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Mass is going to have a Black Governor?

[Nov 4,2006 11:50pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 4,2006 11:53pm - powerkok ""]
Ya, since theres no blacks in that state.
[Nov 5,2006 12:13am - the_reverend ""]
I saw more blacks in dover last week than I see in boston ever.
[Nov 5,2006 1:14am - Anti-Racism ""]
Uh oh, suddenly all the racism threads become relevant...
[Nov 5,2006 1:37am - INFECT ""]
better than having a woman...
[Nov 5,2006 10:58am - Messerschmitt ""]
this asshole is all about supporting immigration in mass. send him to the gallows. there are enough non-english speaking parasites around here. we don't need more.
[Nov 5,2006 10:59am - Anti-Racism ""]
I told you. Elect a negro, and suddenly people are like, WTF, I wanted one of my own people.

Except Italians, who being half-negro are divided on the issue!
[Nov 5,2006 12:54pm - pam ""]
My only issue with him is the illegals thing. By all means help immigrants coming in LEGALLY, but not illegals, that's just stupid.

However I'll take him over that cunt Kerry Healey ANY day.
[Nov 5,2006 1:23pm - Brad Weymouth  ""]
the_reverend said:I saw more blacks in dover last week than I see in boston ever.

what the fuck are you talking about? Roxbury,Dorchester,Mattapan. BAsically anywhere besides the clubs that host metal shows, you'll find the chocolate face
[Nov 5,2006 1:27pm - metal concert goer  ""]
what are black people
[Nov 5,2006 1:37pm - Anti-Racism ""]
pam said:By all means help immigrants coming in LEGALLY, but not illegals, that's just stupid.

Why? This increases strife and fucks up the country.

You're voting like a Slavic woman!
[Nov 5,2006 2:26pm - diamond_dave ""]
i have never understood why people have a problem with other people coming to this country (or any other, for that matter).
[Nov 5,2006 2:27pm - Anti-Racism ""]
Loss of culture? Greater expense curve?
[Nov 5,2006 2:34pm - CNV  ""]
Ok, now we need a dividing wall between Mass and NH

Mass should rename the state Muds
[Nov 5,2006 2:43pm - CNV  ""]
diamond_dave said:i have never understood why people have a problem with other people coming to this country (or any other, for that matter).

That is because you like cock in the ass

Maybe, it is because this country is overpopulated?

Maybe because a bunch of beaners are taking the working class white mans job away because he will work for 2 dollars an hour and send his money back to his fat slob family in Mexico

Corporations love overpopulation

It is good for profits

Liberals will not be happy until every wall has gang graffitti on it and all music sounds like bubble lips flapping in the wind:gun:
[Nov 5,2006 2:44pm - Messerschmitt ""]
CNV said:diamond_dave said:i have never understood why people have a problem with other people coming to this country (or any other, for that matter).

That is because you like cock in the ass

Maybe, it is because this country is overpopulated?

Maybe because a bunch of beaners are taking the working class white mans job away because he will work for 2 dollars an hour and send his money back to his fat slob family in Mexico

Corporations love overpopulation

It is good for profits

Liberals will not be happy until every wall has gang graffitti on it and all music sounds like bubble lips flapping in the wind:gun:

well put
[Nov 5,2006 2:51pm - dreadkill ""]
CNV said:
all music sounds like bubble lips flapping in the wind:gun:

that was the best thing ever
[Nov 5,2006 2:54pm - Messerschmitt ""]
Brad Weymouth said:the_reverend said:I saw more blacks in dover last week than I see in boston ever.

what the fuck are you talking about? Roxbury,Dorchester,Mattapan. BAsically anywhere besides the clubs that host metal shows, you'll find the chocolate face

[Nov 5,2006 3:06pm - dreadkill ""]
ha, the chocolate face. i love this thread.
[Nov 5,2006 3:12pm - dreadkill ""]
i wouldn't mind having a nargins for governor if his stance on illegal immigrants was different.
[Nov 5,2006 3:20pm - blue ""]
wow. just wow.
[Nov 5,2006 3:20pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
yeah... MA being one of the states with the HIGHEST population of illegal immigrants really needs MORE illegals. fucking brilliant.
[Nov 5,2006 3:33pm - what tim was  ""]
he's not for letting illegal immigrants into massachusetts. actually he can't legally do anything about it, if your only issue with him is his stance on immigration you have no real issue with him. a governor has no power over immigration, only the federal government and agencies like the INS have anything to do with letting immigrants be anywhere. all deval wants to do is keep tabs on them by giving them drivers licenses and putting them in the system.
[Nov 5,2006 3:38pm - pam ""]
They shouldn't get driver's licenses though, they shouldn't get ANYTHING but a boot back to their country.
[Nov 5,2006 3:42pm - what tim was  ""]
would you rather have an illegal immigrant driving a car without taking a test, no insurance, and no information to tell you who it was that hit you and ran off, or would you like to have an illegal with papers saying who they were, and proper documentation and the necessary skills driving the same car?
[Nov 5,2006 3:44pm - Messerschmitt ""]
they're are waisting our tax money on gas to gas up the jay hawk to pull these tire tube swimming mother fuckers from the waters of florida. we don't need to be spending tax money on these fuckers crashing into people on the street just because they have a drivers license some blackie gave them.
[Nov 5,2006 3:46pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
what tim was said:would you rather have an illegal immigrant driving a car without taking a test, no insurance, and no information to tell you who it was that hit you and ran off, or would you like to have an illegal with papers saying who they were, and proper documentation and the necessary skills driving the same car?

