely low sperm count. it taste's like pineapples though!
[Nov 30,2011 1:30pm - narkybark ""]
I'm envisioning photon torpedoes.
[Nov 30,2011 1:30pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I love pineapple, but it actually taste's like caramel
[Nov 30,2011 1:35pm - The Goddess Freyja  ""]
Get back to talking about ME! I crave the attention. What, you think I listen to metal because I like it? I just like being the only girl in the room at shows.

[Nov 30,2011 1:44pm - arilliusbm ""]

Yeti said:now taking bets on how long this one lasts.

Patiently awaiting her return. She only lasted an hour.
[Nov 30,2011 1:53pm - bloblovesjizzing  ""]

bloblovesmusic said:its usually really salty considering my diet of kosher meats. it taste's like gefilte fish though!
[Nov 30,2011 1:57pm - observant  ""]

boblovesmusic said:I love pineapple, but it actually taste's like caramel

ITT: Wren admits to tasting his own semen
[Nov 30,2011 1:58pm - observant  ""]

narkybark said:I'm envisioning photon torpedoes.

ITT: Damon gives himself a mental image of Wren blowing his load
[Nov 30,2011 2:03pm - The Goddess Freyja  ""]

arilliusbm said:
Yeti said:now taking bets on how long this one lasts.

Patiently awaiting her return. She only lasted an hour.

That's longer than most of you can, I'm sure.
[Nov 30,2011 2:08pm - tits_or_GTFO  ""]

arilliusbm said:Patiently awaiting her to tits or GTFO.
[Nov 30,2011 2:12pm - boblovescumeatingcuckolds  ""]

goatcatalyst said:
Headbanging_Man said:In order to cuckold someone, they must have a penis. True fact.

you know what i mean. and the cum-eating-cuckolds... no sir... not for me. i'm more of a traditionalist

I love the Cum-Eating Cuckolds series!!! I always time it so I dribble my load right when the wife spits the cum into her cuckold husband's gaping mouth!
[Nov 30,2011 2:47pm - The Goddess Freyja  ""]

The%20Goddess%20Freyja said:
arilliusbm said:
Yeti said:now taking bets on how long this one lasts.

Patiently awaiting her return. She only lasted an hour.

That's longer than most of you can, I'm sure.

All the REAL mature men I hang out with last for way more than an hour.

And it has NOTHING to do with my vagina being far far too loose to provide enough friction to get them off.
[Nov 30,2011 3:16pm - DYA is 12  ""]
im 12 years old and what is this
[Nov 30,2011 3:26pm - observant  ""]

The%20Goddess%20Freyja said:
The%20Goddess%20Freyja said:
arilliusbm said:
Yeti said:now taking bets on how long this one lasts.

Patiently awaiting her return. She only lasted an hour.

That's longer than most of you can, I'm sure.

All the REAL mature men I hang out with last for way more than an hour.

And it has NOTHING to do with my vagina being far far too loose to provide enough friction to get them off.

i usually dont last that long because im too busy blowing my load on your face and watching you massage it in like loation.

[Nov 30,2011 4:44pm - Andrew "Dice" Clay  ""]
...and rub it in like a fine liniment! EOHHHH!!!
[Nov 30,2011 6:26pm - xmikex ""]
Come back! We made you this welcome cake. I pickled the figs myself
[Dec 1,2011 3:26am - Sacreligion ""]
I am sad to say I was expecting more from you, RTTP.
[Dec 1,2011 8:35am - TheGoddessFreyja ""]
I just want everyone to know that the posts with my name NOT underlined were NOT me! BUT, that pickled fig cake looks delicious and I appreciate the kind gesture for whatever it's worth.
[Dec 1,2011 11:20am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Pro-tip: if you dont take all the razzing seriously and start contributing to the now flourishing metal scene we have - by either playing in a band or attending local shows- you will eventually be accepted by us buttdarts. Just sayin.
[Dec 1,2011 11:22am - arktourOs ""]

TheGoddessFreyja said:You wish! You better stick to your RPGs where you have a chance to at least imagine a nipple.

I like this chick, she stays!
[Dec 1,2011 11:25am - Alx_Casket ""]
Take one bite of that pickled fig cake and you will be a part of the rttp herd mentality.

All hail ArilNLI.
All hail ArilNLI.
All hail ArilNLI.
[Dec 1,2011 12:03pm - FAKE ARIL BETTER THAN FAKE FAKE ARIL  ""]
ArilNLI sucks. Dudes a homo. A homo trapped in a homo's body. Which, I guess would make him straight.

Whatever, dude sucks.
[Dec 1,2011 12:03pm - Fake ARIL  ""]
Couldn't have said it better myself.
[Dec 1,2011 12:04pm - Arrilusbum  ""]
Or DID you say it yourself?
[Dec 1,2011 12:06pm - xmikex ""]

TheGoddessFreyja said:I just want everyone to know that the posts with my name NOT underlined were NOT me!

Rev can we look into this high tech identity theft hacking case? We wouldn't want it becoming a trend here.
[Dec 1,2011 12:09pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

Arrilusbum said:Or DID you say it yourself?

My Arrilusbum is on the Swedish

[Dec 1,2011 12:14pm - The Goddess Freyja  ""]

TheGoddessFreyja said:I just want everyone to know that the posts with my name NOT underlined were NOT me!

But the part about the loose vagina was true.
[Dec 1,2011 12:41pm - josh_hates_you ""]

FAKE%20ARIL%20BETTER%20THAN%20FAKE%20FAKE%20ARIL said: A homo trapped in a homo's body. Which, I guess would make him straight.

[Dec 1,2011 12:44pm - arilliusbm ""]
ArilNLI is all samefag now that Reimroc is dead.
[Dec 1,2011 12:53pm - Samefag  ""]
Not me, dude.
[Dec 1,2011 1:23pm - Lamp ""]

TheGoddessFreyja said:I just want everyone to know that the posts with my name NOT underlined were NOT me!

[Dec 1,2011 1:25pm - Mark_R ""]
^ that post of his/hers was the first one that makes me think maybe (s)he really ISN'T a troll.
[Dec 1,2011 1:37pm - burnsy ""]
Classic misdirection.
[Dec 1,2011 1:57pm - Lamp ""]
This poster is a perfect example of why people should lurk any message board for at least a couple weeks or so before they decide to just start opening their mouth and start spouting stupid shit. Learn how it works. You don't write a research paper without doing any research, why would you post on a forum after looking at it one time?
[Dec 1,2011 2:01pm - TheGoddessFreyja ""]
Sorry I wasn't aware that it's common practice on this messageboard to accuse a woman of having a huge vagina. I'll be sure to assume the worst from now on.
[Dec 1,2011 2:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

TheGoddessFreyja said:I'll be sure to assume the worst from now on.

[Dec 1,2011 2:07pm - KEVORD ""]

Lamp said:This poster is a perfect example of why people should lurk any message board for at least a couple weeks or so before they decide to just start opening their mouth and start spouting stupid shit. Learn how it works. You don't write a research paper without doing any research, why would you post on a forum after looking at it one time?
I like to explain it as you wouldn't walk into a strangers house and start telling them their conversation sucks and you know how everything should be run so why would you do it on a message board.
[Dec 1,2011 2:11pm - TheGoddessFreyja ""]
I don't claim to know how it should be run, I just noticed that the entire first page of the forum was nothing but movies and locker room dong.

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