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Battle of the Teratisms cont.'d

[Jul 19,2004 5:21pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
The Mass TERATISM had the name first.

[Jul 19,2004 5:37pm - Robdeadskin nli  ""]
christraper- Thanx , but me and cecile are talking this out and I would rather just keep doing what we are doing....there is nothing more that any one can add..both teratisms know that they exisit and are fully active.
[Sep 23,2004 3:12am - anonymous  ""]
I could give 2 shits how many Teratisms' there are in this worthless shit hole world......We were never called Stillborn most of us were in Theatre of the Macabre before Teratism. I don't give a fuck if you had the name first or yer mom. It is a pathetic fucking issue in my opinion. I have only taken offense at the fact that people have resorted to high school ignorant ranting about us "black metal fags" Have I ever insulted any of you? Not my fucking thing. Opinions are like assholes everyone has one and they generally stink.....We are not pursuing any legal action...and in fact we are incorporating the name which you can infact do.....And if all goes well we still won't seek any legal action....As far as Cecile is concerned she is just doing her job....Call her a bitch or whatever you want to....She will still nag the shit out of you to resolve this b.s. I know our singer has e-mailed you with no response from anyone in yer band. However you found enough time to run yer mouths on these little chat boards....It seems no one wants to confront this issue with us So how do we procede? I JUST DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHO HAD THE GODDAMN NAME FIRST OR THE BULLSHIT TERMS "REAL' OR "TRUE" THEY MEAN NOTHING!!!! We are signed we have a tour coming up and are now recording our third full-length and it has nothing to do with you nor the death metal scene.....other than we share the same name...as far as us giving you shirts for "free promotion" get of yer lazy asses and promote yer own shit since you don't like black metal or the fags that play it. Why would you want to exploit that other than the fact that you in turn might actually be a fag...guilt by association...All I would like to see happen is you do yer shit we do ours and we stay the fuck out of each other's way and every faggot can be happy.....If you want a war of insults go back to fucking highschool....If you want a real war than write me and I'll send you my adress or send me yours and I will oblige you by showing up whereever and we can stand face to face and be fucking done with it once and for all......I would have no problem recording albums from prison with yer blood on my hands....but since that isn't a reality yet...let's pretend to play nice untill we get sick of it and then go from there.......END OF LINE.
[Sep 23,2004 3:25am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Christraper said:Cecile is a good friend of mine. She and Dominion Entertainment are helping out both of the bands im in. I could ask her whats going on with the name situation if you like.

And just for the record Cecile doesnt like Dimmu Borgir.

I really really doubt it's Cecile from NJ...
[Sep 23,2004 3:27am - BestialOnslaught ""]
dread_104 said:i guess so. they still got adds up for Pessemist's new album, "Slaughtering the Faithful." i don't know what's up.

Didn't that come out in 2002? Haha...
[Sep 23,2004 6:34am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Alex, it is THAT Cecile.

[Sep 23,2004 9:04am - Robdeadskin ""]
hey guitarist from teratism(murder) Ihave gotten plenty of emails and shit talking from people on your end...Its how all of this fuckin started,if you want to threaten that you will go to prison by beating some one to death...fine...its not like that would go down as easy as you think..as far as the name..whatever. Cecil contacted us about it, making it a big deal for us, and I talked to your manager , and that was a pointless effort, and a waste of time, And I never got any email from your singer..so fuck it...we got asked to come out to minnasota..i would like to play on your turf and discuss this face to face, no problem. I am not afraid of confrontation..just keepin mind we are always trashed and having any conversation with us would probrobly be a waste of your time.. But the shit spilled out of the mouths are the mouths you have fed..Just remember that. We dont give a fuck about this issue any longer so fuckin drop it. we just want to tear it up..and we do it well. END OF LINE
[Sep 23,2004 9:45am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
ahhh landlocked inbreds. gotta love em. glad my band name is ridiculous enough that no one will steal it
[Sep 23,2004 10:13am - Converge241 ""]
just tell the Viking-tisms "hey, you cant rent here anymore!"

that ALWAYS gets 'em
[Sep 23,2004 10:50am - armageddonday ""]
Fucking junior high soap opera.
[Sep 23,2004 11:02am - Christraper ""]
This is bullshit. People need to stop talking shit unless they plan on backing it up. Murder's fucking nuts dude. He really will fly over here just to kick someone ass. Kinda funny but its true.

Ok so apparently weve determined that neither band cares if they have the same name so lets drop it already!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes Bestial it is Cecile from NJ
[Sep 23,2004 11:03am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
It would be pretty funny if he flew over here and Nelson tore him in half.
[Sep 23,2004 11:04am - Christraper ""]
The guys in Teratism (BM) are all gigantic! They will destroy!!!!
[Sep 23,2004 11:06am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
So what?
[Sep 23,2004 11:08am - Christraper ""]
i dunno.......but they will!!!!!!
[Sep 23,2004 11:08am - Christraper ""]
I hope they do fly over, i think itd be hilarious! Id totally video tape that shit!
[Sep 23,2004 11:09am - Converge241 ""]
If they want to come down that'll be cool I'll even pitch in and book them a show in Boston

*calls up RamRod for booking information*
[Sep 23,2004 11:13am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will fight with teratism (DM)
[Sep 23,2004 11:34am - Christraper ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I will fight with teratism (DM)

no none of that. let em fight it out themselves. because technically im obligated to fight for both sides. Im friends with BM Teratism but im also friends with everyone who knows DM Teratism. So that would suck.

