METAL NATION: NORTHERN AGGRESSION FEST day 2, the recap[views:32729][posts:157]the Bombshelter (Manchester, NH) - [ascendancy][command_presence][estuary][hand_choke_neck][liquid_violence][meliah_rage][ocean][porphyria][randomshots][shroud_of_bereavement][the_accursed] ______________________________________ [Oct 4,2004 11:13pm - dirteecrayon ""] sweet! get on aim! |
________________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 9:18am - kellthevalkyrie ""] ninkaszi said: hopefully hirudinea can play a show up there with shroud of bereavement once we put out our split cd with watchmaker. sounds like a plan. >:] |
_____________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 10:40am - RustedAngel ""] so snake is sorta mad at me, and everything about the fest apparently :( Here's basically the convo taken from the snakenet board. I know I wasn't the only one that thought Liquid Violence were skinheads. I apologized about assuming that and now I'm being accused of not supporting any of the bands even though I watched every band play their entire sets which is more than I can say for some of the people there. Am I being the asshole here, I don't even know? Someone help me out here. Originally posted by Snake [br]Dude, they are from Buffalo. They weren't supporting their home country. At least the last time I checked the Germans hadn't over run western NY. I thought maybe their families originated from Germany...but I guess not? why are they sportin' german flags then? just curious? I'm no expert on skinheads, but I though the term "skinhead" came from the total absence of hair. They all had mohawks. So again, I honestly don't know where anyone was coming up with Nazi skinheads from. Seeing as how Dan kept relaying to me how pissed off the area bands were that they were going on before a band they never heard of and how everyone was going to leave when they came on, I wasn't surprised that only a handful of SnakeNet people were up front while they were playing. It was yet another example of the weak support the area bands showed for the fest. I've met some skins that have some hair, it doen't require you to be bald. For the record, I never complained about our timeslot, and again, I watched their entire set as well as all the other bands. I wasn't the only one who had this thought cross their mind so don't get upset with me over it. The guys in Liquid Violence work with me putting on shows in the Western NY area....shows that draw a helluva lot more then the handful of people that came out for this fest...and shows that have bands from out of the area on them too. The complete lack of support from the NE bands was appalling on both days. Instead of taking the opportunity to network with some bands that were playing on your turf, not only didn't you guys support them, you come out with this sort of bullshit. honestly, even though they are not nazi skins, I wasn't digging their punk/hardcore music. Again, I still watched them. I expected better out of you, Tom. Your attitude thoroughly digusts me. Its no wonder attendance at the show was piss poor. Its bad enough that all of these local bands combined can't draw more then 70 people, but their total lack of support for anyone but themselves is inexcusable. Maybe that is why there were more people there from SnakeNet then any band drew through the door and why Serg isn't going to let bands play the Bombshelter without selling tickets in the future. Pathetic! Snake, attendance at the bombshelter is always piss poor, you saw the shadows fall show, sure there was a decent amount of people there but that's a HUGE show for the area. There were not as many people there as their would be if they played the palladium in MASS. Even cannibal corpse can hardly draw in manchester. As a matter of fact the first time they came to Manch. w/ Hate Eternal there was about 60 people there tops...The Bloodletting tour show at the bombshelter was also a poor turnout considering all the bands were absolutely sick! (gorgasm, spawn of possession, pyaemia, severed savior, goratory, ascendancy) there was about 50 people at that show. You guys really blew a good opportunity. Not one single band drew even 20 people through the door. Serg and I were willing to take a financial hit to try to build something in the area for you people and this is the sort of reaction we get. thank us for putting this show on, but actions speak louder then words, man. Your gratitude was shown by how well you rounded up a crowd and your support of the bands from outside your area that drove hundreds of miles to peform. We didn't blow anything. Todd the door guy told me that we drew 26 people halfway through the show. So what are you talking about there? I watched all the bands. Never did I hang outside while a band was playing despite the horrible smoke problem in there. Stop assuming that I wasn't supporting anything just because I mistakenly thought a