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March 20th Metal show @ the Living Room

[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Feb 10,2005 8:52pm - handinjury ""]
Sunday March 20th @ the Living Room - Providnece RI
doors @8pm - (first band 8:30)


Come out to RI and drink with us :NEWHORNS:

[Feb 10,2005 9:00pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
bump for Throwing Shrapnel getting on this bill Ha !
[Feb 11,2005 9:37am - HANDINJURY ""]
[Feb 11,2005 11:31am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
nice. the living room rocks.
[Feb 16,2005 3:37am - cdan ""]
any word on that tba?
[Feb 16,2005 4:06am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I can try to get a NY or NJ band.
[Feb 16,2005 8:17am - nate ""]
and what's the cost, as well as the street adress of the Living Room! Is it all ages or what?
[Feb 16,2005 8:48am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am still waiting to hear from Abhorred, if they don't get back to me today then fuck them, try for someone else tomorow.
[Feb 16,2005 9:31am - HANDINJURY ""]
nate said:and what's the cost, as well as the street address of the Living Room! Is it all ages or what?

Living Room
23 Rathbone St. Providence RI
$7 - all ages

Joe, if i dont here from you or josh tonight, im moving on to the next band.
[Feb 16,2005 9:34am - nate ""]
HANDINJURY said:nate said:and what's the cost, as well as the street address of the Living Room! Is it all ages or what?

Living Room
23 Rathbone St. Providence RI
$7 - all ages

Joe, if i dont here from you or josh tonight, im moving on to the next band.

tx for the info yo! :doublehorns:
[Feb 16,2005 3:14pm - cdan ""]
niceae room?!?!
[Feb 16,2005 4:30pm - abhorred ""]
abhorred can play
[Feb 16,2005 4:35pm - abhorred ""]
that is, if the spots still open
[Feb 16,2005 4:37pm - RustedAngel ""]
wish we could've played this :( kaka.
[Feb 16,2005 4:50pm - handinjury ""]
abhorred said:that is, if the spots still open

You guys are on:doublehorns:.

[Feb 16,2005 5:00pm - abhorred ""]
[Feb 17,2005 12:19pm - HANDINJURY ""]
RustedAngel said:wish we could've played this :( kaka.

Next time YOU WILL PLAY !:gun:
[Feb 17,2005 12:24pm - the_reverend ""]
is that betrayal from isreal?
[Feb 17,2005 12:27pm - HANDINJURY ""]
the_reverend said:is that betrayal from isreal?

No, this betrayal is a thrash band from RI.(members of H.O.V)
[Feb 17,2005 12:27pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
Nate dude, isnt this the day after the show in Ny, wont we be like seriously trashed by then?
[Feb 17,2005 12:46pm - nate NLI  ""]
yeah but everythings good. We'll just na gin NY for a bit and then drive to this... 2 day mini-tour bahahaha
[Feb 17,2005 12:46pm - nate NLI  ""]
I meant to say "hang in NY"
[Feb 17,2005 1:35pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
Oh man i was really excited when you said we'd be na gin for a bit there. oh well
[Feb 17,2005 1:38pm - nate NLI  ""]
you want me to rbing gin that's no prob! bahaha... what're you up to this weekend man? my wife's hittin the bricks with her girls for a while and I figured it would be a chance to pound beers and watch some horror DVD's I got for my birthday!
[Feb 17,2005 2:30pm - HANDINJURY ""]
Nate & aegathis are you sure you guys can do this?
[Feb 17,2005 2:50pm - nate NLI  ""]
I though Anthony heard me mentioning this at practice but maybe he didn't. All the other guys seemed cool with it. I will re-confirm everything tonight but in my mind I am sure we can or I wouldn't have said yes to the show.
[Feb 17,2005 3:25pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
Yea i remember you mentioning a show at the living room, just didnt remember the exact day. And sure thing Nate about this weekend, Im sure after some extensive job searching pounding some of grampas cough medicine will hit the spot. I didnt really go nuts at the As220 last weekend cause Maegans parents were there.
[Feb 17,2005 3:26pm - nate NLI  ""]
the show was fun none the less...
[Feb 17,2005 3:29pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
Yea im really looking forward to playing with anoxia, apparently Mr Injury wants to see me clear the room some more with my horrific soloing, that i shouldnt even bother doing.So overrated haha
[Feb 17,2005 3:31pm - nate NLI  ""]
nah man, we definetly need to incorporate more solo's when we start putting together the new shit.
[Feb 17,2005 3:40pm - HANDINJURY ""]
nate NLI said:nah man, we definetly need to incorporate more solo's when we start putting together the new shit.

