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Favorite New England bands to make fun of

[Jan 21,2009 3:08pm - ouchdrummer ""]
those guys look like seriously dorky dudes. They're probably all really nice.
[Jan 21,2009 10:53pm - Dankill  ""]

slam%20pig said:[img]



True story, I used to work with the brother of the guy on the right with the beard and glasses. He couldn't stop talking about how awesome they were and gave me the CD. Nice guy but..............EHHHH.
Pretty much a really bad SOD wannabe.

Also, I'll throw one out for POWABOMB!
[Jan 21,2009 10:58pm - fighting the world  ""]
[Jan 21,2009 11:23pm - W3 nli  ""]

Dankill said:
Also, I'll throw one out for POWABOMB!

[Jan 22,2009 1:39am - sacreligion ""]
this thread has taught me three things:

1) Asystole is WICKED gay.
2) The title really means "say your band name"
3) Sac is the only metal band with an original-ish logo.
[Jan 22,2009 8:34am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

Dankill said:
slam%20pig said:[img]



True story, I used to work with the brother of the guy on the right with the beard and glasses. He couldn't stop talking about how awesome they were and gave me the CD. Nice guy but..............EHHHH.
Pretty much a really bad SOD wannabe.

Also, I'll throw one out for POWABOMB!

Holy shit, I remember those guys. That was way back.

[Jan 22,2009 9:06am - dreadkill ""]
[Jan 22,2009 9:14am - orgymf@work  ""]

ancient%20master said:neo messiah


god neo messiah was terrible.
their lead singer (Rory) was actually a nice dude though.
i used to work with him in a convienience store in mansfield, we used to steal the free packs of smokes out of the little buy one get one free boxes and make fun of customers.
[Jan 22,2009 9:16am - orgymf@work  ""]
haha....i actually like Abortion Clinic.
not very original (like s.o.d. meets the mentors, but wayyy less talented than either band.) but kinda heavy, and funny as hell.
[Jan 22,2009 9:20am - metal_church101 ""]

sacreligion said:this thread has taught me three things:

1) Asystole is WICKED gay.
2) The title really means "say your band name"
3) Sac is the only metal band with an original-ish logo.

I was just throwing the ol' Sacreligion logo up there just for humor.

[Jan 22,2009 9:26am - orgymf@work  ""]

sacreligion said:this thread has taught me three things:

1) Asystole is WICKED gay.
2) The title really means "say your band name"
3) Sac is the only metal band with an original-ish logo.

do you guys still have that kid john in the band?
the guy who used to play with the sound effects on a casio keyboard and jump around on stage like a drunk monkey.

he was actually how i first heard sacreligion.
my old roommate was his girlfriend, and when i first met him, he had heard i was into metal and gave me a demo disc.

he's a nice kid, but i hated when his unemployed ass would come over and scrounge all my beer, smokes and mountain dew.
[Jan 22,2009 9:29am - metal_church101 ""]
Beer first. Then smokes.
[Jan 22,2009 9:33am - orgymf@work  ""]
pretty much.
"hey dude, can i grab one of those beers"
"hey orgy, ya got a smoke?"
"oh man, that beer and nicotine dried my mouth out, can i have some of that mountain dew?"
[Jan 22,2009 10:34am - Yeti ""]
HA! oh man, yeah John is still our "keyboard" player. he has made a complete turnaround in his life. he got his shit together, works for the state of Rhode Island and cleaned up his act. he still flails around on stage like a retarded drunk monkey. actually he had to change his flailing style because his old one was separating the discs in his spine.
[Jan 22,2009 12:14pm - sacreligion ""]
jonny sac is my hero
[Jan 22,2009 12:41pm - orgymf@work  ""]

Yeti said:HA! oh man, yeah John is still our "keyboard" player. he has made a complete turnaround in his life. he got his shit together, works for the state of Rhode Island and cleaned up his act. he still flails around on stage like a retarded drunk monkey. actually he had to change his flailing style because his old one was separating the discs in his spine.

that's good to hear.
i always thought he was a real good guy, dude just needed to get his shit together.

[Jan 22,2009 12:45pm - metal_church101 ""]

orgymf@work said:
Yeti said:HA! oh man, yeah John is still our "keyboard" player. he has made a complete turnaround in his life. he got his shit together, works for the state of Rhode Island and cleaned up his act. he still flails around on stage like a retarded drunk monkey. actually he had to change his flailing style because his old one was separating the discs in his spine.

that's good to hear.
i always thought he was a real good guy, dude just needed to get his shit together.

Doesn't that describe most of Sacreligion?


