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An open letter to VITAL REMAINS from an 18 year fan...

[Jun 2,2008 2:30am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
An open letter to VITAL REMAINS,



The fans are sick of being ripped off, and as a fan since 1990 and I am gonna voice my opinion...

VITAL REMAINS started to slip with Dechristianize. If I wanna hear a 4-minute song played twice then I'll play it over, why do you have to play the damn song twice and record it as one song?! Way too much fat on that CD that could have been slimmed, trimmed, tightened-up & been a meaner and leaner beast of a release instead of mostly fluff to fill time. It aint epic if it's repetitive and boring after multiple listens!

Also, gouging fans at shows on merch is lamer than Jesus himself. How come all the tiny bands and labels are charging $15, $12 even $10 for shirts and VR stuff at the same shows are $20-$25? You don't think people notice that and talk about it? You go overseas and charge double what they would normally pay also so they can only get 1 shirt instead of 2 at a show?! What happened to "Forever Underground"? Doesn't that mean something? Last I heard that meant your band trying to sue the record label using that slogan for their name.

So then, you get Anthony (probably the best vocalist since Gruslin) and all the fans love him... great personality, amazing on stage, open, chatty, funny, cool and everyone hopes that he is gonna do the vocals on the new record so bad! so when you announce at the Living Room (Glen did) the fans booed and chanted "Anthony!" Glen just says "Satan pays the bills" and did another song in his lame monotone, yay?

Everyone just said "well they only care about the money they will get with Glen on another release" - wow, your fans are so sharp, huh?

So what happened to Dave Suzuki? Anybody know?

I had a great idea...


(VITAL REMAINS tribute band)

The entire setlist is only stuff from:

Reduced To Ashes
Excruciating Pain
The Black Mass
Let Us Pray
Into Cold Darkness

Gruslin-era ONLY!!!

See if that happens with the old members, would outsell any current VR tour, guaranteed!

Can anyone say Jump The Shark?

[Jun 2,2008 2:39am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
vital remains was cool 6 years ago and as far as i'm concerned their riffs are still as relevant today. they can play "dechristianize" as much as they want and i'll still consider it ONE great metal song.

i mean, any moron can see that most of what they do is still pretty much the same song twice...but either way they still hit the hammer on the head of what they were goin for
[Jun 2,2008 2:41am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i say "6 years ago" as a 23 year old...so don't bother with that "i'm older than you so therefore i'm cooler" bullshit
[Jun 2,2008 2:47am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Easy there, paranoia.
[Jun 2,2008 2:52am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
hey...i'm not even stoned

which is a sad story
[Jun 2,2008 3:19am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I am, and in another hour... another bowl.

[Jun 2,2008 3:33am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
if by hour you mean amateur hour...then yes

*see the "i do cocaine every 6 minutes so i'm better than you" thread...that's how i smoke
[Jun 2,2008 3:39am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Amateur, ha! If you only knew...
[Jun 2,2008 10:03am - porphyria  ""]
...and the one time we played with 'TONY REMAINS' in Long Island they setup their merch table for the day with some chick behind the table to increase sales, then ended up leaving the show without playing AND with all the money to pay the other bands, us (a band from New England) and Intestinal Strangulation (From L.A.).

Fortunately the brother of the promoter personally sent us both money out of his own pocket via paypal days later apologizing for the actions of Vital Remains.
[Jun 2,2008 10:05am - porphyria  ""]

porphyria said:...and the one time we played with 'TONY REMAINS' in Long Island they setup their merch table for the day with some chick behind the table to increase sales, then ended up leaving the show without playing AND with all the money to pay the other bands, us (a band from New England) and Intestinal Strangulation (From L.A.).

