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[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Apr 22,2009 4:07pm - boblovesmusic ""]
*is bored with this thread, packs up, throws out trash, head to the T to go home*
[Apr 22,2009 4:38pm - xgodzillax ""]
the NOISE BOARD is a message board for HAS BEENS
[Apr 22,2009 5:29pm - joeyumbrella ""]
last brutal truth show was at middle east w/ soilent green, right?
[Apr 22,2009 7:12pm - RustyPS nli  ""]

xgodzillax said:badluck 13>brutal truth
whatever floats your boat I guess.........but ewwwwww
[Apr 22,2009 7:31pm - degenerate bastard  ""]
i really wish we put bt on the fest , we fucked up on that shit ....
[Apr 22,2009 7:57pm - W3 nli  ""]
its true, you should have...shit would have been even more epic.
[Apr 23,2009 12:29pm - Robing ""]
They cost 5000 dollars though.
[Apr 23,2009 1:34pm - Zurdo ""]
Keep up he good work Robin, it's great to go awesome metal shows in Boston.
[Apr 23,2009 1:48pm - W3 nli  ""]
LOL fags
[Apr 23,2009 1:57pm - Robing ""]
[Apr 23,2009 1:59pm - W3 nli  ""]

Robing said:haha MY LIFE AS A TESTTUBE BABY.
[Apr 23,2009 2:02pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I luv Obscura. Can't wait.
[Apr 23,2009 3:10pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I luv you harry!
[Apr 23,2009 3:57pm - HalifaxCollect ""]
I have to see this band before I die! Been one of my favs since the early 90s

[Apr 23,2009 7:19pm - Robing ""]
[Apr 24,2009 5:02pm - robing ""]
[Apr 25,2009 12:02pm - xgodzillax ""]

robing said:top

you seem to be more of a bottom.
[Apr 25,2009 5:08pm - degenerate bastard  ""]
[Apr 25,2009 5:25pm - Robing ""]
someones pulling out all the stops.
[Apr 25,2009 5:28pm - Robing ""]
haha that flyer should have bad luck 13 riot extravaganza pushing the bus.
[Apr 25,2009 5:44pm - quintessence ""]
Can I not worry about getting a ticket and just buy one at the door? Also lame fest is lame, stop posting on this thread.
[Apr 25,2009 6:30pm - Robing ""]
It will be 20 at the door if tickets are left. Right now at Church whenever they are open you can get 15 dollar no fee tickets.
[Apr 25,2009 6:31pm - RichHorror ""]
I can't imagine there'd be any tickets left for this.
[Apr 25,2009 6:31pm - Robing ""]
This is being heavily promoted it's sold out pretty much if everyone on the facebook event goes haha. Also there is a last fm for this event as well.
[Apr 25,2009 7:42pm - quintessence ""]
ahh gay. I don't live anywhere near boston. I'll see what I can do.
[Apr 26,2009 3:34pm - Robing ""]
get a credit card and go here www.rockonconcerts.com
[Apr 29,2009 10:06am - Robing ""]
[Apr 29,2009 3:29pm - Robing ""]
[Apr 29,2009 3:48pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]

xgodzillax said:badluck 13>brutal truth

badluck 13 might put on a more violent show, but as far as music is concerned? Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses > ...well?
[Apr 29,2009 5:13pm - quintessence ""]
hahahahah fuck badluck 13
[Apr 30,2009 4:15pm - robing ""]
[Apr 30,2009 4:21pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Apr 30,2009 5:16pm - rbss  ""]
rockin this shit
[May 1,2009 9:54am - Robing ""]
so good the new guitarist from kalibas shreds.
[May 2,2009 7:33pm - robing ""]
top tickets still available.
[May 3,2009 3:51am - robing ""]
get tix i have flyers everywhere
[May 3,2009 8:55pm - robing ""]
tickets still available.
[May 4,2009 11:56am - Robing ""]
tickets at church for 15 bucks flat available all week 69 kilmarnock st boston.
[May 5,2009 3:05pm - Robing ""]
top for sunday
[May 5,2009 3:08pm - Robing ""]
elapse Records has announced the signing of the Boston-based metal band Revocation. The group is currently recording its second full-length album, "Existence Is Futile", at Damage Studios in Southbridge, Massachusetts with Pete Rutcho for a fall 2009 release.

Commented Revocation guitarist/vocalist David Davidson: "After several years of hard work and determination, we're glad to announce that we have signed to Relapse. We are all really excited to be working with Relapse to release our new record, 'Existence is Futile'. We've once again chosen Pete Rutcho from Damage Studios to record this album and are wrapping up the vocals now. The material is really varied, ranging from very epic to an all-out metal assault and we can't wait for people to hear it!"

Revocation's debut album, "Empire Of The Obscene", came out last spring.

The band has a number of regional shows lined up, including a performance at the Relapse Contamination Tour stop in Boston on May 10. The group will also take part in a mini-tour in June alongside Quo Vadis and Dark Faith.

[May 5,2009 3:27pm - Josh Cunt on tour  ""]
Robin, can you put AC on the list for this. We have a day off in the area that night. You and me need to get trashed together again.

Congrats to Revocation. Just don't plan on ever seeing a dime in royalties.
[May 6,2009 1:51pm - Robing ""]
if you behave.
[May 6,2009 1:53pm - boblovesmusic ""]
hey Robin, what's the deal with Obscura? I read that they dropped off.
[May 7,2009 9:55am - Josh Cunt is in Chicago and drunk at 9 AM  ""]

Robing said:if you behave.

Does slipping you a roofie and you waking up with my balls in your mouth count as misbehavior?

jk We'll be nice.
[May 8,2009 9:04am - robing ""]
obscura and abysmal dawn pussied out.
[May 8,2009 9:08am - RustyPS ""]
I was really only going for Brutal Truth and Revocation, so no sweat off my back
[May 8,2009 9:16am - ouchdrummer ""]
WTF!!!??!! Not going.
[May 8,2009 9:18am - alexc nli  ""]
Razormaze is now rocking this shit.
[May 8,2009 9:24am - RustyPS ""]

alexc%20nli said:Razormaze is now rocking this shit.
oh sweet!
[May 8,2009 9:44am - boblovesmusic ""]

robing said:obscura and abysmal dawn pussied out.

LAME! They better come back!

alexc%20nli said:Razormaze is now rocking this shit.

Damn, Razormaze is playing everywhere! Not that I'm complaining though! Besides, I get to rock out with my buds in the Maze!

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