[Jan 22,2009 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
i'll leave that one alone.
[Jan 22,2009 12:47pm - metal_church101 ""]
I was just kidding. No bashing.
[Jan 22,2009 12:47pm - sacreligion ""]
we just need to get everyone to practice. ian's good at doing other stuff.
[Jan 23,2009 5:36pm - STLUCI ""]

dreadkill said:i thought this was going to be another graveside service thread.

hey that is a good thing !!
[Jan 23,2009 7:05pm - the_reverend ""]
my favorite band to make fun of is blue. he's a band now, right?
[Dec 15,2010 1:29pm - drop the gun tough guy  ""]
LITCH KING and their tinty guitar sound
[Dec 15,2010 1:30pm - the_reverend ""]
they are from litchfield.
[Dec 15,2010 2:00pm - goatcatalyst ""]
OP: jealous of my flaxen hair and incomparable fashion sense
[Dec 15,2010 2:10pm - RustyPS ""]
I can't believe after reading through this whole that no one mentioned Saint To Sinner

Did this thread pre-date the Bovacaust?
[Dec 15,2010 2:19pm - metal_church101 ""]
Looks like it.
[Dec 15,2010 3:20pm - anonymous  ""]
That band BORGABOR V sucked fucking ass
[Dec 15,2010 4:03pm - narkybark ""]
I actually just said "borgaborgaborgaborgaborgabor" to myself and it made me smile.
[Dec 15,2010 5:47pm - blue ""]
i luled at abortion clinic.

one of raising kubrick's first shows in late 2001/early 2002 was with these guys. breathtaking.
[Dec 16,2010 12:45am - ALSO A CLIENT  ""]
Two dead sluts one good fuck. The lead literally penetrated his fecal exit with his mic and smeared something maloderous all over himself
[Sep 21,2012 4:46pm - HAMBONE  ""]
[Sep 21,2012 5:12pm - trioxin245 ""]

arilliusbm said:There's a decent amount of shit-talking in this scene.

[Sep 21,2012 5:37pm - RagnarokWraith ""]
Wait, some dude's real name is Orgy?
[Sep 21,2012 7:09pm - Boozegood ""]
[Sep 21,2012 7:10pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
^^ troof
[Sep 22,2012 4:35am - ZirconAlmighty  ""]
I'm so shocked! We've been made fun of over and over again and haven't made promotions for this thread yet! All Hail the Mighty Zircon OV War! We are indeed the greatest and best band to have ever existed let alone the most powerful black metal band of NE!! Easy!
ALSO%20A%20CLIENT said:Two dead sluts one good fuck. The lead literally penetrated his fecal exit with his mic and smeared something maloderous all over himself
[Sep 23,2012 1:00am - MotleyGrue ""]
that pretty much sums up the majority of bands on this board
[Sep 23,2012 2:59pm - goatcatalyst ""]
The Shitty Beetles can get fucked
[Sep 25,2012 10:28am - trioxin245 ""]

goatcatalyst said:The Shitty Beetles can get fucked

[Sep 25,2012 10:57am - largefreakatzero ""]

[Sep 25,2012 11:01am - trioxin245 ""]

largefreakatzero said:

Can't wait for 3 down 1 to go!
[Sep 25,2012 12:09pm - Happy Hipster  ""]

Arghs said:I'll start:

Queer Eye for the Black Metal Guy


Weak. They are an awesome band and I've heard it's actually only the guitarist who is gay and the rest are straight.

[Sep 25,2012 1:00pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

Happy%20Hipster said:
Arghs said:I'll start:

Queer Eye for the Black Metal Guy


Weak. They are an awesome band and I've heard it's actually only the guitarist who is gay and the rest are straight.

[Sep 25,2012 1:24pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Sep 25,2012 5:06pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
^ lollerz
[Sep 25,2012 7:00pm - Thunderstool  ""]
I'm utterly astounded that Seax has not been mentioned in this thread!
[Sep 25,2012 7:42pm - THUNDERFROMDOWNUNDER  ""]
Still dont get why anyone would wanna troll Thundersteel. Talk to the dude for 5 minutes. You'll get where he is coming from, and would most likely quit the hating. Good dude, just different then most of the underground metalheads. Its almost like happy thrash/power metal are a totally different scence anyhow
[Sep 25,2012 7:42pm - THUNDERFROMDOWNUNDER  ""]
[Sep 25,2012 7:47pm - worst troll in the history of the universe  ""]

THUNDERFROMDOWNUNDER said:Still dont get why anyone would wanna troll Thundersteel. Talk to the dude for 5 minutes. You'll get where he is coming from, and would most likely quit the hating. Good dude, just different then most of the underground metalheads. Its almost like happy thrash/power metal are a totally different scence anyhow

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