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good vegetarian recipes

[Nov 30,2009 2:28pm - pam ""]
For real though, good for you on the weight loss, that's awesome...you filthy meat-eating neanderthal.
[Nov 30,2009 2:31pm - Martins ""]
Thanks! I'm looking for more vegetarian recipes but I can't really find anything as cool as that one google docs link.

The best thing is to just get a whole bunch of coconut oil and stir fry every vegetable you have in it.
[Nov 30,2009 2:31pm - blue ""]
Christ. You're worse than hoser about being veggie.
[Nov 30,2009 2:32pm - aril  ""]
I can feel the budding love in thi- oh wait, pams a woman.
[Nov 30,2009 2:33pm - Martins ""]
kiss me, blue.

At least I'm not calling you faggots for not eating meat. Just saying some real shit
[Nov 30,2009 2:34pm - pam ""]

blue said:Christ. You're worse than hoser about being veggie.

Me? I'm really not. I don't give a flying fuck what other people eat with the exception of my children and I feed them meat.
[Nov 30,2009 2:35pm - pam ""]
oh nevermind. I see what you did there.
[Nov 30,2009 2:36pm - pam ""]

aril said:I can feel the budding love in thi- oh wait, pams a woman.

Pfff you know I love all you assholes, for some reason.
[Nov 30,2009 2:38pm - Martins ""]
He's calling me gay.
[Nov 30,2009 2:39pm - aril  ""]
Who, me?
[Nov 30,2009 2:40pm - Martins ""]
You're gay?
[Nov 30,2009 2:43pm - aril  ""]
[Nov 30,2009 2:44pm - Martins ""]
Damn, it was worth a shot.
[Nov 30,2009 2:47pm - arktouros ""]

pam said:I could crack your skull with my thighs...


dudes. exercise and eat fruits and veggies with other sensible foods. eat less to burn body fat. designer diets are lame.

exercise, exercise, exercise!!! humans have the best endurance in the entire animal kingdom because our early ancestors busted their ass for a meal with teamwork and endurance as their only weapons. take advantage of what your body can do!!! exercise and all will follow, you will want to eat better foods.

the advent of early humanoids cooking (meat especially) had a lot to do with our evolution. vegetarianism is a great alternative and works for many, but it doesn't mean eating healthy, and i eat meat for so many reasons that i could never swear it off. the fact that going veg is frowned upon by doctors for babies and young children says a lot. sure there are so many nutritional substitutes for meat but... well anyway...

[Nov 30,2009 2:49pm - Martins ""]
Exercise isn't AS important as you're making it out to be but it's still good to engage in medium level aerobic activity and a whole lot of lifting heavy things.
[Nov 30,2009 3:08pm - aril  ""]
Do the Michael phelps diet.
[Nov 30,2009 3:23pm - arktouros ""]

Martins said:Exercise isn't AS important as you're making it out to be but it's still good to engage in medium level aerobic activity and a whole lot of lifting heavy things.

Oh man Martins. I'm almost shedding a tear here. Exercise is THE answer to everything. For one thing, if exercise isn't the key component to a diet, it's not a diet.

IMHO, it's the key component to a good life. No matter what eating regimen you do, if a large amount of exercise isn't involved, strenuous or casual, your body doesn't put that food to work. Eating the best foods in the world does not make you healthy if you breathe heavy by the time you make it to the top of the stairs.

The psychological benefits of exercise completely outweigh the psychological benefits of eating nuts & berries & butter all day. With the benefits of exercise, you won't want to eat shitty food. Granted I love bacon, cheese, and extremely heavy beer... but living an active lifestyle and being sensible about what I eat, making sure I fit in a lot of natural foods, I'd say I'm in good shape and I have been my whole life. I think that genetics and especially the eating habits one is raised with have a something to do with it. That's why different regimens work for different people.

But exercise should be the absolute first step to anybody's health. Faster metabolism, more fulfilling sleep, better waste processing, more direct bodily use of nutrients...on and on...the body is meant to be used and used well.
[Nov 30,2009 3:26pm - pam at school  ""]
Exercise is just a conspiracy by Big Exercise.
[Nov 30,2009 3:28pm - Martins the leading dietary expert in the USA  ""]
Lol hey gauyz sorry haha I just guess Im right haha works for me works for you lol haha yea I'm an expert haha lol gauyz Jesus was in good shape and he didn't exercise lol jahaha
[Nov 30,2009 3:29pm - Martins ""]
Well bacon is great for you and cheese, if it weren't for the lactose and casein, is also great for you!
I clearly don't disagree that exercise is something that needs to happen...because it does. I just think it isn't the end all be all. It is what rounds off a diet. Body composition is controlled mostly by diet and improved through exercise. It is by no means the first step, though. If you're eating a high carb diet and working out, you deplete the glycogen stores in your muscles and liver - your body then says holy fuck I need more fast burning carbs, not the more efficient slow burning fat, I need it now! Then you get cravings for carby food and your fat gets stored in the fat cells instead of being used. Nevermind the insulin shock that causes it all. If you eat a high fat low carb diet, THAT'S when exercise is the most beneficial.
[Nov 30,2009 3:30pm - Martins ""]

pam%20at%20school said:Exercise is just a conspiracy by Big Exercise.

False, the aliens.
[Nov 30,2009 3:35pm - pam at school  ""]
[Nov 30,2009 3:38pm - Martins ""]
And clearly I exercise. How else would I have gained ten pounds of muscle?
[Nov 30,2009 3:39pm - arktouros ""]
Masturbation isn't bad depending on how much work you put into it!
[Nov 30,2009 3:40pm - aril  ""]
You haven't exercised until you can see your penis when you stand up.
[Nov 30,2009 3:44pm - Martins ""]
Um, so then I guess I've exercised?
[Nov 30,2009 3:50pm - pam at school  ""]

Martins said:And clearly I exercise. How else would I have gained ten pounds of muscle?