how about when they go to get their papers... that the INS is there and takes them back to their fucking country. GET THE FUCK OUT.
[Nov 5,2006 3:46pm - what tim was  ""]
are you kidding me? i'm not going to correct your grammar, i don't have the energy, i'm not even going to touch your racism, but where does tax money come in to giving someone a drivers license? last time i checked the person getting one had to pay for it, not the state.
[Nov 5,2006 3:50pm - W3 nli  ""]
what tim was said:are you kidding me? i'm not even going to touch your racism, but where does tax money come in ?

its cause its a simple way of dividing people who are already racist by some old white people saying that this nigger is gonna give those spics and puerto ricans your money to stay here in this country when they broke the law getting here.

i mean dont you see how easy it is, to make people hate them already.
[Nov 5,2006 3:52pm - pam ""]
what tim was said:would you rather have an illegal immigrant driving a car without taking a test, no insurance, and no information to tell you who it was that hit you and ran off, or would you like to have an illegal with papers saying who they were, and proper documentation and the necessary skills driving the same car?

No I would rather they not be in my country...ya know...BREAKING THE LAW. And moreover I would rather my country not make their illegal stay here easier. There are LEGAL methods of immigrating to America and I am ALL for this. But I don't see why someone gets to break the law because they're Mexican, but I go to jail if I break the law.

And for the record I am a left-wing pinko liberal. However I believe the law applies to EVERYONE.
[Nov 5,2006 3:53pm - what tim was  ""]
W3 nli said:what tim was said:are you kidding me? i'm not even going to touch your racism, but where does tax money come in ?

its cause its a simple way of dividing people who are already racist by some old white people saying that this nigger is gonna give those spics and puerto ricans your money to stay here in this country when they broke the law getting here.

i mean dont you see how easy it is, to make people hate them already.

easy if you don't think haha.

[Nov 5,2006 3:54pm - PaganMegaN ""]
CNV said:diamond_dave said:i have never understood why people have a problem with other people coming to this country (or any other, for that matter).

That is because you like cock in the ass

Maybe, it is because this country is overpopulated?

Maybe because a bunch of beaners are taking the working class white mans job away because he will work for 2 dollars an hour and send his money back to his fat slob family in Mexico

Corporations love overpopulation

It is good for profits

Liberals will not be happy until every wall has gang graffitti on it and all music sounds like bubble lips flapping in the wind:gun:

I second Paul's statement. Allowing illegals in and giving them citizen status brings down the standard of living for all of us.
I think immigration is OK so long as it is 100 % legal from the get go

[Nov 5,2006 3:54pm - what tim was  ""]
and also, who here is native american? i'm pretty sure most of you aren't. so how about your ancestors coming here illegally?
[Nov 5,2006 3:55pm - PaganMegaN ""]
I would gladly go back to the country my ancestors came from
[Nov 5,2006 3:55pm - W3 nli  ""]
what tim was said:

easy if you don't think haha.

well yeah but thats what you have newspapers, tv and radio for man. so other people can give you your point of view.

let our words and opions shape you and this country. pledge yourself to this country and our way of thinking.

cause coming up with your own questions and thoughts well thats just stupid.
[Nov 5,2006 3:58pm - pam ""]
Actually there are Native Americans in my family on both sides, and my husbands family even more so. If my Irish side came here illegally, they broke the law, too. Just because someone I'm related to did it doesn't make it right or change my opinion. That is a really tired argument.
[Nov 5,2006 4:02pm - what tim was  ""]
pam said:what tim was said:would you rather have an illegal immigrant driving a car without taking a test, no insurance, and no information to tell you who it was that hit you and ran off, or would you like to have an illegal with papers saying who they were, and proper documentation and the necessary skills driving the same car?

No I would rather they not be in my country...ya know...BREAKING THE LAW. And moreover I would rather my country not make their illegal stay here easier. There a LEGAL methods of immigrating to America and I am ALL for this. But I don't see why someone gets to break the law because they're Mexican, but I go to jail if I break the law.

