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SUFFOCATION w/Throwing Shrapnel, Porphyria, & Sacreligion July 29th @ Goodtimes Buy tickets from us!

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Jul 19,2006 9:22pm - powerkok ""]
hahahahaha...you are digging yourself deeper into a thrash hole.
All metal sucks now?
Why the fuck are you here???
[Jul 19,2006 9:23pm - powerkok ""]
And you didnt deny the skirted eggshell....so I will assume it is true.

Im not pissed at all, you make me laugh.
[Jul 19,2006 9:25pm - hoser ""]
I giggle at his idiocy...
[Jul 19,2006 9:26pm - hoser ""]
"Hi, I LOVVVEE CSDO, so basically I'm 60, a widower, have a Bayou Mullet, and I love pickled pig's feet...."

What the hell is wrong with you vomitface??
[Jul 19,2006 10:43pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
boobs boobs boobs boobs giggley giggley giggley boobs boobs boobs
[Jul 20,2006 12:03am - ScumGrief77 ""]
Ok, So this is where you turds are all hanging out at..lol

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