Fortunately the brother of the promoter personally sent us both money out of his own pocket via paypal days later apologizing for the actions of Vital Remains.

oh, and the cover for the show was $25-30 if I remember correctly. FOREVER UNDERGROUND!
[Jun 2,2008 10:24am - brian_dc ""]
the dudes love $$$
[Jun 2,2008 10:26am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i also love money...somebody give me some money.
[Jun 2,2008 10:39am - jesus the antichrist  ""]
go take a raft and paddle your bitter jealous self down Niagra Falls head first this time Dwyer. I'll buy a Vital shirt any day for what ever price they are asking. Some people just cant stop living in the past. I like the old school songs too but Dechristianize and icons of evil blows all the old albums away. I like how the songs have the same riff twice. I think it's more catchy and memorable. Eat a dick dwyer!! Go die you old piece of shit!!
[Jun 2,2008 10:47am - tomxnli  ""]

jesus%20the%20antichrist said:go take a raft and paddle your bitter jealous self down Niagra Falls head first this time Dwyer. I'll buy a Vital shirt any day for what ever price they are asking. Some people just cant stop living in the past. I like the old school songs too but Dechristianize and icons of evil blows all the old albums away. I like how the songs have the same riff twice. I think it's more catchy and memorable. Eat a dick dwyer!! Go die you old piece of shit!!

glen benton everybody! let's give him a warm welcome and round of applause for taking the time out of bigfoot hunting to drop in and say hi.
[Jun 2,2008 11:18am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

jesus%20the%20antichrist said:Dechristianize and icons of evil blows all the old albums away.

:FLAMING: :2FINGERS: :shocked: :satancross: :LOL: >:] :middlefinger: :nuke: :middlefinger: >:] :LOL: :satancross: :shocked: :2FINGERS: :FLAMING:
[Jun 2,2008 11:19am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

jesus%20the%20antichrist said:Eat a dick dwyer!

Bare it and we'll share it.

[Jun 2,2008 11:22am - Calamitous Ulcerous Vorticon  ""]
I sharted when I read this. I sharted hard. I sharted like a sharting shart. Does anyone here even know what shart means? It is like shit+fart. Shart.
[Jun 2,2008 11:31am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
From Metal Archives:

Wrath_Of_War wrote: "I'm glad someone wrote this. I've only been a Vital Remains fan for about 5 years (My first VR album was Forever Underground). I actually do like the Dechristianize album. It was my 3rd VR album, and I thought it was great. The vocals were...eh...but the songwriting was awesome. But it really doesn't sound like Vital Remains. It sounds like a different band. Listening to the triggered drums gets annoying too. I don't know why so many people hate this. I suppose because the band was slipping away from their original sound. But I still think it was a great album. I'll take Dawn of the Apocalypse any day though.

Icons of Evil is a piece of crap. Before I heard it, I read that it was "Dechristianize part II." But I bought the CD, and found it to be boring...just boring. I can't even make it through a whole song. I love everything Vital Remains released up until Icons of Evil. Even if they got Anthony to do vocals on the most recent album, it still wouldn't be that good. Forever Underground? definitely not."

"The fact that Vital Remains plays nothing from albums before Dechristianize is EXTREMELY disappointing. I don't know how good they are live. I watched the YouTube video for Dechristianize from their new DVD, and it looked pretty intense...but where's the Let us Pray material? Fuck, Dave AND Tony were both in the band starting with Forever Underground. They ARE Vital Remains in my opinion (at least, Today's Vital Remains). Why can't they play any of that material? It really upsets me. All Vital Remains fans are going to argue which album was the best, but we can all agree that it wasn't the last two they released. Shaking head, they should play the older material."
[Jun 2,2008 1:00pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

jesus%20the%20antichrist said:Some people just cant stop living in the past.

[Jun 2,2008 1:09pm - Conservationist ""]
I agree with the kid.

If you love metal, you want better metal, not hipster noise made and bought by the same self-pleasing community of 50,000 loser metalheads.

Vital Remains used to have more promise in my view.
[Jun 2,2008 1:10pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:Amateur, ha! If you only knew...

that sounds like a challenge...

