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Spence appreciation

[Jan 14,2013 4:25pm - appreciate gods  ""]
This kid has more musical knowledge than half of rttp combined. Fuck the haters... Kid is appreshed.
[Jan 14,2013 4:48pm - okspence ""]
Yeah, ok.
[Jan 14,2013 5:18pm - Yeti ""]
you know what, i support this. he has not backed down or altered his viewpoint because a few blowhards think he is somehow less than they are.
[Jan 14,2013 5:20pm - Yeti ""]
he states his opinion, gets shit on, and doesn't run crying with his tail between his legs like many others before him. SPENCE SOUNDS LIKE 311.
[Jan 14,2013 5:49pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 14,2013 5:51pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
he doesn't seem that bad, just young.
[Jan 14,2013 5:54pm - spenceiscool  ""]
Spencer has been at Literally every show that he can get into for years
[Jan 14,2013 5:58pm - Burnsy ""]
I thought we were just hazing the new kid.
[Jan 14,2013 6:00pm - arilliusbm ""]
I've spent the last 4 years hazing his generation of music fans. I've got nothing left in the tank unless it's making fun of barren oak.
[Jan 14,2013 6:07pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Any Spence haters on this forum have aril to blame, he's the one who begged spence to join in the first place.
[Jan 14,2013 6:10pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Aril is like a sea monster, he can gobble you in one bite.
[Jan 14,2013 6:11pm - arilliusbm ""]

Alx_Casket said:Any Spence haters on this forum have aril to blame, he's the one who begged spence to join in the first place.

Mmmmk. Let me guess, I conceived him in a color LP too.
[Jan 14,2013 6:14pm - arilliusbm ""]

Randy_Marsh said:Aril is like a sea monster, he can gobble you in one bite.

oh shit. Howd you know I was Ultros?
Don't tease the octopus, kids!
[Jan 14,2013 6:39pm - amorok666 ""]
Fuck it ill start. This kids a little Fag. I wasn't this lame when I was his age.
[Jan 14,2013 7:09pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Jan 14,2013 7:19pm - ArrowHead is a Logger  ""]
Spence is Joe Christiani
[Jan 14,2013 7:39pm - Goatrider ""]

arilliusbm said:Mmmmk. Let me guess, I conceived him in a color LP too.

No, you conceive people in 5th generation demo tapes and aliens cover it up for their own safety.

amorok666 said:I wasn't this lame when I was his age.

OP's real OP is Aril.
[Jan 14,2013 8:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
Goatrider Appreciation thread.
[Jan 14,2013 8:06pm - t ballenstein  ""]
This thread has aids.
[Jan 14,2013 8:17pm - xmikex ""]
There's usually a tippoint point when you're a good sport about getting picked on for long enough on RTTP that people finally give you a break.

That day is not today. Inb4 Spence's "it gets better" video.
[Jan 14,2013 9:35pm - HookedonMetal ""]
I don't think anyone ever really gets a break here.
[Jan 14,2013 10:41pm - amorok666 ""]
Ok. I still think this kids a fag. But tony has a point. I gotta give it to this kid for enduring all the shit and not running home with his tail between his legs. That being said, spence is still a little faggot.
[Jan 14,2013 11:21pm - Nocuous_Fumes ""]
I still have no clue who this kid is.
[Jan 14,2013 11:25pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
[Jan 15,2013 1:03am - Randy_Marsh ""]
OP is Scott Wily
[Jan 15,2013 5:31am - Inquiring minds  ""]
[Jan 15,2013 5:31am - Inquiring minds  ""]
[Jan 15,2013 5:32am - Inquiring minds  ""]
[Jan 15,2013 7:44am - Yeti ""]

HookedonMetal said:I don't think anyone ever really gets a break here.

hahaha yeah that's true, recent exiles have shown that even after years of regular posting, you can still be ridden out on a rail.
[Jan 15,2013 8:46am - Burnsy ""]
Yeah but xmikex said it best, if you're not a good sport about being shat on, you'll continue to be shat on. It's no fun making fun of someone that takes it with a grain of salt.
[Jan 15,2013 8:51am - arilliusbm ""]
Thank you. Now go tell that to your karaoke partner.
[Jan 15,2013 9:06am - largefreakatzero ""]
No care about this kid, but he still sucks. There are few things more annoying than teenagers that think they're somehow smarter than everyone else.
[Jan 15,2013 9:25am - KEVORD ""]
OP is a pedophile.
[Jan 15,2013 10:01am - HookedonMetal ""]
I have no beef with the kid. I think he's just acting his age. He's obviously into metal and I think it's good to see someone from a younger age group getting that much into it. I'll probably take all kinds of shit for saying that, but on RTTP, I'm far too used to it to care.
[Jan 15,2013 10:45am - xmikex ""]
What would you rather he do? Get butthurt, come back here calling everyone a faggot making empty threats to fight everyone, eventually get beat up and then become a timeless RTTP running joke?

