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raynard is going to shoot me

[Jan 9,2012 10:41pm - blessed offal nli  ""]
I will post the screen shot of the conversation when I get home, but hes definitely got a beretta.
[Jan 9,2012 10:46pm - ben ""]
and a bullet for your ugly face, if you try fucking with me.
post the conversation cry baby, i figured you would.
stand by folks, stupidity is on its way.
[Jan 9,2012 10:47pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
9mm: not just the length of raynard's penis anymore
[Jan 9,2012 10:49pm - ben ""]
sorry it wasnt big enough for your loud mouth. it was hard getting it up when looking down at you destroy.
[Jan 9,2012 10:53pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Jan 9,2012 10:55pm - blessed offal nli  ""]
you know the one thing I always hated about hispanic people is that they were too small to just fight, they always had to threaten with weapons.
[Jan 9,2012 11:03pm - ben ""]
more dumb insults, turn the mirror on yourself. you may be less likely to verbally attack people unprovoked. but you just had to join in the gaggle.
how the fuck am i mexican?! i am French,English,German,Irish,Italian. all the greatest minds and warriors of the world. all rolled up into me. i dont know what you might plan. i figure you the type to bring your friends. so that's why i am packing. with so many self hating white folks who attack those like them in this area, one must protect himself from his own kind more so then from others of another race. sad really.
[Jan 9,2012 11:04pm - goatcatalyst ""]
... but I thought Raytard was a proud Aryan?
[Jan 9,2012 11:05pm - ben ""]

goatcatalyst said:... but I thought Raytard was a proud Aryan?

more dumb insults, turn the mirror on yourself. you may be less likely to verbally attack people unprovoked. but you just had to join in the gaggle.
how the fuck am i mexican?! i am French,English,German,Irish,Italian. all the greatest minds and warriors of the world. all rolled up into me. i dont know what you might plan. i figure you the type to bring your friends. so that's why i am packing. with so many self hating white folks who attack those like them in this area, one must protect himself from his own kind more so then from others of another race. sad really.
[Jan 9,2012 11:07pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ben said:
goatcatalyst said:... but I thought Raytard was a proud Aryan?

more dumb insults, turn the mirror on yourself. you may be less likely to verbally attack people unprovoked. but you just had to join in the gaggle.
how the fuck am i mexican?! i am French,English,German,Irish,Italian. all the greatest minds and warriors of the world. all rolled up into me. i dont know what you might plan. i figure you the type to bring your friends. so that's why i am packing. with so many self hating white folks who attack those like them in this area, one must protect himself from his own kind more so then from others of another race. sad really.

[Jan 9,2012 11:09pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

ben said: i am French,English,German,Irish,Italian. all the greatest minds and warriors of the world. all rolled up into me.

[Jan 9,2012 11:11pm - ben ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney said:
ben said: i am French,English,German,Irish,Italian. all the greatest minds and warriors of the world. all rolled up into me.


oh you try so hard dont you. cute.
[Jan 9,2012 11:12pm - blessed offal nli  ""]
[Jan 9,2012 11:17pm - ben ""]
[Jan 9,2012 11:21pm - blessed offal nli  ""]
Ray I am going to kick your white trash ass when I see you if you want to threaten me with weapons you dumb bitch. You probably wont know which way to aim the gun you coward.
[Jan 9,2012 11:34pm - ben ""]
your the one with the insults, then the threats. your a very hateful man but sadly your hate is very misguided. you dont even know when you are talking shit to someone you could benefit from. burning bridges before you even built them. what kind of bad attitude is that? why did you feel compelled to insult me in the first place? why would you think i would just quietly allow you to do so ? you dont know me for shit yet you decided to hate me because i speak out against the pussy ass haters on this lame site? some thing so many local musicians are afraid to do. you want everyone to like you. why? i dont want fags to like us. i didnt want to find out your just like them. they have you fooled into thinking this site can somehow make or break you. that's a laugh! well maybe this site has done a lot to promote my band. but they didn't mean too. we are just fun ugly shit head metal. it isnt supposed to please everybody. but for you to get your pampers all in a uproar just because i am cocky and confident of what we do, its uncalled for. get a grip man. i could hate and kill you but in the end your still my Aryan Metal brother and i rather align with someone like that. but i wont let them shit on me.
[Jan 9,2012 11:36pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Jan 9,2012 11:46pm - ben ""]
remember , i only started busting on B.O. when you decided to shit talk my band out of nowhere. honestly i have never even heard blessed offal until i seen it as your name on here. plus you called me a moron without knowing me at all. i am living pretty damn well to be a moron. i would have been glad to check your band out had you decided to go the cool guy route and said something nice about us instead of following the pack of sheeple on this site. really, what makes me a moron in your eyes? i would love to know. or is that what you really mean ross?
[Jan 9,2012 11:53pm - blessed offal nli  ""]
Too late Bro. I printed out the threat and I am going to the police then after you get in trouble I will have 81 kick the shit out of you.
[Jan 9,2012 11:58pm - ben folds five  ""]
[Jan 10,2012 12:04am - Manowarrior  ""]
Sweet ink.
[Jan 10,2012 12:04am - ben folds five  ""]