I vote "yes" on that.
[Feb 17,2005 6:21pm - anonymous  ""]
Anoxia is generic
[Feb 17,2005 6:26pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
anonymity is generic
[Feb 17,2005 8:25pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
ANOXIA is a name brand, not generic.
[Feb 20,2005 11:35am - handinjury ""]
bumpy for her pleasure
[Feb 20,2005 11:40am - eddie ""]
i'm going
[Feb 20,2005 1:07pm - rachel  ""]
I'll be there
[Feb 20,2005 1:09pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Me too.
[Feb 27,2005 10:52pm - pessimist ""]
anyone make a flyer yet?
[Mar 1,2005 9:24am - handinjury ""]
Sunday March 20th @ the Living Room -23 Rathbone St.- Providence RI
$7 - all ages - doors @8pm - (first band 8:30)


A flyer needs to be made.
[Mar 2,2005 5:41pm - pessimist ""]
[Mar 2,2005 5:49pm - BornSoVile ""]
I already told Darren to bring a notepad so he can take notes and learn from the skilled musicianship of Abhorred, he has alot to learn you know.
[Mar 2,2005 5:51pm - pessimist ""]
[Mar 2,2005 6:04pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
someone get hbbsi into RI!
[Mar 2,2005 6:24pm - BornSoVile ""]
serioulsy though Pillory sounded great at Sausage Fest, I'm really looking forward to seeing them again, people better recognize.
[Mar 2,2005 7:41pm - handinjury ""]
BornSoVile said:serioulsy though Pillory sounded great at Sausage Fest, I'm really looking forward to seeing them again, people better recognize.

And thats why they are on this show!!!!!!
[Mar 2,2005 7:42pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
hey hand injury, do you have AIM?
[Mar 2,2005 7:50pm - handinjury ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:hey hand injury, do you have AIM?

Yes sir , aim = handinjury
[Mar 2,2005 10:25pm - Soloman ""]
Hey guys I made a flyer for this.
Here is the link so you can download a printable version: http://pillorygrind.com/flyer.html

Come out to this show and have a sick time. \m/
[Mar 2,2005 10:41pm - handinjury ""]
Killer, thanks dude, i just fliped out on photoshop, while trying to make a flyer. You saved the day!!
[Mar 2,2005 10:46pm - pessimist ""]
nice work
[Mar 2,2005 10:54pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i'm gonna try to make this !
[Mar 4,2005 4:53pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Mar 4,2005 5:32pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
thats a good line up, won't be too montonous and i will enjoy myself more cuz of that!
[Mar 5,2005 1:56pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
you gotta bring the foreman to this motherfucker
[Mar 6,2005 9:30am - anonymous  ""]
I didn't see any flyers for this or the 2nd show being passed out at Skinless. How can you bitch about turn outs when nobody(besides here)
Knows about your shows??????
[Mar 6,2005 9:32am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
There was a ton of flyers for this show at the Skinless show, so shut up faggot.

The foreman will be there!
[Mar 6,2005 9:33am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am making food for the bands at this show, burgers and grilled ham and cheese. You will need to supply your own beverages though.
[Mar 6,2005 9:56am - handinjury ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:There was a ton of flyers for this show at the Skinless show, so shut up faggot.

The foreman will be there!

Well said. There was flyer's over on dwyer/teratism/notcommon distro tables. I didnt get a chance to pass any out at the door, well, cause i was drunk, i cant do everything.
[Mar 6,2005 10:00am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I handed a few out to people who looked under 18
[Mar 6,2005 2:38pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
this sounds good
[Mar 6,2005 5:55pm - anonymous  ""]
well I guess since you didn't hand them out I didn't get one. Faggot!
[Mar 6,2005 7:13pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
If anybody wants to drop some flyers at the store, knock yourself out, I have to go flyer twice this week so I can flyer for this show as well.
[Mar 6,2005 8:24pm - handinjury ""]
Ill stop by sometime this week, thanks anne
[Mar 6,2005 8:39pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
Just so you know, I usually flyer on Tuesday and Friday mornings unless it's raining/snowing, you can also just put the flyers in the mail box in case we're closed.
[Mar 6,2005 8:42pm - phobia ""]
anne, do you still need help with all the flyers?
[Mar 6,2005 8:45pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
I always do, you know that if I don't go flyer (as long as somebody else is doing it) I always have something to do. The flyers and staple gun are always with me, so you know where to pick them up ;)
[Mar 7,2005 7:14pm - handinjury ""]
Bump slut.
[Mar 8,2005 8:02am - handinjury ""]
This will be Abhorred's RI cd release party !
[Mar 8,2005 8:09am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Mar 8,2005 2:45pm - pessimist ""]
if chicks come and make sweet love to us at anne's shop on friday the 18th, they get in for free on the 20th...
[Mar 12,2005 4:03pm - handinjury ""]
Next sunday bitches
[Mar 13,2005 11:41am - BornSoVile ""]
[Mar 13,2005 12:02pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
anyone wanna hook me up with a ride.
[Mar 14,2005 10:50am - rachel  ""]
ill be there. yay!
[Mar 14,2005 11:38am - RustedAngel ""]

