3rd ANNUAL COOS COUNTY CHAOS FEST - July 17th, 2004[views:28069][posts:145]___________________________________ [Jul 19,2004 9:22am - Siberian ""] Are you talking about the guy that was walking around with the bottle of Jim Beam? I saw him early on in the day and thought, he won't make it to sundown at his pace. |
______________________________________ [Jul 19,2004 10:49am - RustedAngel ""] wasn't everyone walking around with a bottle of something? |
___________________________________ [Jul 19,2004 11:04am - bludgawd ""] bottle of something, bags of other stuff, yeah, just about everyone had something or other, hehe |
___________________________________ [Jul 19,2004 12:48pm - bludgawd ""] so who else went that's not saying anything? Joe, what you were saying about the Coos County Triangle almost happened man. At about 2-2:30 in the morning this crazy fog came through and it was hard as hell to see about 10 feet in front of you. It was crazy and creepy in an oh so uncomfortable type of way. |
____________________________________ [Jul 19,2004 2:28pm - deadhooker ""] i went. sprained my wrist getting thrown to the cement by some big tatooed boy with no shirt on. which could have been a million people. fun times though, the PA was incredible. bands sounded great. i hope anthony is okay....fucking kid was still drinking gin at 8 o'clock the next morning. fun times picking his bleeding ass off the concrete after a face plant. |
___________________________________ [Jul 19,2004 2:57pm - Siberian ""] Is Anthony the Dready? He was so funny to watch! At one point he went down pretty hard (I think during Breather) and he sat on the ground for a few minutes then he took off his pants and sneakers and got right back up front in just some ripped up boxers and socks. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 19,2004 3:03pm - RustedAngel ""] yeah, anthony rules... but I don't see why he needs to drink so much.. I hope he doesn't get hurt seriously one of these days. |
___________________________________ [Jul 19,2004 3:47pm - Siberian ""] I hear that, my best friend used to be like that (and still has those tendencies). He went to the hospital numerous times for injuries while severely drunk. He was also on the dean's list at our college and the #2 accounting student in the program. He worked full time, went to school full time, and had a full time drinking problem. He's settled down quite a bit but like I said, he still has his nights. |
__________________________________ [Jul 19,2004 9:07pm - bludgawd ""] yup |
___________________________________ [Jul 19,2004 10:07pm - Aegathis ""] RustedAngel said:yeah, anthony rules... but I don't see why he needs to drink so much.. I hope he doesn't get hurt seriously one of these days. I think the funniest thing i saw that night ,aside from that dude puking non stop, was when that other Anthony you mentioned came up to me james and Maegan and told us about his interests in music. Some country song came on at about that same time and he was like"Yea I even like thiscountry shit" and screamed "YEEEHAAWWW!!" at the top of his lungs. I dont think i went five minutes with out thinking about that and laughing, even while i was on stage.Yea it was pretty hilarious when he was walking around with his ass hanging out to. Good times. |
__________________________________ [Jul 20,2004 9:47am - bludgawd ""] Tom, any chance you got the pics uploaded anywhere yet? |
____________________________________ [Jul 20,2004 2:28pm - mikeatzero ""] Tom I wanna see yer damn pics posted dammit! |
_______________________________________ [Jul 20,2004 3:27pm - Joe/NotCommon ""] deadhooker said:i went. sprained my wrist ha you fucking clutz |
______________________________________ [Jul 20,2004 11:33pm - RustedAngel ""] here's my pictures.... http://www.shownomercy.com/images/hosted/chaosfest / |
______________________________________ [Jul 20,2004 11:37pm - RustedAngel ""] nice shirts! errrr [img] [img] |
_______________________________ [Jul 23,2004 10:34am - Greg ""] Hello wasted youth ! Just here to defend my band as far as this little (and i Mean little show! first of all doug himself told me to do a FULL set! when he asked us to step off we did! I wasnt responsible for the set up. What about the band with the fucking triggers who set up and then left for an hour and a half? I dont remeber their name and couldnt care less but I wonderd who let them pull that shit, but since they belong to the underworld of death metal their ok right? Did we really suck? or do you just loath anyone who can actually sing and write memorable tunes? To sumerize... we went on when told and got off when