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Middle East (Cambridge, Ma) - [abhorred][adolf_satan][hekseri][hirudinea][randomshots][ravage][ringers]
[show listing]  ______________________________________
[May 11,2005 11:48am - Josh_Martin ""]
I wish I had a color printer.
[May 11,2005 11:52am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
if someone has access to a color copier, ill print one color copy to give to them.
[May 11,2005 11:56am - KillerKadoogan ""]
dont you work at a brooks pharmacy?

i thought they had copiers in those places
[May 11,2005 11:57am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
they have a black and white copier, I'm planning on making copies there today.

I cant do color copies though, is your helmet on too tight?
[May 11,2005 12:19pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
well you tried to get John Gillis to make you some copies Monday night, when you could have done it yourself at Brooks.

I mean, the man's running for Sherriff. Cut him some slack.
[May 11,2005 12:50pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I just printed a color one and it looks sweet!
[May 11,2005 1:15pm - Al_Ravage ""]
"I want my CAKE Bedelia! Where's my CAKE!?!"

That's almost as good as "Where's my bourbon!?!" or "Gotta hold ya breath... gotta hold your breath" or better yet... from Creepshow II... "Thanks for the RIDE, lady!"
[May 11,2005 2:14pm - litacore ""]
my favorite part of Creepshow II was the carnivorous oil slick in 'The Raft'
[May 11,2005 2:16pm - the_reverend ""]
hm.. I think I might have creepshop II, not 1
[May 11,2005 2:17pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Fuck, this should kick ass!

Funny flyer, btw.
[May 11,2005 2:23pm - litacore ""]
the_reverend said:hm.. I think I might have creepshop II, not 1

I have the first one, if you need it.

I WANT MY CAKE! (although it was Mother's Day. I can't have kids, but I can eat cake. I often do.)
[May 11,2005 2:37pm - RichHorror ""]
the_reverend said:phew.. it's not a monday.
it would be cool if the IWEIPH and TS show at o'briens is earlier so people can go to both.

I moved that to July 18th so as not to be crushed by the sheer magnitude of this rock and roll showcase.
[May 11,2005 10:57pm - Al_Ravage ""]
kuato will be there
[May 12,2005 2:13am - damnose ""]
according to the middle east website:
Sun 6/19
Ravage, Adolf Satan, Abhorred, Hirudinea, Heksari 18+ $8 - 8pm doors

haha, i can't decide if i like hexter (the o'brien's version of our name) or heksari better.

this show should be awesome, thanks for making room for us!
[May 12,2005 2:18am - the_reverend ""]
I think you should just go with dexatrim.
[May 12,2005 2:26am - RichHorror ""]
Clearly, you all need to wear saris onstage now.
[May 12,2005 8:18am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
KillerKadoogan said:well you tried to get John Gillis to make you some copies Monday night, when you could have done it yourself at Brooks.

I mean, the man's running for Sherriff. Cut him some slack.

thats because all the copies I had were taken by people.
[May 12,2005 9:14am - litacore ""]
Goat Pee is hard 2 spell
[May 12,2005 11:20am - paganmegan ""]
that flyer is beyond words, I need to get some to decorate the fenway area and tardville, I mean, quincy
[May 14,2005 10:01am - pessimist ""]
I am glad hekseri are playing this show

[May 14,2005 10:10am - KillerKadoogan ""]
[May 14,2005 10:47am - the_reverend ""]
That picture was one of the best from that night.
[May 26,2005 12:48pm - the kadooganator  ""]
[May 26,2005 1:13pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Set times will be

Hekseri 8:30
Hirudinea 9:15
Abhorred 10:00
Adolf 10:45
Ravage 11:30

or probably something close to that. I dunno what the fuck I'm doing and I'm always late anyways.

Who's letting me use their amp? I am the fucking KING of broken equipment. My amp AND my cabinet shit the bed at practice last week. I can fix the cab once I get the part but finding a good amp repair guy is harder than finding a fat bitch's pee hole. I dunno what's wrong with it. It gets power but there's no sound. Hopefully just a blown tube.

[Jun 4,2005 11:58am - litacore ""]

Josh lemme know if you wanna use my Marshall.

[Jun 4,2005 2:21pm - Al_Ravage ""]
Total Recall was on the other night... what a brilliant movie, even edited it's great.

"Harry... what da fuck did I doo wrang?!? Tell me!"
"Ya blabbed Quaid! Ya blabbed about Mahs!"
"Baht I don't even know anyting about mahs!"
[Jun 4,2005 5:36pm - joe/notcommon ""]
I need to remember to go to this.
[Jun 4,2005 9:41pm - Al_Ravage ""]
"Get ya ass to mahs!"
[Jun 5,2005 3:00am - damnose ""]
awesome flyer! nothing attracts an audience like a good old auto-da-fe
[Jun 9,2005 4:26pm - Josh_Martin ""]
litacore said:[img]

Josh lemme know if you wanna use my Marshall.


That would be awesome. Thanks.

[Jun 9,2005 5:06pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I'm psyched for this... How did the NY show go Josh?
[Jun 9,2005 5:17pm - Defnasty ""]
yeah how did it go?
[Jun 10,2005 12:22am - Al_Ravage ""]
It's going to look like this outside the show
[Jun 10,2005 8:57am - Josh_Martin ""]
BestialOnslaught said:I'm psyched for this... How did the NY show go Josh?

It was cool. I was in a bad mood all night because of amplifier problems but as usual, I was the only one who noticed.
Larry sounded amazing. New bassist is working out great.

We're playing there again August 26th.

[Jun 13,2005 3:47pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Al_Ravage said:It's going to look like this outside the show

If most of the guys there are wearing neckerchiefs like Fonzie up there, just think how easy it will be for the rest of us to get laid.
[Jun 13,2005 5:24pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I don't think I even have a choice, I'll be there like my life depends on it.
[Jun 13,2005 5:25pm - shatteredliz ""]
I'm going to be lat ebecause i have to work 'til 10. But I will be there!
[Jun 13,2005 5:54pm - Al_Ravage ""]
Michael Jackson may or may not be there...more likely not, now that he won't be going to prison
[Jun 14,2005 11:55am - Josh_Martin ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:[img]

Can Joe (or somebody) post this on the Relapse board? There's a bunch of Boston people on there. I got banned again for being myself.

[Jun 14,2005 7:21pm - Al_Ravage ""]
rock... and or roll
[Jun 14,2005 7:32pm - Hooker ""]
thems some big ass titties.
[Jun 14,2005 10:22pm - metalguy  ""]
[Jun 15,2005 12:50am - Al_Ravage ""]
metal guuuuy!
[Jun 15,2005 2:08pm - Al_Ravage ""]
where's my bourbon?
[Jun 15,2005 2:11pm - Al_Ravage ""]
oh, kuato got it
[Jun 15,2005 2:13pm - paganmegan ""]
this show is gonna rule everyone's lame ass
[Jun 15,2005 4:38pm - litacore ""]
and I'm tellin' my mom
[Jun 15,2005 4:41pm - Josh_Martin ""]
litacore said:and I'm tellin' my mom

You should introduce your mom to Larry and tell her he's your fiancee.
[Jun 15,2005 5:37pm - Al_Ravage ""]
Larry Appleton and Balki will be there
[Jun 16,2005 8:41am - Josh_Martin ""]
I saw Perfect Strangers last weekend. It was the one when they win the lottery and Balki forgets where he hid the ticket. Hilarity enuses.

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