I'll be band practicing.
[Mar 14,2005 1:23pm - handinjury ""]
Who's going???????
[Mar 14,2005 10:19pm - pessimist ""]
no one
[Mar 14,2005 10:20pm - Aegathis ""]
Yea i bet people are that sick of leukorrhea by now
[Mar 15,2005 12:17am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I should be there.
[Mar 15,2005 6:07am - lady_czerach ""]
I will be there.
[Mar 15,2005 9:11am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will be there
[Mar 15,2005 5:37pm - pessimist ""]
i said NO ONE!!!
[Mar 15,2005 5:40pm - dyingmuse ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:[img]

thats an awesome flyer!
[Mar 15,2005 6:58pm - handinjury ""]
Its costing me BIG $$$$ to get foreman to guest appperance at this show, so people better recognize the champ and come down and drink beers and get silly with us metal folk.
[Mar 15,2005 11:15pm - handinjury ""]
[Mar 16,2005 1:53am - DEATH2ALL ""]
I've played some sick shows w/ Anoxia @ the livingroom back in the day. Good times! Shit faced in the back room.... I remember they were on stage ready to play & their (old) bass player shit faced in the back room & didn't even know his band was on. He was beyond wasted everytime. That place ruled, as long as you don't use the bathroom!
[Mar 16,2005 7:39am - handinjury ""]
DEATH2ALL said:I've played some sick shows w/ Anoxia @ the livingroom back in the day. Good times! Shit faced in the back room.... I remember they were on stage ready to play & their (old) bass player shit faced in the back room & didn't even know his band was on. He was beyond wasted everytime. That place ruled, as long as you don't use the bathroom!

Ha , Dennis, i remember that show. Every bass player we have ever had likes to get drunk, all the time.:doublehorns:
[Mar 16,2005 9:10am - ArrowHead ""]
Q: What'd the drummer do when he locked his keys in the car?

A: Spent an hour trying to find a way to get his bass player out of the back seat.
[Mar 16,2005 9:21am - Soloman ""]
this arrowhead character likes to crack an ole joke from time to time. Good show my man! Tippity top!
[Mar 16,2005 10:33am - ArrowHead ""]
Q: How many guitar players does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

A: 100. One to screw a lightbulb, and 99 to sit in the audience and say "I could do that better".
[Mar 16,2005 11:14am - ArrowHead ""]
Q: How many berklee guitarists does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: Fuck the changes, they're gonna improvise anyways.
[Mar 16,2005 11:29am - KillerKadoogan ""]
ArrowHead said:Q: How many guitar players does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

A: 100. One to screw a lightbulb, and 99 to sit in the audience and say "I could do that better".

thats funny shit right there
[Mar 16,2005 11:38am - cdan ""]
this is gonna be sssssick, abhorred is fuckin' ssssssick! exept josh who is a gay.
[Mar 16,2005 11:42am - KillerKadoogan ""]
pessimist said:if chicks come and make sweet love to us at anne's shop on friday the 18th, they get in for free on the 20th...

[Mar 16,2005 2:34pm - Soloman ""]
i'm diggin the album art on abhorred's new thang. The horsemen are drawing nearer.
[Mar 16,2005 2:51pm - pessimist ""]
on leather steeds they ride...

hmmm, sounds kinda gay by itself...
[Mar 16,2005 3:37pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
anyone wanna hook me up with a ride, i can throw in gas money !
[Mar 17,2005 8:04am - handinjury ""]
this weekend.
[Mar 17,2005 9:01am - Soloman ""]
leather steeds. ha ha. pretty gay. leather studded steeds are gayer though.
[Mar 17,2005 10:04pm - handinjury ""]
[Mar 17,2005 11:10pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
anyone ?
[Mar 18,2005 4:52pm - pessimist ""]
[Mar 18,2005 9:53pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
I'd be there, but i'm on call for work. Fuckin Livingroom shows are always on Sunday.
[Mar 18,2005 11:13pm - ArrowHead ""]
Q: What's the best thing about fucking an 8 year old?