band was 'about' something I disagree with. I realize that most metal acts don't have big fan bases, but the turnout the bands on this bill pulled was a fucking joke by any standard. Make whatever lame excuses that you like for the poor attendance, but all it would have taken was for each band to draw 20 people through the door and we would have had over 200 people there. For certain I made a mistake in overestimating the type of support we could draw out for this fest, but in the end, these types of shows live and die on the locals getting out their crowd and it was pretty appearent what sort of job they did. We drew over 26, I as well as the Rev RTTP and Carina noticed we had the most people out front for us as well. I can't speak for anyone else. I'm actually suprised we have a fanbase at all, we've only been playing shows since June. I've been working my ass off in this band, part of the reason why I broke up with my girlfriend because I wanted to focus 100% on the band and it sucks. Here's another weird story, We played another Bar literally down the street called Milly's Tavern back in July w/hcn,laz and over 130 people showed up! We got paid $110 for playing a 15 minute set opening! I'm pretty sure the club itself did some heavy advertising. I think if Serge hired someone to do club promo the bombshelter could potentially start to draw attendance like that for even local shows!!! Yeah...I heard plenty of crying and bitching about time slots. I'm sure the fact that 3 of the local bands going on before 8pm is the excuse you'll use for your shitty job getting out a crowd. That doesn't wash with me though. I have done tons of shows and had afternoon crowds larger then the total that showed up for this fest. I, or my band never complained about our timeslot, we were actually grateful that we got to play 3rd. Dude, why are you blaming me for what you think is a failure? All this spawned from a false accusation which I already apologized for. |
__________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 11:28am - succubus ""] i hope snake sees this.... i don't think it's fair to blame Tom for the low turnout...i know for a fact he did his part to promote BOTH days of the show....unlike others Why is he being blamed? Also, Porphyria seemed to have the largest i dunno why Tom is getting blamed for anything...the reverend and i were talking about how great the crowd response was too. i also saw Tom watch that band and he was there the whole time as was i..again...some people were outside during their set...but NOT tom...which is why this post doesn't make sense to me... as for the skinhead was just a be honest..i wasn't sure at first either...i can say when i was in highschool i knew a skinhead with a mohawk that had the same jacket...i know the singer from 30 seconds to mars has one too and he's not a skinhead... still...why is he being blamed for the low turn out .... i don't get it... i never heard them complain about their time slot either... ~~~~ i had a fun time at the show...i enjoyed all the bands and hope to post my pics of ALL THE BANDS soon! |
__________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 11:33am - powerkok ""] bottom line, more people wouldve went if there was a good headlining band. people arent going to rush out the door to see their local favorites at 3 pm on a saturday. thats just assinine. If snakenet had a good headlining band...(not some semi-good metal blade band that no ones heard of, and didnt show up), then people would have prolly come out. Yes, Porphyria drew 26 people, HCN drew 23, thats 2 bands that drew more than 20. Also, as luck would have it, they were also 2 of the 3 first bands. Do the math...thats 50 people. of 70 total people... Whats that tell you? Also, The whole promoting thing...I know We put flyers everywhere, and told as many people as we could about this show, even though, I didnt expect even 10 HCN fans to show due to the early start time. I strongly believe that a metalfest, should be promoted by the people in charge of the fest, seeing how, in the end, its THEIR show, and it reflects on them. I also heard some bullshit about not supporting the first day. some people have lives. They cannot go to a club on the day before they have to be at the same club at 1pm. Especially when it got turned into, 'which day will draw more' contest. Some bands practiced friday night, so that they were primed and ready for the saturday show. As for that, bands were told to show up 2 hours before they played. We were there at 1 pm, waiting. The snakenet people didnt even show up till 2:30!!!! Ur so metal, that youre an hour and a half late to your own show! I have no problems with anyone on this, but Im stating pure, fact. and the sound sucked balls. |
________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 12:24pm - Abbath ""] some one should tell snake that i drove a total of 300 miles to see this show, and