told. the day bands are what fucked that show NOT PURENFORM! drinking and slacking are the rule at this gig and we did our best to make shure all the bands sound good and we stayed sober to do so. we were there at 9:00 am and tore down at 3:00 am the following day all for a whopping 400$. I thank any one who said a kind word and helped. we met some really cool people and all in all had a good time. from the rehashed metallicrap guys Thank you and take care of eachother! Greg Dobbin |
___________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 10:52am - lucifer ""] I don't exactly call your vocals singing dude... I listen to all forms of brutal metal as well as some lighter stuff but not as cheesy and generic...you think you're band is the shit though, way to be a cocky bastard. Obviously your songs are not memorable, I can't even remember any of it other than your singer calling people his metal brothers when anyone who was actually metal wasn't even under the roof watching you. You guys shouldn't have played a long set even if you were told you could unless you're the headliner.. None of the other bands played nearly as long as you but still managed to blow you guys the fuck away. |
______________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 11:09am - RustedAngel ""] "Just here to defend my band as far as this little (and i Mean little show!)" little show? yeah i'm sure you guys are use to playing sold out arena's. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 12:44pm - anonymous ""] Fuck that. If it wasn't for Purenform, Ernie, and our local FOE allowing this to occur, none of this would have ever taken place... So, you have a problem with one band? The ONE band that basically worked their asses off to set this whole thing up? It's ok if you don't like their music. Everyone has their tastes. But to sit here and bash them, after all the work they pu into the show, is fucking LAME! Personally, I followed Greg, and the bands he's been in, from the beginning. He HAS written some incredible, memorable music. His music touches upon things that we relate to, living in the same area. So, it's not memorable to you.... But it is to a lot of the folks that were there. I suppose if you are posting on a Metal Forum, you can expect ego's clashing left and right. But, a little respect to the people who worked hard setting up, booking, tearing down, and cleaning up wouldn't take anything away from your "PIT" attitudes.. ~Matty |
______________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 12:47pm - RustedAngel ""] setting up and breaking down a show does not make a band memorable and/or good. but whatever, everyone's got their taste in music. hail satan. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 12:54pm - anonymous ""] Ooops. Forgot to mention the hard work Doug and Troll put into the show. I was caught up in the "defending the band I like" attitude... So, big props to Doug and Troll... ~Matty |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 12:55pm - anonymous ""] Yea... everyone has their own tastes.. My point exactly. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 12:56pm - anonymous ""] Playing a long set doesn't make the band bad... They did what they were told to do. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 1:10pm - RustedAngel ""] nobody likes it when a band overdoes it though. there were like 6 bands after them, it was pretty obvious that they shouldn't have played so long. yes, much thanks to doug and troll for everything. i wasn't sure why you were taking all the credit for this show when i know they organized most of this. |
____________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 1:19pm - anonymous ""] I wasn't taking any credit. I had nothing to do with the it at all. I didn't even go to the show. Doug, Purenform, Ernie, etc are all friends of mine. I'm a member of the FOE and they were pretty pleased they field was left in good condition. I'm not bashing anyone. Just sticking up for a band that played when they were told to, and ended when they were told to. |
____________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 1:19pm - anonymous ""] the field* |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 1:33pm - RustedAngel ""] you didn't go, then you have no word in any of this. heh. |
____________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 1:55pm - anonymous ""] It's just like defending a major band... it's a forum. Everyone's got a right to express their opinions about ANY band... Think about it this way... Say you're a Doors fan. Someone has a Forum for the Doors. People go to the forum and rip on Morrison and the boys. You, being a fan, write responses because you are merely a supporter of the Doors..... smell what I'm steppin' in? |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 1:59pm - RustedAngel ""] why the fuck are you talking about 'The Doors' for? OMFG, end conversation. |
____________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 2:27pm - anonymous ""] trying to make a point... i'll agree, end of convo. