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EASTCIDE Reunion!!!

[Jul 21,2005 12:25am - dreadkill ""]
hahahaha, someone is going to think that was me. i don't know who posted that, but i got a good laugh out of it. it's better to post with an actual registered name though. even though i liked your comment, it makes you look like a pussy if you don't register. just friendly advice.
[Jul 27,2005 7:05pm - pimpdaddy  ""]
KEEP ON PIMPIN MY MO FO's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Jul 27,2005 7:14pm - EASTCIDE ROAD CREW  ""]
just for your info you jealous punks!...we will be touring exclusively
all the gay clubs in the area..AND gloryholes. SO eat TONS of peanuts and shoot a good load on our wigga faces...
[Jul 27,2005 11:30pm - dreadkill ""]
[Jul 29,2005 1:42am - oldirtybadnews ""]
Rapcore is gay. said:Why isn't eastside getting back together with a evil new name and playing heavy. I thought that was the cool numetal, rapcore thing to do. Then just say you were always into death metal but you were just young and stupid before. I recommend calling yourselves helldriver or devil within. That would be sick. Get tatt's and take band photos looking hard.

i know i 'm surprised its never happened yet oh wait there's chimaria

[Dec 1,2005 12:13am - anonymous  ""]
I hear there is going to be a Rebound reunion!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe 2006????
[Dec 1,2005 12:20am - G. U-Not  ""]
Did Anyone notice they broke up?
[Dec 1,2005 12:21am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
what about shed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Dec 1,2005 12:59am - Vic Marinaro NLI  ""]
With all these reunions going on there just might have to be a reunion with my fist and some faces. Vic Marinaro hates shitty music. Vic Marinaro hates these bands you're talking about. Vic Marinaro says GO FUCK YOUR MOTHER!
[Dec 1,2005 1:01am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:what about shed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HA! those guys put on a hell of a show when i was like 13

this eastcide reunion would've been hilarious if it were real...i totally would've gotten shitfaced and rocked out for the hell of it
[Dec 1,2005 7:03am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
If we're really lucky, Times Expired will reform. Oh, I can only hope. *cough suck cough*
[Dec 1,2005 8:11am - pv  ""]
maelstrom > eastside
[Dec 1,2005 8:41am - xmikex ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:If we're really lucky, Times Expired will reform. Oh, I can only hope. *cough suck cough*

[Dec 14,2005 12:00am - anonymous  ""]
I don't really want to get involved in some lame internerd battle but some of the bands you guys are ripping on actually helped wear a path for some of the bands out now. And we're friends and played shows constantly with the members of bands that you guys probably love. Remember there's just as much shitty music [if not more] coming out now than there was then.
[Dec 14,2005 12:11am - intricateprocess ""]
anonymous said:I don't really want to get involved in some lame internerd battle but some of the bands you guys are ripping on actually helped wear a path for some of the bands out now. And we're friends and played shows constantly with the members of bands that you guys probably love. Remember there's just as much shitty music [if not more] coming out now than there was then.

thatn dont get involved
[Dec 14,2005 12:17am - Sacreligion ""]
[Dec 14,2005 12:26am - todayistheday  ""]
so did this happen?
[Dec 14,2005 12:31am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
[Dec 13,2006 9:41pm - XGLITTERGIRLX  ""]
I never even knew about this fucking show!!! Its been over a year later and I found this. I wish I could have posted shit to tell off all these lame fucking rapcore haters. I love ya still and always will.
[Dec 13,2006 9:47pm - sacreligion ""]
umm...it wasn't real
[Dec 13,2006 9:48pm - dreadkill ""]
what a dumb whore
[Dec 13,2006 9:50pm - RichHorror ""]
Reading this again made me remember how glad I am Jim Ash pussied out of this board. What an annoying old faggot.
[Dec 13,2006 9:50pm - dreadkill ""]
don't knock him. he's a great appliance salesman now.
[Dec 13,2006 11:35pm - Dankill  ""]
Aw shit, and here I was hoping for them to play with a reformed 7TH Rail Crew and Powabomb with W3 playing bass.
[Dec 14,2006 12:40am - todayistheday nli  ""]
haha i remember 7th rail crew
[Dec 14,2006 12:49am - sacreligion ""]
nah dude it's all about 7 hill psychos
[Dec 14,2006 12:49am - sacreligion ""]
oh and shed...can't forget shed
[Dec 14,2006 12:56am - brian_dc ""]
Josh_hates_you said:hey remember that time i started that eastcide reunion thread and people believed it?


for some reason, everyone skipped this post.
[Dec 14,2006 8:08am - xmikex ""]
Eastcide sucked. Times Expired Sucked. Seven Hill Psychos sucked. None of those bands could pave the way for a turd coming out of my colon let alone any type of worthwhile music.

Chaimira sucked.
[Dec 14,2006 10:13am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Damnit, I guess this isn't the thread where I told the guy from Eastcide that I wished he'd die in Iraq.
[Dec 14,2006 6:19pm - NICK WATCHMAKER  ""]
big pants....bigger losers....
[Jan 18,2007 1:51am - Darcie  ""]
[Jan 18,2007 7:15pm - THE UNITY RAINBOW WARRIOR  ""]
I'm so psyched to see the triumphant return of these suburban white nigger wanna-be's.If only their show motivates 7th RAIL CREW to re-form I can enjoy the next Kwaaanzaa. Paul Baloff , Quorthorn & Rich GBK are all dead yet none of EASTCIDE have A.I.D.S? Where is justice?One love-I'm out! PEACE!
[Jan 18,2007 9:23pm - hungtableed  ""]
Jake D. said:Funny how your friend stole our old banner. All you bitches are just jealous cause you where never on Farmclub or mentioned in the pages of Playboy Magazine.

Fact: We have played in front of thousands of people. Something none of your basment death metal bands will ever do. Like you will ever play Locobazooka.

Any stupid bastards can get on gay locobazooka, the fags who run it make bands sell like 50 tickets to play. That's probably what you guys did. There is nothing more homo than rap core
[Jan 19,2007 12:21am - Sacreligion ""]
[Jan 19,2007 8:58am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Little known fact - Jake D rolls with the Brian Peppers Posse
[Jan 19,2007 11:05am - mcmahon ""]
i think i saw eastcide at NEHMF. if i remember correctly the singer had a bullet proof vest on.
[Apr 26,2010 9:30am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

sacreligion said:now that's hilarious...if eastcide can get back together than they should be able to get the god damn espresso bar back

bahaha i still rememberhow to play 57 times

[Apr 26,2010 9:34am - josh_hates_you ""]
im sooooo glad i started this thread in 2005. lulz.
[Apr 26,2010 9:36am - josh_hates_you ""]
also i made staples listen to eastcide on the way to the overkill show a few weeks ago since he had never heard it. I think he couldnt wait to get out of that car.

57 times bitches.
[Apr 26,2010 11:16am - Dankill  ""]
shit just got REAL real
[Jun 12,2010 7:18pm - josh_hates_you ""]
bump for an actual eastcide reuinion 5 years after making this lulzy thread

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