And for the record I am a left-wing pinko liberal. However I believe the law applies to EVERYONE.

i agree with you, immigration sucks, but it's going to happen. people see opporitunity here and they want a piece of it. some of them are trying to get their papers, but its a very long, drawn out, tedious process, it's not like we have an ellis island-like system anymore. if they break the law and they're caught, they're sent back home, simple as that. it's not like they're taking much from you, unless you were really depending on being a landscaper or painter or working at burger king, they get the shit end of the stick when they come here and need to work their way up the ladder and become a citizen to get anywhere anyway, just like everyone else.
[Nov 5,2006 4:06pm - pam ""]
I understand it's hard, and long, and they come from countries we've mostly ruined with our free-trade laws. I sympathize. But I still don't think we should bend a law. If you want to change the law, fine. But until then, they're not supposed to be here, they should not possess legal US licenses.

I also don't think businesses should go unpunished for hiring illegals. They're adding to the problem. No one would come here illegally if they couldn't get a job.

EDIT= I seriously can't type today.
[Nov 5,2006 4:06pm - what tim was  ""]
pam said:what tim was said:would you rather have an illegal immigrant driving a car without taking a test, no insurance, and no information to tell you who it was that hit you and ran off, or would you like to have an illegal with papers saying who they were, and proper documentation and the necessary skills driving the same car?

No I would rather they not be in my country...ya know...BREAKING THE LAW. And moreover I would rather my country not make their illegal stay here easier. There a LEGAL methods of immigrating to America and I am ALL for this. But I don't see why someone gets to break the law because they're Mexican, but I go to jail if I break the law.

And for the record I am a left-wing pinko liberal. However I believe the law applies to EVERYONE.

i agree with you, immigration sucks, but it's going to happen. people see opporitunity here and they want a piece of it. some of them are trying to get their papers, but its a very long, drawn out, tedious process, it's not like we have an ellis island-like system anymore. if they break the law and they're caught, they're sent back home, simple as that. it's not like they're taking much from you, unless you were really depending on being a landscaper or painter or working at burger king, they get the shit end of the stick when they come here and need to work their way up the ladder and become a citizen to get anywhere anyway, just like everyone else.
[Nov 5,2006 4:06pm - what tim was  ""]
pam said:what tim was said:would you rather have an illegal immigrant driving a car without taking a test, no insurance, and no information to tell you who it was that hit you and ran off, or would you like to have an illegal with papers saying who they were, and proper documentation and the necessary skills driving the same car?

No I would rather they not be in my country...ya know...BREAKING THE LAW. And moreover I would rather my country not make their illegal stay here easier. There a LEGAL methods of immigrating to America and I am ALL for this. But I don't see why someone gets to break the law because they're Mexican, but I go to jail if I break the law.

And for the record I am a left-wing pinko liberal. However I believe the law applies to EVERYONE.

i agree with you, immigration sucks, but it's going to happen. people see opporitunity here and they want a piece of it. some of them are trying to get their papers, but its a very long, drawn out, tedious process, it's not like we have an ellis island-like system anymore. if they break the law and they're caught, they're sent back home, simple as that. it's not like they're taking much from you, unless you were really depending on being a landscaper or painter or working at burger king, they get the shit end of the stick when they come here and need to work their way up the ladder and become a citizen to get anywhere anyway, just like everyone else.
[Nov 5,2006 4:06pm - what tim was  ""]
pam said:Actually there are Native Americans in my family on both sides, and my husbands family even more so. If my Irish side came here illegally, they broke the law, too. Just because someone I'm related to did it doesn't make it right or change my opinion. That is a really tired argument.

i'm just saying that to bring up the immigration issue as a main point to disagree with a canidates beliefs is redundant because most of us are here because of it.
[Nov 5,2006 4:07pm - pam ""]
Fair enough. Saying you disagree with immigration entirely is idiotic.
[Nov 5,2006 4:11pm - what tim was  ""]
pam said:I understand it's hard, and long, and they come from countries we've mostly ruined with our free-trade laws. I sympathize. But I still don't think we should bend a law. If you want to change the law, fine. But until then, they're not supposed to be here, they should not possess legal US licenses.

I also don't think businesses should go unpunished for hiring illegals. They're adding to the problem. No one would come here illegally if they couldn't get a job.

EDIT= I seriously can't type today.

very true, if instead of punishing the illegal immigrants we went after CEO's of businesses hiring them, i believe our problems would be solved, but you don't see anything of the sort happening because those CEO's have money and authority and today's government is all about keeping the rich, rich and the poor, poor.

and sorry about posting that last paragraph three times, my computer sucks haha

[Nov 5,2006 4:13pm - what tim was  ""]
W3 nli said:what tim was said:

easy if you don't think haha.

well yeah but thats what you have newspapers, tv and radio for man. so other people can give you your point of view.

let our words and opions shape you and this country. pledge yourself to this country and our way of thinking.

cause coming up with your own questions and thoughts well thats just stupid.

good point, how have i become so idiotic.
[Nov 5,2006 4:16pm - Mess  ""]
faggots... you're all faggots!
[Nov 5,2006 4:19pm - pam ""]
what tim was said:pam said:I understand it's hard, and long, and they come from countries we've mostly ruined with our free-trade laws. I sympathize. But I still don't think we should bend a law. If you want to change the law, fine. But until then, they're not supposed to be here, they should not possess legal US licenses.

