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SUFFOCATION w/Throwing Shrapnel, Porphyria, & Sacreligion July 29th @ Goodtimes Buy tickets from us!

[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Jul 9,2006 10:18pm - vomitthesoul ""]
BornSoVile said:$5

Ok thanks
[Jul 10,2006 12:22am - sacreligion ""]
hoo rah
[Jul 11,2006 2:55am - sacreligion ""]
i got a raging semi when i just remembered this show
[Jul 11,2006 10:52pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jul 12,2006 2:30pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
it's our last local show till aug 18th

come out and hoooray
[Jul 12,2006 7:34pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Jul 12,2006 7:47pm - anonymous  ""]

[Jul 12,2006 7:50pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i didn't realize they made thongs in super size
[Jul 12,2006 7:50pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
we do have a logo ya know...no big deal though
[Jul 12,2006 8:09pm - anonymous  ""]
yeah but it has a gradient and 14 billion outlines ;)
[Jul 12,2006 8:32pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
good point...i have an easier one to work with at my mom's house(transparent and a flat red w/ white)...but unfortunately i have yet to burn all that artwork onto a cd and transfer it to this computer
[Jul 12,2006 9:29pm - PryoryofSyn ""]
what about the MARKS SHOWPLACE show the day before?
Who's going to that? Thats a cooler place to hang out after the show that Good times. Unless you're a pedophile.

ok I'll be @ goodtimes.
[Jul 13,2006 12:24am - anonymous  ""]
[Jul 13,2006 12:25am - Rick Flair  ""]
Selling tickets is gayer than wrestling. Whooooooooooooo!!!
[Jul 13,2006 3:18am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
your point would be valid if you spelled Ric right

i don't care what your argument is
[Jul 13,2006 6:42pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
not only the misspelling of ric flair but i dont think he says who, but rather woo.

so yeah this show is gonna rule, if you miss it you have sex with emo phillips

you dont want that, so go to this show :middlefinger:
[Jul 13,2006 8:48pm - porphyria  ""]
anonymous said:[img]


[Jul 14,2006 10:59pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Jul 17,2006 1:49pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
up up and away
[Jul 17,2006 2:19pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i am anxiously anticipating this
[Jul 17,2006 4:27pm - VomittingCarcass ""]
if you dont get the new throwing sharpnel and listen to it 67943 times before going you are poser. too bad you, SS, missed the omnipotent death discharge of the Soul Remnants. you were almost a legendary bad ass.

[Jul 17,2006 8:18pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ha yeah we were recording our new record, and the miss already let me have it for being a jerk and missing it. next time ill be there front and center for the onslaught of both bands.
[Jul 18,2006 12:31am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:[img]

[Jul 18,2006 12:45am - Tommy DeVito  ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:not only the misspelling of ric flair but i dont think he says who, but rather woo.

so yeah this show is gonna rule, if you miss it you have sex with emo phillips

you dont want that, so go to this show :middlefinger:

If I miss this show I am going to not support pay to play. Go fuck your mother you stuttering prick!
[Jul 18,2006 12:48am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Tommy DeVito said:
If I miss this show I am going to not support pay to play. Go fuck your mother you stuttering prick!

haha uh oh
[Jul 18,2006 12:49am - Tommy DeVito  ""]
Hey, what are you still doing here? Didn't I tell you to go fuck your mother?
[Jul 18,2006 12:49am - RichHorror ""]
Sean is multi-tasking.
[Jul 18,2006 12:50am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
im amazingly skilled in the arts of interweb and motherfucking.

