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[Mar 2,2009 5:30pm - reimroc ""]

Bob%20Barker said:hey is razormaze any good? i hear tehy are playing

[Mar 2,2009 5:32pm - reimroc ""]
if they are playing at obriens tonight as you speculate that would be balls to the wall
[Mar 2,2009 5:37pm - Bob Barker  ""]
the people at the lemming board say razormaze is teh ghey but i trust you more
[Mar 2,2009 5:39pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Razormaze is the shit!
[Mar 2,2009 5:40pm - reimroc ""]

boblovesmusic said:Razormaze is the shit!

hell yea, thrash til death

you coming down to this?
[Mar 2,2009 5:45pm - boblovesmusic ""]

reimroc said:
boblovesmusic said:Razormaze is the shit!

thrash til death

you coming down to this?

Wish I could, got work tonight. Gotta save up my monday's off for the big things coming up! (no offense to this lineup being awesome!)
[Mar 2,2009 5:47pm - Blue ""]
i think im going to this.

robin, please have this show end early. please.
[Mar 2,2009 7:00pm - Czarnobóg ""]

Bob%20Barker said:the people at the lemming board say razormaze is teh ghey but i trust you more

Probably saw my posts. I was just fucking around. They're real good, early '80s style thrash (without the new school party thrash thing goin on). Definitely worth catching if you haven't seen 'em yet.
[Mar 2,2009 8:10pm - JimboNLI&realhigh  ""]
on my wizay bitches.
[Mar 2,2009 9:18pm - Blue ""]
People need to come out to this already.
[Mar 3,2009 12:25am - JimboNLI&realhigh  ""]
wow, this guy = in luv with the singer from unholy goat fucker
[Mar 3,2009 12:48am - the_reverend ""]
I can't tell if she is a a she or a he...
[Mar 3,2009 1:10am - Bob Barker  ""]

Blue said:People need to come out to this already.

lol there's that blue guy i met. i'm getting good at the internets!
[Mar 3,2009 1:26am - aaron_michael ""]

JimboNLI said:wow, this guy = in luv with the singer from unholy goat fucker

haha, she's quite the looker.

Jack Burton was a pleasant surprise. Crusty hardcore.

We sucked it up as usual as I attempted to stand up straight.

Unholy Goatfucker reminded me how much I used to love Nagflar and Mayhem.(ps, thanks to Mark for letting us use their cab!)
[Mar 3,2009 8:21am - ouchdrummer ""]
definitely definitely a she. mofo. anywho, they were great(as long as i could stay that is... train only runs so late.), hivesmasher was great and the first band really surprised me.
[Mar 3,2009 8:46am - RustyPS ""]

aaron_michael said:
JimboNLI said:wow, this guy = in luv with the singer from unholy goat fucker

We sucked it up as usual as I attempted to stand up straight.

Well, at least you didn't have me tackling you to compete with.
[Mar 3,2009 8:48am - ouchdrummer ""]
tackling me, competing for Tiffani? Or tackling Aaron competing for the mic? WTF you talking bout?
[Mar 3,2009 8:50am - RustyPS ""]
Tackling Aaron.....which happened at Rocko's on Friday
[Mar 3,2009 8:52am - ouchdrummer ""]
ah ok. haha. Aaron did a good enough job of falling side to side, i don't think your assistance was needed.
[Mar 3,2009 8:53am - ouchdrummer ""]
This show was awesome, i was real happy. Thank you Mr. Barker for helping me with beer and admission. I love both of those things. Some good sessions in Blues' car, and behind the building. Orange Crush FTW!
[Mar 3,2009 9:32am - ouchdrummer ""]
AND i just wanna say, Robin is the most "stoner" looking non-stoner i have ever met.
[Mar 3,2009 9:52am - reimroc ""]
twas a good time had by all. apologies to blue for being a loud douche outside.
[Mar 3,2009 10:27am - ouchdrummer ""]
apologies to my ears for using toilet paper in place of earplugs.
[Mar 3,2009 10:29am - reimroc ""]
lol i didn't even use earplugs
[Mar 3,2009 10:34am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Bummed to have missed this, but practice is a harsh mistress.
[Mar 3,2009 10:35am - ouchdrummer ""]
i agree, that's why i played 3 hours BEFORE the show!!??
[Mar 3,2009 12:37pm - Czarnobóg ""]

JimboNLI said:wow, this guy = in luv with the singer from unholy goat fucker

Haha, that usually only lasts until she starts singing.

