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Battle of the Teratisms cont.'d

[Sep 25,2004 3:53pm - Robdeadskin ""]
he needs to stop playin dungons ans dragons...earl..also include whoremastery in this murderstienbag release you dick...split cd out soon!!!
[Sep 25,2004 3:56pm - Earl M.S.B  ""]
If you check around you'll see that i did include Whoremastery. jeez, search the name m.s.b. and you'll see. don't hurt me.
[Sep 25,2004 3:57pm - Earl M.S.B  ""]
oh yeah for free demos of Murder Steinbag and Whoremastery, E-Mail murdersteinbag@yahoo.com FREE!!!!!!!!
[Sep 25,2004 4:00pm - dread_104 ""]
o.k. we're all getting out of hand, if not stupid about this. let's all just shake hands, walk away privateley thinking that we're better, smarter, tougher, etc. than everyone else. then we can settle this like true men. Pats vs. Vikings
[Sep 25,2004 4:04pm - dread_104 ""]
oh yeah, on that note i'm leaving this moronic thread for good. why the hell did i even read it or respond in the first place? I think I'm actually stupider than i was a week ago, just from reading this
[Sep 25,2004 4:19pm - Robdeadskin ""]
Im smarter.......!!! now that i got retarded tips on how to stab people.
[Sep 25,2004 4:27pm - Davo Foxo  ""]
Let's just kill teratism from minn. and end this already. they know they suck and they will never show their pretty painted faces around here anyway,and their wives are whores.
[Sep 25,2004 4:29pm - Davo Foxo  ""]
THAT'S RIGHT......WHORES!!!!!!!!!!
[Sep 25,2004 4:34pm - Robdeadskin ""]
dungons and dragons..its just no good...!!! role playing leads to disillution.
[Sep 25,2004 4:40pm - Davo Foxo  ""]
What's wrong w/ D and D? I myself am a 12th level wizard and 4th level clreric...in real life ....I rule ..Oh Yeah 7th level necromancer too with a plus 10 saving throw ouch!!!!
[Sep 25,2004 4:43pm - Robdeadskin ""]
shit...well i just lost all my armor and have been eating my own waste in a cave so fuck...role the die!!
[Sep 25,2004 5:57pm - murder  ""]
don't play d&d never cared for it....Black Metal is far more orginal than Death Metal...We've played 2 shows in New York and both times we stormed...We suck sooo bad that we're touring with Kult of Azazel on the west coast for 2 weeks and we have our 3rd full length coming out in the begining of '05 Not to brag or anything but our current album is doing quite well infact....Aside from that We're going back to Canada for a second time having stormed the shit out of The Unresrained fest the first time and oh.yeah we'll be in Mexico in November......So while you fucks may think we suck it's apparent that there seems to be more people who like us...As far as me being afraid of any of you I am not...Nor I am afraid to confront any of you....Nor do I respect most of you..So far I would say I have a little respect for the band members simply because they play as far as them as people I could care less and I am sure you all feel they same about me....So after all that...I hope you got your moneys worth on those Katanas considering that most "real" katanas have a hamon temper line that is created from the tempering process also the blades are folded around 200 times not to mention the grip shoul be covered in Ray skin......Needless to say they cost in the 1000's...Also I lied Minneapolis has 3,395,000 people roughly..and St.Paul slightly more.....Fuck it I'm done.....END OF LINE.
[Sep 25,2004 6:25pm - ArrowHead ""]
murder said:I hope you got your moneys worth on those Katanas considering that most "real" katanas have a hamon temper line that is created from the tempering process also the blades are folded around 200 times not to mention the grip shoul be covered in Ray skin.

You're quite right, an authentic sword by a japanese swordmaker is incredibly expensive. While I'd love to spend $8000 on a sword like my friend did (and it was worth every penny) I'd rather invest the big bucks into my musical gear and mortgage. I only have commercially manufactured swords at the moment, 440 stainless that came outta a catalog. At least 2 of them are full tang, but the other is ornamental crap. I just wanted something that looked good and could be used to cut up an unwanted intruder if necessary. Guns for home defense leave too much question of liability.

You sound like you know a good deal on the subject, and swordmaking (and japanese feudal history in general) have always fascinated me. Sometime when you're done acting like a total wank, you should come back and discuss it further.

