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[Jun 17,2004 3:39pm - RustedAngel ""]

7.17.04 - Saturday.
Suicide Contest
Senseless Mutilation
5 Minutes Hate
Try No More
Breakfast At Lucifers
Any Given Sunday
Even Heroes Bleed
@ Eagles Field
West Milan rd., Berlin, NH

(Bring tent,water,food and skateboard! for directions email: trollocaust@hotmail.com)
[Jun 17,2004 3:47pm - RustedAngel ""]
bring sluts too!!!!
[Jun 17,2004 4:40pm - dneirflrigruoydelianI ""]
damn no goratory or TYAG, i still have never seen either of them this is boud to be a real fucking kick ass time, do we have an order and times for sets yet? Ill do my best on bringin sluts but my ladie i don thtink is very keene on that idea
[Jun 17,2004 5:52pm - porphyria603 ""]
There is supposed to be a halfpipe there.so any of you fuckers comin that skate,bring your deck,and prepare to get schooled!
[Jun 17,2004 6:28pm - iamwiggins ""]
dude that pipe mighta got moved to meredith
[Jun 17,2004 7:19pm - blue ""]
dneirflrigruoydelianI said:damn no goratory or TYAG

well, it just so happens to be on this same date (july 17) a marvelous show starring on of those bands is playing even more north:

jul 17
@ the common ground
25 eliot st - brattleboro, vt
7 pm $8 all ages
what weapons bring war
raising kubrick
terminally your aborted ghost
ligeia (ex light is the language)
deeper the wound

[Jun 17,2004 7:36pm - dneirflrigruoydelianI ""]
blue said:dneirflrigruoydelianI said:damn no goratory or TYAG

well, it just so happens to be on this same date (july 17) a marvelous show starring on of those bands is playing even more north:

jul 17
@ the common ground
25 eliot st - burlington, vt
7 pm $8 all ages
what weapons bring war
raising kubrick
terminally your aborted ghost
ligeia (ex light is the language)
deeper the wound


hahah in VT never the less
[Jun 17,2004 8:17pm - RustedAngel ""]
chaost fest, is closer and cheaper!!! and there will be camping! lol

how is the common grounds? anyone ever played there?

[Jun 18,2004 8:59am - RustedAngel ""]
[Jun 18,2004 10:43am - RustedAngel ""]
i made a shitty flyer, yay ^^^
[Jun 18,2004 10:59am - Otto/Wormdr1v3 ""]
can't wait! This is going to be a fun time. I'm gonna get wasted and puke all over my bandmates on stage. Then we'll get in a fist fight, like what happened at Slim's in Rochester. good times!
[Jun 18,2004 11:08am - Siberian  ""]
I have heard of common ground, it's actually in Brattleboro which is a lot closer for you guys than Burlington would be. I've never been there though I think it's been around for a while.
[Jun 18,2004 12:42pm - RustedAngel ""]
even though I don't like playing outside, this is going to be fun shit.
[Jun 18,2004 2:01pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Jun 18,2004 5:43pm - RustedAngel ""]
HUMP pt.2
[Jun 19,2004 1:06am - RustedAngel ""]
[Jun 19,2004 1:51am - Spaldino @ the Goratory estate  ""]
[Jun 19,2004 9:25am - dragons_are_sweet  ""]
even heroes bleed is the gayest jud jud, generic, absolutely talentless band in the world... im sorry your playing with them. its band like this that make hardcore a joke.