the guys from ocean drove from maine! that's dedication, the only vibe i got from those people were all negitive, i remember one of the guys flipped out on some people because they asked for some food free saying "NONE OF YOU SHOWED UP LAST NIGHT SO WHY DO YOU THINK YOU DESERVE ANYTHING!?" ya dude way to go |
__________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 1:36pm - dyingmuse ""] honestly, evryone i talkd to and judging by the video, i beleive shroud had the biggest amount of people watching...but what does that matter? and weather or not people counted... we had at least 20 people there, sorry guys, but my whole family was there , my girlfriends family was there, my keyboardist's family was there...her boyfriend, my girlfriend. mike from eternal embrace, jeremy from oak k-noll, serge(the russian metal mother fucker. kelly's brother, and half of our fans happen to be snakenetters. why has it turned into this? and the headliner was a huge point in the no turnout. |
__________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 1:41pm - dyingmuse ""] this scene is pathetic, and thats the bottom line! i lost money on this fest as well. i really wish we had more people and i wish all the bands did. but this is new england, and its not the bands fault. its different everytime. we had the same line up a few months ago...ocean, porphyeria,hcn,and shroud we got 80 peeps...go figure! |
____________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 1:53pm - RustedAngel ""] well we had no family there, other than my little brother and todd said we had 26 people. I'm not gonna argue about who had the most people there, the only reason why I brought that up was because I was being accused of not drawing at least 20 people. |
________________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 1:56pm - kellthevalkyrie ""] Snake apologized to Tom. It's all good. He explained everything. He's not blaming the bands. If anyone wants to read it, they can go to the Snakenet site. I don't want to copy and paste. |
_________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 1:57pm - powerkok ""] Ya I also think Shroud had the biggest floor audience. Not that it matters at all, because between shroud porph and hcn, that accounts for the 70- cant tell me only 70 people showed up all day...there had to be more. 23 , 26, 25....for just 3 bands!! you cant tell me, not ONE other person came for any other bands!! what about ascendancy? they had peeps... so did the accursed. I still had a good time regardless of some minor problems. |
________________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 2:01pm - kellthevalkyrie ""] powerkok said: I still had a good time regardless of some minor problems. Me too. I had tons of fun. That should be all that matters. I love all the bands that played, and I'll play with them again any day of the week, regardless of what any band draws, I will watch any band in the scene that's friendly and plays good music. Again, Snake did apologize to Tom. It's all good. |
_________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 2:04pm - succubus ""] yay!! =) |
________________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 2:04pm - Distrust-Kevin ""] I look at these words on this computer screen and see only a silent-never ending argument that seems like deja vu so many times over, over so many similar things in the past. Move on to the next thing now. Do it better next time. This time is done. |
____________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 2:24pm - RustedAngel ""] yes things are good now, I just said the wrong thing at the wrong time. my bad. I just saw german army flag uniforms on a band from NY and made a false accusation. Sorry to liquid violence. |
__________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 2:31pm - dyingmuse ""] ok, another thing, tom should not have suffered the brunt of this whole thing! he did more than his part to support this thing,i saw all the posts and he was at the show the whole day, and that's more then i can say for half of the bands on this thing. though i didn't see him there on's all good though one thing that i have to say is you can't please anyone, and thats a fact....these things make me wonder why i'm even playing anymore! fuck it! im sick of the soap opera, backstabbing, unapreciative, bullshit that goes on! fuck it all! |
____________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 2:36pm - RustedAngel ""] yeah, I did have plans friday night, but I know that's no excuse. However, I am not into any of the bands that played friday at all. If there was at least one band that was playing that I was into I probably would have cancelled all plans and gone esp. since it would have been free. and dan you're aware of the ERIC vs. RTTP drama. You showed up on Friday, yet no Eric on Saturday. I knew he wouldn't show. |
__________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 