[Sep 23,2004 11:39am - armageddonday ""]
Yeah, let them come over so we can celebrate a good fight bathing. in blood...and I mean BLOOOOOOOOOOOOD.
[Sep 23,2004 11:40am - Converge241 ""]
you can always ref based on that i guess..
[Sep 23,2004 12:15pm - powerkok ""]
I laugh in the face of some guy that threatens to kick someones ass, and goto prison with 'blood on his hands' then turns around and puts on a bunch of faggy makeup...pretty funny stuff.
and if he did fly here...dont you think he would be a touch outnumbered?

in the words of my buddy 'prowler', (talkin to some mass kids, threatening to get his 'boyz')
[Sep 23,2004 1:16pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will just unleash the power of my penis.
[Sep 23,2004 1:19pm - Christraper ""]
have you named it yet?
[Sep 23,2004 1:20pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Gary or Bruce, I cannot decide.
[Sep 23,2004 1:21pm - Christraper ""]
I like Bruce
[Sep 23,2004 1:22pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Bruce will conquer any teratism.
[Sep 23,2004 1:22pm - Christraper ""]
wow dude
[Sep 23,2004 5:34pm - dread_104 ""]
what exactly constitutes as "talking shit?" I was under the impression it was when people run their mouths about fighting and throwing insults for no reason. People talk on message boards, it's a fact of life. I don't recall posting anything insulting. I merely mentioned a weird coincidence(which apparently isn't true. thanx for clearing that up! god knows life has been at a standstill since that one was brought out...) and then people talked from there. oh fucking well. I guess i'm supposed to control what people post. D'ja hear that aaron, from now on, all posts have to be approved by me. and in regards to this "bloody hands" biz, i'm gonna let y'all in on something. All that spooky language shit, it don't work on the east coast. maybe it does in the stix, but not here. we live in the real world, are real people, take ourselves seriously, etc. in this part of the country, living out your fantasy persona is considered gay. sorry, just a fact.
[Sep 23,2004 5:37pm - Hooker ""]
I have deadly fins filled with poison on either side of my scrotum. When I am threatened... it swells..... when it swells.... many die.
[Sep 23,2004 5:38pm - the_reverend ""]
I must obey...
[Sep 24,2004 8:23am - Converge241 ""]
To think this all would have been missed out upon if you just took the suggestion to add the "E" to the original name
[Sep 24,2004 8:23am - Converge241 ""]
To think this all would have been missed out upon if you just took the suggestion to add the "E" to the original name
[Sep 24,2004 10:11am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
dread_104 said:what exactly constitutes as "talking shit?" I was under the impression it was when people run their mouths about fighting and throwing insults for no reason. People talk on message boards, it's a fact of life. I don't recall posting anything insulting. I merely mentioned a weird coincidence(which apparently isn't true. thanx for clearing that up! god knows life has been at a standstill since that one was brought out...) and then people talked from there. oh fucking well. I guess i'm supposed to control what people post. D'ja hear that aaron, from now on, all posts have to be approved by me. and in regards to this "bloody hands" biz, i'm gonna let y'all in on something. All that spooky language shit, it don't work on the east coast. maybe it does in the stix, but not here. we live in the real world, are real people, take ourselves seriously, etc. in this part of the country, living out your fantasy persona is considered gay. sorry, just a fact.


[Sep 24,2004 10:26am - RustedAngel ""]
[Sep 24,2004 10:27am - the_reverend ""]
1 minute in photoshop, a life time in ra's repitoire.
[Sep 24,2004 9:21pm - murder  ""]
dumbass.....My singer wrote you an e-mail saying that disregard what you hear or read on the internet because we have never posted untill now nor have we wrote you any e-mails slandering you. He wrote to say that if you have anything to yell about you can scream in our face and not on these fucking boards. Now should we include the Japanese Tertaism in this or how about the fucks who created the Teratism video game or thoe gay swedish DJ who called his latest album Teratism in all of this? The point still being who the fuck cares. I don't give a fuck about you or your friends. Outnumbered..don't care 'cause I will take more than one of you with me. Wasted? Good....You'll need it.....My head may be bloody motherfucker but will surely be unbowed to you yer friends yer friends mom whoever...And I may wear faggot makeup but I will still shove my fucking sword right through yer normal poser looking chest and stain your little baseball hats with your own putrid blood.....It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds....END OF LINE.
[Sep 24,2004 9:30pm - Dissector ""]
Hahaha. that's funny, guy.
[Sep 25,2004 12:28am - honor4death ""]
i heard that picture of eric is going to be the gay teratisms new logo because they have never seen so many dicks on one guy before.
[Sep 25,2004 12:31am - powerkok ""]
hahaha Id like to see you come at me with a sword...fag.
You would need new pants that accomodated a sword in the ass.
[Sep 25,2004 1:25am - E. Jackso  ""]
No.Easton,Ma. Thrah/Death metal--Murder Steinbag--Tapes and stuff available---FREE!--- E-Mail murdersteinbag@yahoo.com for info!
[Sep 25,2004 2:00am - ArrowHead ""]
Wow, how retarded. There's gonna be a swordfight. Don't these guys know that out here on the coast everyone stopped using swords back when they invented the gun? We got cars too, and hookers!

