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SUFFOCATION w/Throwing Shrapnel, Porphyria, & Sacreligion July 29th @ Goodtimes Buy tickets from us!

[show listing]  ________________________________________________
[Jun 17,2006 5:02pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

Throwing Shrapnel will be playing with Suffocation, Porphyria and Sacreligion @ Goodtimes in Somerville, Ma. sorry to say this is 21+

also were selling our cd along with a tickets

Tickets are $15
w/ BLACK $20

Buy them from us at
or email us at
high54cancer@yahoo.com keithmutiny@hotmail.com

cut and paste rules
[Jun 17,2006 5:09pm - Blue ""]
[Jun 17,2006 5:10pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
shouldnt you be combing your hair
[Jun 17,2006 5:12pm - Blue ""]
i just finished my hourly groom.

and may i add that i cant wait to see what 5 nu metal bands get added to this show.
[Jun 17,2006 5:13pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
hourly, goddamn blue

and shh im hoping they stop doing that since suffocation is on tour alone.
[Jun 17,2006 6:25pm - RichHorror ""]
Who made that flyer?
[Jun 17,2006 7:20pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i believe keifer batman did
[Jun 17,2006 7:21pm - RichHorror ""]
hahaha, Keith doesn't know how to spell his own band's name. No wonder crime in Gotham City runs rampant.
[Jun 17,2006 7:22pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
yeah the new Throwing Shrapnal cd is available, it could be worse man weve had it spelt all kinda ways.
[Jun 17,2006 7:23pm - blue ""]
[Jun 17,2006 7:24pm - RichHorror ""]
Buy tickets from TS so Keith can finally be taught how to read and spell. Every donation helps.
[Jun 17,2006 7:27pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
blue said:CRAPnel

werent you in raising kubrick, oh i mean arent you in Borphyria
[Jun 17,2006 7:29pm - blue ""]
no, it was blazing poopdick.
[Jun 17,2006 7:33pm - RichHorror ""]
Blue was in Raising Arizona.
[Jun 17,2006 7:34pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
RichHorror said:Blue was in Raising Arizona.

you leave the gods of all movies outta this.
[Jun 17,2006 8:26pm - BornSoVile ""]
Someone tell Bernie to call me back. I'm tired of leaving him voice mails.
[Jun 17,2006 8:49pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
BornSoVile said:Someone tell Bernie to call me back. I'm tired of leaving him voice mails.

what are y'all jumping on this too.
[Jun 17,2006 8:49pm - BornSoVile ""]
Not sure, depends on what spot we get.
[Jun 17,2006 8:51pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
well i'd rather have y'all on it then a nu metal or worse band. so find out
[Jun 17,2006 10:08pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ya i made the flyer quick then i realised after i printed it and was walking out the door that i spelled our name wrong down the bottom, but whatever, its all the same.
[Jun 18,2006 12:45am - fishcakes ""]
[Jun 18,2006 12:46am - RichHorror ""]
What happened?
[Jun 18,2006 12:52am - fishcakes ""]
RichHorror said:Buy tickets from TS so Keith can finally be taught how to read and spell. Every donation helps.

I am going to so I can get my shirt from kieth
[Jun 18,2006 12:53am - fishcakes ""]
RichHorror said:What happened?

we didn't want to pay $750 to play
[Jun 18,2006 12:53am - RichHorror ""]
Good lawd!
[Jun 18,2006 1:04am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
50 tickets at 15 bucks a piece yup, kinda retarded. if more bands get added we might drop from this, not worth getting into a huge competition over playing with suffocation to pony up that type of dough.
[Jun 18,2006 1:06am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, that's nutty.
[Jun 18,2006 2:11am - KeithMutiny ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:50 tickets at 15 bucks a piece yup, kinda retarded. if more bands get added we might drop from this, not worth getting into a huge competition over playing with suffocation to pony up that type of dough.

whats he said...

i refuse to fight with bands that are trying to sell thier share of tickets to the same people, its not worth it, for us, or the people buying them.
[Jun 18,2006 2:54pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
bah...there's plenty of people who would go see suffocation you just gotta find em...and make em buy tickets
[Jun 18,2006 2:55pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Blue said:and may i add that i cant wait to see what 5 nu metal bands get added to this show.

well you only need to look for 4 since we're playing...ha HA! :shocker:
[Jun 18,2006 4:20pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i think Blue meant 5 more nu metal bands added to the show
[Jun 18,2006 4:42pm - BornSoVile ""]
It's easy to sell tickets, just sucks that when you sell the most you still get stuck with a set in the middle of the lineup which will naturally get cut short. Doesn't help when almost half of your fans were effected by security and are hesitant to go back to the venue.
[Jun 18,2006 4:43pm - Jugulator ""]
This will be the next metal show I'll be attending.And I'll get a ticket at the door.
[Jun 18,2006 4:48pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Jugulator said:This will be the next metal show I'll be attending.And I'll get a ticket at the door.

way to help out the local bands :middlefinger:
[Jun 18,2006 4:53pm - Jugulator ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:Jugulator said:This will be the next metal show I'll be attending.And I'll get a ticket at the door.

way to help out the local bands :middlefinger:

HA HA HA!!! I knew Id get a response like that.Who knows? Maybe I will get a ticket in advance.But if I reveal my identity I might get murdered:skull:

[Jun 18,2006 4:54pm - RichHorror ""]
No one cares about you enough to kill you.
[Jun 18,2006 5:01pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
no but it would help us, porphyria or sac out
[Jun 18,2006 9:40pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
right? what a douche!
[Jun 19,2006 2:28am - everpessimistnow ""]
try e-mailing bernie, that seems to work.
[Jun 19,2006 2:52am - everpessimistnow ""]
and this looks like a good show, keep it up guys :-D
[Jun 19,2006 9:04pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
mmm hmm
[Jun 19,2006 11:21pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
you're god damn right it is

^^^bringin some sic mosh ayayayay!
[Jun 21,2006 12:18pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Jun 21,2006 3:15pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
you let me worry about that
[Jun 21,2006 3:18pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
worry, who, why, what are we talking about here. it better be about frosties or cookies cause if im not well im not talking about it.
[Jun 21,2006 3:21pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
that doesn't make any sense
[Jun 21,2006 3:23pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
yes it does
[Jun 21,2006 3:26pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
in the sense that frosties and cookies are good...yes

in relation to bringing them out of nowhere..........yes

gyar i don't know what i'm doing
[Jun 21,2006 3:26pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
see frosties and cookies were still discussed and the world is now a better place.

fuck people who dont die for cookies or frosties.
[Jun 21,2006 11:29pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i want a frosty and cookies...i'd mix em together to make froskies

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