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[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Feb 6,2008 11:51am - quintessence  ""]
Well my only source was Shannon, but her bf AL is in the band and she said they start at 615... So I dunno for sure, but thats where its coming from. Thats a long drive brother....

can anyone confirm when this show starts?
[Feb 6,2008 11:57am - porphyria  ""]
aaron why are you driving to that shithole when this will be at marks (another shithole, but closer) on saturday? hahahah
[Feb 6,2008 12:11pm - the_reverend ""]
because I can't shoot it on the 9th.
[Feb 6,2008 12:17pm - shannon ""]
quintessence said:I believe they start just after 6 is what I was told.

Dude meet me at my place by 530
After all this shit of not knowing whether it was on or off or fucken whatever,I will be engaging in some serious alcohol consumption tonight.

See you fuckers tonight:doublehorns:
[Feb 6,2008 12:25pm - thuringwethil ""]
Saturday will be my first time seeing a show at Mark's. I wonder if they'll throw me out for wearing glasses
[Feb 6,2008 12:50pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 6,2008 12:53pm - thuringwethil ""]
yeah I can't wait!

"No moshing
no headbanging
no foot tapping
no fun
no metal
[Feb 6,2008 12:54pm - thuringwethil ""]
oh wait, that's church!

what's missing from CH__CH?

[Feb 6,2008 1:59pm - the_reverend ""]
so this show is still all set?
[Feb 6,2008 2:04pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
I hope so, since I'm leaving for it soon.
[Feb 6,2008 2:12pm - the_reverend ""]
31 Webster St
Hartford, CT 06114
[Feb 6,2008 2:22pm - quintessence  ""]
Well i'm leaving from NH for this now. I hope its still good to go. I'm wicked pumped !
[Feb 6,2008 2:22pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm leaving from andover mas in an hour.
[Feb 6,2008 2:24pm - the_reverend ""]
if you want, email me your phone number. if I hear anything, I will txt you that it's not happening.
<<email link right there.
[Feb 6,2008 2:50pm - PAGANMEGAN ""]
I would be going to this if I weren't in Germany doing an English teacher training session
Grammar= sooo not metal
I would rather correct your usage of the past perfect tense with my bullet belt and spikes and maybe a vicious weapon such as a mase, power tool, whip or better still, eine eiserne Jungfrau

have fun guys
[Feb 6,2008 2:58pm - thuringwethil ""]
teach them how to sing the Candy Mountain Cave song
[Feb 6,2008 3:00pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
It's spelled "mace." good thing you're taking a lesson in English.
[Feb 6,2008 3:34pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I just received word from Ryan that the show is in fact cancelled.
[Feb 6,2008 3:35pm - the_reverend ""]
someone needs to tell quitessence that.
[Feb 6,2008 3:39pm - thuringwethil ""]
shit! I'm not going to the CT show but that sucks
[Feb 6,2008 3:47pm - the_reverend ""]
I would have left 10 minutes ago. good thing I looked here first.
[Feb 6,2008 3:49pm - brian_dc ""]
sucks to be quintessence right about now
[Feb 6,2008 3:51pm - thuringwethil ""]
look on the bright side. at least no one died.

[Feb 6,2008 4:20pm - the_reverend ""]
the record label had no clue about this.
cancelation either.

I tried my best with quintessence. oh well.
[Feb 6,2008 6:10pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
He's not the only one who drove there...
[Feb 6,2008 6:16pm - Samantha ""]
Wow. That really sucks. I'm glad that Shannon called me before I ended up leaving.
[Feb 6,2008 6:44pm - the_reverend ""]
SlavonicIdentity, how far did you drive? where there others there?
[Feb 6,2008 8:46pm - aegathis nli  ""]
yea we are all quite pissed about not being able to do the show, the even shittier thing is that the bus broke down this morning and we have been stuck out side this gas station near rochester all day waiting for the new one. Rev if you want to get into any of the other shows in NH or what ever let me know, ill pm you my number.
[Feb 7,2008 1:20am - Aegathis ""]
new bus has internet, HÖHÖ
[Feb 7,2008 8:58am - SlavonicIdentity ""]

the_reverend said:SlavonicIdentity, how far did you drive? where there others there?

I drove over an hour, not terribly far. No one else was there, except these two chicks and a bunch of wigger bands.
[Feb 7,2008 9:03am - the_reverend ""]
that sucks, I would be pissed.

anthony: I can't hit any of the other shows which sucks.
[Feb 7,2008 9:16am - goatcatalyst ""]
so sorry you made the trip down, Slav. i spoke to the manager of the Webster at 1 and was told it was still on, took a nap (Iommi takes naps, fuck you) and called the venue at 3 to get a definitive "what time do we go on?" and was then told that the show was cancelled. HUGE clusterfuck. thanks to everybody who helped put the word out to try and spare people a wasted trip. sincere apologies to anyone else who made the journey for naught.

slav, if you can make it down to cherry st on saturday - i'll be sure to let you in free of charge.

i'd have posted that it was cancelled in here, but when i'm not at work i do my posting from my shitty phone which locks up once a thread reaches a certain length.

[Feb 7,2008 9:17am - SlavonicIdentity ""]
I'd make it down to the Cherry St. show if I was 21, but I am not, unfortunately.
[Feb 7,2008 9:41am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 7,2008 2:10pm - PSCHRISTRAPE  ""]
SlavonicIdentity, Fuck not being 21, I'll get you in! E-mail me!
[Feb 7,2008 2:32pm - goatcatalyst ""]
be here:


... or you hate beer and love jesus
[Feb 7,2008 3:56pm - quintessence  ""]
what a bummer it was finding out the show was canceled. I drove all the way down from NH...It wasn't all bad though. Ended up staying at a friends house and drinking our sorrows away. Also I forgot my cellphone there.

I will be at the show tomarrow in Poughkeepsie. The only crappy thing is, I can't shoot that show cause The Chance wont even let you in without a photopass I dont think. Oh well more reason to get completely fucked up!

[Feb 7,2008 4:02pm - shannon ""]
What do you do when a show you have been waiting to go to for eternity gets cancelled??? You drink a combo of wine,jager,vodka, and beer...blast some DM...have your older brother and younger sister start a make shift pit in your living room...get rug burn up your whole back from being dragged down a hallway...and feel really sick the next day!

P.s Frank Im looking for your phone right now.
[Feb 7,2008 4:06pm - quintessence ""]
Let me know when you find it. I know Its there somewhere.
[Feb 7,2008 4:10pm - Samantha ""]

shannon said:What do you do when a show you have been waiting to go to for eternity gets cancelled??? You drink a combo of wine,jager,vodka, and beer...blast some DM...have your older brother and younger sister start a make shift pit in your living room...get rug burn up your whole back from being dragged down a hallway...and feel really sick the next day!

P.s Frank Im looking for your phone right now.

It's no wonder why you never called me back. LOL!
[Feb 7,2008 4:51pm - shannon ""]
Frank,I found it...I shut it off,I'll bring it Friday!

Yeah sorry Sam,Dude we were fucked up by the time I played my messages!!! I should have had you and Michelle come down here and drink with us. Anyway If you can make it to the Ny show,that woud be cool.
[Feb 7,2008 9:24pm - NIGGER ""]

the_reverend said:31 Webster St
Hartford, CT 06114

We are tired already, as our initial drive from Texas to North Carolina was compressed into a day due to my illness. Fortunately our show in Hartford was canceled so we have a day off and plenty of time to drive to Rochester.




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