I also don't think businesses should go unpunished for hiring illegals. They're adding to the problem. No one would come here illegally if they couldn't get a job.

EDIT= I seriously can't type today.

very true, if instead of punishing the illegal immigrants we went after CEO's of businesses hiring them, i believe our problems would be solved, but you don't see anything of the sort happening because those CEO's have money and authority and today's government is all about keeping the rich, rich and the poor, poor.

and sorry about posting that last paragraph three times, my computer sucks haha

I totally agree. Hooray for the almighty dollar.
[Nov 5,2006 4:21pm - Messerschmitt ""]
what tim was said:are you kidding me? i'm not going to correct your grammar, i don't have the energy, i'm not even going to touch your racism, but where does tax money come in to giving someone a drivers license? last time i checked the person getting one had to pay for it, not the state.

yeah correct my grammar you asshole. you have to be kidding me faggot. because here in mass we don't pay car insurance right? tax money doesn't go to car insurance right? if one of those fuckers hit's me, i'm holding him by his neck until some asshole cop gets there. you have no clue college boy. go back to your dorm room asshole.
[Nov 5,2006 4:23pm - dreadkill ""]
was it really illegal back when europeans first came here? there were no laws, and something tells me native american law probably didn't account for a european invasion. doesn't make it right, but technically it probably wasn't illegal.
[Nov 5,2006 4:26pm - pam ""]
I'm actually curious when the first immigration laws were put in place.
[Nov 5,2006 4:26pm - dreadkill ""]
this thread is fucking awesome. i love all the insults and funny words flying around, like college boy and bubble lips flapping in the wind.
[Nov 5,2006 4:27pm - what tim was  ""]
Messerschmitt said:what tim was said:are you kidding me? i'm not going to correct your grammar, i don't have the energy, i'm not even going to touch your racism, but where does tax money come in to giving someone a drivers license? last time i checked the person getting one had to pay for it, not the state.

yeah correct my grammar you asshole. you have to be kidding me faggot. because here in mass we don't pay car insurance right? tax money doesn't go to car insurance right? if one of those fuckers hit's me, i'm holding him by his neck until some asshole cop gets there. you have no clue college boy. go back to your dorm room asshole.

right the state pays car insurance, not the person insured, so i should send that bill that i've been paying every month to beacon hill.

thanks for enlightening me.
[Nov 5,2006 4:27pm - pam ""]
Looks like it was in 1868 against the Chinese...all I've found so far.
[Nov 5,2006 4:29pm - what tim was  ""]
dreadkill said:was it really illegal back when europeans first came here? there were no laws, and something tells me native american law probably didn't account for a european invasion. doesn't make it right, but technically it probably wasn't illegal.

true, i was just trying to point out that immigration has been the forefront of this country and that the current state is atrocious, getting a green card can be a decade long process, we've made it so difficult to become a citizen when it's what we based ourselves on in the beginning.
[Nov 5,2006 4:31pm - pam ""]
Anyone know the details of that temporary work program Bush was talking about a while back? It actually sounded like a good idea, but that idea coming from Bush makes me think maybe I missed something.
[Nov 5,2006 4:32pm - Mess  ""]
dreadkill said:this thread is fucking awesome. i love all the insults and funny words flying around, like college boy and bubble lips flapping in the wind.

haha i'm drunk
[Nov 5,2006 4:34pm - pam ""]
Mess said:dreadkill said:this thread is fucking awesome. i love all the insults and funny words flying around, like college boy and bubble lips flapping in the wind.

haha i'm drunk

At 4:30? Nice! :bow:
[Nov 5,2006 4:35pm - dreadkill ""]
i wish i was drunk right now, but i have no drinking partners for the day and i don't really enjoy drinking alone anymore.
[Nov 5,2006 4:36pm - pam ""]

If I don't find a babysitter and get to Celtic Frost you know where to find me and Rich.
[Nov 5,2006 4:36pm - Mess  ""]
nothing new. i started at 2.
what boggles my mind is that this tim fuck thinks our tax money doesn't go towards car insurance for the state.
[Nov 5,2006 4:38pm - diamond_dave ""]
we're all illegal immigrants. tired argument, maybe, but a valid one nonetheless.

p.s. the us has one of the strictest immigration policies in the world.

excuse me, now i have a cock to sit on.
[Nov 5,2006 4:39pm - pam ""]
I think he's just trying to say that it puts a name to an illegal face that could hit you or kill someone or do other stupid things. I don't agree it's a good method but I see what he's saying.
[Nov 5,2006 4:39pm - Mess  ""]
drinking alone is all i do 90% of the time. that well that's not true. my imaginary friend keeps me company.
[Nov 5,2006 4:39pm - dreadkill ""]
pam said:Pussy.

