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How does this sound for a fest?

[Dec 15,2005 8:58am - Josh_Martin ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:What grind band is racist

Vaginal Jesus
[Dec 15,2005 9:08am - Messerschmitt ""]
back of the bus
[Dec 15,2005 10:20am - Christraper ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:you're asking why people make fun of a music that is totally displaced in this country; where grown men wear make-up; where being an "individual" is defined as dressing up like, acting like, and behaving like one's friends; where good recording quality is when it's "raw" aka I can't tell what is going on; that's racist in many ways; where the lyrics have NO grounding in reality as far as any reality that is relavant in this country; that proves "worthiness" by acts of depravity; and that worships negativity, nihilism, and hot topic purchases?

yeah I can't figure it out either.

You really have no idea what youre talking about. Be silent. I don't go on your threads and call you a whiney jewish bitch with a shitty band name because I dont know you, nor have I ever heard your band. Kindy do the same.

Im so sick of people arguing about shit they dont understand. If you dont like it then dont fucking listen to it. Simple as that.

I do not dislike any of the members of Raising Kubrick but Im going to use them as an example since Moe once again felt inclined to give his opinion. Now as a band, I never liked RK. Im sure this isnt any huge shock but my point is that you didnt see anyone in the BM crowd posting shit on their threads calling their work mediocre and unimaginative or that its "for fags" because that there's just pussy talk.

I honestly didnt give a shit until the inevitable stereotypes came pouring in. People who read Lords of Chaos and think that everyone who listens to black metal act like the retards in that book need to eat a dick and shut the fuck up. I dont wear makeup, I dont shop at hot topic and goddamnit I know how to play my fucking instrument and chances are I do it way better than anyone who says otherwise.

All y'all bitches can kiss my mangled nutsack.

[Dec 15,2005 10:25am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
ooh ooh question!!!

how did I, who is just making jokes about how CNV told moe his opinion does not mean "jack shit" somehow became the spokesperson for not liking black metal?

open your fucking eyes, I don't care either way. I like some black metal and i don't understand the costume bit but whatever. I'm not gonna waste my time playing into this role you guys want me to play into because you want to trump up black metal. Any interesting stuff about it I'll learn on my own or you can tell me in person where I'll probaby listen.

[Dec 15,2005 10:37am - Christraper ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:how did I, who is just making jokes about how CNV told moe his opinion does not mean "jack shit" somehow became the spokesperson for not liking black metal?

you're asking why people make fun of a music that is totally displaced in this country; where grown men wear make-up; where being an "individual" is defined as dressing up like, acting like, and behaving like one's friends; where good recording quality is when it's "raw" aka I can't tell what is going on; that's racist in many ways; where the lyrics have NO grounding in reality as far as any reality that is relavant in this country; that proves "worthiness" by acts of depravity; and that worships negativity, nihilism, and hot topic purchases?

yeah I can't figure it out either

Because you opened your mouth and shit poured out.
[Dec 15,2005 10:40am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Christraper said:the_taste_of_cigarettes said:how did I, who is just making jokes about how CNV told moe his opinion does not mean "jack shit" somehow became the spokesperson for not liking black metal?

you're asking why people make fun of a music that is totally displaced in this country; where grown men wear make-up; where being an "individual" is defined as dressing up like, acting like, and behaving like one's friends; where good recording quality is when it's "raw" aka I can't tell what is going on; that's racist in many ways; where the lyrics have NO grounding in reality as far as any reality that is relavant in this country; that proves "worthiness" by acts of depravity; and that worships negativity, nihilism, and hot topic purchases?

yeah I can't figure it out either

Because you opened your mouth and shit poured out.

Is this a black metal thing to ask questions and then when you get answers you don't like, to just claim the other person has to shut up or that they don't know what they are talking about?

Josh asked why people make fun of the genre. Thar yoo goo.

[Dec 15,2005 10:43am - dreadkill ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:ooh ooh question!!!

how did I, who is just making jokes about how CNV told moe his opinion does not mean "jack shit" somehow became the spokesperson for not liking black metal?

open your fucking eyes, I don't care either way. I like some black metal and i don't understand the costume bit but whatever. I'm not gonna waste my time playing into this role you guys want me to play into because you want to trump up black metal. Any interesting stuff about it I'll learn on my own or you can tell me in person where I'll probaby listen.

for someone who "doesn't care either way" and isn't "gonna waste time," you sure are making a big deal out of this. making 489537640897653 threads about this is pretty ridiculous. i have nothing against you or your band and was actually looking forward to playing the cancelled compound show last week with you guys and would enjoy doing a show with you guys in the future, but you really are being ridiculous about this whole thing. enough is enough.
[Dec 15,2005 10:45am - Christraper ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:Christraper said:the_taste_of_cigarettes said:how did I, who is just making jokes about how CNV told moe his opinion does not mean "jack shit" somehow became the spokesperson for not liking black metal?

