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Black Christmas @ The Palladium - Hivesmasher, Necronomichrist, Naegleria, Pathogenic, Nemecide

[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Dec 27,2010 12:35pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Dec 27,2010 2:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i just switched my schedule around so i should be able to make it to the show by 6:30
[Dec 27,2010 2:46pm - boblovesmusic ""]
me too
[Dec 27,2010 3:41pm - timma ""]
[Dec 27,2010 3:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
if you go on earlier than that i will be ...displeased.

[Dec 27,2010 3:42pm - timma ""]
You and us both, homeboy.
[Dec 27,2010 4:07pm - narkybark ""]
go first and play to nobody or you're not doing it right
[Dec 27,2010 4:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
they will be playing to nobody regardless of who is in attendance.

[Dec 27,2010 4:34pm - Alx_Casket ""]
man, I remember you guys before you were big time
[Dec 27,2010 4:35pm - timma ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:they will be playing to nobody regardless of who is in attendance.


[Dec 27,2010 4:39pm - aaron_michael ""]
I can't wait to see Composted Palladium antics
[Dec 27,2010 4:43pm - timma ""]
There is a distinct possibility I might get electrocuted.

Just throwing that out there.
[Dec 27,2010 4:46pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you guys should do your very best to get banned from the premises for a condsiderable amount of time.
[Dec 27,2010 5:20pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
I'd like to see Aaron try to jump into the crowd and injure a few unsuspecting people with his trademark mic swing before the guards capture him thinking he's a random Opium smuggler.
[Dec 27,2010 5:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
break the monitors by accident or your a pussy
[Dec 27,2010 6:44pm - aaron_michael ""]
ehhh urrr ummmm nope.
[Dec 27,2010 6:57pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'm gonna pull my dick out at this show.
[Dec 27,2010 7:03pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:you guys should do your very best to get banned from the premises for a condsiderable amount of time.

MarkFuckingRichards said:I'm gonna pull my dick out at this show.

yup that'll do it.
[Dec 27,2010 7:06pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'm also going to pull everybody else's dicks out.
[Dec 27,2010 7:54pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
Tell the DJ to suck my balls, while you're at it.
[Dec 28,2010 9:10am - Alexecutioner ""]
taking the commuter rail down to the show, should get there just in time for 630, i really hope composted isnt going on that early
[Dec 28,2010 9:15am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'm fairly confident we won't be playing at 6:30. Luckily ticket sales have gotten better in the past few days, finally.
[Dec 28,2010 9:36am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
does that mean you'll be "headlining" at 1 in the morning instead?
[Dec 28,2010 10:03am - aaron_michael ""]
we just got a surge of ticket sales too, so I don't think we'll be going on first
[Dec 28,2010 10:24am - sever ""]
Patho hasn't sold much at all. Chris breaking his hand really set us back, we didn't know we were still playing until a week ago.
[Dec 28,2010 10:27am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

sever said:Patho hasn't sold much at all. Chris breaking his hand really set us back, we didn't know we were still playing until a week ago.

psyched to hear you guys through the palladiums system though. should sound massive.
[Dec 28,2010 10:31am - sever ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
sever said:Patho hasn't sold much at all. Chris breaking his hand really set us back, we didn't know we were still playing until a week ago.

psyched to hear you guys through the palladiums system though. should sound massive.

hopefully. we have another guitarist playing for us tonight. he's good but only been with us for about a month so it might be a bit sloppy... i'm way more pumped for hivesmasher, pants will be shat.
[Dec 28,2010 10:44am - Alexecutioner ""]
anyone know what time this is actually set to start? train pulls into the stations at 6:20
[Dec 28,2010 10:45am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i think thats right when the bands started last time. ticket says doors at 6pm
[Dec 28,2010 10:53am - Alexecutioner ""]
i should be right on time i hope
[Dec 28,2010 11:03am - narkybark ""]
I will be thinking of you all as I work double shifts to make sure people get their 10,000 books printed on time.
[Dec 28,2010 4:50pm - Pires ""]
Post set times or U faggot. I won't be in worcester until 630-7ish.
[Dec 28,2010 4:52pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Dec 28,2010 6:47pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
6:30-7:00 Nemecide
7:10-7:40 Hivesmasher
7:50-8:20 Pathogenic
8:30-9:00 Naegleria
9:10-9:40 Necronomichrist
9:50-10:20 Composted
[Dec 28,2010 6:50pm - BSV  ""]
will be there after practice...
[Dec 28,2010 6:51pm - Brodownfromtheshitter  ""]
Early show is early. Get down here.
[Dec 28,2010 6:59pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I hope you guys party. I'm going to go party.
[Dec 28,2010 7:50pm - nekronaut ""]
I'm jealous of Ryan's party.
[Dec 28,2010 11:31pm - t2daeek ""]
pathogenic sounded awesome. heavy as hell.
[Dec 28,2010 11:50pm - Alexecutioner ""]

t2daeek said:pathogenic sounded awesome. heavy as hell.

[Dec 29,2010 12:35am - timma ""]
Huge thanks to everyone that came out during Phishfest Hippie Douchebag Conference 2k11 to rock with all of us. That was by far the funnest Composted set I have ever been a part of. Sank you prease.
[Dec 29,2010 12:40am - Pires ""]
Parking was a fucking nightmare but glad I went. Didn't get a roided cock shirt like I intended, but still a great time nonetheless.
[Dec 29,2010 12:42am - Pires ""]
Oh and push pit during composted FTW. That was swizzle.
[Dec 29,2010 1:01am - boblovesmusic ""]
Pires, this is going to sound kinda embarrassing, but I still haven't figured out who you are!!
[Dec 29,2010 1:02am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Like Tim said, huge thanks to everyone; I was blown away by the amount of people that showed up, stuck around, and went apeshit. I wasn't ready for the end of our set to turn into romper room. Damn kids. No thanks to my guitar's input for shitting a dick, but oh well.

Pires, I'm sure we'll end up repressing that shirt since it seems to be in high demand. I'll make sure you get one if it happens.
[Dec 29,2010 1:33am - aaron_michael ""]
Such a good night! I'll post the guys link who was taking pictures tomorrow when I get to the office.
[Dec 29,2010 8:07am - sever ""]
Bill Cosby made my night. That is all.
[Dec 29,2010 8:23am - Yeti ""]
wish i could have made it. i'm glad to hear that things went well.
[Dec 29,2010 8:49am - boxxy ""]
Hivesmasher - Best sounding set that I've heard. I could hear everything, and all of the members were on the fucking money.

Pathogenic - Tight set. Very impressed with broken hand guitar playing. I can't get into the 2 singers & clean vocals, but i respect it nonetheless. I feel like if this band had more energy, one singer, and no J-Cupcakes shirts.....I'd like em better.... but who the hell cares what i like?

Composted - Also a great sounding set. We told mark to turn his amp up after the first couple songs (and we were in the middle of the room) then blue told him to turn it back down a couple songs later (blue was in front... in FRONT of marks amp) and then we couldn't' hear the guitar in the middle of the room again... besides that, they were fucking sick. The rest of the band was crystal clear. Tim rocked out like a rockstar, Evan looked sweaty and sexy, and i've never seen Mark so spastic..... rum and coke anyone?
[Dec 29,2010 9:01am - the_reverend ""]

boblovesmusic said:Pires, this is going to sound kinda embarrassing, but I still haven't figured out who you are!!
take the most normal guy from normalsville's brother from plainstown and there is pires, glasses an all.

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