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Spence appreciation

[Jan 15,2013 1:50pm - HookedonMetal ""]

Alx_Casket said:I was responding to BSV.

Sorry about that.
[Jan 15,2013 1:50pm - KEVORD ""]
Can't we all just get along. We all have nice hair.
[Jan 15,2013 1:51pm - BSV  ""]
That's why Alex is the Prince of the Funderground. I judge a man by what he says and writes. You claim half of what you say is a joke and not serious. So therefore, you're a joke that I don't take serious. It's not my fault I'm protective over something you shit on. And of course my hair is beautiful, faggot.
[Jan 15,2013 1:54pm - KEVORD ""]
Can we get back to praising Spencer for no reason what so ever now?
[Jan 15,2013 1:56pm - BSV  ""]
Spence is the Piers Morgan of RttP. I GOTTA TUNE IN TO SEE WHAT HATE HE SPEWS NEXT.
[Jan 15,2013 1:57pm - Alx_Casket ""]

BSV said:So therefore, you're a joke that I don't take serious.

I only wish you meant this. Then you might not get so many split ends when I talk about non-metal poseur things on a metal forum.
[Jan 15,2013 1:58pm - False Metal  ""]
[Jan 15,2013 2:00pm - BSV  ""]
Go ahead, keep being a hack using my quotes to quote you. One of these days you'll grow up and learn to think for yourself.
[Jan 15,2013 2:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
1.) this forum was never solely about music, though it certainly had more posts about it back in the day.
2.) anonymous trash talking sacred most people away and to this day has reached an all time low in regards to how lame it is.
3.) I admit I partook in the perpetual demise of this forum, mostly toying around with alx's ego and yes, I am well aware of how annoying it looked.
4.) the local "scene"has changed drastically. Facebook has changed everything. quite honestly, facebook is the reason why this site is no longer used as a means show promotion. The show at Obriens the other night was packed apparently, and 5 people posted in the thread here.
5.) the metal underground is now the FUNDERGROUND and everyone is so happy and smiley with harsh, hateful music playing in the background

Most of us here are nearing our 30s and 40s. 10 years ago everything was different. The Internet generation and Facebook has changed it all.

Spence, while outspoken for his age, certainly shows poise and believes in what he says. I dont dislike him at all, though I acknowledge the fact that we all grew up in a scene that was completely different. Rttp forum has been around for sometime now.
[Jan 15,2013 2:07pm - shutup fagget  ""]

arilliusbm said:1.) this forum was never solely about music, though it certainly had more posts about it back in the day.
2.) anonymous trash talking sacred most people away and to this day has reached an all time low in regards to how lame it is.
3.) I admit I partook in the perpetual demise of this forum, mostly toying around with alx's ego and yes, I am well aware of how annoying it looked.
4.) the local "scene"has changed drastically. Facebook has changed everything. quite honestly, facebook is the reason why this site is no longer used as a means show promotion. The show at Obriens the other night was packed apparently, and 5 people posted in the thread here.
5.) the metal underground is now the FUNDERGROUND and everyone is so happy and smiley with harsh, hateful music playing in the background

Most of us here are nearing our 30s and 40s. 10 years ago everything was different. The Internet generation and Facebook has changed it all.

Spence, while outspoken for his age, certainly shows poise and believes in what he says. I dont dislike him at all, though I acknowledge the fact that we all grew up in a scene that was completely different. Rttp forum has been around for sometime now.

shutup fagget
[Jan 15,2013 2:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 15,2013 2:11pm - BSV  ""]

arilliusbm said:
4.) The show at Obriens the other night was packed apparently, and 5 people posted in the thread here.

