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Looking for a Guitarist and Bassist in the MA Area (Progressive/Tech Metal band)

[Dec 16,2012 10:59pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Kids a major douche. Someone needs to suplex him onto pavement.
[Dec 16,2012 10:59pm - BlackoutRick ""]
He took his videos down so that's admitted defeat.
[Dec 16,2012 11:15pm - shutup fagget  ""]

arilliusbm said:on second thought, if this kid is willing to file a falst complaint for that, who knows what else will happen. might be wise to just let this go.

he should not get away with this bullshit
[Dec 16,2012 11:41pm - destroy  ""]
[Dec 17,2012 12:51am - BSV  ""]
OP would shoot up a school. DEATH TO FALSE METAL.
[Dec 17,2012 1:02am - xmikex ""]

MikeCantTakeit said:But aside from the trolls. Here's some other videos.

There's the new song from this year-

And the song Demise-

Videos taken down within 12 hours to keep from being ragged on by people whose negative opinions supposedly don't matter and only fuel your resolve to shred harder.

butthurt by the numbers much?
[Dec 17,2012 1:14am - xmikex ""]
Went to the Facebook page. Saw the videos. Now I am a roflspaceship

[Dec 17,2012 4:26am - xgodzillax ""]
looks like, reynolds st at lafrance ct in new bedford. also, holladaddy, have at it: http://www.facebook.com/rachelastore
[Dec 17,2012 9:04am - xmikex ""]
Also how telling is it that this kid has never posted here before but assumes Aril is behind everything?
[Dec 17,2012 9:12am - arilliusbm ""]
I've got better things to do on the weekend then sit around doing rttp shit. This site only makes work days go by faster. Where was it assumed I did all of this?
[Dec 17,2012 9:13am - some facts  ""]

xmikex said:Also how telling is it that this kid has never posted here before but assumes Aril is behind everything?

because Aril is behind almost everything
[Dec 17,2012 9:13am - everyone is fag  ""]
everyone who posted is fagiolis
[Dec 17,2012 9:14am - trioxin245 ""]

arilliusbm said: This site only makes work days go by faster.
truer words have never been spoken.
[Dec 17,2012 9:15am - arilliusbm ""]
Ah, nevermind, I just saw it. hahaha, what a joke. I'm not behind shit. Keep instigating and blaming, anonypussy.
[Dec 17,2012 9:15am - some facts  ""]

arilliusbm said:I've got sit around doing rttp shit.
[Dec 17,2012 9:46am - xmikex ""]

arilliusbm said:Ah, nevermind, I just saw it. hahaha, what a joke. I'm not behind shit. Keep instigating and blaming, anonypussy.

Obvious anagram for

arilliusbm said:I Am All trolls Space Band Amazing Says Pony Nu
[Dec 17,2012 10:38am - Avalonwinds ""]

trioxin245 said:yea really thats gotta be the most spineless butthurt faggotry Ive heard in a long time.

Same. Fucking ridiculous.
[Dec 17,2012 12:19pm - Fail Insult  ""]
Can someone who lives in New Bedford really accuse anyone of living a failed life with a straight face?
[Dec 17,2012 1:08pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Hey, I found a picture of the OP

[Dec 17,2012 1:19pm - Yeti ""]
i fail to see what's so wrong with being a basement-dwelling 30 year old.
[Dec 17,2012 3:10pm - Fake ARIL  ""]
Seriously, how does rev know this kid reported him?

I don't understand why, since pretty much every single post but the OP was myself.

[Dec 17,2012 3:11pm - Fake ARIL  ""]
Also - successful troll was successful.

[Dec 17,2012 3:12pm - Peter Lucas  ""]
Arilliusbm was watching my horrid movie with KEVORD when all of this was posted.
[Dec 17,2012 3:13pm - FAKE/REAL  ""]
[Dec 17,2012 3:15pm - Fake ARIL  ""]


All trolls are sexless, unless doing creepy searches about RTTP girls' boobs.