2:58pm - dyingmuse ""] ha haha...true that! and a csdo cronnie even insulted my's comical really! ha ha ha i must say distrust are bad assed these days, and you did miss their set. they rock. i fucking rushed down there to see their set and missed it myself...grrrr whatever though. i'm done with drama and soap operas in general. from now on, i'm going to let my other band members do the promo for a while, as i am tired of the whole fucking thing! and i'm tired of message board drama. i will not even get involved in band fights, let people say what they will. i work too hard in my band to let shit bother me. |
_______________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 3:48pm - Corpsegrinder ""] ..Yeah, Eric was too scared of you, rusted angel. That's why he didn't show on Saturday. |
_____________________________ [Oct 5,2004 3:50pm - blue ""] well, that and he doesnt seem too keen on supporting local metal, as apparent of his lack of promoting the second day. i should talk, considering i didnt even go. =( |
____________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 3:59pm - RustedAngel ""] Corpsegrinder said:..Yeah, Eric was too scared of you, rusted angel. That's why he didn't show on Saturday. nope he was scared of the fact that there would be about 30 people there that think he's a douchebag. |
_______________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 4:29pm - Corpsegrinder ""] you have 30 boyfriends? thats's where you get the dick photos you little queer. |
___________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 5:14pm - BornSoVile ""] Um ok. I don't understand what all the hot air is about. I thought turnout was decent but still strong. It coulda been better if some more established local bands played but it was awesome that these bands got the opportunity to partake in the fest. It would have been better if there were well known out of state bands playing. Decrypt, Mortal Decay, Misery Index woulda drawn easily 10 people a piece for a very small fee in comparision to some other bands fees which were just ridiculous. There are tons of bands within 12 hours of here that woulda and coulda drawn great, oh well. The Bombsheltah was the perfect place for this, I blame nothing on them, I thought they handled this very well for the most part. Liquid Violence was just kinda out of place. I didn't mind the music all that much but I don't think anyone there saw or felt anything metal about them, NE is clicky. On behalf of myself and Ascendancy there were no regrets, objections or any sort of hostility towards our given set time. I thought it was perfect, plus with the 3 bands that dropped off many bands got some extra time too which is always a plus. I'd definately put this show in one of our top 5 shows of this year. I thought the sound on stage was a little bad but nothing wicked extreme. Sound on the floor was pretty good. Every band was pretty damn tight. Um and I heard that BTE canceled cause the drummer had to be hospitalized cause he has a rare condition that prevents blood from circulating to certain parts of his body, he was having trouble with his leg apparently, bummer. |
________________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 5:34pm - kellthevalkyrie ""] I <3 Josh. Well said. Right on. It was one of my top shows of the year, too. I had a great time. |
_________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 6:39pm - powerkok ""] I gave up No kids in the house poon pokin party, to stay and watch EVERY band too. even though the show was an obvious flop. Snakes tude couldve used some tweaking, but 3 days of hotel living, and a metalfest thate was sinking faster than oprah in a vat of chocolate pudding, took its toll on him, I guess. Yes Abbath, I heard that food comment...that was snake. That really pissed me off too...but I kept my mouth shut. Dan, about the whole promotion part of this....I spent money and time outta my own pocket to promote this show, even tho we were opening, and not even close to mattering on the bill give or take. So, I want you to know that. We also did above and beyond what we had to for this show, w/o even a thx from anyone, so I dont wanna hear any crap!! hahaha...ok Im kiddin about the crap thing, but the rest is serious. |
______________________________ [Oct 5,2004 8:18pm - Snake ""] I jokingly made a comment on the SnakeNet board that I deliberately avoided reading the comments here because I was afraid I would go off on a rant. Kell agreed in a follow up post, so of course I had to see what was said. ;) PowerKoK is right. The show flopped. No one is responsible for that other then me. I am the promoter and organizer and when the show fails, the buck stops with me. I have no problem accepting the blame. Yeah. My attitude did need a serious adjustment. I hate doing shows that tank. The bands that played for the most part spent the rest of