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the Bombshelter (Manchester, NH) - [ascendancy][command_presence][estuary][hand_choke_neck][liquid_violence][meliah_rage][ocean][porphyria][randomshots][shroud_of_bereavement][the_accursed]
[Oct 3,2004 7:46pm - powerkok ""]
succubus said:powerkok said:NO that was us!!!
It was hosers power to his noise supressor!


are you kidding?

NO! Im not kidding. hahaha.
[Oct 3,2004 7:51pm - succubus ""]
it was me?

[Oct 3,2004 7:52pm - succubus ""]
i know it happened during CP because the guitarist told me

and aaron saw it too


i suck =(
[Oct 3,2004 8:09pm - powerkok ""]
well, I noticed hosers guitar was off and Im like, hmm wtf, then after our set I asked him, and he said succubus hit the power strip.
hahaha whatever.
I also watched rev walk right into a light can, with his head. he kinda looked at it, shook his head a bit and continued shooting. hahahah thats metal.
[Oct 3,2004 8:16pm - succubus ""]
oh hoser


oh man

i feel horrible
[Oct 3,2004 8:21pm - WyrmFingerz ""]
oh man, you're soooo dead...
[Oct 3,2004 8:25pm - powerkok ""]
hahaha like I said...whatevah!!
MUCH worse has happened.

hey wyrm...when did u guys play last night?!?!
I heard right before shroud went on that cp dropped off?
but I see pics. WHAT GIVES MAN!? ha ha I was there till after Meliah got done, how could I have missed this?
[Oct 3,2004 8:29pm - succubus ""]
oh and i forgot to give you the cinnabons!!

CP played after SOB

and who is wyrmFingerz?
[Oct 3,2004 8:31pm - WyrmFingerz ""]
PowerKok, my excellent dude, we went on after Meliah Rage. ( i guess we finally took BTE's spot)

there were some terrible rumors circulating last night, but it was all good.
[Oct 3,2004 8:38pm - powerkok ""]
I really wanted to see you guys too.
next time, dammit.

Ya...succubus...the friggin cinnabons..hahaha. next time as well, dammit!
[Oct 3,2004 8:57pm - WyrmFingerz ""]
succubus said:
and who is wyrmFingerz?

that's a question a lot of people wind up asking.
[Oct 3,2004 9:06pm - Terence ""]
Todd said:RTTP Wins!! By a small margin day 2 of the fest had more people show up and actually stay for the duration.. I had a lot of fun, met some cool people , I just wish I was not stuck up front all friggin day,but from what i heard (could not see) it was cool. Ascendancy sounded awesome ,way better than usual.porphyria was sick as usual(Serge loves you guys). and the rest of the bands were sick ,i could not believe that was a girl singing for Estuary,wow! , after hearing that she gets my vote on the most brutal DM vocalists thread!!...PS.-Terence, those CD's i got from you are killer, Nothing like listenin to Cliteater at 4 in the morning to piss the neighbors off, I guess I was still a little deaf from being at the club all day, cause "apparently" my music was "way to fuckin loud at this time of the night" according to them... oh well fuck'em haha

Todd, Im glad you like those cd's, Cliteater is fucking awesome!
[Oct 3,2004 9:24pm - reuben ""]
We had a great time, thanks to Dan for hooking us up. Thanks to Kell for just being awesome.Sorry we had to jet before your set.Jenny's show was great. She was happy I made it back in time. I agree that the sound sucked. How do we get to the show next Friday?
[Oct 3,2004 11:30pm - sarahkubrick ""]
good times. I got to hang out with a group of metal gang members. By the end of the night i found that i was also wearing the special colors and clothing as well. the letters rttp across our ripped chests will tell all the posers not to fuck with the metalheads. <3 i love this sweatshirt <3 anyway.. I was quite amused by seeing command pressance, a chick singer who blew me out of the water, the later night hotel/pool and picnic table party, carbar(as usual;)), the redhands something or other tattoo given to me by a child who is growing his hair out so he can cut it off and give to kids with cancer, kelly's hot skirt, and the shots that were poured down the mouths of those on stage. I also was able to hear all about the ascendancy south american tour from terrence. killer! this should become a yearly event.
[Oct 3,2004 11:33pm - dreadkill ""]
sounds like you fuckers had a great time while i was pissing away my life in burlington massachusetts.
[Oct 3,2004 11:41pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
sarahkubrick said: killer! this should become a yearly event.