[Dec 17,2012 3:17pm - Peter Lucas  ""]
Skyrim sucked, Large Negro Kitty is dead.
[Dec 17,2012 3:21pm - Fake ARIL  ""]

Peter%20Lucas said:Skyrim sucked, Large Negro Kitty is dead.

Silly Aril, I said you were wrong the last time you guessed that.


[Dec 17,2012 7:52pm - Headbanging_Man ""]

the_reverend said:much like the threads that Chuck's Lawyer came at me about (thanks conservatist)

[Dec 18,2012 12:41pm - cheroin  ""]

Randy_Marsh said:a whole new era of "you cant play it, so that makes it listenable" has come to the forefront. this guy is the king of douchebags.
I make a good point here.
[Dec 20,2012 8:52am - Alexecutioner ""]

MikeCantTakeit said:umadbro that you're probably in your late 30's and haven't learned anything else on the guitar besides riffage done years ago by better people? Here's a list of things you can improve. Guitar playing is a start, and original riffage and catchier stuff, rather than stuff that sounds like it was taken from Anthrax or some old school death metal band recorded in Varg Vikernes' basement. At least band's like these that you hate actually have better careers set out for themselves and are a lot more cooler and down to earth rather than some dude that sits at home watching gay porn or in a kvlt band place or in his moms basement drinking beers all day and writing crusty mehtalzzz. tr00 bro. Real tr00. Seriously though, I can respect just about anyone but people like this that can't even allow someone to find something is just complete and utter scum.

And, Of course I understand how many of you old dudes that have no life and sit on RTTP all day to make fun of younger people who have done more in music than them for their lives want a response just to keep trolling. So, troll away and get on with your day. I won't be back on here. I knew it was a pathetic move to come on here in the first place but figured to try it out. And of course, I run into people with fail lives, and who act like they're about 5 years old.

who let ProgMetalDrummer post on here again?
[Dec 20,2012 10:21am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Also, late to the party, but LOL @ "prog/tech metal" and doesn't into theory. I guess prog just means "wank a bunch and play random shit, IN SPACE". Y'know, like King CrimsoOH, WAIT
[Dec 3,2014 10:20am - DYA is LEGAL LENS TWILL  ""]
It seriously offends that not only a) does this still exist

but b) this guttersnipe has the audacity to try and name his shitty Meshuggah ripoff project Worldeater and not be a shitty Bolt Thrower ripoff project instead

[Dec 3,2014 10:34am - DYA is LEGAL LENS TWILL  ""]
Even though it's not the douchebag in question, Hitlerhair Roundbody here is the best guy ever:

[Dec 3,2014 10:35am - DYA is LEGAL LENS TWILL  ""]
[Dec 3,2014 10:46am - DYA is LEGAL LENS TWILL  ""]

[Dec 3,2014 4:53pm - Unreal Tournament Announcer  ""]

[Dec 3,2014 5:16pm - Toiletkitchen  ""]

DYA%20is%20LEGAL%20LENS%20TWILL said:pfffffff


haha he looks bored as hell playing his own riffs. merry xmas dooooooosh
[Dec 3,2014 7:34pm - largefreakatzero ""]

Unreal%20Tournament%20Announcer said:[img]


What is that thing on the far left?
[Dec 3,2014 8:24pm - Sacreligion ""]

DYA%20is%20LEGAL%20LENS%20TWILL said:pfffffff


"Hey guys I wrote an off-kilter double picked guitar part. I am going to arpeggiate over it. No one will see it coming."
[Dec 3,2014 8:24pm - Sacreligion ""]
Also, some or all of this band are Bray Wyatt fans.

Or just ripping off this joke of a band:


Definitely not a Bolt Thrower reference.
[Dec 3,2014 8:49pm - xmikex ""]
Where do I sign this guy up to be killed by the police?
[Dec 4,2014 9:38am - the facks  ""]
that pic of worldeater is officially the gayest band picture of recent years, although i do like the way the superimposed the stars over themselves to make it look like they have syphillis
[Dec 4,2014 11:07am - Yeti ""]
Worldeater is fucking terrible lazy horse shit. I thought we did away with Your Penis is Endearing.

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