the night outside or left. Bands that played one day didn't come out for the other. I vented my frustration on Tom, but it wasn't him or his band that was the problem. Honestly, it wasn't any of the opening acts problem. The headliners didn't draw. Even if BTE had played, there still wouldn't have been an additional people there since no one knew their drummer would be hospitalized hours before they were supposed to play. Seven Witches drew nothing either. Maybe that was partly the Dio/Anthrax show, but most likely it wasn't. I had been told by quite a few people they wouldn't draw. Obviously they were right and I was wrong. As far as the bands not coming out and supporting each other goes. Yeah....that is a major issue for me. I don't expect bands to drive hundreds of miles to come out for one night, but enough people that I knew from the RI/MA area that were at the show Friday went home and were back the next day. I'm not going to belabor the point. It should be obvious to people. The guilty know who they are the ones that are not shouldn't be offended by the comments. food remark was WAY out of line. I wanted to apologize the minute I said it, but I didn't have the balls to do it, so please accept my apology for that even though it is late. It was uncalled for. It was frustration speaking. There was a lot of shit that went wrong behind the scenes that isn't public knowledge on this board, but I discussed in too much detail on the SnakeNet boards. Probably if you were aware of all we had to combat, you'd know that it was far more then the dismal turnout that was stressing me out. As far as which band drew how many people... The total paid at the show on Friday was 81. The total on Saturday was 98. Of those, 26 people were from the SnakeNet site. A couple of them were wives or friends of Command Presence and Shroud. The rest were SnakeNet people that flew in from out of town. None of those people were coming to see any band in particular. They were coming to party with their friends from SnakeNet. Serg showed me a sheet that Todd keeps to tell which people that came through the door came to see which band. Obviously if they are only given one choice, it is impossible to really say whether they would have listed a different band if their first choice wasn't there. Admittedly, I was pretty toasty when Serg was showing me the numbers. However, I remember him repeating time and time again that not one band drew more then 20 people. In my state of intoxication, I remember seeing 17 listed for Meliah Rage. I have my doubts about the validity of that number or my memory....take your pick. I also saw only one person for marked for Command Presence and one person marked for The Accursed. I know for a fact that a good number of the people that were there were wives, girlfriends and friends of Command Presence. That number could not have been accurate. Matter of act, at one point someone told me there were four people waiting in the parking lot that weren't going to come in if CP wasn't playing. I thought it must have been friends of mine playing a joke on me, but I didn't know any of those people and that is what they told me. The real point is, does it really matter if one band drew 23 or another drew 11 based on a quiz at the door? Not really. The bottom line is excluding the SnakeNet people, 55 came out on Friday and 72 came out on Saturday. Haggle over who drew the most out of that if you want, but it really isn't going to mean a damn. The show still tanked and I am still ultimately responsible. Yeah...doing a show that loses money sucks. But why I get so PO'd about bands not supporting each other is that we can't afford to be divided. No one band is bigger then the scene. We all need to work together so that everyone has a good crowd. Who plays which slot and who drew more of those that are there is irrelevent. I feel fucking horrible that many bands drove hundreds of miles to play in front of 30 or 50 people. I feel responsible. I feel even worse when virtually ever person walked out of the club before Liquid Violence even hit their first note. Fortunately a few people filtered in before their set was over, but when there were 100 paying and 50 or so band members there, that is just damn rude that no one watched. But one is required to do something they don't want to do. If people paid money to stand outside and smoke or eat while they were playing, that is their right. I can't and won't try to force them to watch something against their will. According to a few people I talked to, drawing 80 to 95 people a day was better then average for Manchester. The turnout certainly didn't suck for lack of promotion....except from the two bands at the top of the bill each night and they are nationals and I guess doing a small fest like this isn't a big deal for them. Dan and Layla were over the top with pushing this show. Every band except Distrust and BTE had the show