also....if you see them kick their asses for being gay.
[Jun 19,2004 9:54am - RustedAngel ""]
they're playing first... whether we'll be there yet or not is a good question ;)
[Jun 20,2004 10:23pm - RustedAngel ""]
WORD HAS IT, goratory made it on the bill last minute.... I'll try to confirm this..
[Jun 20,2004 10:46pm - dneirflrigruoydelianI ""]
i was just eating BBQ sauce with a fork
[Jun 21,2004 8:47am - RustedAngel ""]
WORD HAS IT, goratory made it on the bill last minute.... I'll try to confirm this..
[Jun 21,2004 9:38am - Otto/Wormdr1v3 ""]
I think Goratory is playing in place of us, we had to drop out, our bass player's girflriend wil be giving birth around the same time. Her due date is the 19th, and He didn't want to be 3+hours away if her water broke and she needed to go to the hospital. So thats that. A little disapointing, we were really looking forward to the show, but shit happens i guess. Oh well.
[Jun 21,2004 7:22pm - RustedAngel ""]
i'm waiting till i get a reply to get a definete yes that goratory is now on the bill, so I can change my flyer above.
[Jun 23,2004 10:12am - RustedAngel ""]
okay, so Life At Zero is most likely to be added, they got dibbs before anyone else... Goratory is not ruled out yet though... WOW this bill could be getting even better. This is going to be one fun god damn show.
[Jun 24,2004 1:40pm - RustedAngel ""]
folks the flyer has been modified! ^^^^^^^^
[Jul 8,2004 1:27pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Jul 8,2004 1:31pm - Siberian  ""]
Tom, do you have any idea what the actual lineup is? It's awful dark way out here in VT.
[Jul 8,2004 2:10pm - RustedAngel ""]
i dunno we're all going on towards the end though, we'll still get there probably around 3
[Jul 8,2004 2:55pm - bludgawd ""]
I just printed off 400 of those flyers at 40% of the size, I'm hitting the towns here on Cape this weekend. Hopefully a few people will make the trip. We have some diehard locals that'll prolly make the trip.
[Jul 8,2004 3:06pm - Siberian  ""]
Cool, 3 O'Clock sounds like a good time to arrive. I think we've got some Vermont boys coming along too.
[Jul 8,2004 3:40pm - RustedAngel ""]
bludgawd said:I just printed off 400 of those flyers at 40% of the size, I'm hitting the towns here on Cape this weekend. Hopefully a few people will make the trip. We have some diehard locals that'll prolly make the trip.

awesome, how do they look reduced in size?
[Jul 8,2004 3:43pm - bludgawd ""]
they look pretty good, I levelled some of the darkness out and they came out good. I work at a Reprographic Shop so I can print whatever I need!
[Jul 11,2004 11:32pm - RustedAngel ""]
this show is in less than a week. I better see some friendly RTTP faces there!

BTW. PORPHYRIA will have shirts for this show...
[Jul 12,2004 8:11am - RustedAngel ""]
[Jul 12,2004 8:47am - bludgawd ""]
[Jul 12,2004 8:54am - RustedAngel ""]
what you said!
[Jul 12,2004 12:52pm - bludgawd ""]
good thing we cleared that up eh?
[Jul 12,2004 12:58pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
does anyone know the street number for this show?
[Jul 12,2004 1:01pm - RustedAngel ""]
it's a field, it shouldn't be that hard to spot ;)
[Jul 12,2004 1:08pm - bludgawd ""]
so who is going to this thing? and who's bringing the keg??
[Jul 12,2004 1:18pm - RustedAngel ""]
i'm going...

who's buying a porphyria shirt? I am.
[Jul 12,2004 1:26pm - powerkok ""]
The halfpipe is still there, cuz they said to bring skateboards. Gonna be fuckin gross.

directions here......

Im gonna Flyer the FUCK outta Concord and Manchester.
[Jul 12,2004 1:28pm - powerkok ""]
tom how much for shirts?
[Jul 12,2004 1:35pm - RustedAngel ""]
powerkok said:HAND CHOKE NECK
The halfpipe is still there, cuz they said to bring skateboards. Gonna be fuckin gross.

directions here......

Im gonna Flyer the FUCK outta Concord and Manchester.

awesome man!

I just tried getting goratory on the bill once again, cause I heard tractorass can't play... They are the sickest metal band in this area and they hardly get shows... it sucks! This thing is gonna be like a mini death fest, hehe.

Shirts will be $12 at shows.... $15 online.
[Jul 12,2004 1:41pm - RustedAngel ""]
^flyer is ghetto updated^
[Jul 12,2004 1:49pm - RustedAngel ""]
hahah sick, the films for our shirts are being printed right now in front of me. heh.
[Jul 12,2004 1:49pm - Siberian  ""]
...and ghetto fabulous Tom!
[Jul 12,2004 8:35pm - powerkok ""]
Our shirts were ordered today....3 week turnaround tho....fat cunt bastards. Ill gang rape the oldest member of their family if they fuck em up at all. oh and btw...I hadda tell some old lady that the shirt said new hampshire fuckin metal. LOL.
[Jul 12,2004 8:40pm - RustedAngel ""]
3 weeks damn... I put my order in at work like yesterday and they're gonna be done tomorrow :spineyes:

where the hell are you getting them done? what is the design?

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