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 4:18pm - RustedAngel ""] hey guys, check out what this GREG DOOBIN DOUCHEBAG just sent me via e-mail: "Hello fuck stick! first off the duche deth metal shit band that went up before us waited an hour and a half before they were done putting on their make up pushing the whole show back. yea we broke a string so what. I got more talent in my cock then you have brains for shure! yes we are old school rehashed metalicrap, I love it and so do the people of berlin for 10 years now. so tell ya what stay home and hate your parents you dissaffected sad motherfucker! " Greg Dobbin (poopinform) |
____________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 4:36pm - anonymous ""] I love how Greg adds humor to his anarchy! Hey Greg! Watching a video of us doin' some old school AIC shit together at the Chalet! Taping it for Al..... you'll see it soon! ~Matty |
__________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 4:44pm - powerkok ""] see the attn whiners post. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 4:46pm - RustedAngel ""] LAZ let these douchebags use their drumset, and look how this guy is slamming them. |
__________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 4:55pm - powerkok ""] are those the triggers hes talkin about? If so, hes got alot of fucking nerve. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 11:32pm - anonymous ""] I love how you bring it all back up after it was suppose to be squashed.... |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2004 11:33pm - anonymous ""] Who used triggers? click! click! click! click! snap! snap! snap! snap! [insert fog machine] |
_______________________________ [Jul 24,2004 11:04am - Greg ""] dearest rust, I can tell by the creative username you've given yourself that you are a person of high brow intelegence and it pains me greatly that someone of your character and sense of style would use words like generic to desribe the almighty PURENFORM. lets define generic shall we, (jen/iar/ic) mass produced/alike/something not different/ HMMM...I think ill leave that one alone. Cheesy, ya shure we are a parody of things we love, beer , attitude, and straight old school metal. Thats our trip. Not like skulls and pentagrams, thats serious stuff. I admit that next to theese bands we come off like stepenwolf. Theese are extreme bands with extremly loyal fans, YOU are a tough crowd and although it helps put my ego in check to hear that I suck, It makes no sense to judge my musical merrit beacause you werent happy with the timing issue. Again I had nothing to do with any of it and had NO idea that 6 more bands were up. to those people I offer a sincere appology. trust me our sound guy wasnt happy one bit! I give all props to SENSLESS MUTILATION and HEAVISIGHT for totaly ORIGINAL performances and special thanks to DOUG and JOEL for putting up with big tattooed cry babies and no show pricks. As for you rusty...while sitting there in your mothers basement thinking of ways to hate on me the way you hate your own life ask youself... is that any way for a burger king employee to behave? latter evil one! |
______________________________________ [Jul 24,2004 11:54am - RustedAngel ""] burger king aye? actually, if you were a good enough band, you'd be getting your shirts printed at my job. www.jsrdirect.com / www.mastersofmetal.com what are you doing here anyways? go back to the WHEB message board. :satancross: |
________________________________ [Jul 24,2004 7:13pm - 12Daze ""] There! It's official! I am no longer "anonymous"... |
____________________________________ [Jul 26,2004 9:01pm - anonymous ""] that makes you cool. |
_________________________________ [Jul 27,2004 12:24pm - 12Daze ""] thanks! |
_____________________________________ [Jul 27,2004 6:22pm - dickhouse81 ""] purenform aint that bad, I dig em |
________________________________ [Jul 27,2004 8:55pm - 12Daze ""] Word up! I'll 100th that! |
______________________________________ [Jul 28,2004 10:52am - dickhouse81 ""] nice pics of renee machauley, what a good lil girl. |
_________________________________ [Jul 31,2004 2:12pm - NATHAN ""] NICE PICS NEED MORE DRUNK GIRLS LIKE THAT |