[Sep 25,2004 11:51pm - murder  ""]
I am an avid collector of medieval weapons and armor.....My most prized sword is a Katana that was given to me by my Grandfather upon my graduation from highschool...He was in world war 2 and recieved it from a Japanese officer...It currently resides in my father's lock box for safe keeping. I am through talking and acting like a "wank" as you put it..One final word however before I depart..I was not offering my wife to anyone sexualy I should have elaborated that her skills in defending herself are equal to my own and that she is proficient in ball crushing...So if you would like to discuss weapons and the like I would suggest several books in my collection ranging from war tactics, weapons throughout history, and various medieval self-defense books covering the use ofvarious types of weapons from pole-arms. halberds,etc... Also I know how to make chain mail and stuff....The best chain-mail you should use is a 6-in1 pattern using 12 gauge electric fence wire...Very sturdy and damn near impenetrable...Have tried several swords on it and it has held up well with almost no maintenence...END OF LINE.
[Sep 26,2004 12:08am - honor4death ""]
ATTN MURDER..........
[Sep 26,2004 12:16am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Sep 26,2004 3:02am - Nel  ""]
Murder, you live for this shit. I'm glad you're gettin your kicks. We had fun too, when we mocked you bitches. Makeup isn't our thing, but we proved that we can pull it off better than you. Drink some milk - you need to get bigger so peoplez is scared of you. I just wanna help you out cause you're bad at this threat thing. I'm a pro. I scare people when I lift my arm to cough. Anyways, you know if we go to Minnesota, we'll just take your crowd. It's just gonna happen. Put down the sword, put down the makeup, and just drop the guitar. Your all done.
[Sep 26,2004 3:50am - nel is a fag  ""]
Nel is a fag.
[Sep 26,2004 4:00am - nel is a fag  ""]
Nel drinks da man milk. Nel like da peoplez in Minnasoda. Nel be representin da homies. Nel big tuff guy. Nel tryin da read and write. See Nel on stage. See Nel flecks for da bitches. See Nel be tuff guy. See Nel keepin it reel. See Nel spreadin da cheeks. See Nel likin da man juice. See Nel rockin with Dokken. See Nel rock-out with da cock out. Nel reel cool. Nel tuff guy.
[Sep 26,2004 4:14am - I b Nel  ""]
Nel wear da make-up. Nel reel cool. See Nel get promotionz. Nel reel cool. Nel reel tuff guy. Nel reel cool. Nel reel scary. Nel scary like monkey. Monkey reel cool. Nel reel tuff guy.
[Sep 26,2004 1:02pm - Assuck ""]
nel's gonna tear your head off with his pinky toe
[Sep 26,2004 2:43pm - Robteratism  ""]
black metal is more original....are you serious..how many more bands with spikes,bulletbelts,paint, and upsidedown cross logos do there need to be to make black metal unoriginal...what a joke
[Sep 26,2004 6:14pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
holy cow is this murder guy for real? he sounds like a medievil fair going cock donkey. i like how he ends every sentence with the same thing. this guy is a complete loser i'd like to see him at the Razer so i can jump my dirt bike into his girly make up face. then i'd peel out on his fat belly and laff as I ride away over huuge jumps and yell"Aweez0me!"
[Sep 26,2004 7:12pm - murder  ""]
Nell-----Your attempt to intimidate failed...You sound more like a lame pro wrestler...I talked to Cecile this morning and she said"If they plan on playing Minnesota find out from them the date and I will fly out there so we all can settle this face to face. If they do not have any dates set tell them that I will book you a show in Rhode Island in November and we can settle it there. Have them bring John from Pantheos as well and we will settle this with everyone present." She also asked to to stop posting untill you get back to us onyer supposed Minnesota date. Now the ball is in your court all you have to do is follow through. I f you have no dates set then we will just see you in Rhode Island. As far as anything else...You looked more pathetic in make-up than any band I have ever seen...Especialy since yer drummer couldn't even join ya....You looked great playing in front of 20 people sitting on their ass....So until we see ya....Go fuck yerself beefcake...
[Sep 26,2004 7:17pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
you guys wear make up like my mom ha ha ha ha. do you also make the same noises in the bedroom that my mom does when my dad is in there with her? ha ha ha 9 out of 10 men like other men that wear make up.
[Sep 26,2004 8:22pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
im not into death metal but very much into black

but this is rediculous....
[Sep 26,2004 9:08pm - justin____ ""]
fake dynamite is not black metal!!!
[Sep 26,2004 11:48pm - Nel  ""]
Pro wrestler??? Did you call me "beefcake"??? Murder, you really have to stop checkin my photos out. Those are for the ladies, bro. This has got to stop. If you haven't noticed, all I have done is given you some helpful advice - put away the toys, be a man, girls are good, etc. Hey, here's a thought...you guys should do Kabuki Theatre!!! Don't thank me, this is what I'm here for.
[Sep 27,2004 6:14am - BestialOnslaught ""]
I've never heard either band. THEATRE OF THE MACABRE was fucking shit though ha... And if the MN TERATISM is anything like that pre-band, I sincerely hope Osmose is not actually signing them.

