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Dec 30 (Thu) - Metal Thursday CXIII: Mythology [NY] (CD Release), Oneiric Realm, Nathruzym [VT], Autolatry - Ralph's Chadwick Square Rock Club (Worcester, MA)

December 30th @ Ralph's - Metal Thursday CXIII: Mythology (CD Release), Oneiric Realm, Nathruzym [VT], Autolatry 21+ 9PM

Ralph's (Worcester, MA) - [autolatry][mythology][nathruzym][oneiric_realm][randomshots]
[show listing]  ___________________________________________
[Dec 31,2010 9:29am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
EXCELLENT night of Black Metal. that is all.
[Dec 31,2010 9:34am - the_reverend ""]
The pack was pretty packed too. Even after 1am.
[Dec 31,2010 9:46am - the_reverend ""]
The pack was pretty packed too. Even at after 1am.
[Dec 31,2010 10:38am - aril NLI  ""]
No mention of grimace? fail
[Dec 31,2010 10:41am - josh_hates_you ""]
hahahaha. oh yeah. that. did i mention i was drunk?
[Dec 31,2010 11:15am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i remember very little after Oneiric Realm playing except for the following:

Rev - "Are you a pumpkin now?"

Me - "Yes. I am a pumpkin."

[Dec 31,2010 11:41am - BSV  ""]
fucking hammered last night, such a good time!
[Dec 31,2010 12:53pm - ValkyrieScreams ""]
^^^^what they said
and this definitely made up for working through the holidays.
anyone know where the hell dan disappeared to?
[Dec 31,2010 1:00pm - BSV  ""]
slapping of habs fans is not only permitted but encouraged. NOT IN OUR HOUSE, NO MA'AM. m|m
[Dec 31,2010 1:04pm - boblovesmusic ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i remember very little after Oneiric Realm playing except for the following:

Rev - "Are you a pumpkin now?"

Me - "Yes. I am a pumpkin."


[Dec 31,2010 1:05pm - aril NLI  ""]

BSV said:slapping of habs fans is not only permitted but encouraged. NOT IN OUR HOUSE, NO MA'AM. m|m

[Dec 31,2010 1:10pm - BSV  ""]
I respect the fact that theres never been a fight at MT.
[Dec 31,2010 1:11pm - aril NLI  ""]

the_reverend said:I like how aril has an excuse to come to worcester all the time.

ain't nuthin but the truff nilla.
[Dec 31,2010 1:28pm - aril NLI  ""]
Habs suck
[Dec 31,2010 1:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
fuck the Hab-nots
[Dec 31,2010 1:40pm - boblovesmusic ""]

BSV said:I respect the fact that theres never been a fight at MT.

not true. There was that time that Erik from Fires Of Old threw that one guy down the stairs!
[Dec 31,2010 1:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Hahaha i rememeber that. EPIC.
[Dec 31,2010 1:56pm - ValkyrieScreams ""]

boblovesmusic said:
BSV said:I respect the fact that theres never been a fight at MT.

not true. There was that time that Erik from Fires Of Old threw that one guy down the stairs!

That was a crazy night. Almost forgot about it. Good thing there are still a few people at MT who don't smoke weed.
[Dec 31,2010 2:01pm - MetalThursday ""]

boblovesmusic said:
BSV said:I respect the fact that theres never been a fight at MT.

not true. There was that time that Erik from Fires Of Old threw that one guy down the stairs!

Wrong. That was at my birthday show last year, a Friday.

[Dec 31,2010 2:02pm - BSV  ""]
Erik is the man. Was that even a fight? Cause to me that sounds more like Justice.
[Dec 31,2010 2:11pm - boblovesmusic ""]
in that case, there's still never been a fight at MT!
[Dec 31,2010 2:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Dec 31,2010 2:15pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Dec 31,2010 3:22pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
Good to see another Vermont band getting out of the sticks. Nathruzym are great and great dudes as well.
[Dec 31,2010 3:32pm - MetalMessiah ""]
Mt has had many fights. Like when Morgan from Nocturnum was attacked by a fat girl for moshing years ago.
[Dec 31,2010 3:41pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 31,2010 3:46pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
fat girls need love too craaaaig
[Dec 31,2010 4:03pm - Alexecutioner ""]

MetalThursday said:
boblovesmusic said:
BSV said:I respect the fact that theres never been a fight at MT.

not true. There was that time that Erik from Fires Of Old threw that one guy down the stairs!

Wrong. That was at my birthday show last year, a Friday.


Yea, that shit was crazy. Me and tony were standing right next to the door at the stop of he stairs. I thought they were going to take it outside but he ended up pushing him down the stairs instead
[Dec 31,2010 6:15pm - the_reverend ""]
Did that win the fight?
[Dec 31,2010 6:35pm - MetalThursday ""]

MetalMessiah said:Mt has had many fights. Like when Morgan from Nocturnum was attacked by a fat girl for moshing years ago.