say do you like chocolate covered pretzels
[Jul 18,2006 12:52am - Tommy DeVito  ""]
In this day and age, what the fuck is this world coming to? I can't believe this, prejudice against - a Jew broad - prejudice against Italians.
[Jul 18,2006 12:55am - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 18,2006 1:28pm - Tommy DeVito  ""]
What's really funny is, the fucking bank job away in Seacaucus. I'm in the middle of the fucking weeds laying down. He comes over and says, what are you doing? I said, I'm resting. Here, you're resting? Go to the fucking beach or the park. I said i'm rest-- I know I'm resting. I'm resting. They pull me in, they start giving me all kinds of questions, you know, this and that. He says, oh, so what are you gonna tell us, tough guy? I said, my usual, zero, nothing, I tell you... The fuck. He says no, you're gonna tell us something today, tough guy. I said alright, I'll tell you something, go fuck your mother. Bing, pow, boom, bing. You saw the paper, Anthony. My head was out like this, the prick. So now, I'm coming around, you know, all I see in front of me, this big prick again. He says, oh, what do you wanna tell me now, tough guy? I said, bing, what are you still doing here, I thought I told you to go fuck your mother. I thought he was gonna shit. Pow, boom, bing. The fuckers.
[Jul 18,2006 1:31pm - the_reverend ""]
worst impression ever...
well, I actually heard one this bad at obriens
[Jul 19,2006 12:14pm - vomitthesoul ""]
What time you think Suffocation will be hitting the stage? Im only interested in seeing them
[Jul 19,2006 12:22pm - hoser ""]
Suffocation goes on at 7:30
[Jul 19,2006 12:24pm - sacreligion ""]
he ain't lyin!
[Jul 19,2006 12:26pm - vomitthesoul ""]
HA HA!! Real funny.Suffocation is headlining.Why the fuck would they go on first? Plus the show dont start til 8
[Jul 19,2006 12:27pm - powerkok ""]
show starts at 7.
do the math.
[Jul 19,2006 12:27pm - RichHorror ""]
You are on a message board populated by every band on the bill other than Suffocation. I have this odd feeling that they aren't going to let you know how to skip seeing all of their bands.
[Jul 19,2006 12:32pm - powerkok ""]
I think Richard of the Horror is quite correct.
[Jul 19,2006 1:09pm - vomitthesoul ""]
Ive seen enough suckass local bands to last me a lifetime.Thats why I just Im going to see this only to see Suffocation.Heres a list of the awful ones for ya:

PD Saints
Black Stone Valley Crew
Bodice Ripper
Blackout Frenzy
Shroud of Bereavment
Red Right Hand
Terrible night for a curse
Raising Kubrick
Shadows Fall
Meliah Rage
Suicide Contest
Hand Choke neck
Hyper Solid

Theres more but I cant remember who they are right now
[Jul 19,2006 1:19pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
Quit bitching and see all the bands.
[Jul 19,2006 1:35pm - sacreligion ""]
vomitthesoul said:Ive seen enough suckass local bands to last me a lifetime.Thats why I just Im going to see this only to see Suffocation.Heres a list of the awful ones for ya:

PD Saints
Black Stone Valley Crew
Bodice Ripper
Blackout Frenzy
Shroud of Bereavment
Red Right Hand
Terrible night for a curse
Raising Kubrick
Shadows Fall
Meliah Rage
Suicide Contest
Hand Choke neck
Hyper Solid

Theres more but I cant remember who they are right now

so you went to one sayonara summer fest and think that you don't have to sit through local bands anymore? :whipper:
[Jul 19,2006 1:42pm - mcmahon ""]
sacreligion said:so you went to one sayonara summer fest and think that you don't have to sit through local bands anymore? :whipper:

[Jul 19,2006 1:42pm - dwellingsickness ""]
oh no......Vomitthesoul is not JUGULATOR is HE?. Sounds just like one of his stupid fuckin posts
[Jul 19,2006 2:10pm - powerkok ""]
SWEEET....we made the list!!!

Any locals you saw and liked?
Wait, I dont care.
[Jul 19,2006 3:45pm - Hooker nli  ""]
I... actually might go to this. Dear god.
[Jul 19,2006 4:44pm - KeithMutiny ""]
we didnt make the "awful" list, i feel so loved.
[Jul 19,2006 8:50pm - vomitthesoul ""]
Heres couple others that blow:

Red Chord
Powerman 5000

Heres a few I like:

Saints in Hell
Slight of Mind
[Jul 19,2006 8:56pm - powerkok ""]
I see you having a greying skirted eggshell.
[Jul 19,2006 9:02pm - vomitthesoul ""]
All you people here get pissed at me because I like to speak my mind.Its not just the local scene that sucks but the whole godamn fucking country's scene in general.So deal with my opinions:middlefinger:

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