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Oct 10 (Fri) - Composted, Parasitic Extirpation, Abnormality, Karnivean, Discordance, Hannaford and the Heartstoppers - Accu-Billiards (New Bedford, MA)

10/10/08 Composted, Parasitic Extirpation, Abnormality, Karnivean, Discordance, Hannaford and the Heartstoppers in New Bedford

[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Oct 9,2008 12:28pm - RichHorror ""]
[Oct 9,2008 12:41pm - Mess ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:fucking noobs!
Hannaford and the Heartstoppers is a band featuring JOHN GILLIS on drums. Instrumental grind is how Gilly describes it.

yeah, he was over the other night. i saw some vids of the band and i dig it.
[Oct 9,2008 4:12pm - pam ""]
Wait, who died?

If my friend wants to attend this, I'll be there. I made other plans with her already but we'll see.
[Oct 9,2008 4:14pm - RichHorror ""]
Some kid that was childhood buddies with Matt from IWEIPH.
[Oct 9,2008 4:15pm - thuringwethil ""]

Mess said:
IllinoisEnemaBradness said:fucking noobs!
Hannaford and the Heartstoppers is a band featuring JOHN GILLIS on drums. Instrumental grind is how Gilly describes it.

yeah, he was over the other night. i saw some vids of the band and i dig it.

my housemate is the singer
[Oct 9,2008 5:05pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
composted's biggest fan's cousin died.
[Oct 9,2008 6:10pm - deathchick ""]

thuringwethil said:
Mess said:
IllinoisEnemaBradness said:fucking noobs!
Hannaford and the Heartstoppers is a band featuring JOHN GILLIS on drums. Instrumental grind is how Gilly describes it.

yeah, he was over the other night. i saw some vids of the band and i dig it.

my housemate is the singer

Are you going Larissa?
[Oct 9,2008 6:38pm - Mess ""]

thuringwethil said:
Mess said:
IllinoisEnemaBradness said:fucking noobs!
Hannaford and the Heartstoppers is a band featuring JOHN GILLIS on drums. Instrumental grind is how Gilly describes it.

yeah, he was over the other night. i saw some vids of the band and i dig it.

my housemate is the singer

yeah, i've known Ian for a while also. tell him Rick says heyohhhhh!
or not
[Oct 10,2008 10:15am - grizloch ""]
looks like I'm going to miss this one, my inverter shorted out my cars electrical system by the grace of god, so I no longer have a gps or cell phone, and shortly I wont have a laptop, I wrote down rough directions just in case, but I think I'd better head home just in case

maybe NH
[Oct 10,2008 10:18am - TheAccursedDrummer ""]
ATTN: Blue...

Drop me a line on AIM or something, I have a question for you about the show.
[Oct 10,2008 3:55pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Good luck with technology Grizzy, that shit is a bitch. Gotta do what you gotta do.

THIS SHIT IS TONIGHT. Composted will be doing the unexpected. I'm out to run some errands and then headed to the show. See everyone there!
[Oct 10,2008 3:57pm - timma ""]
Does that mean you guys are going to suck?

That would certainly be considered unexpected.
[Oct 10,2008 4:04pm - orgymf@work  ""]
ok....i'm quite confused.
why exactly is it that everyone hates T.A. Jason?

he is one of the nicest dudes i've ever met.
and he let's me say any disgusting/racist/sexist/any other manner of offensive shit i want when i do comedy there
[Oct 10,2008 4:14pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
i'm gonna have a buzz on. but thats to be expected
[Oct 10,2008 4:30pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
im about to drink 100 proof captain morgans. good idea, bad idea, good idea, bad idea
[Oct 10,2008 6:01pm - lady_czerach ""]
Can someone tell me what the order of bands is? Sorry if it was already posted - I don't feel like reading through everything.
[Oct 10,2008 6:25pm - deathchickNLI  ""]
I think it is from first to last:

Hannaford and the Hearstoppers
Parasitic Extirpation
[Oct 10,2008 6:38pm - blue ""]
heading to ahhhhlington to pack up and then were on our way.

jess, youre coming? siqqqqqqq
[Oct 10,2008 6:55pm - rbss  ""]
I think Karnivean is actually going last and Composted is going 4th.
[Oct 10,2008 6:57pm - handinjury ""]
Is 1st band @9? Or is that the doors???
[Oct 10,2008 7:09pm - deathchickNLI  ""]
doors at 9. first band at 10
[Oct 10,2008 11:05pm - grizloch ""]
christ I didnt even realize how late this shit starts, I could leave Albany now and still get there in time to see composted!

Fucking technology...almost as bad as numbers...