ya except next time with valhalla!! \m/
[Oct 3,2004 11:54pm - dreadkill ""]
and my joke side project
[Oct 3,2004 11:58pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
And hopefully some people (other than the bands and a handful of friends) will show up.

[Oct 4,2004 12:12am - the_reverend ""]
powerkok said:I also watched rev walk right into a light can, with his head. he kinda looked at it, shook his head a bit and continued shooting. hahahah thats metal.

I did that twice... you saw the first time.
the second time I didn't even look at it cause I knew what I did.
[Oct 4,2004 1:02am - powerkok ""]
hahahahaha. classic.
[Oct 4,2004 10:00am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
i had a super duper, good time. drunk. good.

kok - i will be the meat in your HCN sandwich any day. HA!

reuben - YOU are awesome. i will send you directions for the friday gig. i'm glad Jenny's gig went well. i hope you told her 'good luck' from me.

sarah miles - I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU...the elements, in action! I will be at your Nov. 6th gig, but I hope to see you much, much sooner.

josh/ascendancy - good to see you again. i'll try to come to your haunted house.

i though all the bands pretty much rocked, because i love them all. it was good to see my CP chicks again, from the days of old. i agree that the sound was, well, eh...everyone i talked to said our sound was fine, but i couldn't hear a note i sang. i couldn't get any vocals in the moniters. ah well. as long as it sounded fine in the audience.
[Oct 4,2004 11:08am - RustedAngel ""]
hahaha, what happend to beyond the embrace playing? were they a no-show? what fags, that band sucks anyway. The BarBq was awesome, thanks to dan's dad!

hand choke neck: tore shit up pretty hard, vocals were a bit lower than usual. s1ck mosh.

ocean: man these guys have some heavy ass riffs, I'm not a huge fan of slow music, but I can definetly get into their shit more than other bands of their genre.

us: OMFG, the levels sounded fine for our quick sound check...as soon as we went into the song I could hear absolutely NOTHING at all except for myself. I was turning myself down in between each song and backing up a bit just to hear the snare drum to keep time. Shawn's guitar wasn't even coming out of his monitor. Dane (drummer) said all he could hear was feedback the entire set. I thought it was our worst show to date due to the circumstances. The last time we played the shelter (14th aug.) the sound was pretty excellent. I don't understand what happend this time around. Hopefully it sounded better in front of the stage, thanks to everyone for the people all around the stage! and for lighting off the party favors, haha.

liquid violence: all I know is that they were all wearing shirts with german flags on them. I was waiting for them to say "hail hitler!" in between songs but I couldn't understand anything they were saying. they weren't really metal at all.

Ascendancy: came on and played a grueling set of brutality. This show I could actually hear terence's vocals pretty well, it's almost hard to believe it's actually coming out of him!!! insane! Definetly hard to hear what was going on at certain points due to the acoustics in a room like that.

The accursed: came on and played an energetic set just as I remember them doing the last few times I've seen them. I don't really know any of the material though. The scream for like 3 minutes straight at the beginning was pretty cool. Iron Lungs. haha.

Estuary: pretty awesome band, probably one of my favorites of the night. Sick vocals, more brutal most guys doing them. heh. Drove 15 hours to play in front of like 30 people, gotta love it! I'm sure they gained 30 fans though.

Shroud: I thought they sounded good over the PA you could hear everything pretty clearly. I don't know how they fit a song into that last 7 minutes though? Dan said they were speeding it up, but it still seemed DOOM to me :spineyes:

I was pretty exhausted at this point and made my trek back home to maine. yay. Drive seemed longer than usual!