I wasn't expecting much from a snowy Monday night show, but it actually ended up being a good time. Hivesmasher tore it up. First time seeing them, fuckin great band. Jack Burton vs. David Lo Pan were real good too. Its too bad there's so many scene divisions in this town because they're the type of band that would probably kill at any given punk/hardcore basement show. I feel like I see bands all the time that have the same general sound (but less talented, and aren't able to execute it as well) and kids go apeshit for it.

Anyways, thanx Robin and everyone who braved the shitty weather to make it out.
[Mar 3,2009 12:40pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[Mar 3,2009 12:37pm - Czarnobóg]

JimboNLI said:wow, this guy = in luv with the singer from unholy goat fucker

Haha, that usually only lasts until she starts singing.

RU kidding? the screaming is the hottest thing in the history of hotness.


[Mar 3,2009 12:43pm - reimroc ""]
yea not gonna lie i'd dogplow her
[Mar 3,2009 12:49pm - aaron_michael ""]

reimroc said:yea not gonna lie i'd dogplow her

we got a romantic right here.:ralphie:
[Mar 3,2009 12:51pm - ouchdrummer ""]
see, i'm not talking about "plowing" perse, just that she is an incredibly talented and attractive women...
Real cool too.. i love girls covered in blood.
[Mar 3,2009 12:54pm - reimroc ""]

aaron_michael said:
reimroc said:yea not gonna lie i'd dogplow her

we got a romantic right here.:ralphie:

[Mar 3,2009 12:58pm - Czarnobóg ""]

ouchdrummer said:she is an incredibly talented and attractive women... Real cool too..

Don't worry dude, I don't think she checks these boards. You don't have to lay it on so thick, haha.
[Mar 3,2009 1:16pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I was being serious.... and when someone says they can't tell if she's a girl/dude, I don't think i was laying it on as much saying it like it is.
and i know girls don't read RTTP, everyone knows that.

[Mar 3,2009 1:34pm - Bob Barker  ""]

ouchdrummer said:This show was awesome, i was real happy. Thank you Mr. Barker for helping me with beer and admission. I love both of those things. Some good sessions in Blues' car, and behind the building. Orange Crush FTW!

no problem, sorry for anything fucked up i did / said i get wiiiiiiiicked stupid. yeah all the bands were real good.
[Mar 3,2009 1:34pm - RichHorror ""]
Rampant Decay shold play with Burton vs. David Lo Pan, most likely.
[Mar 3,2009 1:35pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

reimroc said:
aaron_michael said:
reimroc said:yea not gonna lie i'd dogplow her

we got a romantic right here.:ralphie:



[Mar 3,2009 1:40pm - Czarnobóg ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:


Fleshlight = the grimmest form of solitude.

[Mar 3,2009 1:45pm - ouchdrummer ""]
depressing pic
[Mar 3,2009 1:46pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Looks like Weird Al Yankovich in the Broadway production of "Ringu."
[Mar 3,2009 1:47pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[Mar 3,2009 1:47pm - reimroc ""]
[Mar 3,2009 2:33pm - weird al  ""]

i made it out of the hole, so now i'm happy
[Mar 3,2009 3:57pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
the new Unholy Goatfucker tracks are pretty awesome.
these guys tear it up...
[Mar 3,2009 7:59pm - brodown ""]

ouchdrummer said:This show was awesome, i was real happy. Thank you Mr. Barker for helping me with beer and admission. I love both of those things. Some good sessions in Blues' car, and behind the building. Orange Crush FTW!

Definitely a good session in the car. And, turns out you were right--NOT drinking much actually does help me play songs reasonably well, haha.

JBvsDLP was awesome. Very happily surprised.
[Mar 4,2009 7:14am - jimbo blazing + eatin before work  ""]
ya man, you sounded good. I think alcohol is the anti-drum. which sucks, cause the more you drink, the more you wanna play drums.

multiple sessions FTW.

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