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How does this sound for a fest?

[Dec 14,2005 1:28am - CNV  ""]
Grand Belials Key
Godless Rising
Cold Northern Vengeance
Witch Tomb
and others tba

Summer 06
[Dec 14,2005 1:32am - CNV  ""]
Oh yeah, I forgot Tyrants Blood (members of Blasphemy)
[Dec 14,2005 1:35am - mOe ""]
like a fest that maybe 50 or 60 people will go to
[Dec 14,2005 1:36am - CNV  ""]
who wants to team up with me and make this thing happen?
[Dec 14,2005 1:39am - CNV  ""]
mOe said:like a fest that maybe 50 or 60 people will go to

there was 100 at my first fest, so piss off you fuckn creep
[Dec 14,2005 1:48am - mOe ""]
you asked for an opinion and you got it, if you dont want an opinion then dont ask for one...or just specify that you only want opinions that are healthy for your ego
[Dec 14,2005 1:51am - CNV  ""]
mOe said:you asked for an opinion and you got it, if you dont want an opinion then dont ask for one...or just specify that you only want opinions that are healthy for your ego

Your opinion does not mean jack shit being that you have nothing to do with the bm underground

Mind your own business
[Dec 14,2005 1:53am - mOe ""]
me being the inferior darky/muddie i am would obviously know nothing about black metal, sorry
[Dec 14,2005 1:59am - CNV  ""]
mOe said:*cowers*
me being the inferior darky/muddie i am would obviously know nothing about black metal, sorry

Well, I think you have made it pretty clear that you hate black metal so why pay so much attention to it? Go do some chug riffs or something

[Dec 14,2005 2:01am - mOe ""]
*hums the chorus to Independence Day by the Comsat Angels*
[Dec 14,2005 2:06am - brian_dc ""]
I've been listening to DragonForce...my gay hurts.
[Dec 14,2005 2:16am - BornSoVile ""]
Fucking sweet lineup, I'll definately be there.
[Dec 14,2005 3:03am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Let's book it in Newport for 06-06-06.
[Dec 14,2005 3:08am - dftg  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Let's book it in Newport for 06-06-06.

If you really wanna elaborate on that theme, hold the show in New Jersey instead.
[Dec 14,2005 3:15am - CNV  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Let's book it in Newport for 06-06-06.

You know, I was just thinking this! Newport would be killer
[Dec 14,2005 3:16am - CNV  ""]
dftg said:AUTOPSY_666 said:Let's book it in Newport for 06-06-06.

If you really wanna elaborate on that theme, hold the show in New Jersey instead.

Jersey would be great too

They have a good scene down there
[Dec 14,2005 3:20am - CNV  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Let's book it in Newport for 06-06-06.

Dwyer, this sounds like a good idea
[Dec 14,2005 3:21am - SickSickSicks ""]
put the Bludgeoning on the bill and it sounds like a great fest :D
[Dec 14,2005 5:49am - Arillius nli  ""]
sounds like a sick lineup..
nightbringer! damn/
[Dec 14,2005 7:28am - Brad nli  ""]
[Dec 14,2005 7:48am - InventorofEvil ""]
Never heard of any of those bands
[Dec 14,2005 8:04am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
sounds like it might be almost as cool as the one i have in mind :thescream:

seriously though, there need to be more large shows. and black metal is always a ripping good time...so i do think you should push for this one
[Dec 14,2005 8:08am - the_reverend ""]
6-6-6 is a tuesday.
[Dec 14,2005 8:25am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
if you need a punk/thrash band, Shit Fuck would love to play!
[Dec 14,2005 9:30am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
"mOe said:<<you asked for an opinion and you got it, if you dont want an opinion then dont ask for one...or just specify that you only want opinions that are healthy for your ego>>

Your opinion does not mean jack shit being that you have nothing to do with the bm underground

Mind your own business "

that is going to be my new profile quote, thankyouverymuch
[Dec 14,2005 9:33am - succubus ""]
if it's in Newport I'm going to convince aaron that we need to get a hotel and sleep over!
[Dec 14,2005 9:40am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Newport rules.
[Dec 14,2005 9:48am - succubus ""]
yeah i haven't been in 2 years, it's a lot of fun!
[Dec 14,2005 10:01am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Nunslaughter and Godless Rising together...I just came in my pants
[Dec 14,2005 10:37am - Cecchini UML edition  ""]
CNV said:mOe said:you asked for an opinion and you got it, if you dont want an opinion then dont ask for one...or just specify that you only want opinions that are healthy for your ego

Your opinion does not mean jack shit being that you have nothing to do with the bm underground

Mind your own business

Wait, wait, wait.... whether he likes bm or not, all he did was give you a realistic number of people that would probably attend this show... I think that was a fair number, it has nothing to do with liking or disliking bm.

Either way, if you are going to post something that sounds like its asking for opinions, get ready to hear some opinions you don't want to hear.

[Dec 14,2005 10:39am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Cecchini UML edition said:CNV said:mOe said:you asked for an opinion and you got it, if you dont want an opinion then dont ask for one...or just specify that you only want opinions that are healthy for your ego

Your opinion does not mean jack shit being that you have nothing to do with the bm underground

Mind your own business

Wait, wait, wait.... whether he likes bm or not, all he did was give you a realistic number of people that would probably attend this show... I think that was a fair number, it has nothing to do with liking or disliking bm.

Either way, if you are going to post something that sounds like its asking for opinions, get ready to hear some opinions you don't want to hear.