That said, making fun of Black Metal (and even corpsepaint, though it has gotten bad of late) is for those weak in the pants.
[Sep 27,2004 8:03am - orgymaggotfeast ""]
at least the both teratisms are heavy bands

there is a band from new mexico called maggot feast who formed about 3 years after we recorded our first demo.....but these fuckers play the most generic sounding hardcore ever.....so generic, they make every band on victory seem amazing
[Sep 27,2004 9:03am - Robdeadskin ""]
we got a mention to go to mn...but we dont have a date set...but we have some in R.I. so i guess we will see you there with our room full of 20 people..but when you go on there will be none.
[Sep 27,2004 9:05am - Robdeadskin ""]
my drummers make up sweated right the fuck off. dick......because he's nasty.
[Sep 27,2004 11:06am - the_reverend ""]
teratismMN is better than theatre of the macabre (imho).

I propose that both teratisms look at what they can get out of this little "battle" and stop making idle threats towards each other.

call me a hippie or whatever, but why don't each side just STFU about the other and use this to their advantage. teratismMA plays a show out there, teratismMN plays a show out here with the oposite teratism playing with them. flyer it as a "battle of the Teratism!" but in the end just go there and play, get others to hear your music and have a good time.
[Sep 27,2004 11:14am - Christraper ""]
[Sep 27,2004 4:55pm - murder  ""]
Regardless of how ridiculus I may act or you the point still stands...That if you have no date set then we will go ahead and confirm a date in R.I. and again bring John from pantheos like Cecile asked and we will settle this. As far as anything else I have to say I will save it.
[Sep 27,2004 5:12pm - powerkok ""]
are you gonna bring your ninja sword?
[Sep 27,2004 5:29pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
WTF is Pantheos?

ha ha ha
[Sep 27,2004 5:30pm - Assuck ""]
Joe/UnNatural should go to, just in case
[Sep 27,2004 5:47pm - armageddonday ""]
I wish I had more time to read this threat, there's some pretty funny shit in there, not to mention "head up their asses" attitude.

"Anyone can shoot a gun...I have several. However it makes it far more personal fighting someone with a blade..."
I like sword fights, knife fights, any fights better than any fucking shooting. Guns are for pussies.

The only problem is that you might have to drive to come to MA cause you aint getting in the plane with a sword, you cant even pass the fucking security check with a bullet belt (untipped).
[Sep 27,2004 6:30pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I plan on throwing a merch table on TeratismMN NJ TERROR CROWD STY-LEEE
[Sep 27,2004 6:45pm - powerkok ""]
so, if its more personal to get up close and stab someone, would it be the same if someone put a gun to a persons head and shot them?
Theyre close enough to stab....what about that?
or what about mace?
bottom line is, you would probably get fucked up if you brought a sword to the east coast. END OF LINE ha
[Sep 28,2004 12:15am - Murder  ""]
I am asuming that you have no plans set to come to Mn. I will call Cecile tomorrow and have her set a date and then get back to you with all the info.....Have no plans on bringing swords or guns...Just us and gear...That's all we'll need. I have said all I needed to and I will stand behind what I say and what I believe and I will always defend myself because I have the courage to do so regardless if people like what I say or not, Whether they like me or not, or whether they like my music or not...They same as any of you.....So as I iterated before I will get back to you with the date of the show and then we can say all we want to one another in person.........END OF FUCKING LINE.
[Sep 28,2004 12:24am - honor4death ""]
enough of this "END OF LINE" shit, its fucking stupid. its almost as stupid as this thread about you fighting, about fighting.
[Sep 28,2004 12:31am - hoser ""]
I just hope that if he comes here that he doesn't wear his face paint. I'd have to pick my dick up off the floor from laughing it right the fuck off.
[Sep 28,2004 12:37am - Nel  ""]
fuck, that's a good one!
[Sep 28,2004 9:30am - Christraper ""]
this thread is still gay.
[Sep 28,2004 9:38am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will join the MA teratism this one day, just to fight with them. After that they will kick me out of their band.
[Sep 28,2004 9:39am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Boston Metal: where friends don't let friends fight alone

[Sep 28,2004 10:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I have an idea that the MN teratism would definately go for. Why not, instead of fighting, just challenge the MA teratism to a game of Dungeon and Dragons?
[Sep 28,2004 10:48am - Christraper ""]
In the words of Adolf Hitler "Can't we all just get along?"

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