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Now Find a show to go to!

Dec 17 (Sun) - ROSETTA(philly)/BALBOA(philly)/GIANT(nc)/TIDES/THROWING SHRAPNEL/GALLOWS/ MJ-XII. all ages. vegan potluck. $7-10. more info: nonsvch.tk - sahara club (portland, maine) +[view flyer]


Sahara Club (Portland, Me) - [balboa][gallows][giant][mj-xii][throwing_shrapnel][tides]
[show listing]  ___________________________________________
[Dec 16,2006 10:55pm - DwellingSickness ""]
I wanna go , just to see you 2 meet
[Dec 16,2006 10:56pm - blackmetallady ""]
should be interesting
[Dec 16,2006 10:57pm - blackmetallady ""]
Then maybe he can call me horse face or the c word or whatever to my face
[Dec 16,2006 11:22pm - keith lost his password  ""]
excuse me?

why dont you go back and recall where i have ever called you any derogatory name.

then you can fucking show up there and give me a fuckin appology.

never once on this board have i called you any of this bullshit in any of these threads about you, so if your gonna accuse me of anything, at least make sure im guilty of it first.

and on that note, yes, now you can go fuck yourself, and you can damn well bet ill call you out on it for that matter.
[Dec 16,2006 11:25pm - keith lost his password  ""]
i find it amazing that he one time im actually not involved in tearing into someone, i get the blame for it.
[Dec 16,2006 11:26pm - keith lost his password  ""]
as a matter of fact, your previous statement has just pissed me off, tremendously. do me a favor, come see me while we're playing, i like to break your fucking jaw, you lying sack of shit.
[Dec 16,2006 11:27pm - keith lost his password  ""]
now, you have a reason to talk shit, proceed.
[Dec 16,2006 11:30pm - blackmetallady ""]
someone please hack this site and delete her and every thread shes in, im sick of seein it.

fuck all of you for this.

that's just one example
[Dec 16,2006 11:33pm - blackmetallady ""]
and W3 too
[Dec 16,2006 11:36pm - keith lost his password  ""]
cause thats clearly me calling you names.

get a better example, i say worse shit to my girlfriend.
[Dec 16,2006 11:40pm - keith lost his password  ""]
i dont think maine is ready for this.
[Dec 16,2006 11:53pm - W3 nli  ""]
blackmetallady said:and W3 too

[Dec 16,2006 11:54pm - blackmetallady ""]
oh, don't cancel
[Dec 16,2006 11:55pm - blackmetallady ""]
only I don't know what W3 looks like, because he's a pussy
[Dec 16,2006 11:57pm - keithmobile  ""]
why would we cancel ?
[Dec 16,2006 11:59pm - blackmetallady ""]
Don't worry asshole... I'm just their to scout.
[Dec 17,2006 12:06am - W3 nli  ""]
blackmetallady said:only I don't know what W3 looks like, because he's a pussy

hahahaha i hope i dont get headbutted then id never return to RTTP.

[Dec 17,2006 12:08am - keithmobile  ""]
you havent earned the right to call me asshole, yet.

and trust me, we arent worried.
[Dec 17,2006 12:11am - blackmetallady ""]
don't be. Please W3, introduce yourself to me
[Dec 17,2006 12:15am - W3 nli  ""]
[Dec 17,2006 12:28am - blackmetallady ""]


[Dec 17,2006 12:29am - blackmetallady ""]
and you make fun of my beautiful teeth? wow. Just, wow!
[Dec 17,2006 1:56am - blackmetallady ""]
keith lost his password said: i like to break your fucking jaw


[Dec 17,2006 2:23am - W3 nli  ""]
blackmetallady said:and you make fun of my beautiful teeth? wow. Just, wow!

not that i care, cause youre not gonna do shit but talk up a big storm but im gonna have to jump in the same boat as keith.

show me one line from any posts in this forum where i talk about your looks or you as a person.

