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Favorite New England bands to make fun of

[Sep 25,2012 8:10pm - THUNDERFROMDOWNUNDER  ""]
He is just a nice kid. He's overcome alot of shit. If you meet him, you get why he posts like an 80's pizza thrasher. I honestly hate that happy shit, but whatever, each to his own.
[Sep 25,2012 8:17pm - Heavy Metal Faggot Police  ""]
Nobody cares if he's a nice kid. Just that he fucks off.
[Sep 28,2012 3:04am - Joan  ""]
Goatcatalyst is a loser
[Nov 18,2012 5:34pm - Vital Remains  ""]
We are the biggest joke NE has ever encountered now because of ton to and the Lone Danger constantly replacing band members.
[Mar 20,2013 8:58pm - Heavy Metal Faggot Police  ""]
I still think Thundersteel is an asshole.
[Mar 21,2013 1:30pm - metalveteransdumpsterfire  ""]
you called?
[Mar 21,2013 1:38pm - Thunderstool  ""]

metalveteransdumpsterfire said:you called?

Yeah. I want you to tie Thundersteel up, douse him in gasoline, and throw his stupid, spandex wearing ass IN a dumpster fire so that stupid faggot burns to death.

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