A: Hearing the pelvis crack.

[Mar 18,2005 11:42pm - Soloman ""]
Q: What's better than fucking a 12 year old?

A: Fucking an 8 year old.

Q: Whats better than fucking an 8 year old?

A: Nothing.
[Mar 19,2005 12:06am - Robdeadskin ""]
me and scott will be there
[Mar 19,2005 2:40am - goratory nli  ""]
as well as I
[Mar 19,2005 2:51am - Handinjury Was logged in  ""]
cum one , cum all !!!!!!!
[Mar 19,2005 9:37am - DEATH2ALL ""]
damn it.. i want to go!
[Mar 19,2005 4:05pm - pessimist ""]
we have our cds! come buy them tomorrow night...
[Mar 19,2005 8:31pm - cdan ""]
hell yeah, al gore is comin? we gotta throw some beerz down. \m/
[Mar 19,2005 9:55pm - BornSoVile ""]
omg if al is there i will tottally shit my pants, he is my idol.
[Mar 20,2005 4:36am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I will be there.
[Mar 20,2005 10:33am - KeithMutiny ""]
pretty sure im goin to this.
[Mar 20,2005 11:19am - Kinslayer  ""]
Get there early for some fukking THRASH

Betrayal - http://iniquity1348.tripod.com/satanic_curse.mp3
[Mar 20,2005 1:22pm - BornSoVile ""]
shit guy, that Betrayal mp3 is mint! Christraper told me you guys are basically everyone from Basilikk, I knew I'd like this!
[Mar 20,2005 1:27pm - lady_czerach ""]
Landmarks that will be helpful in finding the Living Room:

The Living Room is located behind the Dunkin Donuts. Pull into the Dunkin Donuts parking lot. There is a Burger King adjacent to it. There is a gas station to the right.

Brought to you by Handinjury.
[Mar 20,2005 4:27pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Fo shizzle.
[Mar 20,2005 5:43pm - KeithMutiny ""]
my nizzle
[Mar 20,2005 6:05pm - BornSoVile ""]
fuck, i hate to be the bearer of bad news but Darren just called me from the PILLORY space and said their room has been FLOODED and they have CANCELLED. I hate having to break the news on here instead to Brian but I don't have your number bro. Hope this isn't to much of a problem.
[Mar 20,2005 6:26pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I called Brian and told him.
[Mar 20,2005 6:29pm - handinjury ""]
[Mar 20,2005 6:42pm - lady_czerach ""]
Robdeadskin and I are leaving now. \m/
[Mar 20,2005 6:45pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I will be there right around 8:00.
[Mar 20,2005 6:48pm - blue ""]
hmmmm. this looks tempting.
[Mar 20,2005 7:14pm - blue ""]
ok. im totally going to this guy.
[Mar 20,2005 8:10pm - phobia ""]
i feel bad... i want to go, but i ran out of money completely after riistetyt in philly. and i can barely move.
i know i said i was going to go... but i lied
nevermind... i'll go
[Mar 21,2005 1:04am - lady_czerach ""]
Awesome show. I took a gagillion pictures which I'll post tomorrow.
[Mar 21,2005 12:15pm - killerkadoogan ""]
betrayal is my new favorite band
[Mar 21,2005 12:19pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
They did kick ass.
[Mar 21,2005 2:11pm - Soloman ""]
Yeah our space got flooded with water which was insane. We arrived at our space at 5:30 yesterday to load up for the show and found various workers in rain boots sucking out water with these large water vacuums. So we had to dry our crap out and move it to a new space all night yesterday instead of playing the show. It fucking sucked.
[Mar 21,2005 3:47pm - cdan ""]
we're really sorry for having to cancel, sounds like it was a sick show. brian, thanks a lot for the opportunity.
[Mar 21,2005 4:03pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Turnout was lame, but it really was a great show.
[Mar 21,2005 4:24pm - handinjury ""]
cdan said:we're really sorry for having to cancel, sounds like it was a sick show. brian, thanks a lot for the opportunity.