TRUE. 90 paid people with next to no promotion on RttP. Social media pulled alot of posters away from promoting here. It's funny how some many people who hated on RttP years ago are some of the most active posters nowadays....
[Jan 15,2013 2:12pm - eye-gore ""]
Spence may be an active part of the next generation of metalheads/music -lovers.....but I also heard he's a brony...............

the_reverend said:

[Jan 15,2013 2:13pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Kinda crazy how perpetually toying with my ego caused the demise of the forum and got you temp-banned. And here I thought we were just slicking away the day at work in the name of FUN.
[Jan 15,2013 2:19pm - BSV  ""]
It's not crazy, it's basic common sense. Act like a retard and you're a retard. Talk shit, get hit. Post stupid shit, get insulted. Anyone who posts more cat meme's than words about Aura Noir is NOT HELPING and cares more about preservation of the ego rather than adding to the collective tribe. Stop blaming the world and us for your douchbaggery.
[Jan 15,2013 2:24pm - Alx_Casket ""]
You just took my sarcastic post seriously.

Mind explaining how posting cat pictures affects my ego?

Acting like a retard, you mean like how you start shit in my show threads? I don't really care because it keeps them bumped, but it is somewhat rude.

And I will never stop blaming all of you for me being a douchebag.
[Jan 15,2013 2:42pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
We are all witnesses to the downfall of the internet. Just chill and put on Shark Week, mute it and play Evoken over it.
[Jan 15,2013 3:05pm - BSV  ""]

Alx_Casket said:You just took my sarcastic post seriously.

Mind explaining how posting cat pictures affects my ego?

Acting like a retard, you mean like how you start shit in my show threads? I don't really care because it keeps them bumped, but it is somewhat rude.

Yeah, I've worked with students with disabilities before I have no problem helping you understand the errors of your ways.

Marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt.

A) Every single post you make apparently is sarcastic, yet it's not funny, not even in the black english humor style of BBC sarcasm, I mean it's just out and out selfish to post that crap. That's fine, you want to use your time on public forum to be sarcastic but furthermore just proves your inability to be rational or realistic. You care more about making a mockery and conveying your contemptibly for most of the people here. I don't like seeing my friends being mocked.

B) Cat memes affect your ego because that's one of your many defensive mechanisms. When faced with responsible hostility from people you agitate, you post a picture of a cat because your ego is unable to think for itself, therefore you are weak and unable to process any sort of rational defense for your own well-being which in turn not only affects but preserves your ego.

C) Acting like a retard by blaming ME for calling you out in your threads is just another defensive mechanism that gives you the ability to be a child and not accept responsibility for your actions. I hope it keeps getting bumped because you are fraud, an asshole elitist, and an arrogant child who deserves to get called out and exposed for being a fraud.

But hey that's you. You choose to look the other way when fingers are pointed at you. You choose to act like a girl in a man's world. Stop blaming me for you inability to man up and accept responsibility for shit you say and do. Everytime you post, I destroy you. Go away, no one likes you. Oh wait, you'll probably come back to stoke up your ego some more anyways, I forgot you don't exist outside of this board. It's all your fault.
[Jan 15,2013 3:06pm - MikeOv  ""]

arilliusbm said:
Spence, while outspoken for his age, certainly shows poise and believes in what he says. I dont dislike him at all, though I acknowledge the fact that we all grew up in a scene that was completely different. Rttp forum has been around for sometime now.

Yeah, I really don't post much anymore because I prefer to discuss music and there are far more bizarre troll threads that, for the most part, make absolutely no sense. I see people getting worked up over this kid and I don't really get it. When I was younger and just getting into metal, I also talked shop with dudes much older than me and they never treated me like I was some new jack poseur.

We all had an appreciation for underground music and that's what mattered the most. There was never any dick measuring contests, and at that time, metal was more niche appeal so everyone was pretty enthusiastic about just being able to talk about bands and shows with like-minded individuals.

I only see this kid posting about shows and stuff, and while I'm not sure how much I'd have in common with him, as far as band are concerned, at least he tries to talk about music.

I haven't really seen any posts from him that strike me as uber-elitist or him going out of his way to be confrontational with other posters, at least by my criteria, but maybe he has and I've just missed those threads/posts.
[Jan 15,2013 3:09pm - veqlargh ""]

MikeOv said:I see people getting worked up over this kid and I don't really get it.