Moe constantly goes into every black metal thread with his negativity, so I think their response was warranted. Then he tried to say they were being racist, when nobody said anything of the sort to him. He is the one on some sort of crusade here.
[Dec 14,2005 10:42am - largefreakatzero ""]
Moe = not kvlt.
[Dec 14,2005 10:46am - CNV  ""]
Moe = not white.

I hate jews, negros, and chinese people.
[Dec 14,2005 10:55am - Aegathis nli  ""]
CNV said:Nunslaughter
Grand Belials Key
Godless Rising
Cold Northern Vengeance
Witch Tomb
and others tba

Summer 06

Sounds good, throw Coffin birth on there and itll be awsome!
[Dec 14,2005 10:59am - Aegathis nli  ""]
CNV, if you need to hear some samples of what we sound like theyll be up on Saturday after we've finished mixing our ep. We would definatly fit on this bill, and ill do all that i can to help make this show happen.
[Dec 14,2005 11:00am - Josh_Martin ""]
CNV said:Moe = not white.

I hate jews, negros, and chinese people.

Hey TOC, I think that's a way better sig than the mind your own business one.

I wish this board had sigs now.

[Dec 14,2005 11:04am - Josh_Martin ""]
Can any metal band with anti-christian and racist lyrics play or do you have to be black metal?
[Dec 14,2005 11:17am - the_reverend ""]
CNV said:Moe = not white.

I hate jews, negros, and chinese people.

that was not CNV posting that.
although that would make a pretty sweet tshirt.
[Dec 14,2005 11:57am - Kinslayer  ""]
That's a killer fest! Horn of Valere will have to find a live drummer by that time and play as well!

Have fun getting a hotel room mid summer in Newport, RI...the prices are ABSURD!

[Dec 14,2005 12:05pm - Josh_Martin ""]
the_reverend said:CNV said:Moe = not white.

I hate jews, negros, and chinese people.

that was not CNV posting that.
although that would make a pretty sweet tshirt.

You just have to add eskimos,
[Dec 14,2005 12:29pm - mOe ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Cecchini UML edition said:CNV said:mOe said:you asked for an opinion and you got it, if you dont want an opinion then dont ask for one...or just specify that you only want opinions that are healthy for your ego

Your opinion does not mean jack shit being that you have nothing to do with the bm underground

Mind your own business

Wait, wait, wait.... whether he likes bm or not, all he did was give you a realistic number of people that would probably attend this show... I think that was a fair number, it has nothing to do with liking or disliking bm.

Either way, if you are going to post something that sounds like its asking for opinions, get ready to hear some opinions you don't want to hear.


Moe constantly goes into every black metal thread with his negativity, so I think their response was warranted. Then he tried to say they were being racist, when nobody said anything of the sort to him. He is the one on some sort of crusade here.

i orginally came into this thread with an honest opinion, which was what i thought the dude who made it wanted and i was wrong. So, i decided to fuck with him and poke fun at black metal. I havent really been going into BM threads "with my negativity" all that much recently because no one understood why i did it in the first place so i figured why keep doing it.
Black Metal fans are just th'ooo th'erious
[Dec 14,2005 12:31pm - ninkaszi  ""]
paul, the fest sounds great but i would rather hirudinea play than witch tomb.
[Dec 14,2005 12:33pm - Yeti  ""]
youre gay
[Dec 14,2005 12:39pm - Kessaris V.2.0.  ""]
I came to this thread to insert my negativity.

(Spreads cheeks of the thread and inserts penis)

There we go, negativity inserted.

I'm gonna go listen to Dragonforce and get my gay on now.
[Dec 14,2005 12:49pm - mOe ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:
Moe constantly goes into every black metal thread with his negativity...>>

what do you call what YOU do on this board on a daily basis
[Dec 14,2005 12:53pm - brian_dc ""]
[Dec 14,2005 12:54pm - succubus ""]
+1 moe
-1 joe
[Dec 14,2005 12:54pm - succubus ""]
oh and i don't know why someone comes on here posting as CNV when it's not him...not cool
[Dec 14,2005 1:17pm - kessaris ""]
The reason why Moe thinks that black metal is racist...is because it is. I seriously doubt he was on any crusade to sabatage black metal. He gave his honest opinion to someone who seemed like they wanted an honest opinion. Then I guess they didn't want his honest opinion. I'm not getting into that, just saying hey look, a vast majority of black metal is racist. It's like the building blocks for the genre. Although, everyone here already knew that anyways.
[Dec 14,2005 2:50pm - BSV  ""]
kessaris said:The reason why Moe thinks that black metal is racist...is because it is. I seriously doubt he was on any crusade to sabatage black metal. He gave his honest opinion to someone who seemed like they wanted an honest opinion. Then I guess they didn't want his honest opinion. I'm not getting into that, just saying hey look, a vast majority of black metal is racist. It's like the building blocks for the genre. Although, everyone here already knew that anyways.

That's wrong, most black metal is Satanic. Most of the NSBM bands don't have beligerent racist imagery/lyrical content too.
Aside from the dualistic nature everyone here is thriving off of lately, let's look at this way...what if moe asked how many people would go to a DWW reunion and CNV was the first to say 50 or some random number, wether or not moe takes offense to it is up to him, but we all know CNV is in no position to be the judge of something that he has no knowledge about. I think it's pretty clear that that was what Paul was expressing.

Not to start some crusade of mercy or anything of that nature but I think it's kinda weird that everyone loves shitting on BM. I think that type of mentality is extemely similar to jock like bullying in high school. Who cares if people are nerds. It's not like BM folk are angels or anything, it's just that most of them really don't care about the people they hate and could care less about extorting alot of energy into berating them, unlike the non black metal fans.

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