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[Jan 25,2010 3:28pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
Caving in and checking this out tonight. Looking forward to regretingt the 2 hrs and 40 minutes of my life that I'll never get back.
[Jan 25,2010 3:28pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
[Jan 25,2010 3:30pm - Doomkid nli  ""]
Saw this yesterday, cool tech but weak plot.

Also it felt like the whole thing was some creepy hentai/cos-play fantasy.
[Jan 25,2010 3:31pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
Wait hentai? So I can expect CGI nudity? With that revelation, things look more promising than ever!
[Jan 25,2010 3:32pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
If this has less than 5 minutes of tentacle rape footage, I'm demanding my money back.
[Jan 25,2010 3:33pm - Yeti ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:I should specify: digital 3D. I can't do Imax, it makes me puke.

i have the same problem. well i've never actually puked from it, but after like 10 minutes of a 3D ocean program i felt like i was going to. my head was all screwed up for the rest of the day.
[Jan 25,2010 3:44pm - ARKTOCHUSETTS  ""]
apparently it's the highest grossing movie of all time.

i haven't seen it but being a pop sci-fi movie it borrows from everything. the "life tree" or whatever else is in the movie...please.

the best sci-fi material has already been written and everything new that comes out has to steal ideas somewhere. i can't believe the hype this thing gets. f this movie.
[Jan 25,2010 6:49pm - arilliusbm ""]
Ark. Couldn't have said it better myself. I fapped to total recall last night.
[Jan 26,2010 1:12pm - bulba fett  ""]
"Hustler is making a porn parody of Avatar … Anyone have title suggestions?"
[Jan 27,2010 1:54pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Still have to subject myself to this. I'm not feeling suicidal lately, so hopefully this will just barely get me to normal.
[Jan 27,2010 2:03pm - arilliusbm ""]
This movie was almost as bad as district 9 and avatar combined.
[Jan 27,2010 2:12pm - SmokeSpiral ""]
Check this out. The movie is disney for adults.

[Jan 27,2010 2:40pm - arilliusbm ""]
yep. as stated previously, fern gully was a better movie
[Feb 5,2010 12:43am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
just watched a high quality bootleg of this. really enjoyed it actually. def increase my hatred for the human race.
[Feb 5,2010 1:12am - porphyria  ""]
It's not new news that the plot was similar to multiple other storylines. However, none of those movies were even REMOTELY as visually stunning as Avatar.
[Feb 5,2010 1:13am - porphyria  ""]

SmokeSpiral said:Check this out. The movie is disney for adults.


haha, that's awesome. Avatar was still awesome either way.
[Feb 5,2010 9:38am - AndrewBastard  ""]
If it wasnt in 3D it would have been, meh...but it was really cool in 3D plus the theater served beer.
[Feb 5,2010 9:40am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
God this movie was really mundane. Why the hell are people going batshit for it?!
[Feb 5,2010 9:43am - arilliusbm ""]
It somewhat angers me that it was nominated for other awards besides special effects.
Movie was no better than any other Disney movie.
In fact Id rather watch the Little Mermaid over this movie. Still got the VHS with the penis on the cover ftw.
[Feb 5,2010 9:51am - Doomkid nli  ""]
I think my favorite part was where the main character is swinging around on the bulldozers and they use pretty much the exact same series of camera angles/dialog as the scene in FernGully with bulldozers.
[Feb 5,2010 10:26am - porphyria  ""]
Yes we know, this movie is a direct rip off of Dances with Wolves, Ferngully and Pocahontas. It's to the point where people think they're geniuses for pointing that out even though they probably haven't seen any of them. Again, none of those movies were even REMOTELY as visually stunning as Avatar, especially in Imax 3D.
[Feb 5,2010 10:33am - arilliusbm ""]
Visually stunning does not constitute a great movie. But whatever, obviously it does; it's the highest grossing movie of all time.

A clever and original script > stunning CGI any day.
[Feb 5,2010 10:44am - Yeti ""]
that's what "good" movies are now. shit plot with amazing graphics. the success of Transformers is a prime example. an optimus prime example, if you will.
[Feb 5,2010 10:56am - porphyria  ""]

Yeti said:that's what "good" movies are now. shit plot with amazing graphics. the success of Transformers is a prime example. an optimus prime example, if you will.