bongfest 2008!
[Jun 2,2008 1:19pm - cav nli  ""]
id be willing to bet that vital is in a large amount of debt if they are willing to do what they are doing. seems like every band i meet, the "bigger" they are the more broke they are. im not arguing on their side. im just stating the obvious. they have a shit ton of bills and probably owe every record label they were ever on money. bah, welcome to the music industry.
[Jun 2,2008 1:21pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
Maybe I'm spoiled because I got to see and play with 'em a bunch during the Gruslin - Forever Underground days, but I'll take Gruslin/Flynn era (Paul's riffs were what made the band, for me) over anything after. Suzuki is a hell of a player and the leads were pretty killer, but if leads > songwriting/arranging, I'd be listening to my shrapnel cassettes and practicing my arpeggios instead of listening to Van Morrison stoned on my deck, sipping a cold glass of milk and posting on the interfag. So yeah... I missed the band with Anthony on vocals and that sucks. Beyond the Benton thing being a shitty gimmick, the dude's vocals are pretty boring. Hearing about the Long Island incident pretty much ruined any credibility that had left at that point. I honestly wanted to check out the set at Metalfest to give VR v3.o a fairly-bigoted shot (the reviews up to that point weren't necessarily flattering), but unfortunately I missed their set and the Monstrosity tantrum.

... and that's how I feel about Vital Remains


Ryan Adams
[Jun 2,2008 1:34pm - brian_dc ""]
Yeah, pretty much all I feel like saying in this thread is that Anthony is the man. Anyone know if he's doing anything on his own musically?
[Jun 2,2008 1:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

GoatCatalyst said:Maybe I'm spoiled because I got to see and play with 'em a bunch during the Gruslin - Forever Underground days, but I'll take Gruslin/Flynn era (Paul's riffs were what made the band, for me) over anything after. Suzuki is a hell of a player and the leads were pretty killer, but if leads > songwriting/arranging, I'd be listening to my shrapnel cassettes and practicing my arpeggios instead of listening to Van Morrison stoned on my deck, sipping a cold glass of milk and posting on the interfag. So yeah... I missed the band with Anthony on vocals and that sucks. Beyond the Benton thing being a shitty gimmick, the dude's vocals are pretty boring. Hearing about the Long Island incident pretty much ruined any credibility that had left at that point. I honestly wanted to check out the set at Metalfest to give VR v3.o a fairly-bigoted shot (the reviews up to that point weren't necessarily flattering), but unfortunately I missed their set and the Monstrosity tantrum.

... and that's how I feel about Vital Remains


Ryan Adams

Van Morrison FTW. Kudos sir.
[Jun 2,2008 4:17pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Posted: 02 Jun 2008 18:17

"Oh yeah, when Vital Remains played Los Angeles Metalfast, I sat down. They're fucking horrible, especially with Scott Willy doing vocals. I remember I sat down and read a Pit article on Decrepit Birth's new album, just about the same time Dechristianized started. I finished the article and I remember thinking "wow... this song is still fucking playing?"

For merch, the last shirt I got was about a month and a half ago, got it for $10, and even that was a waste because I don't wear it. I don't wear my band shirts all to often anymore, don't like feeling like a walking fucking advertisement."
[Jun 2,2008 4:20pm - CNV  ""]
Yup... Gruslin era only!
[Jun 2,2008 4:22pm - archaeon ""]

jesus%20the%20antichrist said:g I like how the songs have the same riff twice.

twice? more like 2048324 times
[Jun 2,2008 4:33pm - craigforacurse ""]
also, the new deicide blows. im listening to it right now. snorefest and a half
[Jun 2,2008 4:34pm - powerkok ""]
Who gives a shit.
Find a new band to like and shut up.
[Jun 2,2008 4:55pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
People care... they do!

They care!

[Jun 2,2008 4:57pm - powerkok ""]
hahahaha..... Dwyer, u made me lulz.
[Jun 2,2008 5:33pm - Joshtruction ""]
I never swung from the vital nutsack so I can care less if they act like a ton of dickbags these days. I do dig their older shit but not enough to care about a thread like this.
[Jun 2,2008 6:36pm - jesus the antichrist  ""]
Only a fag like dwyer would make a separate thread just for the bashing of Vital. Why don't you old school fans request on their myspace to play something old instead of complaining about it?
[Jun 2,2008 6:40pm - jesus the antichrist  ""]
Where does dwyer pull these articles from? His ass? hahahaha..what a sorry loser. Come on..who has time to talk this much shit? It must take him hours to make up false stories about Vital and then say he got them from somewhere else.
[Jun 2,2008 6:40pm - Conservationist ""]

craigforacurse said:also, the new deicide blows. im listening to it right now. snorefest and a half

