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Doom and Grind Fest roll call!

[Jul 16,2005 7:49pm - carina in the car  ""]
Rev and I left his family get together (we were the first to leave) unfortunately...he has to take me home....everything hurts and I'm lacking sleep...but we will both be there tomorrow.
[Jul 16,2005 7:50pm - carina in the car  ""]
Rev and I left his family get together (we were the first to leave) unfortunately...he has to take me home....everything hurts and I'm lacking sleep...but we will both be there tomorrow.
[Jul 17,2005 12:31am - Defnasty ""]
I have video of the whole damn thing. Hey JoJo get some sleep man. Great show I'll never forget it.
[Jul 17,2005 1:16am - sinofangels-ray ""]
[Jul 17,2005 8:45am - Miles of NotCommon  ""]
I had a great time, not quite the crowd I expected, but the people who did come were great. All the bands sounded killer. I cannot wait for today, you all get a chance to see the bands I've been raving about for the last year, Syzslak, Magrudergrind and Wet Nurse.

Oh, and Grief.
[Jul 17,2005 11:22am - Defnasty ""]
Wet nurse farts alot on stage.
[Dec 14,2018 10:26am - Herbst  ""]
[Dec 14,2018 12:29pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Still have the shirt.
[Dec 15,2018 5:49pm - Connor g  ""]
This is not something that was announced right now, people have been talking about it for ages to make sure tha thtings are on essay writing services. It's going to be amazing and we will see more things here for sure.
[Apr 12,2022 6:28am - vorcy ""]
Stupid filtered SPAMBOT post:

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