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How does this sound for a fest?

[Dec 14,2005 2:54pm - mOe ""]
i wouldnt give a good goddamn if someone voiced their opinion about a DWD reunion or any show i'm playing no matter what the opinion is. If i asked for it, i should be prepared to hear EVERYONE's opinion. People on this site bash the music i play and choose to listent to all over this board, i dont give a shit. But when someone bashes black metal they get their bullet belts and gauntlets all in a bunch. Grow some grim balls.
[Dec 14,2005 2:59pm - brian_dc ""]
mOe said: Grow some grim balls.

Grim ball: http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/games/arcade/billymandy/grimball/index.html
[Dec 14,2005 3:01pm - BSV  ""]
mOe said:i wouldnt give a good goddamn if someone voiced their opinion about a DWD reunion or any show i'm playing no matter what the opinion is. If i asked for it, i should be prepared to hear EVERYONE's opinion. People on this site bash the music i play and choose to listent to all over this board, i dont give a shit. But when someone bashes black metal they get their bullet belts and gauntlets all in a bunch. Grow some grim balls.

i disagree, for the most part I feel there is hardly any discussion about black metal on here, other than random fun with photo shop threads and excessive use of the phrase "Kvlt". everyone shits on it, and mocks the hell of it. I just don't understand why everyone is so hell bent on putting it down for mainly immature reasons.
[Dec 14,2005 3:02pm - mOe ""]
*hums the theme to Perfect Strangers*
[Dec 14,2005 3:24pm - sever ""]
sounds excellent.
[Dec 14,2005 3:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
this sounds like a good time, i will be there either way!

paul is the man! good luck with this show dood.
and i still haven't heard back on the other thing yet.

[Dec 14,2005 4:13pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
BSV said:mOe said:i wouldnt give a good goddamn if someone voiced their opinion about a DWD reunion or any show i'm playing no matter what the opinion is. If i asked for it, i should be prepared to hear EVERYONE's opinion. People on this site bash the music i play and choose to listent to all over this board, i dont give a shit. But when someone bashes black metal they get their bullet belts and gauntlets all in a bunch. Grow some grim balls.

i disagree, for the most part I feel there is hardly any discussion about black metal on here, other than random fun with photo shop threads and excessive use of the phrase "Kvlt". everyone shits on it, and mocks the hell of it. I just don't understand why everyone is so hell bent on putting it down for mainly immature reasons.

you're asking why people make fun of a music that is totally displaced in this country; where grown men wear make-up; where being an "individual" is defined as dressing up like, acting like, and behaving like one's friends; where good recording quality is when it's "raw" aka I can't tell what is going on; that's racist in many ways; where the lyrics have NO grounding in reality as far as any reality that is relavant in this country; that proves "worthiness" by acts of depravity; and that worships negativity, nihilism, and hot topic purchases?

yeah I can't figure it out either.
[Dec 14,2005 4:27pm - CNV  ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:BSV said:mOe said:i wouldnt give a good goddamn if someone voiced their opinion about a DWD reunion or any show i'm playing no matter what the opinion is. If i asked for it, i should be prepared to hear EVERYONE's opinion. People on this site bash the music i play and choose to listent to all over this board, i dont give a shit. But when someone bashes black metal they get their bullet belts and gauntlets all in a bunch. Grow some grim balls.

i disagree, for the most part I feel there is hardly any discussion about black metal on here, other than random fun with photo shop threads and excessive use of the phrase "Kvlt". everyone shits on it, and mocks the hell of it. I just don't understand why everyone is so hell bent on putting it down for mainly immature reasons.

you're asking why people make fun of a music that is totally displaced in this country; where grown men wear make-up; where being an "individual" is defined as dressing up like, acting like, and behaving like one's friends; where good recording quality is when it's "raw" aka I can't tell what is going on; that's racist in many ways; where the lyrics have NO grounding in reality as far as any reality that is relavant in this country; that proves "worthiness" by acts of depravity; and that worships negativity, nihilism, and hot topic purchases?

yeah I can't figure it out either.

I think your pigeon holing when you make a statement like this. Not every band has the same message and not every band wears make up. Your making blind statements as an outsider looking in at something you do not understand .