Me too. Not sure what I think yet, but my opinion of the last few was so bad it's hard to even estimate what it would take to recover it, other than "Legion II."
[Jun 2,2008 6:43pm - plaguecalledman  ""]
Then y did u post and read this whole thread?
[Jun 2,2008 6:44pm - plaguecalledman  ""]
The last post was for josh haha
[Jun 2,2008 6:48pm - jesus the antichrist  ""]
dwyer wishes he could sing death metal. Another bitter jealous loser that needs to vent his frustrations on the new era of vital remains. He needs to talk his gay shit about the new members. Unlike you I'm not caught up in the past. Get a life you loser.
[Jun 2,2008 6:58pm - plaguecalledman  ""]
CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?????????????????????żżżżżżżż
[Jun 2,2008 6:59pm - fuck logging in  ""]
that kid was only in it for the profit.
[Jun 2,2008 7:01pm - the_reverend ""]
im in everything for the profit. i winz
[Jun 2,2008 7:04pm - CNV  ""]
Vital Remain$
[Jun 2,2008 7:44pm - goatcatalyst ""]
'jesus the antichrist' seems to have a rather hurt butt over people dissing "his boy's" band.

[Jun 3,2008 2:02am - aSecondOpinion  ""]
Well you guys certainly like to talk shit on vital. But you do have to realize that their music is looked up to and well-respected in the metal community by many. Vital is a band that constantly tries to "up the bar" with every successive album, as Tony has been known to say in interviews, hence the changes in style.

So if you prefer the older shit, cool, keep listening to it. But why would you constantly bitch about them? Have you nothing better to do than post negativity? Vitals new shit has gotten them far more well known and better reviews. And if you're going to talk smack on lineup changes, have actual reasons to back it up. For example: because they are not technically up to par (which I'm sure is not true).

And, in my opinion, money issues shouldn't make a difference when it comes to liking a band's music. Do you guys even understand the music industry? If you did you would know how guarantees, contracts, and the business end of it works. Musicians constantly get ripped off by promoters so there comes a point when they have to stand up for themselves. Spend some time in the scene and you will see what I mean.

I also would like to add that by what many of you write, you come off as bitter/jealous, especially Autopsy 666. I'm assuming that since this is a new england based message board that you are from new england and maybe have some kind of resentment towards the band? I don't know man, thats just what I think.
[Jun 3,2008 2:06am - the_reverend ""]
biggest moobs win!
[Jun 3,2008 2:08am - nli-your mom  ""]
Ahh, I heard about you. Your the dude from ipissimiss. lol. what a joke!! your a dork and a chump. It's seems like antichrist speaks nothing but truth on here. goatcatalyst,blue and dwyer. All gay in my book.
[Jun 3,2008 2:13am - jesus the antichrist  ""]
goatcatalyst=gay blue=gayer dwyer=gayest
[Jun 3,2008 2:15am - jesus the antichrist  ""]

aSecondOpinion said:Well you guys certainly like to talk shit on vital. But you do have to realize that their music is looked up to and well-respected in the metal community by many. Vital is a band that constantly tries to "up the bar" with every successive album, as Tony has been known to say in interviews, hence the changes in style.

So if you prefer the older shit, cool, keep listening to it. But why would you constantly bitch about them? Have you nothing better to do than post negativity? Vitals new shit has gotten them far more well known and better reviews. And if you're going to talk smack on lineup changes, have actual reasons to back it up. For example: because they are not technically up to par (which I'm sure is not true).

And, in my opinion, money issues shouldn't make a difference when it comes to liking a band's music. Do you guys even understand the music industry? If you did you would know how guarantees, contracts, and the business end of it works. Musicians constantly get ripped off by promoters so there comes a point when they have to stand up for themselves. Spend some time in the scene and you will see what I mean.

I also would like to add that by what many of you write, you come off as bitter/jealous, especially Autopsy 666. I'm assuming that since this is a new england based message board that you are from new england and maybe have some kind of resentment towards the band? I don't know man, thats just what I think.

You rule dude!! You took the words right out of my mouth.
[Jun 3,2008 2:33am - the_reverend ""]
weird that all these people are reading this thread at 2:33am EST

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