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[Jan 16,2007 9:29am - passerby  ""]
Well here we
5. Incubus-they may have lost their edge but was anybody as heavy as them when New Skin came out? Didn't think so
4. Papa Roach- Bridged the most important gap ever. Rap and metal and did it Flawlessly
3. Disturbed-Incredibly innovative band. Need
i say more.....
2.Metallica-Load and reload to me are like use your illusion 1+2 or the double disc the wall. Just full of surprises
1.Chevelle-even though we haven't heard alot from them lately I hear there are gonna be some intense solo's on the upcoming record.
Please leave your feedback
It was so hard not to put linkin park and children of bodom on their but after all this is only a top five, and not a top 7!!!!!!!
Also I'm looking to start a band if anyone who needs a good true metal guitarist
[Jan 16,2007 9:32am - Memphis Red  ""]
This is a joke right?
[Jan 16,2007 9:36am - passerby  ""]
We all have our own tastes. Please don't disrespect mine. This thread is open to all genres and no is not a joke man
[Jan 16,2007 9:38am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
obviously a joke... valiant attempt though
[Jan 16,2007 9:43am - passerby  ""]
I obviously listen to differant music than you but it doesn't make my taste better or worse. Post your top five list and keep this thread alive
[Jan 16,2007 9:47am - Ryan_M ""]
I refuse to believe that after 30+ years of thousands of metal bands playing hundreds of different styles all over the globe, your top 5 are mid-late 90's American alternative rock-radio whores.
Stop it. It's not funny.
[Jan 16,2007 9:49am - aaron_michael ""]
passerby said:I obviously listen to differant music

[Jan 16,2007 9:56am - passerby  ""]
the 90's to me were the best years cause bands did whatever they wanted. You know freedom jsut like the country you live in. Instead of fixing my grammatical errors post your top five
[Jan 16,2007 10:01am - the_reverend ""]
aaron, maybe he's southern?
[Jan 16,2007 10:16am - HostileTakeover ""]
[Jan 16,2007 10:18am - HostileTakeover ""]
did i mention that my favorite bands are Click 5, YellowCard, Alien ANt Farm! lol......you gotta be kidding me!
[Jan 16,2007 10:18am - aaron_michael ""]
passerby said: jsut


1. slayer
2. black sabbath
3. deicide
4. exodus
4. metallica/pantera
[Jan 16,2007 10:19am - passerby  ""]
I am completely flustered with the notion that i'm the laughing stock of this board. I'm entitled to my own tastes and i don't see what the big deal is. I like COB and they're no 90's mainstream.
[Jan 16,2007 10:26am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 16,2007 10:28am - HostileTakeover ""]
Whats cob??
[Jan 16,2007 10:29am - passerby  ""]
Alien Ant farm aren't that bad. I supposed you're in a ballsy metal band better than the ones i listed. Please, gimme a break man
[Jan 16,2007 10:36am - Yeti ""]
dont play innocent like you had no idea that people were going to attack you for listing those bands. of course you are entitled to your own opinion, but so are those who feel those bands suck. dont post something like that and be a weenie about people who differ in opinion.

my list would go like this:

Type O Negative
Dimmu Borgir

now i know what people feel about some of those bands, but they are entitled to express hate as much as i am entitled to express my liking.
[Jan 16,2007 10:44am - passerby  ""]
Well you know what then....Ain't typo a mainstream band that sold out for the radio? How do you like that brutal attack. Not fun with the shoe on the other foot bucko. COB is without a doubt the Children of Bodom
[Jan 16,2007 10:47am - Yeti ""]
close, but no. and trust me, you arent saying anything that hasnt been said 1000 times. see previous post.
[Jan 16,2007 10:56am - Eli ""]
Well i dont want to sound like a dickhead, but whether these bands are good or not; its just plain fact that Incubus(at least the one you're talking about) is not Metal. Neither is Papa Roach(rock/rap sure, not metal/rap). Neither is Chevelle by any sense, and Disturbed...well I dont like them but i havent heard enough to say if they're Metal or not.