thanks and goodnight
[Dec 17,2006 2:40am - blackmetallady ""]
Just impress me and it's all good
[Dec 17,2006 3:42am - blackmetallady ""]
Be a gentleman
[Dec 17,2006 11:49am - jonny mj-xii  ""]
here come the good times!
[Dec 17,2006 11:51am - W3 nli  ""]
woooooooooooooooooooooo hours away
[Dec 17,2006 11:56am - W3 nli  ""]
aaron are you coming out tonight
[Dec 17,2006 12:52pm - W3 nli  ""]
james carville is gonna eat your liver if you dont go to this show
[Dec 17,2006 1:19pm - anonymous  ""]
with a nice glass of chianti and fava beans
[Dec 17,2006 4:40pm - BLACKMETALLADY ""]
All my friends are going to the Hour Past show tonight, so I don't think this show will be a good turnout without more locals backing.
[Dec 17,2006 4:47pm - keithmobile  ""]
judging by the shows you book, they wont dig these bands anyway

the crusties should be theres
[Dec 17,2006 4:57pm - BLACKMETALLADY ""]
Strapping Young Lad pulled in a lot of peeps dude. Plus goatwhore sold out. Bahh!!!! Besides, arn't you sopposed to be at the show now?
[Dec 17,2006 5:02pm - keithmobile  ""]
im driving and these bands are a completely different type of music from both those, thats my point
[Dec 17,2006 5:05pm - BLACKMETALLADY ""]
oh, I just checked out the bands Myspace... grindcore mostly. Eh, not my thing, but have a good show. Next time, put more locals on... Mainers are kinda strange about checking out new bands without some regulars on the bill.
[Dec 17,2006 5:09pm - keithmobile  ""]
this show will be a full house and only we're grind
[Dec 17,2006 5:20pm - the_reverend ""]
cop around exit 36
[Dec 17,2006 5:22pm - BLACKMETALLADY ""]

Next time, post your flyer here... it's really the only music group in Maine worth posting flyers in and the group is popular. I'm not digging at you, just advice
[Dec 17,2006 5:22pm - the_reverend ""]
also, don't pay the exit 44 toll. get off at exit 45 and you can get right on 295
[Dec 17,2006 6:00pm - the_reverend ""]
I found this place finally. mj xii starting now. I also spilt dos amigos all over myself and it was more that worth it. looks like you need a trendy hair cut to get in the door. keith, give the band members swirlies before you get here.
[Dec 17,2006 6:07pm - brian_dc nli  ""]
the_reverend said:also, don't pay the exit 44 toll. get off at exit 45 and you can get right on 295

dammit, where were you yesterday when we needed this info.
[Dec 17,2006 6:15pm - keithmobile  ""]
i been here, im hiding i the kitchen
[Dec 17,2006 6:32pm - the_reverend ""]
bdc: well, you could have saved $.50
[Dec 17,2006 7:20pm - the_reverend ""]
TS is setting up.
[Dec 17,2006 8:18pm - brian_dc ""]
the_reverend said:bdc: well, you could have saved $.50

haha...yeah, I guess I got a little more excited than I had to.
[Dec 17,2006 8:33pm - the_reverend ""]
this place is tiny and every band brought their own equipment. I think they should all be storing the equipment in the back room. maybe bands should be sharing things?

mj xii: not quite the awesome sound from the DBH. The lighting too wasn't as good. They were more than able to fill the room and the sound was pretty well balanced in there.. plenty of people bobbing heads during their set. This is more of the sort of venue that I was figured I would see these guys at. Sort of reminded me of the aviary. also, I want to see them play with picnic casket.

gallows: again, not the dbh sound etc... But my first time seeing them some place other than the DBH. The temperature climbed while they played. For most of the set, there was a little bit of movement in the crowd. During the last song, the whole floor cleared out and lots of people danced. Jeff broke the head on his kick drum and made a new one with duct tape. He's sort of like jesus if jesus were an engineer.

throwing shrapnel: so I guess they count pictures and if I take more of one member of the band, they all get butt-hurt. they have a wall at their practice space where they keep track off this shit. vanity is ugly. 2 songs into their set, the PA blew out. Keith ended up running around, sceaming into the air. It wasn't until the last 2 songs that the guy running the place, matt, came in with a new fuse. You can check it out in the pictures, but people were dancing for them (insert picture of the home alone kid smacking his face).
[Dec 17,2006 10:16pm - the_reverend ""]
giant: awesome stuff. Sort of a mixture of tides and MotA. they had 3 full stack. I thought it was going to be ear bleeding bad, but in the end, it wasn't that bad. It sounded awesome.

tides: their newer track are more rocky. The bass player now has a keyboard and computer that he uses. Is that a new drummer? I forget what the old one looked like and I remember them saying he was leaving. I think the old track I knew was the last one they played.
[Dec 17,2006 10:26pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, now they are covering up the windows with couch coushins so the cops can hear or see in or something. no sure what's going on.
[Dec 17,2006 10:27pm - brian_dc ""]
that's Maine for ya.

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