[Nov 30,2009 3:52pm - Martins ""]
maybe but I don't take any extra protein or anything. All comes from meat, eggs, and some dairy.
[Nov 30,2009 3:55pm - ?  ""]
Čürįøūś Fāttÿ
[Nov 30,2009 3:56pm - Martins ""]
thats me!
[Nov 30,2009 5:29pm - Glace ""]
I've been vegetarian since I was very little. My parents were very forward thinking and were very against CAFO meat.
[Nov 30,2009 10:42pm - dunwich ""]
I made curried chickpeas in pitas with peppers and onions the other day...I'd post a recipe but I just threw it together on the fly and there isn't much to it. Ratatouille is also really easy to make. Some of the veggie burger recipes on this site are worthwhile:

[Nov 30,2009 10:46pm - xanonymousx ""]
i could go for a black bean burger right now.
[Dec 1,2009 12:09am - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
i like my vegitarians medium rare
[Dec 1,2009 12:14am - pam ""]
Just bookmarked this. Totally this time of year:
[Dec 1,2009 12:15am - pam ""]
^+potatoes. That shit needs potatoes.
[Dec 1,2009 12:16am - pam ""]
Also awesome:
[Dec 1,2009 12:17am - the_reverend ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:I know what you're saying, I'm not syaing anything against it all. I should have said IN MY OPINION, taking fish oils negates being a vegetarian, since you have to kill the fish to get the oils. This is turning into a completely different debate now since Aaron read what I typed wrong, or some shit.
eat a bag of dicks.
[Dec 1,2009 12:18am - the_reverend ""]

Martins said:
brian_dc said:Earth Balance margarine

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 Tbsp
Amount per Serving
Calories 100 Calories from Fat 99
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 11g 17%
Saturated Fat 3.5g 18%
Monounsaturated Fat 3.5g
Polyunsaturated Fat 3.5g
Trans Fat 0g
Sodium 120mg 5%
Total Carbohydrate 0g 0%
Dietary Fiber 0g 0%
Protein 0g 0%
Vitamin E 10%
Est. Percent of Calories from:
Fat 99.0% Carbs 0.0%
Protein 0.0%

Yeah, have you seen the ingredients. That shit's the worst for you. I'm not saying LOL ALL FAT'S GOOD FOR YOU. I'm saying there's an incorrect stigma thanks to the low-fat craze started by Ancel Keys and his fraud of a study.

[Dec 1,2009 12:20am - the_reverend ""]

pam said:Same goes for the boy child. My main concern is raising them to not think they need to eat meat for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday. I have no intentions of bringing up two fat, stupid American kids with cholesterol problems.
[Dec 21,2009 1:43am - xanonymousx ""]
bryant terry's cookbook
30 min vegan cookbook

petas college cookbook
[Dec 21,2009 7:59am - succubus ""]
a website/blog i really like is:
i've made a few recipes for aaron thanks to this site..some faves are:
Zucchini Ricotta Cheesecake
Sweet Potato Pot Pies
Baked Pasta Casserole
Plump Pea Dumplings

seriously..a lot of interesting and yummy recipes..
[Dec 21,2009 9:59am - Hoser ""]
Vegetarians = Dumb people who follow fads/trends. America is the only country full of veggie idiots because our media is the most powerful in the world. "Ya, I'm so manly, but please hold the meat." Gimme a break...this is why every other country laughs at us. Imagine what would have happened to the human race without meat. EXTINCT. Now get off of your media friendly hobby horses and start being men again!

[Dec 21,2009 10:04am - arilliusbm ""]
I go by taste, nothing else. If it's a fried human and tastes good, so be it.
[Dec 21,2009 10:22am - Murph ""]

Hoser said:Vegetarians = Dumb people who follow fads/trends. America is the only country full of veggie idiots because our media is the most powerful in the world. "Ya, I'm so manly, but please hold the meat." Gimme a break...this is why every other country laughs at us. Imagine what would have happened to the human race without meat. EXTINCT. Now get off of your media friendly hobby horses and start being men again!

I'll have what he's having.
[Dec 21,2009 10:28am - yummies in sudbury  ""]

Hoser said:Vegetarians = Dumb people who follow fads/trends. America is the only country full of veggie idiots because our media is the most powerful in the world. "Ya, I'm so manly, but please hold the meat." Gimme a break...this is why every other country laughs at us. Imagine what would have happened to the human race without meat. EXTINCT. Now get off of your media friendly hobby horses and start being men again!

but have you ever tried a vegetarian meal?
or are you one of those people who won't because it doesn't sound good to you without a piece of steak, whatever the case is i respect your opinion.
[Dec 21,2009 11:07am - deathchick ""]
I've been vegetarian for 15 years, vegan for 13. It's not for a trend. I'm respectful of others and I don't shove my morals down people's throats.

But anyway, I eat well and I feel very healthy.
[Dec 21,2009 11:27am - Hoser ""]
Dammit, you guys are supposed to get all butthurt and start bitching at me. No fun.

Ya, I could care less what you eat, really. I could never do it though...I love meat toooooo much.
[Dec 21,2009 12:10pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm a veggie cause hayden panettiere is.
[Dec 21,2009 12:57pm - succubus ""]
the thread is for posting recipes

succubus said:a website/blog i really like is:
i've made a few recipes for aaron thanks to this site..some faves are:
Zucchini Ricotta Cheesecake
Sweet Potato Pot Pies
Baked Pasta Casserole
Plump Pea Dumplings

seriously..a lot of interesting and yummy recipes..

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