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this is pretty sad

[Mar 2,2011 7:59pm - Boozegood ""]

boxxy said:wow, i can't believe i was reading all of this thread. I realized that i was wrong to try, and decided to make a statement based on what i HAVE read..

Alex is right, it's absolutely stupid to get mad because a band, or type of music you like is being marketed in new ways that you're not used to. What is REALLY going on is this:
You love to be different. You can't stand to think that you might be into something that's actually popular, because that would make you NORMAL. And seeing a band or type of music you like marketed to a demographic that you consider to be normal... hurts....


Where the hell did you pull this out of?

That line of reasoning doesnt even make sense. If I am ohsoscared of being 'normal' ('conforming') or liking something popular why would I dress like a metalhead and love Iron Maiden?

Burzum mesh shorts would be gay and I am sorry if you can't see why.
[Mar 2,2011 8:38pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

boxxy said:wow, i can't believe i was reading all of this thread. I realized that i was wrong to try, and decided to make a statement based on what i HAVE read..

Alex is right, it's absolutely stupid to get mad because a band, or type of music you like is being marketed in new ways that you're not used to. What is REALLY going on is this:
You love to be different. You can't stand to think that you might be into something that's actually popular, because that would make you NORMAL. And seeing a band or type of music you like marketed to a demographic that you consider to be normal... hurts....


leeeet me just point out one thing


that's not RTTP or NWN forums or Lorf Cgryshtslnaahl's basement zine, that's the fucking NY Post. while not exactly a beacon of journalism, it's also the common fucking demoninator - small wonder that a group of people pretty much selected for being angry, insular and intolerant are also kind of maybe a little bit pissed, too.

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