If I don't find a babysitter and get to Celtic Frost you know where to find me and Rich.

where will you be? your place? i think my girlfriend is coming to sleep over at my new place after work, but if she doesn't, i might seek you guys out for some drinking.
[Nov 5,2006 4:39pm - dreadkill ""]
Mess said:drinking alone is all i do 90% of the time. that well that's not true. my imaginary friend keeps me company.

i used to drink alone all the time. i just don't anymore for some reason.
[Nov 5,2006 4:40pm - Mess  ""]
fuck that pam... fuck that.
[Nov 5,2006 4:40pm - pam ""]
diamond_dave said:
p.s. the us has one of the strictest immigration policies in the world.

[Nov 5,2006 4:45pm - W3 nli  ""]
pam said:diamond_dave said:
p.s. the us has one of the strictest immigration policies in the world.


CNV said:diamond_dave said:i have never understood why people have a problem with other people coming to this country (or any other, for that matter).

That is because you like cock in the ass

[Nov 5,2006 4:49pm - what tim was  ""]
Mess said:nothing new. i started at 2.
what boggles my mind is that this tim fuck thinks our tax money doesn't go towards car insurance for the state.

it does? i'm pretty sure that every year i pay about $1,500 to insure my car. if the state is willing to do that for me, by all means let them, but since when is that what tax money is for?

[Nov 5,2006 4:51pm - pam ""]
dreadkill said:pam said:Pussy.

If I don't find a babysitter and get to Celtic Frost you know where to find me and Rich.

where will you be? your place? i think my girlfriend is coming to sleep over at my new place after work, but if she doesn't, i might seek you guys out for some drinking.

give us a call.
[Nov 5,2006 5:20pm - dreadkill ""]
pam said:dreadkill said:pam said:Pussy.

If I don't find a babysitter and get to Celtic Frost you know where to find me and Rich.

where will you be? your place? i think my girlfriend is coming to sleep over at my new place after work, but if she doesn't, i might seek you guys out for some drinking.

give us a call.

looks like the mrs. is on her way down now and we are going to go get things for my new apartment and do some unpacking. :(
[Nov 5,2006 6:03pm - pam ""]
I want to be at Celtic Frost. Now.
[Nov 5,2006 6:04pm - Dankill  ""]
Jesus Fucking Christ!
This is what I'm gona get for voting for Mihos

We're gonna go back to a state totally run by the democrats like it was in the 80s with Mike Dukrapus.

Together we can......
Coddle illegals and let them flood in here like no other, give em drivers licenses and college breaks.
Say he wants to stick up for black people, but hose them about charter schools, which have been one of the best things to improve education in the inner city.
He'll jack up our taxes and rubber stamp any loony shit that comes off of Beacon Hill and more people will want to get the fuck outta dodge while they can.
[Nov 5,2006 6:08pm - Mess  ""]
i'm having a panic attack
[Nov 6,2006 12:44am - anonymousteinberg  ""]
Blacks would make better governors, look what they do when you give them isntruments...
[Nov 6,2006 12:52am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
pam said:I think he's just trying to say that it puts a name to an illegal face that could hit you or kill someone or do other stupid things. I don't agree it's a good method but I see what he's saying.

Just so you know, this is the first thing that Google images gives you for "illegal face":


[Nov 6,2006 12:57am - CNV  ""]
Hey guys!!! If you really want to see the genius of what minorities can bring to the table just watch Yo Mama!!!

Shakespeare has nothing on these guys
[Nov 6,2006 2:41am - thegreatspaldino ""]
what tim was said:and also, who here is native american? i'm pretty sure most of you aren't. so how about your ancestors coming here illegally?

im part cherokee so... yeah... get the fuck off my land, asshole! hahaha.
[Nov 6,2006 2:45am - thegreatspaldino ""]
diamond_dave said:we're all illegal immigrants. tired argument, maybe, but a valid one nonetheless.

p.s. the us has one of the strictest immigration policies in the world.

excuse me, now i have a cock to sit on.

yeah... its funny because all these people try so hard just to come visit for like a month tops and they get denied while hundreds and hundreds of illegals are coming in by the week. the funny thing is... that the government and the person trying to legally come over here both know thats happening. there are also corrupt officials that sell "legal" papers to illegals for thousands of dollars... so its fucked on all ends.
[Nov 6,2006 8:17am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
If you vote, you are gay.
[Nov 6,2006 8:27am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Holy Derailment Batman! Deval Patrick is not an immigrant. I think he'll do a great job. Like all other politicians.
[Nov 6,2006 8:53am - gargh  ""]
you didn't read the thread "robin"
[Nov 6,2006 10:33am - Yeti ""]
a black sheriff?

he's black?
[Nov 6,2006 10:39am - xmikex ""]
Yeti said:a black sheriff?

he's black?

