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Battle of the Teratisms cont.'d

[Jun 5,2004 4:04pm - dread_104 ""]
first, there's some more shit talk on that lost disciple message board.
Then, Rob tells me he's reading some bio about them( i'll post which one when i find out) and it turns out their old name used to be Stillborn. You're thinkin' "yeah, so what?" OUR name was originally Stillborn!!!
This is getting weird...
[Jun 5,2004 4:35pm - Dissector ""]
Thats really fucked up
[Jun 5,2004 4:47pm - Robdeadskin ""]
The other teratism comes out with there new album...right along with ours!!
[Jun 5,2004 4:50pm - dread_104 ""]
Rob did you get my voicemail?
call sully and tell him we can do the show, i talked to nel. ask if he's got any open slots too?
[Jun 5,2004 4:56pm - Terence nli  ""]
Lost Disciple messageboard? Jesus Christ is that label still around?

[Jun 5,2004 4:59pm - dread_104 ""]
i guess so. they still got adds up for Pessemist's new album, "Slaughtering the Faithful." i don't know what's up.
[Jun 5,2004 5:17pm - Robdeadskin ""]
heres that link .....I think its weird that thier old name was our name too.
[Jun 6,2004 5:02am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
And they called their CD "Ex Infernus." Okay Naglfar.
[Jul 17,2004 10:25am - Robdeadskin ""]
I hate to ressurect this shit but, I got a email from cecile(teratism manager). she wrote me a large email consisting the battle of the name and that we havent put out anything in five years so our time has run out on owning the name legally. She left a number so I called her...She gave me much attitude and was to busy to talk to me cuz she was watching dimmu at ozfest..does anyone have any info on this 5 year bullshit?
[Jul 17,2004 10:33am - subjugate ""]
never heard of that shit but you outta contact a lawer who handles band contracts and shit to check it out youusually can find their ad in north east preformer and sound check
[Jul 17,2004 11:07am - Robdeadskin ""]
Ill have to see what she says(if shes not to busy) and have her send me the mumbo jumbo she says she has. This is gay!
[Jul 17,2004 11:18am - Josh_hates_you ""]
so put out a cheesy 4 song ep. it can be done by next week.
[Jul 17,2004 11:55am - Robdeadskin ""]
Our new stuff is ready..now we dont know if to press it or wait.
[Jul 17,2004 1:19pm - Robdeadskin ""]
well I talked to her..........She wants to come up with an agreement with us and root of all evil on how the two bands will be marketed and that thier lable has trademarked the name teratism.. She said we might not have to change our name..I dont know Im fuckin confused...somebody , anybody...give me some answers please!
[Jul 17,2004 1:43pm - honor4death ""]
last time i checked, you couldn't copyright, or trademark a name...you can copyright or trademark a logo though...
[Jul 17,2004 1:54pm - succubus ""]
you know the band "Bush"? well in Canada they had to change their name to Bushx because there was already a band...so i know the laws vary depending on the country/state..

but before changing anything i would look further into it

[Jul 17,2004 2:17pm - Robdeadskin ""]
thanx sucubus...but we probrobly gonna change it...We cant delay our cd any further. And I dont think dwyer wants to deal with any problems either. I know pathos is a lable, but root of all evil pays for all the copyrights and trademarks for teratism and they are getting signed to osmose records(century media) and I cant tangle with an even bigger lable. We have no representation and Im handling these calls myself and bull shiting them cuz I dont know this shit. They heard we are signed..but we are not really. We are only getting on pathos with john and thats different than their lable(john?) I think. They said because we where not a functioning band in 2000 that they had the right to take the name from us..but I dont under stand whats functional or not...We where still pushing the human animal release this whole time we were dormant from our break, just not playing. But if she knows that root of all evil has copyrghted them than that should be it right.....? no arguments..we should just have to change it and deal with it.... But shes telling me we might not have to..I dont get it. But once osmose steps in..I doubt they will want another teratism around and blow us out of the water..Than 1500 copys of our new album and any merch...down the fuckin drain!
[Jul 17,2004 2:21pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Just use the name MASS TERATISM.

Dual meaning.
[Jul 17,2004 2:22pm - Robdeadskin ""]
john need to talk to you..will you be around later after 6? can I give you a buzz.
[Jul 17,2004 2:25pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Nope, I will be at The Cock Block tonight though.
[Jul 17,2004 2:46pm - Robdeadskin ""]
how about we just call our selves our title to the cd "SERVICE FOR THE DAMNED" and we will,have another self titled release
[Jul 17,2004 2:56pm - dread_104 ""]
is their trademark registered? that little "r" in the circle means it is filed and accepted by the uspto. everyone on this board can use the name teratism and put the "TM" next to it, but the only one that has the registered mark can pursue legal action.
[Jul 17,2004 3:03pm - Robdeadskin ""]
So what does that mean for us.........and can you print out that shit..so I can send it to the bitch if I have to..?
[Jul 17,2004 3:12pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
If this chick Cecile is the one that I think it is, she is so full of shit that her eyes are brown.

[Jul 17,2004 3:20pm - dread_104 ""]
they aren't registered, according to the uspto. this means that eitherthey have a pending patent, or have never done anything about theire name. i'll bet it's pending, (just like us!) i'm contacting Osmose. fuck this broad...
[Jul 17,2004 3:26pm - Robdeadskin ""]
All right man..I dont know..If they havent done it yet then Im sure osmose will do it for them.

mass teratism is corny...just like black metal fans.
Talking to that chick was just the dumbest thing i ever had to do. All evil and serious...she was getting mad at me because I wasnt being perfetional.. I asked her out for a beer..haha!
[Jul 17,2004 3:38pm - dread_104 ""]
just emailed osmose(stupid french). told 'em her name and company, her claims, and asked them to confirm signing them (the site doesn't mention a word about them),who I am, telling them i just wanted to find out if she was for real or just bullshitting and namedropping to scare me away, before i decide to pursue legal action to protect my property.
[Jul 17,2004 3:46pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Robdeadskin said: I wasnt being perfetional.

