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Now Find a show to go to!

Mar 19 (Fri) - ANAL CUNT, SEXCREMENT, FUKK, RAPE - Mos Eisley Studio (Everett, MA)


Mos Eisley (Everett, MA) - [anal_cunt][fukk][randomshots][rape][sexcrement][up_your_bucket]
[show listing]  _______________________________
[Feb 9,2010 3:31pm - Robing ""]
9pm 21+ BYOB.
[Feb 9,2010 3:37pm - Yeti ""]
Josh is going to jail? i thought it was Seth?
[Feb 9,2010 3:40pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm sure seth will be next
[Feb 9,2010 3:50pm - Robing ""]
Josh is going.
[Feb 9,2010 3:53pm - blue ""]
This will be the CD release for our new EP 'XXX Bargain Bin'
[Feb 9,2010 3:58pm - thetruthaboutmuffdivers ""]
[Feb 9,2010 4:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
Triple posting from jail ftw.
[Feb 9,2010 4:48pm - demondave ""]
what is the charge?
[Feb 9,2010 4:52pm - the_reverend ""]
caring too much. Loving too hard.
[Feb 9,2010 4:53pm - Sacreligion ""]
Josh goes to jail but Seth gets away with punching women in the face? Go banana!
[Feb 9,2010 4:57pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Punching women in the face has been decriminalized.
[Feb 9,2010 4:59pm - Sacreligion ""]
Most times the cops will just confiscate the women and send you on your way.
[Feb 9,2010 5:00pm - KPanzer  ""]
Attn-Josh! I lost Jeff's number.Seth has mine.I'm still down for jamming
[Feb 9,2010 5:19pm - slarmageddon  ""]

Sacreligion said:Most times the cops will just confiscate the women and send you on your way.

[Feb 9,2010 6:58pm - demondave ""]
I'm speculating that it is something very non anal cunt. Misfiled taxes.
[Feb 9,2010 6:59pm - Lamp ""]
I take it you guys missed where Josh said "I got pulled over on the way home from the Eyehategod show and let's just leave it at that".
[Feb 10,2010 6:48pm - robing  ""]
top for jail.
[Feb 10,2010 7:25pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I hope Mos Eisley is still standing after this show. I'm hosting an art show there the following night!!!
[Feb 10,2010 8:00pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Josh and cars are a BAD combination
[Feb 11,2010 12:38am - boblovesmusic ""]

Alx_Casket said:I hope Mos Eisley is still standing after this show. I'm hosting an art show there the following night!!!

good luck... you're going to need it... haha
[Feb 14,2010 11:56pm - robing ""]
[Feb 14,2010 11:58pm - immortal13 ""]
The building will proabbaly burn down after this.
[Feb 15,2010 3:02am - blue ""]
Flyer eh?
[Feb 15,2010 6:22pm - ugghh  ""]
yaaaaa gettting destroyed
[Feb 15,2010 6:23pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
What a lineup of "offensive" band names...


hahah i love it
[Feb 15,2010 9:13pm - umyeah  ""]
josh is going to enjoy the looooooong nights of sweet anal foreplay!
good luck buddy...I bet you'll be a PRO cocksucker when you get out!
[Feb 16,2010 1:42am - robing ""]
FLYER ASAP. I'll post it here.
[Feb 16,2010 1:51am - robing ""]
It's made e-mail me my comp wont post it I can send the print file too to anyone that wants to help! ammoniarecords@gmail.com
[Feb 16,2010 5:05pm - robing ""]
[Feb 17,2010 6:55am - thewarden  ""]
[Feb 18,2010 12:11pm - Alx at work  ""]

[Feb 19,2010 2:54am - rapers  ""]
[Feb 20,2010 1:38pm - robing ""]
[Feb 20,2010 2:02pm - dreadkill ""]

rapers said:bangers
and mash
[Feb 23,2010 6:15pm - Alx_Casket ""]
bump for offending mom when she asks what show you're seeing tonight.
[Feb 24,2010 7:30pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
FAKKK KHED....PanzerBastard are playing that Boston Rules OK Fest that night in Cambridge...
[Feb 26,2010 12:33pm - robing ""]
come after you'll still catch A.C.
[Mar 3,2010 10:55am - blue ""]
16 days
[Mar 4,2010 12:21pm - robing ""]
Holler at your boy this is at wellington stop on the orange line.
[Mar 4,2010 12:25pm - Gjosh  ""]
again ?? were wondering why do dont call !
[Mar 4,2010 12:28pm - Josh Ranfukk  ""]

KPanzer said:Attn-Josh! I lost Jeff's number.Seth has mine.I'm still down for jamming
COOL ! We might Jam sat again
[Mar 6,2010 5:07pm - Josh Cunt The HellDriver  ""]
Keith, you obviously cant do the 19th show but we'll get in touch. Learn Magic Touch, Tonight You Belong To Me, and All American Man
[Mar 7,2010 3:54am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Mar 7,2010 7:35am - robing ""]
Yeah bump big show
[Mar 10,2010 9:09pm - blue ""]
9 days
[Mar 12,2010 1:34pm - robing ""]
1 week now son
[Mar 12,2010 3:08pm - sever ""]
21+ is homo
[Mar 12,2010 3:21pm - robing ""]
all ages now
[Mar 12,2010 3:26pm - sever ""]
in that case I may be there
[Mar 12,2010 4:30pm - Alx_Casket ""]
betta naht bring yo kiiiiids!

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