We didn't land on Sherwood Forest. Sherwood Forest landed on us.
[Nov 6,2006 10:39am - Mess  ""]
fuck this place
[Nov 6,2006 11:48am - pam at school  ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:pam said:I think he's just trying to say that it puts a name to an illegal face that could hit you or kill someone or do other stupid things. I don't agree it's a good method but I see what he's saying.

Just so you know, this is the first thing that Google images gives you for "illegal face":


HAHAH, excellent.
[Nov 6,2006 11:55am - ct b0rderpatrol  ""]
CNV said:Ok, now we need a dividing wall between Mass and NH

Mass should rename the state Muds

ive been wanting to build a wall on the border down here forever
[Nov 6,2006 11:59am - ct b0rderpatrol  ""]
diamond_dave said:
p.s. the us has one of the strictest immigration policies in the world.

horseshit. mexico has a stricter immigration policy than us. their police and military kill, rob, arrest, and detain people coming up from central and south america. if you are illegal in mexico, you get deported (unless you're a rich gringo just south of the cali border)

[Nov 6,2006 12:42pm - ariavette ""]
diamond_dave said:i have never understood why people have a problem with other people coming to this country (or any other, for that matter).

nothing this country does makes freaking sense.. one minute they're talking about discouraging pre-marital sex b/c the population is too big. the next they're trying to let people live here who are illegal ?! figure that one out...

oh i see. we can't have as many kids b/c we have to make room for em..
yah that's fair

[Nov 6,2006 12:43pm - ariavette ""]
whoops.. that wasn't supposed to look like that
[Nov 6,2006 12:50pm - anonymous  ""]
you know whats great? canadians have about as much rights as mexicans if they want to live here. aside from work sponsorship it pretty much sucks to do anything.
[Nov 6,2006 12:56pm - Anthony nli  ""]
It doesn't matter whether or not our governor is black or white, 99% of politicians are slime, including both front-runner candidates in this election.
[Nov 6,2006 1:23pm - Messerschmitt ""]
yes it does. being black makes it that much worse.
[Nov 6,2006 1:33pm - W3 nli  ""]
a nigger on tv.....?


what type of year 3000 bullshit is this ?
[Nov 6,2006 1:35pm - Messerschmitt ""]
they already own tv38 and 56 and BET and... ... ... .. .. . .. . . . .
[Nov 6,2006 1:37pm - W3 nli  ""]
Messerschmitt said:they already own tv38 and 56 and BET and... ... ... .. .. . .. . . . .

thats just sciencefiction son, its not real. i mean seriously you think they own those channels.

the dood their lil dancing and singing for us white folks. c'mon i mean back in the day they used to
[Nov 6,2006 1:44pm - Mess  ""]
ahhhhh ok. so mcdonalds doesn't gear their shit towards the black revolution? sprite doesn't either? the list goes on. some people are just blind.
[Nov 6,2006 1:46pm - W3 nli  ""]
Mess said:ahhhhh ok. so mcdonalds doesn't gear their shit towards the black revolution? sprite doesn't either? the list goes on. some people are just blind.

[Nov 6,2006 2:29pm - anonymous  ""]
kerry healy should go home and take care of her kids
[Nov 6,2006 2:33pm - W3 nli  ""]
anonymous said:kerry healy should go home and take care of her kids

[Nov 6,2006 2:40pm - dreadkill ""]
anonymous said:kerry healy should go home and take care of her kids

that was leigh rush posting anonymously. she has moved on from pam and has set her sights on healey.
[Nov 6,2006 5:00pm - mOe ""]
when i first heard of Deval running for governor i figured he didnt have a snowballs chance in hell
christ, i get pulled over almost every month driving in MA for DWB
but it looks like he might take it....good for him
[Nov 6,2006 5:07pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
None of the black people I know or work with ever complain about being pulled over for no reason in MA.

I think you just look like a criminal!
[Nov 6,2006 5:07pm - dreadkill ""]
it's because he plays that devil music
[Nov 6,2006 5:09pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I was going to say, it's these crazy kids and their musics. Play some Van Halen or Guns & Roses, all the cops will relate and leave you alone.
[Nov 6,2006 5:10pm - dreadkill ""]
for some reason this reminds me of when mark f'n richards told the amusing anecdote about the guy who thought his goreality shirt was a reference to al gore.
[Nov 6,2006 5:13pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
You mean they're not?
[Nov 6,2006 5:14pm - dreadkill ""]
sorry to shatter your world, good sir.
[Nov 6,2006 5:52pm - diamond_dave ""]
ct b0rderpatrol said:diamond_dave said:
p.s. the us has one of the strictest immigration policies in the world.

horseshit. mexico has a stricter immigration policy than us. their police and military kill, rob, arrest, and detain people coming up from central and south america. if you are illegal in mexico, you get deported (unless you're a rich gringo just south of the cali border)

i said "ONE OF the strictest" not "THE strictest". although you are correct, you have not proven me wrong by naming one country that is worse.