That's some professional spelling!

Ha ha!

[Jul 17,2004 3:54pm - dread_104 ""]
here's the sitch(my theory) both bands have pending applications for TM registration. it's basically a coin toss whoever gets it, no one has control, it's just a question of whom ever's app the USPTO files first. Osmose Prod. just very recently expresses interest sin signing them. congrats, hooray, etc. BUT "what about that other Teratism from MA? What if they get the rights before we do? Osmose won't sign us as Teratism if someone else has or gets the rights. Shit whatta we do? Let's contact them. we're on tour, we got a manager. maybe we'll scare em into changing their name, and avoid a whole mess and, possibly, having to change our name."
[Jul 17,2004 4:43pm - Robdeadskin ""]
shut up john haha! I new I spelled wrong but Im rushing around at work!
[Jul 17,2004 4:47pm - Robdeadskin ""]
This is gay...do any other bands go through this often? I dont care about another band with the same name..And the girl I talked to said she and the band doesnt either...but earl of root of all evil has a huge issue because he doesnt understand how two teratisms can market themselves fairly. And is concerned about who will know who is who!
[Jul 17,2004 6:00pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
DISGORGE both share the name, Mexigorge and Caligorge.

[Jul 17,2004 6:04pm - Robdeadskin ""]
the thing on that is because they are from different country's...but I am a disgorge fan..and I dont get them mixed up. More shit on the lost disiple site too from teratism..somthin about meeting on the sheeps playground or something.
[Jul 17,2004 6:46pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i can tell you about that stuff tonight.
[Jul 17,2004 7:12pm - handinjury ""]
Robdeadskin said:the thing on that is because they are from different country's...but I am a disgorge fan..and I dont get them mixed up. More shit on the lost disiple site too from teratism..somthin about meeting on the sheeps playground or something.

Sheeps playground: I heard about this...... its this erotic evil homosexual
sacrifice that the black metal kids do out in the mid-west. It's how they prove how really gay they true'lly are. I wouldent worry , the bottom line is that they want to probe your anus and push your shit in. Shemhemforash, hail anus.:satancross:

Theres like 5 other anoxia's in the u.s............FUCK 'EM:doublehorns:.
Are music represents the name the best.......period.

Ok john, could you proof read my post for speellang earrors.:whipper:

[Jul 18,2004 9:30am - handinjury ""]
"Hellspawned from the frozen northland of America, TERATISM evokes a soundtrack of utter damnation upon the souls brave enough to venture into the blackest regions of the abyss."

frozen northland ???????? what??????where , they grow corn out there!

and the ultra brutal sick stage names:
Lord Ornias
Tyrannus Vermis
Diabolus Erysichthon
Flesh Harrower (this ones kinda cool......)
I dont understand black metal..............
[Jul 18,2004 12:54pm - assuck ""]
people who take black metal this seriously make me laugh

[Jul 18,2004 12:54pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
people who take me seriously make me laugh
[Jul 18,2004 4:00pm - WhyamIandasshole at Northampton?  ""]
Trademarks can get complicated. Your probably better off changing the name and not getting involved. I know thats a pain in the ass but so is court.
[Jul 18,2004 4:20pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Fuck that!

This TERATISM (from Mass) had the name first.

[Jul 18,2004 4:21pm - xmikex ""]
i saw a band who used to be called Stillborn and is now called Teratism at the canton vfw when i was 15. whichever one that was, they ruled.
[Jul 18,2004 4:38pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
That is the Mass TERATISM.

They do rule.
[Jul 18,2004 9:48pm - dread_104 ""]
that was our first show!
[Jul 19,2004 12:28pm - Robteratism  ""]
Wow ...we really love all the support people have been giving us....The name stays with us...until otherwise proven..fuck it.
[Jul 19,2004 12:34pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
you outta call your elves
and all where a bunny suits when you play kinda a reverse slipnot thing hahaha

keep the name teratism fuck the other band
[Jul 19,2004 12:42pm - Robteratism  ""]
we are soft cuddly bunnies jim...wanna pet me?
[Jul 19,2004 12:46pm - SUBJUGATE ""]

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm no
[Jul 19,2004 1:04pm - Christraper ""]
Cecile is a good friend of mine. She and Dominion Entertainment are helping out both of the bands im in. I could ask her whats going on with the name situation if you like.

And just for the record Cecile doesnt like Dimmu Borgir.
[Jul 19,2004 1:15pm - Dissector ""]
There used to be a band called Imperator. They broke up, so another band used that name (knowing that they used to be a band). Then, the original Imperator got back together, asked the new Imperator to change their name, and they had to because of legal stuff.

But the exact opposite thing happened with Incubus. So two seperate cases, two different outcomes. I dont know what to do.
[Jul 19,2004 2:18pm - Christraper ""]
Robdeadskin said:This is gay...do any other bands go through this often? I dont care about another band with the same name..And the girl I talked to said she and the band doesnt either...but earl of root of all evil has a huge issue because he doesnt understand how two teratisms can market themselves fairly. And is concerned about who will know who is who!

I can pretty much guarantee you that Cecile doesn't give a shit how many bands named Teratism there are out there. Its either the band or the label thats giving her shit about this and now she has to deal with everyones drama so that everyone stays happy. The perks of being a manager i suppose...

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