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[Dec 29,2009 2:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
Instead of investing 300mil to make this movie, why don't they invest that into saving the real rainforests? I'm hoping James Cameron puts some of the money towards that, rather than profit off of unoriginal ideas and exploitation of stuff that really goes on.
[Dec 29,2009 2:39pm - swamplorddvm ""]

arilliusbm said:Instead of investing 300mil to make this movie, why don't they invest that into saving the real rainforests? I'm hoping James Cameron puts some of the money towards that, rather than profit off of unoriginal ideas and exploitation of stuff that really goes on.

Good point. Hope he does.
[Dec 29,2009 2:40pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
or he shoulda just did T3 and T4 instead
[Dec 29,2009 3:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Dec 29,2009 4:09pm - reimroc ""]
*phew* ok good aril likes the movie.
[Dec 29,2009 4:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
I liked it but left feeling disappointed.

Looking back, had it not had the animation and effects it had, it would be similar to a mediorce Disney cartoon.

Animation and effects aren't everything.
[Dec 29,2009 4:17pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Dec 29,2009 4:26pm - reimroc ""]
[Dec 29,2009 4:32pm - xmikex ""]

arilliusbm said:
Looking back, had it not had the animation and effects it had...


Come on, you had this whole plot figured out by the time you saw the first 30 second trailer. This movie was about getting sweet ass special effects shot into your brain for 3 hours. And it delivered.
[Dec 29,2009 4:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
One last disappointing thing: no props.

The reason why the lotr movies were awesome is because they went hybrid and combined both cgi and real props. This movie was cgi overload with little to no props involved. CGI is great and all with today's technology, but let us not forget the art of a good fucking prop or costume.

Neverending story > avatar
[Dec 29,2009 4:38pm - arilliusbm ""]
Mike, of course I did. I was hoping to story was a little better and less cliche but it failed. This movie was like most hot blonde chicks: great to look at but completely empty inside.
[Dec 29,2009 4:58pm - gslice  ""]
aril ITT: "it was an alright movie, but it sucked, but I liked it, but it was crappy, but it was pretty good, but I hated it"

its nice to know that one person can play the roles of both waldorf and statler

[Dec 29,2009 5:00pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Dec 29,2009 5:35pm - xmikex ""]
LOTR > Avamatar in every aspect without question.
[Dec 30,2009 8:48am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Dec 30,2009 8:53am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
this movie looks gay
[Dec 30,2009 9:00am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
But you believe in climate change, so your opinion is irrelevant.
[Dec 30,2009 9:15am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
??? yea ice ages never happened
[Dec 30,2009 9:16am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
[Dec 30,2009 9:17am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
[Dec 30,2009 9:19am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
[Dec 30,2009 10:05am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
On a serial note, on the note of CGI, I think it should only be used when you can't do without it, which is why I am excited that my nigga Guillermo del torro is doing the Hobbit. His philosophy is to use cgi only for things costumes, puppets, and makeup can't do.

fucking animatronic Smaugs and such.

CGI is part of the reason I hated the new star wars, I mean, ammaright the originals looked way better.
[Dec 30,2009 10:37am - Yeti ""]
CGI has no soul. so much hard work went into making Star Wars look incredible, and 30+ years later it still looks better than a lot of movies. few movies have wowed me with CGI, Jurassic Park, T2 and LOTR to name a few. and an animatronic Smaug would be amazing, but think of the dimension they can bring with some CGI.
[Dec 30,2009 10:40am - the_reverend ""]
I hope this guy is in there
[Dec 30,2009 10:54am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:??? yea ice ages never happened

Anybody who seriously believes the ice ages really happened needs to get a clue.
[Dec 30,2009 11:42am - sever ""]
Avatar = Dances with Wolves in the future with aliens.
[Dec 30,2009 11:47am - grizloch ""]

[Dec 30,2009 11:48am - the_reverend ""]
I want to go see this in 3D at 2:45, but carina isn't getting back to me.
[Dec 30,2009 11:51pm - the_reverend ""]
this movie was awesome. There were a couple "brave heart" things, but still it was beautiful. Some scenes had too much going on in them.
The only thing that sucked was the end of the movie. They ended with a song that sucked.
[Dec 31,2009 12:25am - i_am_not_me ""]
Yeah, it took a lot of restraint (Mostly because of the "I know what you're going to do and please please PLEASE DON'T do it" looks I was getting from my friend) not to yell out "YOU MAY TAKE OUR LIVES BUT YOU'LL NEVER TAKE............OUR FREEDOM!"
[Dec 31,2009 12:26am - i_am_not_me ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:[img]

Someone have that as their avatar on another board?
[Dec 31,2009 12:38am - i_am_not_me ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:[img]

I made that my avatar on another board. Har har har.
[Dec 31,2009 4:31am - Spaldino  ""]
i saw it blazed as fuck and non-3d and i thought it was an enjoyable movie. the CG for the "blue people" was awesomeawesomeawesome. plot was mad predictable, but it was still good.
[Dec 31,2009 10:54am - arilliusbm ""]
Ferngully = waaay better
[Dec 31,2009 11:13am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
My friend's main selling point was that the cgi and live action melded together so well that it was revolutionary...

didn't they do that in LOTR? or with 300? I'm pretty sure 90 percent of 300 was green screen
[Dec 31,2009 12:05pm - the_reverend ""]
but in this movie, they used blue screen.
[Jan 3,2010 12:44pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Where the fuck is this actually playing in 3d?
[Jan 3,2010 2:23pm - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]

arilliusbm said:Ferngully = waaay better

Someone had to say it.
[Jan 3,2010 3:18pm - revnon  ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:Where the fuck is this actually playing in 3d?
I saw it in newington. They have it in 2 theatres there.
[Jan 3,2010 5:09pm - gslice  ""]
you almsot can't see this not in 3d in Albany, its retarded
[Jan 3,2010 5:20pm - porphyria  ""]
Imax in Saco, ME. Amazing visuals.
[Jan 3,2010 6:07pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Anywhere in MA?

They need a list of WHERE IT IS playing. I understand I may need to drive a bit, but I'm not going to sit on their site guessing zip codes to fond a theater.
[Jan 3,2010 6:13pm - reimroc ""]
you need to see this in 3D arrow. its an experience.
[Jan 3,2010 6:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
I didn't see it in 3d. But there's other movies out right now I'd rather see first before I watch this crap again
[Jan 3,2010 7:26pm - porphyria  ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:Anywhere in MA?
They need a list of WHERE IT IS playing. I understand I may need to drive a bit, but I'm not going to sit on their site guessing zip codes to fond a theater.

Why wouldn't it be playing in Natick @ Jordans Imax????
[Jan 3,2010 7:27pm - porphyria  ""]
I can't imagine what someone on mushrooms/acid would experience when seeing this in Imax 3D. hahaha.
[Jan 3,2010 7:28pm - porphyria  ""]
[Jan 3,2010 8:51pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
I should specify: digital 3D. I can't do Imax, it makes me puke.
[Jan 4,2010 3:25pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]



[Jan 4,2010 3:34pm - arilliusbm ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:I should specify: digital 3D. I can't do Imax, it makes me puke.

if your puke is that of your sauce, I'd still eat it free of charge.

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