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Middle East (Cambridge, Ma) - [abhorred][adolf_satan][hekseri][hirudinea][randomshots][ravage][ringers]
[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Jun 16,2005 8:50am - joe/notcommon ""]
Josh, you make this board a happy place.

[Jun 16,2005 11:28am - Josh_Martin ""]
The best part was when they eventually found the missing lottery ticket, it turned out Balki wrote down the numbers wrong and they didn't win after all.
That Balki, he's so crazy.
[Jun 17,2005 1:13pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Balki says


[Jun 17,2005 4:06pm - Josh_Martin ""]
One last bump for the weekend.
[Jun 17,2005 4:08pm - SuperFly ""]
looks like they're bumping balls
[Jun 17,2005 6:59pm - Al_Ravage ""]
I love the episode where Balki makes these native treats that everyone thinks are delicious...so Larry exploits him and makes him do catering... but they become so popular that Balki makes them too fast and they explode and destroy the appartment. What brilliant writing that show had.
[Jun 17,2005 11:23pm - Al_Ravage ""]

Just Desserts (2.3.88): Larry thinks a special Myposian dessert is a goldmine, until he discovers that the treats explode if they're not made just right.
[Jun 17,2005 11:25pm - Al_Ravage ""]

good album featuring balki and larry
[Jun 17,2005 11:25pm - Al_Ravage ""]
I think I've really lost it this time
[Jun 19,2005 8:55am - joe/notcommon ""]
Dio and Grind Fest tickets will be on sale tonight.
[Jun 19,2005 12:29pm - Al_Ravage ""]
I think this is the Dio grind fest.
[Jun 19,2005 4:34pm - carina in the car while rev drives  ""]
We're in manchester now....
[Jun 19,2005 4:50pm - ninkaszi  ""]
see you all tonight
[Jun 19,2005 6:50pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm at jonah's.
heading to this show around 9-ish.
[Jun 19,2005 9:36pm - the_reverend ""]
at the show now.

hekseri: played. I was running around outside trying to get in and stuff for the beginning of their set. then I got in finally and snapped some shots. the lighting is always hard to get used to at the middle east so please excuse the quality of this set... they were much more rushed, I think that they were much more on traget this show. they definitely had a lot more confidence on stage. Megan shredded a bunch of riffs so easily. I swear she made it look super easy. saddly, larrrrriiiiissssaaaa stayed in character for the whole set (well, what I was there for) so we didn't get a dish of the lita the librarian voice. megan seems to be the driving vocalist now. I swore that last time that larissa sang more. she did tell the stories in between the sets though. at some points, larissa's guitar cut out. I think one of her pedals wasn't set up right. when it was on what I assume was "pass thru" it sounded great, but she'd click it and the guitar would be gone.
[Jun 19,2005 10:58pm - the_reverend ""]
hirudinea: wow... that second song they played... wow... it's sort of been a bit since I've seen these guys. it's also been a really long time since I've seen them with sound that good. the last time I saw them on a wicked good system was at the metcafe. I think they only had 3 songs back them. the crowd was a toucher than the hekseri crowd. sucks cause they ruled and need to have something recorded beyond the boom-box demo that I got 3 years ago.

falafel sandwich take II: this was my second attempt at a falafel at this fine establishment. this time, I ordered it.. er.. larissa ordered it with extra humus. that tipped the scales. this sandwich was top notch. the extra humus made it like a party in my mouth. yeah!!!

abhorred: another great set. they sounded awesome. they plauyed all the songs that I like from them plus all the covers (at the end). race riot did sound good. at the end of their set, I put away my stuff and then the sound guy gave them another song... or two.. I think they played two cover songs. the crowd really got into that, including dwyer. funny to hear him on a mic. I think I reember hearing that he sung for a band.
[Jun 19,2005 11:49pm - the_reverend ""]
adolf satan: so... the near immortal larry lifeless has survived yet another show. this time, standing the ENTIRE set! their set ranks just below the last time I saw them. their sound was miced up really good. I think the only problem was the vocals were a bit quiet. Their new bass player looks a bit like dave (ichabod). he moved around A LOT on the stage. he was on the border line of having a nu-metal stamp going on. Josh has an interesting style when he plays, coming down the fret board towards the pick up similar to what bradness does in the noisier parts of CWAF. I would know the technical term for it.. but I know nothing of making music.
[Jun 20,2005 2:03am - the_reverend ""]
pictures shortly..
[Jun 20,2005 2:25am - paganmegan ""]
this show was a good time, playing in it alongside such awesome bands, and getting to hang out and thrash to said awesome bands. I really dug the lineup , and thought basically everyone played at their best or near to it. Ahh being drunk at 2:30 and knowing I need to be up for work in four hours. Nothing beats an adrenaline rush
Also, I joined necrobeast as their vocalist and second guitarist( effective when their current vocalist departs, so long as it doesn't interfere with hekseri) arghhhh
[Jun 20,2005 2:27am - the_reverend ""]
I'm drinking now.
mmm... cranberry...
[Jun 20,2005 2:27am - paganmegan ""]
oh and thanks to josh for putting this show together, to carina for taking pics before and during the set, and aaron for taking pics and to ben for the awesome exploding christ shirt.
I'm loaded
[Jun 20,2005 2:35am - the_reverend ""]
ravage: and thank you ravage for being... well, ravage. they are boston's premiere power metal band and harper's ferry headliner. they played a bunch of tracks off that new CD that I've never heard and the old tracks that I've heard over and over in mp3 form. (that is over and over again until they are drilled into my head). I think that their set was a little short, IMHO, but it was late by them. the front row of them was basically full of people that weren't upfront for all the other bands.
[Jun 20,2005 3:34am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
The last 2 ABHORRED songs were Corporation Pull-In (TERRORIZER) and Dethroned Emperor (CELTIC FROST).