Now back to the task at hand, where to hold such an event. I am liking the Newport location
[Dec 14,2005 4:38pm - ninkaszi  ""]
kessaris said:The reason why Moe thinks that black metal is racist...is because it is. I seriously doubt he was on any crusade to sabatage black metal. He gave his honest opinion to someone who seemed like they wanted an honest opinion. Then I guess they didn't want his honest opinion. I'm not getting into that, just saying hey look, a vast majority of black metal is racist. It's like the building blocks for the genre. Although, everyone here already knew that anyways.

hey look everyone, a really fucking stupid person talking out of their ass...
[Dec 14,2005 4:40pm - ninkaszi  ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:BSV said:mOe said:i wouldnt give a good goddamn if someone voiced their opinion about a DWD reunion or any show i'm playing no matter what the opinion is. If i asked for it, i should be prepared to hear EVERYONE's opinion. People on this site bash the music i play and choose to listent to all over this board, i dont give a shit. But when someone bashes black metal they get their bullet belts and gauntlets all in a bunch. Grow some grim balls.

i disagree, for the most part I feel there is hardly any discussion about black metal on here, other than random fun with photo shop threads and excessive use of the phrase "Kvlt". everyone shits on it, and mocks the hell of it. I just don't understand why everyone is so hell bent on putting it down for mainly immature reasons.

you're asking why people make fun of a music that is totally displaced in this country; where grown men wear make-up; where being an "individual" is defined as dressing up like, acting like, and behaving like one's friends; where good recording quality is when it's "raw" aka I can't tell what is going on; that's racist in many ways; where the lyrics have NO grounding in reality as far as any reality that is relavant in this country; that proves "worthiness" by acts of depravity; and that worships negativity, nihilism, and hot topic purchases?

yeah I can't figure it out either.

yet another person that has no clue...

keep em coming!
[Dec 14,2005 4:48pm - Eddie ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:BSV said:mOe said:i wouldnt give a good goddamn if someone voiced their opinion about a DWD reunion or any show i'm playing no matter what the opinion is. If i asked for it, i should be prepared to hear EVERYONE's opinion. People on this site bash the music i play and choose to listent to all over this board, i dont give a shit. But when someone bashes black metal they get their bullet belts and gauntlets all in a bunch. Grow some grim balls.

i disagree, for the most part I feel there is hardly any discussion about black metal on here, other than random fun with photo shop threads and excessive use of the phrase "Kvlt". everyone shits on it, and mocks the hell of it. I just don't understand why everyone is so hell bent on putting it down for mainly immature reasons.

you're asking why people make fun of a music that is totally displaced in this country;

where grown men wear make-up;

please there are so many good bands that have men with make-up on.

where being an "individual" is defined as dressing up like, acting like, and behaving like one's friends;

that's any group of people that likes the same thing

where good recording quality is when it's "raw" aka I can't tell what is going on;

don't you play grind?

that's racist in many ways;

like rap ,grind , punk , country and many other forms of music that can have racists lyrics

where the lyrics have NO grounding in reality as far as any reality that is relavant in this country;

i don't even know what to say about this since it's fucking stupid.

that proves "worthiness" by acts of depravity;


and that worships negativity, nihilism, and hot topic purchases?

again you play grind?

i've not seen a real black metal fan wear pants of a thousand zippers. black metal does not = cradle of filth.

[Dec 14,2005 4:53pm - dreadkill ""]
black metal is much more diverse than people on this board give it credit for. not all black metal is raw and primitive. some of it is very epic and progressive. not all black metal bands wear makeup or bullet belts. it's not about dungeons and dragons and all the dork stereotypes people associate with it. not every black metal band is into being grim and kvlt. i think it's the best subgenre of metal by far.

everyone in this thread should shut up and just let this fest happen. hail black metal.
[Dec 14,2005 4:56pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Stereotypes are awesome, but this thread is kind of stupid.
[Dec 14,2005 5:07pm - Sinistas ""]
I'm with Kenbob on this'un.
[Dec 14,2005 5:08pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
dreadkill said:black metal is much more diverse than people on this board give it credit for. not all black metal is raw and primitive. some of it is very epic and progressive. not all black metal bands wear makeup or bullet belts. it's not about dungeons and dragons and all the dork stereotypes people associate with it. not every black metal band is into being grim and kvlt. i think it's the best subgenre of metal by far.

everyone in this thread should shut up and just let this fest happen. hail black metal.