you're asking why people make fun of a music that is totally displaced in this country; where grown men wear make-up; where being an "individual" is defined as dressing up like, acting like, and behaving like one's friends; where good recording quality is when it's "raw" aka I can't tell what is going on; that's racist in many ways; where the lyrics have NO grounding in reality as far as any reality that is relavant in this country; that proves "worthiness" by acts of depravity; and that worships negativity, nihilism, and hot topic purchases?

yeah I can't figure it out either

Because you opened your mouth and shit poured out.

Is this a black metal thing to ask questions and then when you get answers you don't like, to just claim the other person has to shut up or that they don't know what they are talking about?

Josh asked why people make fun of the genre. Thar yoo goo.

Well dude sorry but you DONT know what youre talking about. You dont know me or any of the people I work with or what we're after so don't make assumptions based on shit youve read elsewhere.
[Dec 15,2005 10:45am - Yeti ""]
you guys worry too much about impressing people. i think if you really were into it, you wouldnt care what other people thought. you shouldnt feel the need to justify your liking for something. you like it for your reasons. i tried that avenue, and it made me realize that its pointless to worry about that shit. like what you want to like. if no one else likes it, too bad. you arent them. seriously there are way bigger and more important things to be worrying about than whether black metal is "underground" or "true" anymore. its all in the eye of the beholder. relax, smoke a blunt, and put on Darkthrone simply for the reason that they rule, not because they are kvlt or grim. you'll probably be happier. but then again happiness isnt grim cold or kvlt enough, so probably not. but that sucks to be you.
[Dec 15,2005 10:49am - Christraper ""]
Yeti said:relax, smoke a blunt, and put on Darkthrone simply for the reason that they rule

[Dec 15,2005 10:58am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
dreadkill said:the_taste_of_cigarettes said:ooh ooh question!!!

how did I, who is just making jokes about how CNV told moe his opinion does not mean "jack shit" somehow became the spokesperson for not liking black metal?

open your fucking eyes, I don't care either way. I like some black metal and i don't understand the costume bit but whatever. I'm not gonna waste my time playing into this role you guys want me to play into because you want to trump up black metal. Any interesting stuff about it I'll learn on my own or you can tell me in person where I'll probaby listen.

for someone who "doesn't care either way" and isn't "gonna waste time," you sure are making a big deal out of this. making 489537640897653 threads about this is pretty ridiculous. i have nothing against you or your band and was actually looking forward to playing the cancelled compound show last week with you guys and would enjoy doing a show with you guys in the future, but you really are being ridiculous about this whole thing. enough is enough.

post by dreadkill at Dec 15,2005 10:36am
this is hilarious. don't take it so seriously.
[Dec 15,2005 11:19am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Yeti said:you'll probably be happier. but then again happiness isnt grim cold or kvlt enough, so probably not. but that sucks to be you.

oh man that's some hilarious shit
[Dec 15,2005 11:21am - dreadkill ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:dreadkill said:the_taste_of_cigarettes said:ooh ooh question!!!

how did I, who is just making jokes about how CNV told moe his opinion does not mean "jack shit" somehow became the spokesperson for not liking black metal?

open your fucking eyes, I don't care either way. I like some black metal and i don't understand the costume bit but whatever. I'm not gonna waste my time playing into this role you guys want me to play into because you want to trump up black metal. Any interesting stuff about it I'll learn on my own or you can tell me in person where I'll probaby listen.

for someone who "doesn't care either way" and isn't "gonna waste time," you sure are making a big deal out of this. making 489537640897653 threads about this is pretty ridiculous. i have nothing against you or your band and was actually looking forward to playing the cancelled compound show last week with you guys and would enjoy doing a show with you guys in the future, but you really are being ridiculous about this whole thing. enough is enough.

post by dreadkill at Dec 15,2005 10:36am
this is hilarious. don't take it so seriously.

i'm not the one taking it seriously. i really don't care what anyone thinks about black metal. i'm just tired of seeing all these dumb threads related to this topic. it's annoying. say whatever you want, they're your opinions and you're entitled to them, but it would be nice if you kept them in one thread.
[Dec 15,2005 11:31am - Cecchini ""]

If you like black metal, thats cool, more power to you.

If your a tool who lives black metal like a religeon... you suck.

If you toss out racial slurs (like this board is filled with), you suck.