That wasn't a fight just a fat bitch screaming. The closest to a real fight was when Joe Stump's biggest fan was about to kick Morgan's ass for moshing and I jumped in between them. One time Aaron from Nocturnum dropped Joel the old bassist from Zircon but I think that was on a Friday or Saturday.
[Dec 31,2010 7:23pm - mutis ""]
I'm excited to see how Autolatry matures. Not bad for a first show.

Never seen Oneiric Realm before. They were fucking brilliant. Pulled off the Emperor cover nicely.

It's always a pleasure to play along side with Mythology, and somehow they get better every time I see them. Though it would be better not to end the night with the band not falling apart during a Darkthrone cover—It was like I was back in Vermont watching a My Revenge set or something.

This was my first MT, and definitely the best crowd we've played for. I might have to agree with Josh about our first song—it's a favorite with probably the catchiest riffs, but for some reason it's never translated well live. We'll probably phase it out as we add new songs. It's much better on the CD. Unless he was actually referring to the second song which had some annoying technical difficulties regarding our sampler.

Worcester fucking rules.

[Dec 31,2010 8:42pm - Sacreligion ""]

mutis said:
Worcester fucking rules.

[Dec 31,2010 9:04pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]

Sacreligion said:
mutis said:
Worcester fucking rules.

[Dec 31,2010 10:20pm - burnsy ""]
Thanks for the kind words everybody. By far the best crowd we've had to date. Love playing metal thursday.

Mythology and nathruzym were fucking awesome. Really hope they come back soon.

Autolatry was very impressive, especially for their age. Would like to see a bass player live. Album sounds really good.
[Dec 31,2010 11:41pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 1,2011 1:27am - Alexecutioner ""]

the_reverend said:Did that win the fight?

Um yea pretty much, no one expected him to throw him down the stairs, we all just kind of jaw dropped, then someone had to hold Erik from Fires of Old because he looked like he was going down the stairs to finish the job.
[Jan 1,2011 3:11pm - MetalThursday ""]
[Jan 1,2011 8:20pm - mythoskinny ""]
I love this fucking town. The most proper show ive played since the last time we played a metal thursday. Good bands. An awsome kickass bartender and a great crowd. Cant wait to come back and thanks to everyone for being SO FUCKING AWSOME!!
[Jan 1,2011 9:53pm - Samantha ""]

MetalThursday said:

One time Aaron from Nocturnum dropped Joel the old bassist from Zircon but I think that was on a Friday or Saturday.

LOL! Really? That must have been hilarious.

The staff at Ralph's love Metal Thursdays because we make their jobs easier. Any time a fight almost happens, someone inevitably breaks it up before the bouncer has to deal with it. Plus, people are willing to help out whenever something does happen, like this week when some emo kid got kicked out 3 times, and none of the metal people would let him back in. Bonus points to everyone who threw snowballs at the guy. Ha ha!

[Jan 1,2011 9:54pm - arilliusbm ""]

Samantha said:
MetalThursday said:

One time Aaron from Nocturnum dropped Joel the old bassist from Zircon but I think that was on a Friday or Saturday.

LOL! Really? That must have been hilarious.

The staff at Ralph's love Metal Thursdays because we make their jobs easier. Any time a fight almost happens, someone inevitably breaks it up before the bouncer has to deal with it. Plus, people are willing to help out whenever something does happen, like this week when some emo kid got kicked out 3 times, and none of the metal people would let him back in. Bonus points to everyone who threw snowballs at the guy. Ha ha!

Cool story, sis.

[Jan 1,2011 10:04pm - Samantha ""]
LOL! I friended that guy from Ancient Aliens on facebook a while ago. He was so honored to be an internet meme that he posted a bunch of those pics in his profile.
[Jan 1,2011 10:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
hahaha really? he simply is the greatest person on this planet.
[Jan 1,2011 10:09pm - Samantha ""]
[Jan 1,2011 10:11pm - arilliusbm ""]
I can only take him seriously when he has bronzing powder on and his hair slightly gelled back
[Jan 1,2011 10:20pm - Samantha ""]
I like it when it looks like his hair has been through a wind tunnel, and he enthusiastically talks about pumapunku.

[Jan 1,2011 10:54pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 1,2011 10:55pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]

MetalThursday said:BURNS YOU ALL MEN!
[Jan 1,2011 11:01pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 1,2011 11:14pm - the_reverend ""]

Samantha said:I like it when it looks like his hair has been through a wind tunnel, and he enthusiastically talks about pumapunku.


I totally believed that guy until I saw this picture

nice bead hippie homo!
[Jan 2,2011 12:19am - Samantha ""]

arilliusbm said:[img]


Rev, that hippie bead was made my aliens.

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