Not to mention there are 65+ posts in this thread of people talking about him, and he isn't even around.
[Jan 15,2013 3:14pm - posbleak ""]


[Jan 15,2013 3:15pm - dreadkill ""]

MikeOv said:Yeah, I really don't post much anymore because I prefer to discuss music and there are far more bizarre troll threads that, for the most part, make absolutely no sense. I see people getting worked up over this kid and I don't really get it. When I was younger and just getting into metal, I also talked shop with dudes much older than me and they never treated me like I was some new jack poseur.

We all had an appreciation for underground music and that's what mattered the most. There was never any dick measuring contests, and at that time, metal was more niche appeal so everyone was pretty enthusiastic about just being able to talk about bands and shows with like-minded individuals.

this pretty much sums up how I feel about this thread.
[Jan 15,2013 3:16pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Maybe you're right, BSV. I don't like how you say it but there's some truth in your words. Thanks for taking the time to spell it out for me, I'm going to think about what you said.

SM: 0
[Jan 15,2013 3:17pm - BSV  ""]

posbleak said:


I use the blood of jews as a leave in.
[Jan 15,2013 3:17pm - arilliusbm ""]
It all started with Duck Duck Goose.
[Jan 15,2013 3:18pm - KEVORD ""]
Did anyone really give Spencer that much shit? People just said they didn't like the bands he posted about.If anyone should get sympathy it's Hooked on Metal\ Thundersteel. That dude gets picked on constantly.
[Jan 15,2013 3:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
I sense sarcasm with use of the sarcasm meter. Mind exploding.
[Jan 15,2013 3:21pm - Yeti ""]

MikeOv said:
arilliusbm said:We all had an appreciation for underground music and that's what mattered the most. There was never any dick measuring contests, and at that time, metal was more niche appeal so everyone was pretty enthusiastic about just being able to talk about bands and shows with like-minded individuals.

ah the glory days.

[Jan 15,2013 3:22pm - MikeOv  ""]
^? Heh.
[Jan 15,2013 3:22pm - BSV  ""]
DUCK FUCK GOOSE was probably the most effective form of non violent protest I've ever seen. NEVER HEARD FROM THAT BAND AGAIN.

[Jan 15,2013 3:27pm - arilliusbm ""]



[Jan 15,2013 3:29pm - Yeti ""]
who knew Spence could provoke such ire.
[Jan 15,2013 3:36pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

BSV said:Everything changed once there was a tag for random images. Shit got real awesome real quick.
[Jan 15,2013 3:47pm - sad wren  ""]
does this mean that abnormality scaphism and sarcomency are anti jewish bands now?

[Jan 15,2013 3:53pm - BSV  ""]
I've always been anti judo-christian like any other healthy metalhead. Bottom line is jew blood is worth extra gold which helps the ends and my natural sun highlights.
[Jan 15,2013 3:54pm - head & shoulders  ""]

sad%20wren said:does this mean that abnormality scaphism and sarcomency are anti jewish bands now?


no, it means they are the lush hair genre of music
[Jan 15,2013 4:00pm - posbleak ""]

BSV said:Bottom line is jew blood is worth extra gold which helps the ends and my natural sun highlights.

You'd think it'd make you brassy
[Jan 15,2013 4:08pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ITT: Hair tips appreciation
[Jan 15,2013 4:31pm - boblovesmusic ""]

[Jan 15,2013 6:37pm - Thunderstool  ""]

KEVORD said:Did anyone really give Spencer that much shit? People just said they didn't like the bands he posted about.If anyone should get sympathy it's Hooked on Metal\ Thundersteel. That dude gets picked on constantly.

You really think a guy who dresses like this deserves sympathy?

[Jan 15,2013 6:55pm - Spence ""]
Several things i'd like to say:

1. I honestly expected this to be a total shitfest, thank you all for giving me one of the best laughs i've had in a while. This thread is great.

2. That's right! Mutiny Within dropped off the earth within only a few months after that palladium show. All for the better, metalcore bands aren't even worthy of touring with shit like Arch Enemy or Epica.