posted on their site and even BTE added it before the show....only a couple of days before the show, but it was still before the show. And they were on tour, so they are pretty much excused. Without question, this was the best promoted show I have ever done. We had great press and good street teaming. We many never know why it didn't draw even 100 people a day, but it doesn't really matter. I know I did my best. I know Dan, Layla, Tim from Screaming Ferret, the SnakeNet people and many of the RTTP ppl did their best too. There is no shame in losing when you give you best effort, so I can live with this. The first time I did a fest like this in NC, the show totally tanked. It wasn't as bad as this one, but I have done plenty of shows that didn't draw more then 40 people. That first year I lost more money doing that fest then a lot of people earn in a year. It didn't stop me from doing one the next year and with some minor tweaks, the next one had double the attendance. I believe we can do that with this fest too. I'll just have to take what I learned from this one and do a better job promoting it the next time. Serg wants me to do more shows at the Bombshelter. I will certainly try to do that. When the next one will be and what form it takes isn't certain, but I am a fighter, not a quitter. I'm sure the next one will be bigger and better. Thanks to everyone that came out. Thanks to all the bands that were playing. Thanks to the RTTP crew and thanks to everyone that was involved. We'll get 'em next time. |
___________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 9:04pm - BornSoVile ""] Snake you are the balls!!!! CHEERS BRO!!!!!! |
____________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 10:29pm - anonymous ""] awesome |
__________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 11:07pm - powerkok ""] ya man, very well said...cya in the future, and thanks for the show. |
_________________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 11:16pm - distrust-kevin ""] Originally posted by Snake: "Every band except Distrust and BTE had the show posted on their site" ------------------------------------------- Oops... I spend so much time on the computer (not)... We have only had three shows so far since we got back together a few months ago and none of them were listed on our site. All future shows will indeed be listed however... I will personally make sure of it. |
_________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 11:49pm - Terence ""] well said. Ive experienced way too many shows I've set up where Ive lost money, but I keep going. Its the metal way, unfortunately. |
_________________________________________ [Oct 6,2004 12:08pm - kellthevalkyrie ""] right on, Snake. right on. |
______________________________________ [Oct 6,2004 12:21pm - dirteecrayon ""] "no shoes, no shirt, no service" what do you work for hooters or something??? some guy said this to me and it was the funniest thing but i have no idea who he is. |
______________________________________ [Oct 6,2004 12:25pm - the_reverend ""] the bombshelter wants promoters that mke money for them and that don't rip them off. I honestly wish massconcerts would try to set up some shows there... so certain (hated) promoters stop ripping off bands and the bombshelter... get some $$ into the BS so they can get more stuff moving. |
___________________________________ [Oct 6,2004 12:31pm - dyingmuse ""] right on man! |
__________________________________ [Oct 6,2004 12:49pm - Sparkie ""] Actually, the little boy's name is Trent. His mom, Suzanne, and him are friends/fans of CSDO. |
__________________________________ [Oct 6,2004 12:50pm - succubus ""] yup, i first talked to them at a CSDO show and we talked about that i really thought his name was bad |
_________________________________________ [Oct 6,2004 12:53pm - kellthevalkyrie ""] oh, i forgot one of my favorite parts of the weekend. who had the noise maker thingy? Was that Porphyria? My drunk memory fails me. "this is to signify the break down". HA! Classic! Too bad it was just squeaking. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 6,2004 12:54pm - RustedAngel ""] Sparkie said: His mom, Suzanne, and him are friends/fans of CSDO. that's unfortunate :spineyes: |
_____________________________________ [Oct 6,2004 12:55pm - RustedAngel ""] kellthevalkyrie said:oh, i forgot one of my favorite parts of the weekend. who had the noise maker thingy? Was that Porphyria? My drunk memory fails me. "this is to signify the break down". HA! Classic! Too bad it was just squeaking. HAHAHAHA yeah, I bought the horn last week... When I gave it to tim to use he broke the actual horn off it so it squeeled instead. lol. I had some party poppers left over from july4th so I told him to give them out to people. It was pretty funny. |
________________________________________ [Oct 6,2004 1:01pm - kellthevalkyrie ""] RustedAngel said: HAHAHAHA