Thanks to Snake, for throwing this damn bash, and putting us on the bill, Thanks to dan for recommending us as well! If you're looking for a new forum to explore go check out the snakenet board.


[Oct 4,2004 11:11am - dirteecrayon ""]
wheres estuary from?
[Oct 4,2004 11:31am - RustedAngel ""]
i think ohio?

ps. once again thanks to jess, aaron, carina for the photographs!
[Oct 4,2004 11:46am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
RustedAngel said:i think ohio?

ps. once again thanks to jess, aaron, carina for the photographs!

Yes. Thank you, guys. It means so much to all of us kids in bands, as you know. You ROCK. :bow:
[Oct 4,2004 11:50am - succubus ""]
..thank you guys for thanking me even though you haven't seen my pics yet..since i didn't post them yet


hopefully you'll like them!
[Oct 4,2004 11:51am - succubus ""]
RustedAngel said:... Shawn's guitar wasn't even coming out of his monitor...

did i unplug that too?

[Oct 4,2004 11:54am - powerkok ""]
ya tom, the sound on stage was horrendous, but you guys' sound on the floor was pretty awesome.
trust me, it sounded nothing like the stage mix, cuz halfway thru the set I came back to yer side of the stage and watched from there, and man, what a difference. couldnt hear anything when we played either...I heard my guitar, and the bass guitar that kept popping on certain notes.
[Oct 4,2004 11:54am - powerkok ""]
succubus said:RustedAngel said:... Shawn's guitar wasn't even coming out of his monitor...

did i unplug that too?

[Oct 4,2004 4:01pm - the_reverend ""]
rev's week-ass review:
hand choke neck: the beginning, I was like "what the fuck is that?" I guess they were the guinea pig for the sound of the day. after the first song, the sound kind of normalized. Chris's vocals sounded so much more br00tal than before. I guess the new cd has worked his joking-voice into something bottomless.

ocean: ninkaszi should be pissed that he missed this band. it's a mixture of conifer and noosebomb.

porphyria: largest crowd of the night and the first time that people started to mosh during the night.

ascendancy: unmatched brutality. they had one of the best sounds of the night.

liquid violence: from NY, they came out in matching germany-punk uniforms. I was expecting them to wow everyone with something like impaled. it was a lot different than that. post-thrash music, some of it reminded me of DRI.

the accursed: why do I always take so many damn pictures of them? they get up on stage and are 100% rockstars to the max!

estuary: ok, so this was probably the most brutal band on the bill. that girl's voice put everyone's to shame.

shroud of bereavement: the sound for them was really good. I kept getting pulled away from the stage during their set to shoot pictures of people.

meliah rage: I've never been a big meliah fan. I like a song here or there.

command presence: finally, cp playing again. I'm pretty sure the guitarist and drummer are the only 2 members left since I saw them in 2002.
[Oct 4,2004 4:05pm - RustedAngel ""]
RustedAngel said:hahaha, what happend to beyond the embrace playing? were they a no-show?

[Oct 4,2004 4:06pm - anonymous  ""]
>to beyond the embrace playing? were they a no-show? what fags, that >band sucks anyway.

I thougt "Beyond the embrace" was fine,,the only band that sucked was shroud of bereavement..what a joke they are !..

It was time to go outside...
[Oct 4,2004 4:06pm - the_reverend ""]
BTE didn't even play... shows what you know.
[Oct 4,2004 4:09pm - WyrmFingerz ""]
the_reverend said:command presence: finally, cp playing again. I'm pretty sure the guitarist and drummer are the only 2 members left since I saw them in 2002.

nope, just the vocalist is new.

