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Middle East (Cambridge, Ma) - [abhorred][adolf_satan][hekseri][hirudinea][randomshots][ravage][ringers]
[show listing]  _____________________________________
[May 11,2005 9:22am - Josh_Martin ""]
Flower Stomper Productions presents:
Sunday June 19th
@ Middle East upstairs

Boston's only true metal band

4 losers on drugs playing sludgecore

Grindcore that's not gay enough for Relapse

Thrash that's blacker than Living Color

Girls in Venom shirts who play better than you do

8pm doors
First band @ 8:30 sharp

[May 11,2005 9:22am - Josh_Martin ""]
If you missed the first Hekseri show last week, here's your chance to not be gay any more.

[May 11,2005 9:25am - the_reverend ""]
phew.. it's not a monday.
it would be cool if the IWEIPH and TS show at o'briens is earlier so people can go to both.
[May 11,2005 9:28am - ~Carina~  ""]
i wanted it to be a monday so you couldn't go...damn you
[May 11,2005 9:29am - soilworker ""]
i think i might try and go to this i really would like to see hekseri i really like that song on the rttp comp.
[May 11,2005 9:30am - the_reverend ""]
they are much better with seth (acendancy) on drums
[May 11,2005 9:32am - soilworker ""]
i bet they are seth is crazy on drums
[May 11,2005 9:32am - litacore ""]
hahaha, awesome.

this will be Father's Day, BTW

Venom's my dad

. . .

actually Abraham Glasser (1927-1976)
[May 11,2005 9:36am - ~Carina~  ""]
Herseri are my babies...so i will be there (without the exclusive) SIGH
ps: the other bands are gonna rule too!

Larissa, i'm going to email you back about the promo shots...
[May 11,2005 9:45am - Josh_Martin ""]
Once again, I totally suck at making flyers so everyone feel free to make your own.
[May 11,2005 9:45am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Awesome line up, I will be there unless someone kills me.
[May 11,2005 9:49am - the_reverend ""]
kills you, eh...
[May 11,2005 9:53am - litacore ""]
Josh_Martin said:Once again, I totally suck at making flyers so everyone feel free to make your own.

you know, I hate to give away my flyer idea but I wanted a better screenshot of this still from 'Creepshow'


remember, "I Got My Cake? Happy Father's Day!"

does anyone have screen-capture hardware/software on their PC? I could lend you my DVD of the movie and the time at which this happens . . .

I'm so fucking high maintenance. :satancross:
[May 11,2005 9:56am - Josh_Martin ""]
Since its on Father's Day, you should just get a picture of some mutilated corpse who looks like he probably had kids for the background.

Or get a pic of that guy who took pictures of himself while castrating himself.
[May 11,2005 10:05am - litacore ""]
I'll see what I can dig up (*oh, dyooo!*)

who wants to post a big scan on here or e-mail me a roughly 8" X 10" scan that would look decent at 300dpi?



(the web version will of course be smaller resolution, but it's better to go downwards than upwards, then just save-as, blah-blah)
[May 11,2005 10:08am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[May 11,2005 10:10am - the_reverend ""]
I think I have creepshow. will look when I get home.
[May 11,2005 10:10am - litacore ""]
[May 11,2005 10:11am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Sorry larizoid
[May 11,2005 10:12am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[May 11,2005 10:12am - litacore ""]
the_reverend said:I think I have creepshow. will look when I get home.

that'd be sweet
[May 11,2005 10:12am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[May 11,2005 10:13am - litacore ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Sorry larizoid

hahaha, I guess I'll never live down Maggotzoid
[May 11,2005 10:13am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[May 11,2005 10:13am - litacore ""]
well, umm. . .

Mother's Day has passed
[May 11,2005 10:16am - Boots wtf  ""]
i think i just had an accident in my pants
[May 11,2005 10:17am - KillerKadoogan ""]
the baby in dead alive is the greatest character in cinema history, period.
[May 11,2005 10:19am - Josh_Martin ""]
That bathtub picture is perfect. I don't care if its a chick.
What better way to celebrate Father's Day than with dead chicks?
[May 11,2005 10:19am - litacore ""]
I want my caaaaaakkkkeeee!
[May 11,2005 10:19am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
that slut in the bath tub is the hottest picture ive ever seen
[May 11,2005 10:21am - litacore ""]
oh there are some pics in that zombie book 'Eaten Alive' that will make the poop curdle in your lower intestine
[May 11,2005 11:04am - Al_Ravage ""]
Whoa, what the hell is this? Does Kuato still live? I guess so.
[May 11,2005 11:05am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[May 11,2005 11:07am - Al_Ravage ""]
Oh that's from Dead Alive...haven't seen that in a while... I guess that was before Kuato... or was it? Kuato lives!
[May 11,2005 11:07am - Al_Ravage ""]
Kuato should also be in the bathtub.
[May 11,2005 11:08am - SuperFly ""]
open your mind kuato
[May 11,2005 11:08am - Al_Ravage ""]
Someone get a picture of Kuato, damn it...and put him in the bathtub..hje would fit...I'm telling you.
[May 11,2005 11:09am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Quaid...start the reactor
[May 11,2005 11:09am - Al_Ravage ""]
Oh man, I've got it....give me a second to put this together
[May 11,2005 11:12am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[May 11,2005 11:14am - ~Carina~  ""]
yes we have the creepshow DVD but you won't be home until late and i have no idea how to do it...
[May 11,2005 11:15am - Josh_Martin ""]
Joe rules.
I'll kill anyone who fucks with him. Even Anne.
[May 11,2005 11:15am - litacore ""]
hahah, awesome Joe!

my idle hands apparently DO NOT get in the way of the devil's work!
[May 11,2005 11:17am - litacore ""]
~Carina~ said:yes we have the creepshow DVD but you won't be home until late and i have no idea how to do it...

I dunno, just a screen capture of Nathan Grantham holding Aunt Sylvia's head on the platter

I doubt I could top that tub flyer, but maybe mine can be the PG-13 one, heh
[May 11,2005 11:18am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I just wish I had some to give out on monday night
[May 11,2005 11:22am - Al_Ravage ""]
[May 11,2005 11:22am - Al_Ravage ""]
[May 11,2005 11:23am - Al_Ravage ""]
Damn you joe... beat me to Kuato.... Kuato is dead!
[May 11,2005 11:24am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
haha yours came out better then mine
[May 11,2005 11:42am - Al_Ravage ""]

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