Actually, that's usually a lot more entertaining.
[Jan 15,2013 11:01am - AndrewBastard ""]

Burnsy said:Yeah but xmikex said it best, if you're not a good sport about being shat on, you'll continue to be shat on. It's no fun making fun of someone that takes it with a grain of salt.

AHEM - Creepy Mike Cher...

I've been saying that to him for SO LONG.
[Jan 15,2013 11:08am - arilliusbm ""]
Yea the The Oyster Boyz.
[Jan 15,2013 12:58pm - Alx_Casket ""]

arilliusbm said:Yea the The Oyster Boyz.

Don't you have a higher degree in English?
[Jan 15,2013 1:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
Bear with me. Just DLed SwiftKey on my phone (thanks john) and it adds words. I also don't give a fuck about grammar or spelling when it's typed on a phone.
[Jan 15,2013 1:07pm - The Bear  ""]

arilliusbm said:Bear is with me, and I want to be his cute little cub .

(it's a fag term if you don't get it)
[Jan 15,2013 1:07pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Not everyone can take jocular criticism (especially on the internet which lacks tone of voice) and everyone has a breaking point. The funny thing is that you think I'm really irked by anything that you or others have said about me on here. ON MY FORUM
[Jan 15,2013 1:28pm - BSV  ""]
Yeah but that's you Alex. You want to be a pompous elitist who acts like he owns everything and is better than everyone, it's the worst type of elitism mainly because it's NOT METAL AT ALL. It's not even like your intolerant towards metal, you're intolerant to people who don't type as well as you. You're just another yuppie I beat the shit out of in high school, I love beating on arrogant rich kids who think they are better than everyone. Bottom line is your a jew troll who talks shit about everyone and everyone fucking hates you and your shitty band. You keep coming back for more even though you're not welcome. So whatever, you can try to be the martyr here but the bottom line is you suck at the internet. At least Spence talks about music.
[Jan 15,2013 1:37pm - HookedonMetal ""]

BSV said:Yeah but that's you Alex. You want to be a pompous elitist who acts like he owns everything and is better than everyone, it's the worst type of elitism mainly because it's NOT METAL AT ALL. It's not even like your intolerant towards metal, you're intolerant to people who don't type as well as you. You're just another yuppie I beat the shit out of in high school, I love beating on arrogant rich kids who think they are better than everyone. Bottom line is your a jew troll who talks shit about everyone and everyone fucking hates you and your shitty band. You keep coming back for more even though you're not welcome. So whatever, you can try to be the martyr here but the bottom line is you suck at the internet. At least Spence talks about music.

Seriously. It's refreshing to see a regular here who actually uses this forum to talk about music. Isn't that what it was intended for in the first place?
[Jan 15,2013 1:40pm - bornsokosher  ""]

BSV said:
you're intolerant


[Jan 15,2013 1:41pm - HookedonMetal ""]
I understand that RTTP is what it is and it's unlikely that will ever change. But it's also cool to see a thread that's just about music sometimes.
[Jan 15,2013 1:42pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Those words mean so much, coming from you who doesn't know me at all. Maybe if you did, you'd realize that I'm kidding around in posts where I give aril shit. Guess I do look like a huge dick if you take everything I say here seriously. I'm not gonna bother retaliating because you do a good enough job making yourself look foolish with every post. Keep it up, your hair is beautiful.
[Jan 15,2013 1:43pm - False Metal  ""]

BSV said:Yeah but that's you Alex. You want to be a pompous elitist who acts like he owns everything and is better than everyone, it's the worst type of elitism mainly because it's NOT METAL AT ALL. It's not even like your intolerant towards metal, you're intolerant to people who don't type as well as you. You're just another yuppie I beat the shit out of in high school, I love beating on arrogant rich kids who think they are better than everyone. Bottom line is your a jew troll who talks shit about everyone and everyone fucking hates you and your shitty band. You keep coming back for more even though you're not welcome. So whatever, you can try to be the martyr here but the bottom line is you suck at the internet. At least Spence talks about music.

I admire your consistency when you call out this dude.
[Jan 15,2013 1:45pm - HookedonMetal ""]

Alx_Casket said:Those words mean so much, coming from you who doesn't know me at all. Maybe if you did, you'd realize that I'm kidding around in posts where I give aril shit. Guess I do look like a huge dick if you take everything I say here seriously. I'm not gonna bother retaliating because you do a good enough job making yourself look foolish with every post. Keep it up, your hair is beautiful.

Think what you will, bro. I have more important things to worry about.
[Jan 15,2013 1:46pm - BSV  ""]
Everything changed once there was a tag for random images. It lowered the bar pretty hard. There were tons more show listings 5 years ago. Now it's like one or two "promoters" who are in bands who get ripshit if someone books a show on the same night.
[Jan 15,2013 1:46pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I was responding to BSV.

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