... and better
[Oct 4,2004 4:11pm - blue ""]
the_reverend said:
command presence: finally, cp playing again. I'm pretty sure the guitarist and drummer are the only 2 members left since I saw them in 2002.

actually, the only new member is kurly(vocals). everyone else is old school, yo.
[Oct 4,2004 4:39pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
"the only band that sucked was shroud of bereavement..what a joke they are !.. "

go kill yourself anonymous idiot
shroud is fucking awesome and dan hooks us up, he is the fucking man
[Oct 4,2004 4:51pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
anonymous said:>to beyond the embrace playing? were they a no-show? what fags, that >band sucks anyway.

I thougt "Beyond the embrace" was fine,,the only band that sucked was shroud of bereavement..what a joke they are !..

It was time to go outside...

People who insult bands but don't have the balls to say who they are...are also a joke

[Oct 4,2004 5:00pm - BornSoVile ""]
fun day and night!
highlights by far were hand choke neck, porphyria, the accursed, and shroud! this was by far the most organized show i've ever had the priviledge to take part in. saw lots of new faces and met some good people too! rock on bombsheltah!
[Oct 4,2004 5:42pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
[Oct 4,2004 5:46pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
matt send me that email about the shirt

[Oct 4,2004 5:55pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
o ya
hold on
[Oct 4,2004 5:58pm - HOSER ""]
Gotta love that anonymous posting faggot. BTE didn't even play which means that the anonymous asshole wasn't even there which means that he/she/it was probably at home flipping it's bean because it didn't have the balls to show it's face at an RTTP show. That's right anonymous wiener, I know who you are. Eye got my eye on you, pal.

*points finger in sarcastically threatening manner*
[Oct 4,2004 6:07pm - BornSoVile ""]
I can't wait to see carina's pics!
[Oct 4,2004 6:22pm - ninkaszi  ""]
i got to the show wicked late. i missed basically everyone i wanted to see except for SOB, and Meliah Rage. it was the first time i saw SOB, and i was really impressed. great doom/death metal. the sound was awesome for them. i can't wait to see them again in providence this friday.

meliah rage was basically awful. it was really pathetic seeing a "classic" heavy metal/thrash band play to about nine people. i almost felt bad for them. it was entertaining for about ten minutes. then i went and hung out with josh some more. i saw some of command prescence and it's really not my thing.

it was my first time at the bomb shelter. it was a cool place. hopefully hirudinea can play a show up there with shroud of bereavement once we put out our split cd with watchmaker.
[Oct 4,2004 6:39pm - dyingmuse ""]
ninkaszi said:i got to the show wicked late. i missed basically everyone i wanted to see except for SOB, and Meliah Rage. it was the first time i saw SOB, and i was really impressed. great doom/death metal. the sound was awesome for them. i can't wait to see them again in providence this friday.

meliah rage was basically awful. it was really pathetic seeing a "classic" heavy metal/thrash band play to about nine people. i almost felt bad for them. it was entertaining for about ten minutes. then i went and hung out with josh some more. i saw some of command prescence and it's really not my thing.

it was my first time at the bomb shelter. it was a cool place. hopefully hirudinea can play a show up there with shroud of bereavement once we put out our split cd with watchmaker.

we would love to do shows with yall....maybe with you and valhalla...they rock! lets do it guys! and thanks for the kind words. ohh and the annonomous guy is a coward for sure!....pussy!

[Oct 4,2004 6:50pm - ninkaszi  ""]
cool thanks man, i just want to wait doing shows for awhile until our cd is finally out. our last show will be oct 16 at the choppin block. the cd should be out by the end of the year if all goes well.

i'll see you at the RI show this friday and we'll drink some beers. cheers!
[Oct 4,2004 9:47pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I hope the turnout is good for Friday's show at KC's Tap.

Mike, it's actually in Pawtucket (the bucket), north of Providence.

[Oct 4,2004 10:05pm - dirtycrayon  ""]
are there any nudie bars near the tap?
[Oct 4,2004 11:01pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
matt you didnt send that email
[Oct 4,2004 11:10pm - BornSoVile ""]
steph, just hold out til montreal!

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