If you think this thread is going no where, say Aye.

[Dec 15,2005 11:37am - anonymousity  ""]
Aye rymes with dye, Hermaphrodite Cecchini. Your opinions dont matter much in the Heavy/Black thread. Go play with your dredel. please?
[Dec 15,2005 11:38am - anonymousity  ""]
Paul will do hard work to put together this worthy festival. Onwards!
[Dec 15,2005 11:42am - DestroyYouAlot NLI  ""]
paganmegan said:And I will add that black metal is one of my favorite sub genres of metal,( that and thrash, )and it is first and foremost about the music, and not getting hung up on irrelevant bullshit such as who likes it (I don't care if you don't like it) and who killed who and who burned what and who wears corpse paint and who doesn't

"He's killed the bride's father!"
"Let's not bicker, and argue, about who killed who..."
[Dec 15,2005 12:00pm - MASlayer  ""]
even better than Newport would be Club 125 in Haverhill...just North of Boston, on the NH border...the turn out would be pretty stellar...let me know, I can help promote this...if you need other bands I can help there too...get in touch
[Dec 15,2005 12:03pm - Cecchini ""]
anonymousity and homosexuality don't rhyme, but they do go hand in hand.
[Dec 15,2005 1:53pm - DJ death  ""]
Like Anonymosity said Cecchini, your opinions dont matter in a Heavy/Black Metal thread. Love, your friend, GEMINI
[Dec 15,2005 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
i really didnt mean to.
didnt mean to??? you put your sword right through his head!!
[Dec 15,2005 5:24pm - BornSoVile ""]
GEMINI, the world needs more HUMAN SLAUGHTER, NOW!
[Dec 15,2005 6:03pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
anonymousity said: Aye rymes with dye, Hermaphrodite Cecchini. Your opinions dont matter much in the Heavy/Black thread. Go play with your dredel. please?

damn, this totally proves BornSoVile right and me wrong.
[Dec 15,2005 7:14pm - paganmegan ""]
BornSoVile said:GEMINI, the world needs more HUMAN SLAUGHTER, NOW!

[Dec 15,2005 7:17pm - paganmegan ""]
Cecchini said:

If you like black metal, thats cool, more power to you.

If your a tool who lives black metal like a religeon... you suck.

If you toss out racial slurs (like this board is filled with), you suck.

If you think this thread is going no where, say Aye.


Political correctness and metal do not mix, if you get all up in arms over something someone said being "offensive" then you do not belong in or anywhere near metal, metal lyrics are not and have never been about flowers and world peace, so if you are offended, go frolic amongst daisies and the rest of us will war monger and piss off the masses like real metal is supposed to!

[Dec 15,2005 7:32pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
What everyone forgets is that "politically correct" was a concept invented by politicians (mostly conservative/Republican ones) so they could think exactly the same way they always did, but say, for example, "urban" when they mean "nigger." It's thinking like a racist/sexist/classist/homophobe/guy who doesn't like pecans, the same as you did before, just using nicer words to avoid having to deal with people thinking you're an asshole. My favorite example being the word "racialist", because it somehow sounds nicer (or at least more obscure) than "racist." "Less lethal weapons." "Homicide bomber." "Truthful messages" (being what "we" use, "they" use "propaganda").
[Dec 15,2005 8:05pm - paganmegan ""]
What's your point?
I used "pollitically correct" to refer to the instances when people are running around trying to be inoffensive.
[Dec 15,2005 8:14pm - pisscup ""]
[Dec 15,2005 8:17pm - CNV  ""]
I go out of my to be offensive

It is a real hoot I tell ya!
[Dec 15,2005 8:51pm - paganmegan ""]
If I tried really hard to not offend everyone, I'd offend myself and that's the only person I worry about offending
[Dec 15,2005 9:16pm - DJ death  ""]
Actually "Destroyoualot" The world of political correctness was YES brought by politicians, under the influence of the book 1984 by George Orwell ( aka Eric Blare ). He coined the term , blare did. Yup, conservatives hate communism, but they are more weak in policies than even liberals. Cons have nothing to do with REAL far right extremism. You are right though, rights use lots of false advertisment when it comes to their agenda, but so do Libs ("We want to be more broad, and more respectful to not offend "anyone", AKA gays, blacks, jews, whatever...) And remember, all current politics are just a giant fucking wheel, going in half circles, and returning to origin. AAAAIIIIGGHT!???

More HUMAN SLAUGHTER for all soon!!! Celtic Frost and Black Sabbath worship hell!!!!