Yeah, Aaron, I was actually a vocalist in 3 bands over the years; EVERYDAY DAMAGE (1986-1987), DEAD BEAT (1991-1992) and A TRAGEDY UNVEILED (1996-1998).
[Jun 20,2005 8:33am - SuperFly ""]
I feel like :moe:
[Jun 20,2005 8:34am - SuperFly ""]
great fucking show :doublehorns:
[Jun 20,2005 9:00am - warwhore ""]
what is it with me getting pulled over after Hekseri shows??? mutherfuckers! they got me again, this time for blowing a red light and speeding? i dont know...all i know is i gotta go to court sometime soon or i get stuck with a 300 hundred dollar ticket :(
[Jun 20,2005 9:01am - joe/notcommon ""]
Are you working today?
[Jun 20,2005 10:20am - KillerKadoogan ""]
awesome time

thanks aaron and carina for the pictures, and meghan for the use of the head, and josh for setting up the show an all that good stuff.

[Jun 20,2005 10:37am - Al_Ravage ""]
not a big crowd, but one of the most fun shows I've played or been to in a while. thanks to everyone for coming. I think a lot of the crowd went off clubbing with Kuato and didn't make it, but Kuato was assasinated by Benny in the early morning hours ... so he got his!
[Jun 20,2005 11:10am - litacore ""]
get yure ass to mahs
[Jun 20,2005 11:32am - dan.  ""]
due to really gay circumstances, i only caught 5 minutes of hekseri - brutal shit! wicked impressed, up to yesterday ive only heard you through your band room door! when you are playing next? i saw the next couple shows were canceled..
[Jun 20,2005 12:48pm - movetherabbit ""]
its a damn shame i missed this show, i'll have to catch you guys next time. i heard your set was intense. good job dudes.

pat _ mtr
[Jun 20,2005 1:11pm - litacore ""]
Hekseri's playing DD's in Quincy on July 23 for Anne Armageddon's going away benefit show


[Jun 20,2005 1:16pm - litacore ""]
warwhore said:what is it with me getting pulled over after Hekseri shows??? mutherfuckers! they got me again, this time for blowing a red light and speeding? i dont know...all i know is i gotta go to court sometime soon or i get stuck with a 300 hundred dollar ticket :(

dude you gotta move into town!
you live too near my parents in Marshfield, LOL :spineyes:
[Jun 20,2005 1:17pm - swamplorddvm ""]
My ears are fucked! THis show and MAnowar realy fucked my frigging ears. aaaaaahhh! The price I pay for Metal.
[Jun 20,2005 1:18pm - dan.  ""]
$6.66 ?
[Jun 20,2005 1:23pm - swamplorddvm ""]
You got it.
[Jun 20,2005 1:53pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Great show.
Thanks to everyone who played.
Thanks to Larrisa for the amp.
Thanks to Marsi for bringing that hot swedish chick.
[Jun 20,2005 2:39pm - litacore ""]
you're welcome Josh, you did my JCM900 proud
[Jun 20,2005 2:56pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
DVM, wear earplugs, like the smart people do!
[Jun 20,2005 2:57pm - ninkaszi  ""]
awesome time. hekseri, abhorred, and adolf satan were all awesome. thanks to abhorred for letting hirudinea use their equipment.

attn all bands: please check for a black zip up carry on bag with chords and most importantly our DISTORTION PEDAL in it. maybe someone picked it up by accident on the way out. please take a look around your stuff just in case. thanks.
[Jun 20,2005 6:18pm - bsv nli  ""]
[Jun 20,2005 6:45pm - ninkaszi  ""]
yeah i was looking for it after the show was over so i think somebody took it.
[Jun 21,2005 3:25pm - xMattx ""]
Dumbest band names in the world, adolf satan...wow
[Jun 21,2005 4:20pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
[Jun 21,2005 4:22pm - litacore ""]
[Jun 21,2005 4:22pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
[Jun 21,2005 4:25pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Jun 21,2005 4:27pm - Josh_Martin ""]

I was gonna type almost exactly the same thing.

But then I remembered that anyone dumb and gay enough to be straightedge isn't really worth responding to.
[Jun 21,2005 4:30pm - SuperFly ""]

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