Dude, there is a huge Gillis reunion this summer in Nova Scotia...me and my brothers are going.
[Dec 14,2005 5:14pm - dreadkill ""]
when is it? i should go to it. my family came from nova scotia and PEI.
[Dec 14,2005 5:14pm - dreadkill ""]
my comment was in regard to joe's last comment.
[Dec 14,2005 5:23pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Dude, my mother's family (Gillis) all came from Nova Scotia and PEI as well, we must be related somehow.

I will get all the info and let you know.
[Dec 14,2005 5:25pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
m0e is a tool.

That is all.
[Dec 14,2005 5:26pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I mean, come on... People that play in terrible gimmicky Metalcore bands really shouldn't throw stones.
[Dec 14,2005 5:27pm - dreadkill ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Dude, my mother's family (Gillis) all came from Nova Scotia and PEI as well, we must be related somehow.

I will get all the info and let you know.

sounds good man
[Dec 14,2005 7:44pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
only great blackmtal band ever........living color nuff said !!!!!!!!
[Dec 14,2005 8:03pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
BestialOnslaught said:I mean, come on... People that play in terrible gimmicky Metalcore bands really shouldn't throw stones.

isn't there a honeypump thread that's missing its kissass? I think I hear your name being called by a plate of coke and an ironic mesh hat.
[Dec 14,2005 8:11pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Eddie said:the_taste_of_cigarettes said:BSV said:mOe said:i wouldnt give a good goddamn if someone voiced their opinion about a DWD reunion or any show i'm playing no matter what the opinion is. If i asked for it, i should be prepared to hear EVERYONE's opinion. People on this site bash the music i play and choose to listent to all over this board, i dont give a shit. But when someone bashes black metal they get their bullet belts and gauntlets all in a bunch. Grow some grim balls.

i disagree, for the most part I feel there is hardly any discussion about black metal on here, other than random fun with photo shop threads and excessive use of the phrase "Kvlt". everyone shits on it, and mocks the hell of it. I just don't understand why everyone is so hell bent on putting it down for mainly immature reasons.

you're asking why people make fun of a music that is totally displaced in this country;

where grown men wear make-up;

please there are so many good bands that have men with make-up on.

where being an "individual" is defined as dressing up like, acting like, and behaving like one's friends;

that's any group of people that likes the same thing

where good recording quality is when it's "raw" aka I can't tell what is going on;

don't you play grind?

that's racist in many ways;

like rap ,grind , punk , country and many other forms of music that can have racists lyrics

where the lyrics have NO grounding in reality as far as any reality that is relavant in this country;

i don't even know what to say about this since it's fucking stupid.

that proves "worthiness" by acts of depravity;


and that worships negativity, nihilism, and hot topic purchases?

again you play grind?

i've not seen a real black metal fan wear pants of a thousand zippers. black metal does not = cradle of filth.

uh...huh? What grind band is racist or wears hot topic stuff?

And I didn't say I had beef with Black Metal, I am stating why people make fun of it. There's a lot to feed the fire, just like with mall-goths, red-necks, etc etc

it's an "extreme" lifestyle and for a lot of people there is scarcely anything appealing about BM culture; yet I don't see hicky von hicklesbee going online and being like "Y'all better worship muthafuckin' trailer culture! the true culture man!! if you aren't trailer trash then you ain't fucking worth anythin'!"
[Dec 14,2005 8:17pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
the_reverend said:CNV said:Moe = not white.

I hate jews, negros, and chinese people.

that was not CNV posting that.
although that would make a pretty sweet tshirt.

succubus said:oh and i don't know why someone comes on here posting as CNV when it's not him...not cool

so who was it, i dont understand why aaron lets people do this, its like the thread with mutiny yesterday. he knows whos posting as someone else but doesnt call these people on it.

why not, i think they should be exposed to the frauds they are.

also, it's BM have fun if you're allowed to, if not be as grim and unhappy as you can.
[Dec 14,2005 8:26pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:the_reverend said:CNV said:Moe = not white.