Even though the plot is similar it's still at least a 'solid' plot, based of three other relatively successful movies...tried/true if you will...What is so shit about the plot??? Because it's not mind blowingly technical and difficult for all to comprehend? I personally prefer more violence in movies but I blame that on my parents letting me watch Predator over and over when I was 7. haha.
[Feb 5,2010 10:58am - Doomkid nli  ""]

porphyria said:Yes we know, this movie is a direct rip off of Dances with Wolves, Ferngully and Pocahontas. It's to the point where people think they're geniuses for pointing that out even though they probably haven't seen any of them. Again, none of those movies were even REMOTELY as visually stunning as Avatar, especially in Imax 3D.

[Feb 5,2010 10:59am - arilliusbm ""]
It was so cliche and predictible.
It seriously could have been a kids movie.
[Feb 5,2010 11:01am - arilliusbm ""]
Now that it's officially the highest grossing movie of all time..

arilliusbm said:Instead of investing 300mil to make this movie, why don't they invest that into saving the real rainforests? I'm hoping James Cameron puts some of the money towards that, rather than profit off of unoriginal ideas and exploitation of stuff that really goes on.
[Feb 5,2010 11:10am - arktouros ""]

Yeti said: an optimus prime example, if you will.

actually, i will not.
[Feb 5,2010 11:14am - porphyria  ""]

arilliusbm said:It was so cliche and predictible.
It seriously could have been a kids movie.

A cliche and predictable response.
[Feb 5,2010 11:19am - arilliusbm ""]
So are you defending Avatars story? It was ok but was the weakest part of the movie by far.
The point I'm making is visuals do not always constitute a great movie; just like graphics with video games.
Avatar was entertaining but was empty and unoriginal, outside of the animation.
[Feb 5,2010 11:22am - arilliusbm ""]
I think society is caught up in a tech/graphics phase right now. People care more about what things look like rather than what things really matter.

In other words, where's the cream filling?
[Feb 5,2010 11:29am - porphyria  ""]
I never said it was most amazing and original story, BUT it was solid (plot lines based off previously tried & true movies) and had enough original elements to keep it entertaining on top of the amazing visuals. I don't see how anyone could find it to be a terrible movie, then again people find something to complain about in everything ever.
[Feb 5,2010 11:36am - porphyria  ""]

arilliusbm said:I think society is caught up in a tech/graphics phase right now. People care more about what things look like rather than what things really matter.

In other words, where's the cream filling?

blah blah. whiney whine whine.

I do like a great mindfuck of a movie but sometimes it's nice to watch a movie that you're not required to do the equivalent of calculating equations.

Comparable to listening to instrumental music instead of someone who needs someone spewing lyrics all over the place. Also kinda like going to see the same band multiple times. What newew band these days is completely original? None.
[Feb 5,2010 12:06pm - arilliusbm ""]
Where's the cream filling?
[Feb 5,2010 12:10pm - porphyria  ""]
In my dong.
[Feb 5,2010 12:43pm - arilliusbm ""]
Predictible and cliched response, haha
[Feb 5,2010 1:23pm - porphyria  ""]
...but still effective.
[Feb 5,2010 1:39pm - arilliusbm ""]
Yep. Like Avatar. Story was good enough but didn't quite make the movie.
[Dec 9,2011 6:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lol suuued

[Dec 9,2011 6:39pm - arilliusbm ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:haha- RTTP is not only the top Gewgle hit for "FIGHT HIM OR YOU'RE A PUSSY" - we're the ONLY HITS. LOLOLOLOLOL

[Dec 11,2011 8:16pm - Fuck_Logged_In ""]
[Dec 12,2011 11:06am - Mutis NLI  ""]
Avatar Galactica.
[Dec 12,2011 11:23am - posbleak ""]
I feel like the visuals weren't even that impressive; it's like the whole planet was a mashup of Phantom Menace-era Naboo and the back aisle of a Spencer's Gifts with all the blacklight lamps.

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