[Nov 6,2006 6:29pm - anonymousteinberg  ""]
I wouldn't want to live in Africa or Mexico, but both Africa and Mexico have come here. Race war is inevitable.
[Nov 6,2006 10:10pm - dreadkill ""]
dreadkill said:Mess said:drinking alone is all i do 90% of the time. that well that's not true. my imaginary friend keeps me company.

i used to drink alone all the time. i just don't anymore for some reason.

old habits never die. i've been drinking alone all night.
[Nov 6,2006 11:00pm - Generic Metal Board Bot  ""]


[Nov 6,2006 11:01pm - dreadkill ""]
i vote for the horse
[Nov 6,2006 11:29pm - anonymousteinberg  ""]
America sits down to pee...
[Nov 6,2006 11:35pm - dreadkill ""]
you already used that one in another thread.
[Nov 6,2006 11:50pm - anonymousteinberg  ""]
Still true.
[Nov 7,2006 6:44am - Mess  ""]
W3 must be black
[Nov 7,2006 6:47am - Messerschmitt ""]
mOe said:when i first heard of Deval running for governor i figured he didnt have a snowballs chance in hell
christ, i get pulled over almost every month driving in MA for DWB
but it looks like he might take it....good for him

christ, how many times are we going to here about you being pulled over. i'm at a step 32 because ahhhhhh i suck at driving? you must be fucking up somewhere.
[Nov 7,2006 9:05am - jim is to lazy to get his password  ""]
pam said:
I also don't think businesses should go unpunished for hiring illegals. They're adding to the problem. No one would come here illegally if they couldn't get a job.

No one would ever punish business that hire illegal immigrants, especially not this administration. I worked for a heating company over the summer and everyday we would stop in Somerville to pick up a few illegal immigrants. It sucks, but it has always and most likely will always be this way.
[Nov 7,2006 10:58am - INFECT ""]
dreadkill said:for some reason this reminds me of when mark f'n richards told the amusing anecdote about the guy who thought his goreality shirt was a reference to al gore.

I had sort of the same idea for a joke, they need to write a song about global warming or something
[Nov 7,2006 11:16pm - Dankill  ""]

I swear we have a masocistic streak in us all in order to reside in the Commonwealth
[Nov 8,2006 12:05am - pam ""]
Dan...move. I think you're swell and all but you belong in the south.

go Deval!
[Nov 8,2006 12:06am - pam ""]
jim is to lazy to get his password said:pam said:
I also don't think businesses should go unpunished for hiring illegals. They're adding to the problem. No one would come here illegally if they couldn't get a job.

No one would ever punish business that hire illegal immigrants, especially not this administration. I worked for a heating company over the summer and everyday we would stop in Somerville to pick up a few illegal immigrants. It sucks, but it has always and most likely will always be this way.

Yeah I'm perfectly aware of this. Punishing them and taking away the bait that brings them here would make SENSE. We don't do things that make sense, we're too busy legislating women's uterus's and religious rituals to worry about important things.
[Nov 8,2006 8:09am - xmikex ""]
all hail governor Dolemite
[Nov 8,2006 5:54pm - mOe @ work  ""]
i'm a great driver, i drive all over the place, i just get pulled over all the time...cant explain it
i was only in one accident that wasnt my fault (got t-boned by some dude leaving a gas station in Orange)
[Nov 8,2006 6:34pm - W3 nli  ""]
Mess said:W3 must be black

nope im just irish
[Nov 8,2006 11:28pm - Dankill  ""]
Pam, there are times I'd like to, but all the REAL dumbasses down there would make me want to go on a shooting rampage.
I'm too much of a pure breed masshole to run away.

For legals, I'm down for a double approch. Punish the businesses that hired them and toss the illegals out. Streamline legal immigration to make it easier and more manageable.

Fuck all this uterus and religion bullshit and go with reason.
Abort in the first trimester AND LEAVE IT ALONE!
I want science! Science makes progress and money. Bibles don't.
I'll protect your right to have religion just as soon as I'll protect people from other assholes that feel that seeing a christmas tree, nativity scene or hears "Have a holly, jolly Christmas" is offensive. The constitution says equal time and equal rights for religion, not piss on one another to make the other feel better about themselves.

I have more rantings that may surprise a few people, but I'm tired and I'll go if directed to an issue.
[Nov 8,2006 11:29pm - Dankill  ""]
[Nov 8,2006 11:44pm - sxealex ""]
CNV said:diamond_dave said:i have never understood why people have a problem with other people coming to this country (or any other, for that matter).