Hope all goes stupendously and lots of money is made for whomever is benefiting from this shindig
[Oct 10,2008 11:22pm - Mess ""]
i wish i could make this.
i think the people will be in for a real suprise when they hear hannaford
[Oct 10,2008 11:30pm - RichHorror ""]
[Oct 10,2008 11:33pm - Mess ""]
in whiteface!
drinking merlot!
[Oct 11,2008 1:21am - goatcatalyst ""]
I think Composted is going on third. Doors at 8:45.
[Oct 11,2008 1:23am - RichHorror ""]
[Oct 11,2008 1:37am - goatcatalyst ""]
The Crips.

Don't let em catch you slippin
[Oct 11,2008 1:37am - RichHorror ""]
[Oct 11,2008 2:11am - handinjury ""]
Best thing about New Bedfid, cheap gas.
[Oct 11,2008 2:38am - goatcatalyst ""]
I heard that the penis origami maneuver "the Burberry Truffle" was invented in New Bedfid.
[Oct 11,2008 3:32am - Dave_Maggot ""]
jesus h christ that show was fun as fuck!!!!! holy shit. hannaford was a surprise indeed, those guys ruled. they reminded me of dead kennedys, but heavier. with an extra side of mike patton. and i fucking love all that. abnormality kicked ass, it was good to play with them. i went outside to get air and missed all of parasitic but the last song. but obviously they were great as usual. dave maggot + air = epic fail. i dont think ive ever seen karnivean live, but they put on a good set. groovy as hell. the crowd was great, we helped raised some money. i got fucking hammered. texas chainsaw massacre played during our set. it was like a wet dream. so thats saying that i have some pretty fucked up wet dreams. ok instead of going to bed. im gonna play Bully on ps2. laters.
[Oct 11,2008 9:44am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
This show was much better than I expected; everyone had a blast. Some middle aged woman was taking people on in the pit...it was fucking hilarious. At one point she was on the ground and I thought Timma was trying to give her a Cleveland Steamer, but to my dismay he was just trying to help her up. Anywho, thanks to anyone here who came out. Land on a cock.
[Oct 11,2008 10:07am - dogbitedavehumphreys ""]
What a moving tribute to a fallen metalhead, any of us would be proud to have been honored in such a fashion. Unfortunately, had to split after Composted and missed Karnivean, but all observed played well, venue was better than I expected, horror movies a real treat. Hey, was there some kind of show in Worcester last night? With no silly slam? What's the point of that?
[Oct 11,2008 10:26am - handinjury ""]
Good show. Thanks to the composted pit my beer went flying and when I recovered it I got the last sip. See what happens when you guys dont play dress up. Luckly I did not land on a cock, and left after their set. Hannaford was pretty cool, should have grabbed a demo. Besides Parasitic's guitar&bass "whats wrong with my input jack" they rocked out, they need a longer set, blue. Abnormality's new stuff is a bit differant then the 3 song demo I have listened to. Note to all dude growlers, notice how Mallika barely cupped the mic, that chick dosent need proximity effect for brutal vocal tones. I am impressed.
[Oct 11,2008 11:30am - jere nli  ""]
the kids family seemed really cool, I am surprised I woke up alive this morning after accidentally dropping mike's cab and amp on the ground, he was soooo fucking mad, thank god for road cases. needless to say the ride home with him was pretty interesting lol. Goddamm, parasitic and composted had awesome sets, they both were tight as shit and ridiculously heavy
[Oct 11,2008 2:09pm - timma ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:This show was much better than I expected; everyone had a blast. Some middle aged woman was taking people on in the pit...it was fucking hilarious. At one point she was on the ground and I thought Timma was trying to give her a Cleveland Steamer, but to my dismay he was just trying to help her up. Anywho, thanks to anyone here who came out. Land on a cock.

Actually, I was going for a Marlin but I lost my balance. That lady kicked my ass. Mom Moshers 4 lyfe!

Killer show, couldn't stay for Karnivean but all the bands ripped it up. Nothing like listening to death metal whilst watching Hellraiser. There were so many cock landings it was hard to keep track.
[Oct 11,2008 5:14pm - Dave_Maggot ""]

mom mosh!
[Oct 11,2008 5:54pm - timma ""]
Actually, it looks like she's more giving me the Heimlich, rather than trying to mosh me.
[Oct 11,2008 6:12pm - karnivean ""]
lol that lady was awesome! Aye dave, if you got any pics of us send them to me some how thanx
[Oct 11,2008 6:13pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
i just took em out of arial's myspace pics. but i should have a whole bunch from chris helme soon though. woooorrrd
[Oct 11,2008 6:32pm - timma ""]

jere%20nli said:the kids family seemed really cool, I am surprised I woke up alive this morning after accidentally dropping mike's cab and amp on the ground, he was soooo fucking mad, thank god for road cases. needless to say the ride home with him was pretty interesting lol. Goddamm, parasitic and composted had awesome sets, they both were tight as shit and ridiculously heavy

Haha, glad to hear you made it home alive and unscathed dude.
[Oct 15,2008 9:24am - orgymf@work  ""]

RichHorror said:HE'S A NIGGER


i get it now


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