yeah, I bought the horn last week... When I gave it to tim to use he broke the actual horn off it so it squeeled instead. lol. I had some party poppers left over from july4th so I told him to give them out to people. It was pretty funny. It was very funny. I was cracking up when he showed it to me and Dan and told us it was to signify the break down. Priceless. Then when I heard it squeal during your set, i was like "oh my, here comes the break down!" |
______________________________________________ [Oct 7,2004 1:44am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""] Hey RustedAngel, First off : I had to work on Saturday 10am to midnight. I made a lot of money that day!! I also got laid that night by a sexy chick I met that same day ![]() Second : If I could've gone on Saturday, I would've showed up just to see Shroud and Meliah Rage........ It's great to see that all of the bands that played didn't pass out any fliers....... I guess I was the only one!! Oh, Dan got some out too........ You just can't use the internet to advertise......... Thank you to Snake and crew for trying to put on a good show!! Also much gratitude to the following : Timmy Koukos (Screaming Ferret Wreckords) and Red Right Hand, Travis and all of the guys in Distrust, Jack Frost and Seven Witches, OverLorde and Black Widow.................. |
________________________________ [Oct 7,2004 2:20am - phantos ""] fucking OCEAN! I wish I could have seen this show but we were in New Orleans I think. We are home now and coming to Boston soon with our brothers. |
_________________________________ [Oct 7,2004 4:23am - powerkok ""] "It's great to see that all of the bands that played didn't pass out any fliers....... I guess I was the only one!! " asshole. if you fucking read this whole post, youll realize, (maybe) that a SHITLOAD of flyers were passed out by quite a few bands on the 2nd day. When I heard that you made fliers w/o any info on day 2, I did the same. Just cuz yer name isnt on it, dosent mean its not a flier you conceited fuck. Ive had enough of reading your ignorant posts of how you rule in your own fantasy world. do you think we care how much $ you made from 10 am to midnight? or if you got laid? guess what? rttp drew more than your band. what do you think of that? |
____________________________________ [Oct 7,2004 8:11am - RustedAngel ""] CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:Hey RustedAngel, First off : I had to work on Saturday 10am to midnight. I made a lot of money that day!! I also got laid that night by a sexy chick I met that same day ![]() Second : If I could've gone on Saturday, I would've showed up just to see Shroud and Meliah Rage........ It's great to see that all of the bands that played didn't pass out any fliers....... I guess I was the only one!! Oh, Dan got some out too........ You just can't use the internet to advertise......... Hey CandyStriperFaggotORgy, First Off: Everyone thinks your a douchebag. Second: Everyone here thinks your a douchebag. Third: You blow asshole. Fourth: You love the cock. Fifth: We didn't just use the internet to advertise, Eat Shit. Sixth: Your a douchebag, not welcome here, go away. |
___________________________________ [Oct 7,2004 12:01pm - dyingmuse ""] i passed out at least 75 flyers. and i think everyone saw the add, in the emails we sent out and on this forum...we put every band and set times, for both days. but it doesn't matter. it's over and we just have to look forward to doing a better job in the future! hail our scene...i was a bit dissappionted, but i know we have a killer scene! \m/ to the next one! |
___________________________________________ [Oct 8,2004 3:05pm - Todd(bombshelter) ""] man,i can't even comment because it would take way to long to post my response. but it was fun,poor turnout no one person's fault anyway,Snake is really cool, and I thank him for even considereing our club in the first place to put a show on like this, Now if everyone will ignore anything posted by eric,we will be all set. P.S.- Aaron, I love the hoodie,man !! |
______________________________________________ [Oct 8,2004 5:10pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""] CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:Hey RustedAngel, First off : I had to work on Saturday 10am to midnight. I made a lot of money that day!! I also got laid that night by a sexy chick I met that same day ![]() |
______________________________________________ [Oct 9,2004 3:24am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""] Hey Rusted Faggot, Your shitty band is playing on the fest too.... Boy, I'm surprised they let gaybaits on the bill!! Would you like me to bring a guy blow up doll from one of my stores for you? |
______________________________________________ [Oct 9,2004 3:29am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""] Rusted Scum Fuck, I'll keep posting here whenever I want..... O.k. fuckwad? |