I hope all your equipment didnt get damaged. Maybe we can do it another time.:doublehorns:
[Mar 21,2005 4:26pm - phobia ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Turnout was lame, but it really was a great show.

yeh, but it was at the living room on a sunday night, dont espect the place to sell out.

[Mar 21,2005 4:43pm - cdan ""]
handinjury said:cdan said:we're really sorry for having to cancel, sounds like it was a sick show. brian, thanks a lot for the opportunity.

I hope all your equipment didnt get damaged. Maybe we can do it another time.:doublehorns:

we haven't even turned on some of our shit cause it was so drenched. we'd definitely down for another time
[Mar 21,2005 4:49pm - nate ""]
all I know is the sound guy was retarded by the end of the night. Between and during each band he was going out back to smoke weed and smoked himself stupid. We had someone come up to us that said she had seen us a few times and thought the guy had something against us cause he did such a bad job. Oh well, it was fun anyway, great to finally see Abhorred and to jam with Anoxia again. Betrayal was pretty damned good too, not my thing but great for what they do.
[Mar 21,2005 5:39pm - dread_104 ""]
sorry i missed it. still sick as hell...
[Mar 21,2005 5:54pm - lady_czerach ""]
Abhorred pics:
[Mar 21,2005 5:56pm - lady_czerach ""]
[Mar 21,2005 6:00pm - lady_czerach ""]

(still uploading...)
[Mar 21,2005 6:17pm - handinjury ""]
My overall review:
I would like to thank all the bands that played last night.
Betrayal- For a side project, they sounded pretty cool, old school thrash.Good stuff.
Abhorred- Shit, these guys sound killer w/ josh playing filling up the low end(i like that he use his fingers, w/some slappin)
Anoxia-I think we played pretty good, it was cool to actually get miked out(unlike boston).
Leukorrhea- FUCKING OWNED. I went over to tell the sound guy to turn of the gay vocal effect, he laughed, and said its off. They get a little silly over at the room.

Over all, low turn out (25 paid at the door), thanks to anne,phobia chick, rob, jessica, chris, mike,rick,racheal,dwyer, fish cakes and anyone else i know that came out to the show. (im kinda burnt right now-so my mind is bleh for remembering)

[Mar 21,2005 6:35pm - KeithMutiny ""]
hey hey... i was there, for christ sake there was like 10 people, you could have at least remembered me, hahaha
[Mar 21,2005 6:40pm - handinjury ""]
KeithMutiny said:hey hey... i was there, for christ sake there was like 10 people, you could have at least remembered me, hahaha

I know, geesh, i even said "hay" to you. Sorry dude. Im a little tired from my weekend o'fun.
[Mar 21,2005 6:47pm - KeithMutiny ""]
thats ok, i was only bustin ya balls
[Mar 21,2005 6:52pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I wanna know what this is all about!

[Mar 21,2005 6:56pm - handinjury ""]
Its blue, that sexy kubrick dude guy!!!!!
[Mar 21,2005 6:57pm - lady_czerach ""]
Blue shaved his goatee! Haha, I just noticed that.
[Mar 21,2005 6:58pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I know it's Blue, I'm more interested in finding out what that facial expression is supposed to mean haha...
[Mar 21,2005 6:59pm - lady_czerach ""]
He's thinking, "Yummy metal boys..."
[Mar 21,2005 7:04pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
lady_czerach said:He's thinking, "Yummy metal boys..."

Ha ha !
[Mar 21,2005 10:35pm - blue ""]
its funny cus its true.

except replace 'yummy metal boys' with 'delicious 13 year old boys.'
[Mar 21,2005 10:48pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
blue said:its funny cus its true.

except replace 'yummy metal boys' with 'delicious 13 year old boys.'

is that what you put in your hair.
[Mar 21,2005 11:12pm - blue ""]

actually, that is what i put in my hair.
[Mar 21,2005 11:13pm - blue ""]
lady_czerach said:Blue shaved his goatee! Haha, I just noticed that.

i shaved my goatee? ive never had a goatee.
[Mar 22,2005 6:03am - lady_czerach ""]
blue said:lady_czerach said:Blue shaved his goatee! Haha, I just noticed that.

i shaved my goatee? ive never had a goatee.

I know, I actually realized that later on when I was going through old pictures. Oops.
[Mar 22,2005 9:56am - killerkadoogan ""]
great pics, jess

we look like rock stars with all those lights!

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