That is because you like cock in the ass

Maybe, it is because this country is overpopulated?

Maybe because a bunch of beaners are taking the working class white mans job away because he will work for 2 dollars an hour and send his money back to his fat slob family in Mexico

Corporations love overpopulation

It is good for profits

Liberals will not be happy until every wall has gang graffitti on it and all music sounds like bubble lips flapping in the wind:gun:

how come no one ever blames the employers in this situation? I work with 3 of these illegal immigrants and 2 of them get paid more than I do since they are more experienced. if you dont wanna make it so they work for less don t pay them less... hell its illegal anyway. the people taking advantage of them are the real ones making a problem. if we are payed equally it should be a more or less even split. either way illegal immigrants will go where they don t have to declare their income.:swedenflag::point:
[Nov 8,2006 11:48pm - sxealex ""]
its legal to get immigrants a work visa and sponsor their citizen ship as an employer. this bolsters the employers fault argument.
[Nov 9,2006 8:14am - mcmahon ""]
did i hear they are going to ban gay marriages?
[Nov 9,2006 8:41am - the_reverend ""]
no, it has to go through 2 constitutional congresses and be voted in by the people. this is the first constitutional congress in mass and they are probably going to vote to recess before they vote on the gay marriage ban. they need something like 180 votes to pass on the ammendment, but only 110 to recess.

and dankill: it's not equal rights for religion when this country is run by christians.
[Nov 9,2006 11:15am - Chaos  ""]
Messerschmitt said:this asshole is all about supporting immigration in mass. send him to the gallows. there are enough non-english speaking parasites around here. we don't need more.

This motherfucker right here should be banned, fucking red neck motherfucker!!!!!!!!
[Nov 9,2006 11:21am - Chaos  ""]
Messerschmitt said:they're are waisting our tax money on gas to gas up the jay hawk to pull these tire tube swimming mother fuckers from the waters of florida. we don't need to be spending tax money on these fuckers crashing into people on the street just because they have a drivers license some blackie gave them.

Like its coming out of your pocket, motherfucker you're even from here, your grandpa prolly came from a fucked up country in Europe, did he get a visa? fuck no, are you native-american? you're fucking racist, stop talking shit
[Nov 9,2006 11:42am - Messerschmitt ""]
Chaos said:Messerschmitt said:this asshole is all about supporting immigration in mass. send him to the gallows. there are enough non-english speaking parasites around here. we don't need more.

This motherfucker right here should be banned, fucking red neck motherfucker!!!!!!!!

show your face
[Nov 9,2006 11:44am - Messerschmitt ""]
Chaos said:Messerschmitt said:they're are waisting our tax money on gas to gas up the jay hawk to pull these tire tube swimming mother fuckers from the waters of florida. we don't need to be spending tax money on these fuckers crashing into people on the street just because they have a drivers license some blackie gave them.

Like its coming out of your pocket, motherfucker you're even from here, your grandpa prolly came from a fucked up country in Europe, did he get a visa? fuck no, are you native-american? you're fucking racist, stop talking shit

:doublehorns: eeeeeeeeeyahhhhhhhhh!!! :thescream:
[Nov 9,2006 11:11pm - Dankill  ""]
We got about 13 jews in congress now. And a muslim. Firsts for both numbers. Equal rights for religion does exist, Rev. If it didn't, everyone would be christians and you'd have no freedom to practice.
[Nov 10,2006 2:35am - dice  ""]
[Nov 10,2006 2:59am - the_reverend ""]
"Can I have some cookies, ma"
"no dice"
"this ain't over"
[Nov 10,2006 10:41am - Chaos  ""]
Messerschmitt said:Chaos said:Messerschmitt said:this asshole is all about supporting immigration in mass. send him to the gallows. there are enough non-english speaking parasites around here. we don't need more.

This motherfucker right here should be banned, fucking red neck motherfucker!!!!!!!!

show your face

I'll show my face when you change your profile picture

[Nov 10,2006 10:52am - Messerschmitt ""]
log in

[Nov 10,2006 10:56am - Messerschmitt ""]
[Nov 10,2006 11:25am - brad weymouth  ""]
Messerschmitt said:[img]

fucking awesome. GO WEYMOUTH
[Nov 10,2006 6:27pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Wait, people still read this thread? That's so last week.
[Nov 10,2006 7:41pm - Gibralter ""]
Fuck nigal patrick!
[Nov 10,2006 10:18pm - onceuponthecross ""]
what's wrong with Deval Patrick? you hate him bc he's black?
[Nov 10,2006 11:30pm - Anti-Racism ""]
Now what we need is a Gay Jew for President:

[Nov 10,2006 11:31pm - Greenburgstein  ""]
No, just a average supremicist jew will do the trick my friend.

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