here's my top 5:
1. Judas Priest (want innovation? judas priest practically made heavy metal)
2. Judas Priest
3. Iron Maiden(the first three albums especially)
4. Judas Priest
5. Ronnie James Dio

[Jan 16,2007 10:57am - passerby  ""]
close but yes. Sorry but I am probably the most diverse person here. I can listen to Kelly clarkson then rock out to some slipknot. Don't even get me started. If you haven't listend to the bands I've mentioned then you really don't appreciate music in its purest form. Why do you think they sell so many records compared to the bands you like. I think record sales show what a band is all about
[Jan 16,2007 10:58am - HostileTakeover ""]
no actually we suck balls! CHeck us out and let us know how bad we suck!
[Jan 16,2007 11:05am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
the 80's thrash band Incubus is the metal.

my list is pretty similar to Yeti's except I like Nevermore more than Dimmu Borgir. and my order of likingness is different.
[Jan 16,2007 11:05am - passerby  ""]
You guys aren't the cats pajamas. you're ok. You're nothing creed hasn't already done 10x over. Seriously....I named platinum bands. How can you even argue with me. How many records have you guys sold. Seriously give me a # or shut up. I bet zero. Prove me wrong
[Jan 16,2007 11:07am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
passerby said:You guys aren't the cats pajamas. you're ok. You're nothing creed hasn't already done 10x over. Seriously....I named platinum bands. How can you even argue with me. How many records have you guys sold. Seriously give me a # or shut up. I bet zero. Prove me wrong

dont come here talking about record sales. you are such a homo.

[Jan 16,2007 11:09am - anonymous  ""]
No gamma ray, or running wild Eli?
A while back.. I heard someone say "Eli is Mr. Gamma Ray" @ one of J's parties..

To clarify, do you mean the first 3 albums, or the first 3 with dickinson?
Paul Di'anno must never be confused with Dickinson. It's impossible
[Jan 16,2007 11:14am - Cecchini ""]
joke or not, the fact that there really are people with this dudes tastes/views on music means that mainstream music will continue to be awful for a longgggg longggggggg time.
[Jan 16,2007 11:40am - Eli ""]
anonymous said:No gamma ray, or running wild Eli?
A while back.. I heard someone say "Eli is Mr. Gamma Ray" @ one of J's parties..

To clarify, do you mean the first 3 albums, or the first 3 with dickinson?
Paul Di'anno must never be confused with Dickinson. It's impossible

Well, I still like Gamma Ray and they rock; but to be honest, when you take Gamma Ray as a whole and Judas Priest or any of those other bands I mentioned as a whole, Gamma Ray doesnt even compare.
As for Maiden, dont get me wrong, Maiden with Dickinson and Maiden with Di'anno are two different things. Im talking about the first three Maiden albums(Iron Maiden, Killers, Number of the Beast). Generally speaking those albums are just the best three albums they've ever put out(to me at least). The first two just rocked NWOBHM and then Number of the Beast was sort of an innovation on their sound and the metal scene in general.
[Jan 16,2007 11:43am - Eli ""]
who are you by the way?

And this whole post HAS to be a joke, becuase who takes albums sales as credibility? Guess who has probably sold more records than any of those bands combined? Britney Spears. Yea she's genious. Watch out Mozart, here comes Britney Spears.
[Jan 16,2007 11:46am - passerby  ""]
You have to go with what sells. Sorry. I'm still waitin for tough guy to tell me how many records he's sold if any.
[Jan 16,2007 11:50am - Cecchini ""]
passerby said:You have to go with what sells. Sorry. I'm still waitin for tough guy to tell me how many records he's sold if any.