Ha! pagan megan set it all! Metal is offensive, and it should be.
[Dec 15,2005 9:18pm - DJ death  ""]
Okay, now the festival... onto the subject. Lets start by getting bands confirmed into the gig, and a place to house it.
[Dec 15,2005 9:46pm - Cecchini ""]
paganmegan said:Cecchini said:

If you like black metal, thats cool, more power to you.

If your a tool who lives black metal like a religeon... you suck.

If you toss out racial slurs (like this board is filled with), you suck.

If you think this thread is going no where, say Aye.


Political correctness and metal do not mix, if you get all up in arms over something someone said being "offensive" then you do not belong in or anywhere near metal, metal lyrics are not and have never been about flowers and world peace, so if you are offended, go frolic amongst daisies and the rest of us will war monger and piss off the masses like real metal is supposed to!

There is a difference between being metal and being ignorant, I'm sure if you walked into a room and bunch of black guys are listening to metal and you called them niggers they are still gonna beat the shit out of you. Thats all I meant, don't be ignorant, atleast be informed and have some sort of valid reason if you going to hate on some group of people. But at the same time, blindy hating an entire group of people is pretty dumb anyway and thus would make you pretty dumb if thats what you do.

But yea, go war monger, cause thats wicked tr00.

[Dec 16,2005 9:01am - DJ death  ""]
I dont know a single band of total black/death/ or heavy metal that has more than one black person in it, let alone a whole group consisting of them. It would also be "the day" when one would stumble into a whole room of black people listening to metal. That just doesnt happen, predictable. And yes, hating a whole sub race of people is pretty dumb, but its not the end of the world.

Okay, how are we going to get Nunslaughter to play this show?
[Dec 16,2005 10:00am - litacore ""]
Suffocation (two black blokes I think?)
God Forbid (not great, but still there)
Bad Brains (ditto, but ferocious early on)
Hirax (Katon's one guy, but such a charismatic frontman, he gets counted twice)

at any rate, I keep clicking on this thread hoping eventually it'll be back on track with talking about the fest.

I, for one, can tell you all WITHOUT QUESTION that Hekseri would be fuckin' siked to support on this bill of PREMIUM American Black/Death!
[Dec 16,2005 10:02am - litacore ""]

Sarah has spoken
litacore = 1/2 j00!
[Dec 16,2005 10:14am - DJ death  ""]
hahaha, whats going on Larissa?! I am totally with you, lets all talk about the fest....
And yes, okay, i am beat, suffocation does have two black guys in it. God forbid is not death, not black, not heavy, but metalcore.
Hekseri is on, great! I am going to talk to paul this weekend (after our recording session ) about the bill, and how we can set this up for real.
Sarah Silverman....gross
[Dec 16,2005 10:14am - DJ death  ""]
"our recording session" as in Hekseri's, sorry.
[Dec 16,2005 10:16am - DJ death  ""]
"CNV" said: "who wants to team up with me and make this thing happen? " I will help Paul, what can i do? - (gemini)
[Dec 16,2005 10:19am - litacore ""]
[Dec 16,2005 10:26am - VoidExpression ""]
If it's somewhere reachable by Boston public transportation, count us in for helping out!
[Dec 16,2005 10:31am - litacore ""]
fuckin' A, Drew. If you wanna convoy with Hekseri just lemme know.
[Dec 16,2005 10:35am - paganmegan ""]
I think it is irrelevant what color people are if they are into metal. I never even brought up race in any arguments, as being pertinent. I simply stated being offensive in metal is metal and how I like my metal. Lemmy isn't Lemmy by helping old ladies cross the street or kissing buttercups. For the record, Sarah silverman is not metal, god forbid blows, Hirax rules

Gemini Matt thank you ever so much for letting us record with you, and I'd like to do whatever I can to help make that fest happen
[Dec 16,2005 10:39am - Yeti ""]
Hootie and the Blowfish have a black dude and they are grimmer than Grimms Fairy Tales
[Dec 16,2005 10:47am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I think MYSTIFIER are mostly black.

BLASPHEMY and HEADROT both had a black guitarist.
[Dec 16,2005 10:53am - litacore ""]

always bet on black
[Dec 16,2005 11:47am - dyingmuse ""]
why did this turn into a bash blackmetal thread?????

wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! give the guys some support, it's not about anything else.
[Dec 16,2005 11:48am - dreadkill ""]
dyingmuse said:why did this turn into a bash blackmetal thread?????

wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! give the guys some support, it's not about anything else.

right on
[Dec 16,2005 12:04pm - dyingmuse ""]
\m/ how are ya man?
[Dec 16,2005 12:27pm - dreadkill ""]
pretty good, but i'll be better next week when deadlines pass and i get a little break. how are you doing?

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