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RI atheist teen gets prayer taken down from school

[Jan 30,2012 2:28pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I'm talking about a widespread rollout.
[Jan 30,2012 2:46pm - Banowarrior  ""]
[Jan 30,2012 3:25pm - Yeti ""]
i dislike the word "atheist", i don't consider myself atheist, agnostic, antitheist, freethinker, secular, secular humanist, or any nonsense label. i think my stance is far deeper, and far more intelligible than a store-bought sticker.

[Jan 30,2012 3:26pm - ark  ""]

Samefag said:
ark said:teaching comparitive religion at a young age is the best way.

Agreed. Firstly, give kids the tradition/faith they get from family. But since so many of us ARE atheists or such these days, they should secondly get a good overview of a little of everything else.

Kinda like when I was a kid. We were raised cathlick, but there would be the t.v. episode where the cathlick main character would make friends with some filthy jew kid, so you'd get an entertaining little education of how Hanukkah and penny-pinching works.

Whether this should come from the school is debatable. I don't trust the public school system to something that can be such an important part of a kids life potentially. Like, if you want your kid to learn music, do you let them take the music class in public school, or do you sign them up for private instrument lessons?

I think it's almost unfair to a kid to say "I don't believe, so I will raise you not to believe". They have to learn it somewhere, to be fair.

I don't think a comparison to music education is necessary, public or private, it's a study of "the arts". Comparative myth is a well-studied subject that falls under history and sociology. It's a failure of a public school if it can't teach mythology from a historical/sociological perspective.
[Jan 30,2012 3:29pm - Samefag  ""]
I get you ark, but I was thinking more like a non-denominational CCD for kids that parents can ELECT to send kids to. Keep it out of the schools altogether.
[Feb 19,2012 9:53am - Burnsy ""]

16 Year Old Gets $40,000 from Friendly Atheist Foundation

Lol @ the guy from Harvard in the video who says that they are proud of her for spreading her message of tolerance.
[Feb 19,2012 1:35pm - Stuff White People Like Metal is Hipster Raviolis  ""]
Liberals: LOL religious people are so stupid, they don't believe in Evolution!

Realist: You mean the evolution that makes human races, genders, and social classes unequal in intelligence?

Liberals: You're a racist, that's like being Satan!

[Feb 19,2012 2:17pm - Alx_Casket ""]
In order to be Satan, you must get to know him first...
[Feb 19,2012 5:02pm - Stuff White People Like Metal is Hipster Raviolis  ""]
Every argument here, made better:

[Feb 19,2012 6:11pm - yummy ""]
The school chose NOT to appeal, correct? The wised up eventually.
[Feb 19,2012 11:17pm - Gay Abortion Fellating Mexican Lawn Boytoty  ""]
Did God make hipsters?

[Feb 20,2012 2:08am - eddienli  ""]

ark said:
Samefag said:
ark said:teaching comparitive religion at a young age is the best way.

Agreed. Firstly, give kids the tradition/faith they get from family. But since so many of us ARE atheists or such these days, they should secondly get a good overview of a little of everything else.

Kinda like when I was a kid. We were raised cathlick, but there would be the t.v. episode where the cathlick main character would make friends with some filthy jew kid, so you'd get an entertaining little education of how Hanukkah and penny-pinching works.

Whether this should come from the school is debatable. I don't trust the public school system to something that can be such an important part of a kids life potentially. Like, if you want your kid to learn music, do you let them take the music class in public school, or do you sign them up for private instrument lessons?

I think it's almost unfair to a kid to say "I don't believe, so I will raise you not to believe". They have to learn it somewhere, to be fair.

I don't think a comparison to music education is necessary, public or private, it's a study of "the arts". Comparative myth is a well-studied subject that falls under history and sociology. It's a failure of a public school if it can't teach mythology from a historical/sociological perspective.

the christian bible should be taught in school, just for the reason that everything you ever read in western civ, western lit, american lit, ect... is going to allude to it. No matter what you or how many laws are passed you are never going to strip Christianity from American culture, its too prevalent in our heritage, art, literature ect...

teach it don't preach it.

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