I hate jews, negros, and chinese people.

that was not CNV posting that.
although that would make a pretty sweet tshirt.

succubus said:oh and i don't know why someone comes on here posting as CNV when it's not him...not cool

so who was it, i dont understand why aaron lets people do this, its like the thread with mutiny yesterday. he knows whos posting as someone else but doesnt call these people on it.

why not, i think they should be exposed to the frauds they are.

also, it's BM have fun if you're allowed to, if not be as grim and unhappy as you can.

I'm all for fun, and if BM is about fun then go for it.

But to me it's like ICP. Kinda silly and alright but people get WAYYYY too into it.
[Dec 14,2005 8:32pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
it's just music dood, people seem to like it and you know get involved in music they like. i guess you dont understand about waiting to put your all into the music you like.

again whatever floats your boat, i enjoy drinking rootbeer floats
[Dec 14,2005 8:34pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:it's just music dood, people seem to like it and you know get involved in music they like. i guess you dont understand about waiting to put your all into the music you like.

again whatever floats your boat, i enjoy drinking rootbeer floats

no, I never have and I never will. I've spent a lot of my life learning how to just be me and what I listen to or who I hang out isn't how I define myself.

That's the way I live my life and yes, I do have that expectation of others. Gang / Group mentality is shit; be yourself and do what you think is best or right.
[Dec 14,2005 8:34pm - Anthony nli  ""]
CNV said:Nunslaughter
Grand Belials Key
Godless Rising
Cold Northern Vengeance
Witch Tomb
and others tba

Summer 06

I'm gonna ignore all the other stuff in this thread, because I don't have time to think about it and don't really want to, and say that I would definitely like to see such a show and was pissed that I missed the last one up at the Bombshelter.
[Dec 14,2005 8:56pm - amy buttertits  ""]
blackmetal kids are like goth kids... they are faggots
[Dec 14,2005 9:13pm - ArilliusBM ""]
amy buttertits said:blackmetal kids are like goth kids... they are faggots

Yeah, as someone named 'Amy Buttertits' who is not logged in would say.
[Dec 14,2005 9:18pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
for the record, I like some black metal.

I like anything that's done well.

I don't like emperor though.
[Dec 14,2005 9:20pm - mOe ""]
i dont know why you guys GET SO MAD about people hating black metal...isnt that the whole point of black metal??
I only have one "tr00", grim, kvlt friend who's wicked into Black Metal and i had a discussion with him where i was bashing black metal and telling him how much i hated it and he said "Good, i dont want anyone liking my music." That has to be the truest response i've ever gotten to black metal bashing
[Dec 14,2005 9:28pm - ArilliusBM ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:for the record, I like some black metal.
I like anything that's done well.
I don't like emperor though.

Early Emperor is good..

mOe said:i dont know why you guys GET SO MAD about people hating black metal...isnt that the whole point of black metal??
I only have one "tr00", grim, kvlt friend who's wicked into Black Metal and i had a discussion with him where i was bashing black metal and telling him how much i hated it and he said "Good, i dont want anyone liking my music." That has to be the truest response i've ever gotten to black metal bashing

It doesn't really matter to me if someone doesn't like black metal.. oh well, it's not their thing. But then again, this isn't a black metal message board, so it is expected. I just hate when people do stupid immature comments like comparing black metal people to goth people or making it clear that someone said shit about them on a message board, and thusly making it seem like WWIII. Get the fuck over it.
[Dec 14,2005 9:36pm - rigor penis  ""]

fuck that
[Dec 14,2005 9:38pm - anonymous  ""]
This fest needs more Rakun.
[Dec 14,2005 9:45pm - BornSoVile ""]
mOe said: "Good, i dont want anyone liking my music." That has to be the truest response i've ever gotten to black metal bashing

that's always been the attitude...I'm not even pissed off, most of the people in this thread who you might think are pissed off really arn't, they're just above this type of behavior.
[Dec 14,2005 10:02pm - BornSoVile ""]
I'm not looking for a raging arguement, just consider my responses below please...