Elvis has outsold everyone, he is the true King of metal
[Jan 16,2007 11:51am - aaron_michael ""]
passerby said:close but yes. Sorry but I am probably the most diverse person here. I can listen to Kelly clarkson then rock out to some slipknot.

from one radio station to the next.
wicked diverse.
[Jan 16,2007 11:53am - passerby  ""]
We're talkin metal here and the 5 bands I listed are bankin boku record sales and boku bucks. How can you even argue with the validity of my list. It speaks for itself.
[Jan 16,2007 11:55am - aaron_michael ""]
passerby said:We're talkin metal here and the 5 bands I listed are bankin boku record sales and boku bucks. How can you even argue with the validity of my list. It speaks for itself.

I'm now convince this poster is fake.

[Jan 16,2007 11:56am - Cecchini ""]
well, your metal list had incubus on it which was never, ever metal. and Elvis did a ton of hard drugs and banged a shitload of bitches, thus making him way more metal than incubus who smoke pot and bang little girls with unshaven armpits.
[Jan 16,2007 11:57am - Eli ""]
haha yea
[Jan 16,2007 12:11pm - passerby  ""]
Metal is not limited to your perception. There are many many did i mention many types of metal in differant classifications. The only thing fake is your perception of metal in all its forms. Please save posts for people who want to list their top 5 bands and I bet you'll see 1 if not all of my top 5 listed on other lists.
[Jan 16,2007 12:25pm - atthehaunted ""]
This is probably one of the funniest threads ever made. I think this should have been the joke thread of 2007.
[Jan 16,2007 12:27pm - Granny_Monster ""]
passerby said:Please save posts for people who want to list their top 5 bands and I bet you'll see 1 if not all of my top 5 listed on other lists.

Although I too despise the bands you listed, I do see where you're coming from and have no problem with it. To each their own, you know?
HOWEVER, the statement I quoted from you is just ridiculous. Ignorant, even. You may not realize it, but this forum is mostly geared towards more underground extreme metal acts, not Top 40 nu metal mallrat tripe.

That said, here's mine (in no particular order):

+ Sodom
+ Carcass
+ Bathory
+ Death
+ Kreator

[Jan 16,2007 12:30pm - passerby  ""]
Incubus was a badassed band at one point. That is a fact.
[Jan 16,2007 12:34pm - dale  ""]
It will end in pure Horror
Throwing Shrapnel
Animal Rampage
[Jan 16,2007 12:34pm - 123  ""]
3.iron maiden
2.metallica (like it or not)
1. judas fuckin priest (they invented heavy metal)
[Jan 16,2007 12:38pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
dale said:It will end in pure Horror
Throwing Shrapnel
Animal Rampage


[Jan 16,2007 12:39pm - HeavensJail ""]
this is a troll thread, but an extremely well-done troll thread, so here is the damn cookie:

in alphabetical order:
- Agalloch
- Atheist
- Death
- Kreator
- Primordial
[Jan 16,2007 12:43pm - Yeti ""]
haha dude if you think that your point is proven by record sales, you are sadly brainwashed by corporate america. if you listen to something based solely on how many records they sell, then you arent listening to the music because you like it, you are listening to it because you think it makes you cool. you can scream at me about how stupid i am because i think every band you listed is pure garbage, but it doesnt make a difference to me. you are not original for the argument you put forward, you are only restating what has been said 100000 times. feel free to berate and spew your bullshit, you are only further proving my point. i like what i like, and i hate what you like, and its my fucking right to do so. cry me a fucking river. and ripping on my band isnt going to make a bit of difference either.
[Jan 16,2007 12:44pm - fishcakes ""]
[Jan 16,2007 12:48pm - Granny_Monster ""]
passerby said:Incubus was a badassed band at one point. That is a fact.

It's true... but I'm thinking of a different Incubus.
[Jan 16,2007 12:49pm - Granny_Monster ""]
fishcakes said:DEATH

[Jan 16,2007 1:11pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
1 - Disturbed
2 - Incubus
3 - Chevelle
4 - Papa Roach
5 - New Metallica
[Jan 16,2007 1:12pm - ariavette ""]
i think black metal cunt and this guy would make a perfect couple...

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