3. I actually do enjoy MLP! Haha I wouldn't call myself a brony though, more like just a kid who actually enjoys watching a show with my 5 year old niece when i'm babysitting. haha

4. Poor Carmine. Dude gets way too much hate. And fuck it, i'll go on record and say that Seax is one of the few Spence-approved local bands. haha

5. ???

[Jan 15,2013 7:09pm - shutup fagget  ""]

Spence said:Several things i'd like to say:

1. I honestly expected this to be a total shitfest, thank you all for giving me one of the best laughs i've had in a while. This thread is great.

2. That's right! Mutiny Within dropped off the earth within only a few months after that palladium show. All for the better, metalcore bands aren't even worthy of touring with shit like Arch Enemy or Epica.

3. I actually do enjoy MLP! Haha I wouldn't call myself a brony though, more like just a kid who actually enjoys watching a show with my 5 year old niece when i'm babysitting. haha

4. Poor Carmine. Dude gets way too much hate. And fuck it, i'll go on record and say that Seax is one of the few Spence-approved local bands. haha

5. ???


shutup fagget
[Jan 16,2013 12:13am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Bring back Dymitry
[Jan 16,2013 1:50am - Uh ""]
Here's my take on the thread.

Some of Spence's posts and threads are pretty lame and annoying, but the shit that pisses me off about them is the shit I used to pull in forums/chatrooms back when I was around his age. And frankly the whole 'trying to be cool while carefully making it look like we're not trying to be cool' is the same shit we've all done as teenagers.

The whole complaint about a music site not talking about music has existed forever and is probably true for any site or community. I remember constantly bitching in AOL chatrooms, back when those still existed, about how they barely talked about metal. There have been too many trolls lately so it's just been more obvious.

Aril and BSV are right about the site's decline about shows. Bog of the Infidel just booked Master with their only New England date and no one's even responded to the damn thread. I definitely miss when this site was the go to site for talking about specific shows, before, during, and afterwards. It was the only reliable source to get up to date info about bands dropping off, set times, and then honest reviews and anything interesting shit that happened. I guess Facebook is the supposedly replacement for this, but most of the posts on any Event pages are in there are people's lame excuses for not going and I've almost never seen anyone post in an Event page after the show happened. So that sucks.

About 99% of what Alex says on here is sarcastic as shit, but not the fun and cheeky sarcasm.
[Jan 16,2013 2:42am - Randy_Marsh ""]

shutup%20fagget said:
Spence said:Several things i'd like to say:

1. I honestly expected this to be a total shitfest, thank you all for giving me one of the best laughs i've had in a while. This thread is great.

2. That's right! Mutiny Within dropped off the earth within only a few months after that palladium show. All for the better, metalcore bands aren't even worthy of touring with shit like Arch Enemy or Epica.

3. I actually do enjoy MLP! Haha I wouldn't call myself a brony though, more like just a kid who actually enjoys watching a show with my 5 year old niece when i'm babysitting. haha

4. Poor Carmine. Dude gets way too much hate. And fuck it, i'll go on record and say that Seax is one of the few Spence-approved local bands. haha

5. ???


shutup fagget

[Jan 16,2013 8:42am - xmikex ""]
You try and stand up for this guy a little and then he newfags the shit out of the "???? Profit" joke.

This is out of my hands.
[Jan 16,2013 8:50am - arilliusbm ""]

xmikex said:You try and stand up for this guy a little and then he newfags the shit out of the "???? Profit" joke.

This is out of my hands.

DYA uses it all the time. Take that shit up with him.
[Jan 16,2013 8:54am - KEVORD ""]

arilliusbm said:
xmikex said:You try and stand up for this guy a little and then he newfags the shit out of the "???? Profit" joke.

This is out of my hands.

DYA uses it all the time. Take that shit up with him.

But DYA has been posting here for years. Spence did it to me with a SFU insult. You can't just start using inside jokes day one of posting here.
[Jan 16,2013 9:20am - arilliusbm ""]
Isn't that a 4chan joke?
[Jan 16,2013 10:08am - Burnsy ""]

arilliusbm said:Isn't every RTTP joke a 4chan joke?

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