As far as the legality of the whole mess, you need what is called a "Federal Trademark". The "Federal" part is important. Firstly, it costs more money. Secondly, if you don't have the federal trademark (pretty much a registered trademark to use the name Teratism in representation of your business nationally) but have a local trademark, then you will not be able to play shows, sell merch, or distribute cd's under the name Teratism in any state where they have already sold thiers.

The whole thing can be slightly confusing, but doing a few google searches on "Federal Trademark" should find you all sorts of great info.

As for this Murderer guy, chill the fuck out. Threatening to murder someone on the interweb because they don't like your music is sad as hell.
[Sep 25,2004 4:19am - murder  ""]
Has nothing to with the music at all......I find it funny that everyone thinks we live in the stix.....Minneapolis may not be NJ but we have over 400,000 people who live in this city and another 300,000 in St.Paul....As far as the "real world" I live in it you fuck.....I am not living a fantasy persona...I am living my life and playing my music just like you fuckers are. Anyone can shoot a gun...I have several. However it makes it far more personal fighting someone with a blade...You have to get close enough to fuckin' stab 'em........I also find it funny that you hate the "gay" make-up yet you would wear it just to mock someone...So if you have no fear wearing gay make-up that in turn must mean you also have latent homosexual desires brewing in your closet......As far as anyone penetrating my orfices sorry but if I won't let my wife do it I certainly wouldn't alow you to....However I may let her have her way with you........In fact I bet she might 'cause you more pain than I could and it would be easier than I think....Whether yer 100 pounds or 400 you still only have 6 pints of blood in you...I sharp stabbing weapon to the inner thigh will sever your largest arterie causing death in seconds....5 pounds to rip an ear from the face...5 to crush yer testicles..16 to break your neck...Less than 5 to shove your nose bones into your skull....Around 8 to dislocate your knees...Around 4 to dislocate your elbow and all of that regardless of muscle mass or height or weight....END OF LINE.
[Sep 25,2004 4:32am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Will the stupidity ever cease?!
[Sep 25,2004 9:01am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Did you just give them permission to sleep with your wife?
[Sep 25,2004 12:09pm - Dissector ""]
Why not fight with a fist?
[Sep 25,2004 3:02pm - Robdeadskin ""]
not everyone on this tread is in teratism big guy!!! and the make up was just drunk fun...and if you keep with the death threats you might get that contract from prison faster than you wish....
[Sep 25,2004 3:36pm - Davo foxo  ""]
The ma. Teratism is plainly a better band than the idiots in Minneapolis. Those guys should come out here if they're so upset and play a show together back to back and let the people decide. there's no need for death threats and all that shit. If those Make-up wearing cock holsters were so crazy, they'd probably be in prison already. Shut your traps, minneapolis and let your unoriginal ,shitty music speak for itself.......Oh yeah, they never will come out here,though Because they would probably end up in a dumpster somewhere in Brockton.oops!!!!
[Sep 25,2004 3:38pm - ArrowHead ""]
murder said:Has nothing to with the music at all......I find it funny that everyone thinks we live in the stix.....Minneapolis may not be NJ but we have over 400,000 people who live in this city and another 300,000 in St.Paul....As far as the "real world" I live in it you fuck.....I am not living a fantasy persona...I am living my life and playing my music just like you fuckers are. Anyone can shoot a gun...I have several. However it makes it far more personal fighting someone with a blade...You have to get close enough to fuckin' stab 'em

I never said you live in the stix. Our bassist is from Minneapolis, he laughed at me all winter whenever I bitched about it being cold here. (I guess it gets a lot colder there). I also have 3 kitana hanging in my living room, all well oiled and very sharp. I agree it would make for a more personal fight, but I wouldn't even try since I'd probably get shot before I even finished pulling it out. Unfortunately, I'm not a samurai, I can't kill someone by simply drawing a sword.

Again, this shit is out of hand. You're threatening to kill people who listen to death metal for making fun of black metal. On a messageboard. I understand you aren't trying to play some charachter, but aren't you going a little far with this? Try having a sense of humor, it makes life a lot easier.

[Sep 25,2004 3:44pm - Earl M.S.B  ""]
Insane Thrash/Death metal from Easton,Ma.-Murder Steinbag- 5 song Demo Tape/Cd available for FREE. C'MON GUYS, SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC!!!!!!!! FREE!!!!!!!!!! NO CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!! E-MAIL MURDERSTEINBAG@YAHOO.NET

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