[Jan 10,2012 12:12am - ben ""]

blessed%20offal%20nli said:Too late Bro. I printed out the threat and I am going to the police then after you get in trouble I will have 81 kick the shit out of you.

sorry to learn you are without hope or reason. it was a promise to defend myself from your threat. i have it saved too.
[Jan 10,2012 12:27am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jan 10,2012 12:29am - arilliusbm ""]
Ross, just build an SG. it will get him
[Jan 10,2012 12:34am - Lamp nli  ""]
Man... I think Raynard may have even just dethroned fucking MilennialKingdom as being the worst poster we've ever had on this site.

Just remember, when you post tons of long paragraphs talking about yourself and who you are on a public forum, you've got no ground to say nobody knows anything about you.
[Jan 10,2012 12:44am - blessed offal nli  ""]

blessed%20offal%20nli said:Ray I am going to kick your white trash ass when I see you if you want to threaten me with weapons you dumb bitch. You probably wont know which way to aim the gun you coward.
not only was this not me it doesnt even sound like something I would say.
[Jan 10,2012 12:44am - blessed offal nli  ""]

arilliusbm said:Ross, just build an SG. it will get him
underwater? DONE
[Jan 10,2012 12:46am - blessed offal nli  ""]
sweet someone is trolling me now haha and ben still thinks its me
[Jan 10,2012 1:00am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jan 10,2012 2:38am - Randy_Marsh ""]
lol at threatening someone with a gun over the internet. ross will crush you faggot
[Jan 10,2012 2:39am - Randy_Marsh ""]
ben you are the laughing stock of poop nuggets
[Jan 10,2012 2:39am - Lamp nli  ""]
Troll yourself, troll yourself. Why don't you troll yourself, don't rely on no one else, end it all, troll yourself.
[Jan 10,2012 8:12am - largefreakatzero ""]
I have alot of guns, but I would never threaten to shoot someone -- especially on the internet (gay). I hope Ross uses this dipshit for a punching bag.
[Jan 10,2012 9:39am - blessed offal nli  ""]
I am here to play games now with you "Ben". Since you think its funny to troll me and my friends here on this true metal forum, I am going to file a police report on my break today and then after you are served I will make you and your business look like shit. This is one of the only good forums for music in New England and you come on here promoting your garbage musicianship band which sucked mostly because of your singing. You are trying to sound like some opera man metal guy but you fail. Then after you are served I will call 81 to kick your ass.
[Jan 10,2012 9:46am - Correction Tape  ""]

blessed%20offal%20nli said:sweet raynard is trolling me now haha
[Jan 10,2012 9:48am - arilliusbm ""]
So is any of this real or is all a fake blessed offal?
[Jan 10,2012 9:52am - blessed offal nli  ""]
[Jan 10,2012 9:55am - arilliusbm ""]
ITT: Ray gets pepper sprayed by police
[Jan 10,2012 9:57am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 10,2012 10:06am - Blessed_Offal ""]
just for the record, pretty much every post under my name in this thread is not me, with the exception of the first two. I didn't even read what they said.
[Jan 10,2012 10:09am - DYA is 12  ""]

arilliusbm said:ITT: Ray gets a 9 taken away and pistol-whipped with it
[Jan 10,2012 10:11am - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 10,2012 10:15am - largefreakatzero ""]
I'm willing to bet he holds the thing sideways like the ghetto retards he spends so much time hating.
[Jan 10,2012 10:19am - Blessed_Offal ""]
why would he get arrested? the point is, it went from being an argument on the internet to him threatening me with a gun, which basically means it went from being funny to him seriously getting fucked up now. People who can't just take a beating and have to threaten weapons are the lowest people on the planet.
[Jan 10,2012 10:21am - arilliusbm ""]

Blessed_Offal said:why would he get arrested?

Because I want to tell ben "your arrested."
[Jan 10,2012 10:25am - Blessed_Offal ""]
I will do it. I will do it NINE TIMES.
[Jan 10,2012 10:34am - Blessed_Offal ""]

[Jan 10,2012 10:38am - Gregd-blessedoffal ""]
: /
[Jan 10,2012 10:40am - burnsy ""]
LOL. BO with the big threats. "Making sure" obviously = I'm threatening your life. Is that the whole convo?

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