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:

you're asking why people make fun of a music that is totally displaced in this country;

this is a beligerently racist comment, are you implying that only scandinavians can play this music??? are you implying that americans arn't worthy to play this for some reason?
where grown men wear make-up;

it's art.
where being an "individual" is defined as dressing up like, acting like, and behaving like one's friends;

you're wrong, don't judge people before you know them, this mentality is more common grind/metalcore anyways.
where good recording quality is when it's "raw" aka I can't tell what is going on;

again, it's art. i've always believed that nit picky production snobs are bigger elitists than the people who don't care.
that's racist in many ways;

not neccescarily true, most NS bands get slandered simply cause they're nationalist, if every artist who is nationalist is racist then country music would be the downfall of humanity.
where the lyrics have NO grounding in reality as far as any reality that is relavant in this country;

simply not true, most deals with INDIVIDUAL anguish, depression, repression, rage etc etc, similiar to other music, except it's refined. the human spirit lives through music, again saying it can only apply to a certain country is racist.
that proves "worthiness" by acts of depravity;

what, like burning churches?? fucking blasphemy man! THAT'S FUCKING METAL.
and that worships negativity, nihilism, and hot topic purchases?

the whole hot topic thing is basically a small crack in a giant foundation, everyone noticed it, now everyone has the microscopes out looking at it, it's still a weak excuse cause the majority of real black metal bands aren't in a position to sell at that status. negativity/nihilism, that's metal man, I don't know what to say. Grind especially, I'm going to listen to some Blood right now.

[Dec 14,2005 10:13pm - paganmegan ""]
Back to the topic at hand.. .that lineup idea is an excellent one
[Dec 14,2005 10:16pm - paganmegan ""]
And I will add that black metal is one of my favorite sub genres of metal,( that and thrash, )and it is first and foremost about the music, and not getting hung up on irrelevant bullshit such as who likes it (I don't care if you don't like it) and who killed who and who burned what and who wears corpse paint and who doesn't
[Dec 14,2005 10:17pm - paganmegan ""]
And the fest isn't even 100 percent black metal so I don't know why the topic of the thread turned into whining about how politically incorrect the form of music is to begin with
[Dec 15,2005 12:17am - MikeGore  ""]
I don't get why everybody is worried about people who bash black metal when theres so many other people out there who bash pancakes. Everybody here loves pancakes, don't they? If we don't stand up for pancakes and other variants of the breakfast griddlecake, who will?
[Dec 15,2005 12:26am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
although the black metal bashing is hilarious

i like it just as much as most people on here but you have to admit it makes a hilarious joke...just like most other things in life it should never be taken too seriously
[Dec 15,2005 12:28am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
brian_dc said:Grim ball: http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/games/arcade/billymandy/grimball/index.html

that game is amazingly addictive

[Dec 15,2005 12:30am - DJ death  ""]
Sac is right! Hardcore, Metal, fags, etc are all a joke ( on message boards atleast ). haha sac, you actually care. This fest should be a grand event nonetheless...
[Dec 15,2005 1:30am - destroy christmas  ""]

Have a great yule
[Dec 15,2005 1:37am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Godless Rising isnt black metal, by the way.
I am not into alot of black metal, most of it sounds so serious and boring. I like my music with some attitude and fun.
[Dec 15,2005 1:54am - CNV  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Godless Rising isnt black metal, by the way.
I am not into alot of black metal, most of it sounds so serious and boring. I like my music with some attitude and fun.

I have not heard the music thus far but I have been told it is close to the same vein as old Vital Remains which I always thought of as death black metal. I guess it is hard to say what constitutes black metal these days because no one can seem to agree with it. I consider Venom black metal and they were full of attitude and fun! The original bm bands were Satanic or Occult with imagery and lyrics and Godless Rising has those
[Dec 15,2005 1:59am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Don't get me wrong, I like what ive heard from your band, and I would definately go see nunslaughter. grand belials key is okay, i have something from them, judea assassination or something kinda ridiculous like that. i wouldnt mind seeing them.
[Dec 15,2005 5:54am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I know it's a stretch, but is there any chance you could get GBK to play as Arghoslent instead?

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