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So, why did they hate us after all?

[Sep 17,2006 3:59pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
Five years after 9/11, the question remains unanswered...

from http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story...ill_have_no_idea_iwhyi_911_happened

"We sure blew off that question nicely. As with everything else in this country, our response to 9/11 was a heroic compendium of idiocy, cowardice, callow flag-waving, weepy sentimentality (coupled with an apparently bottomless capacity for self-pity), sloth, laziness and partisan ignorance.

We dealt with 9/11 in many ways. We instantly dubbed everyone who died in the accident a hero and commissioned many millions (billions?) in mawkish elegiac art. We created a whole therapy industry to deal with our 9/11-related grief, made a few claustrophobic two-star Hollywood movies about the bombings, read Lisa Beamer's book and bought that DVD narrated by Rudy, watched Law and Order entertainments about sensational murders committed that morning and left for Jerry Orbach to solve, made bushels of quasi-religious references to "hallowed ground." We made many careers out of assigning blame for the attacks, with the right blaming Bill Clinton, Michael Moore blaming George Bush and the clinically insane blaming those mysterious demolition experts who allegedly wired the bottoms of the towers with the explosives that "really" caused the tragedy. And we talked about 9/11 -- to death. We blathered on so much about the attacks and whined so hard about our "lost innocence" that the rest of the world, initially sympathetic, ended up staring at us in suicidally impatient agony, a can of kerosene overturned above its head, like the old lady sitting next to Robert Hays in Airplane!

We did just about everything except honestly ask ourselves what the hell really happened, and why."

[Sep 17,2006 5:51pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
can I punch you in the uterus?
[Sep 17,2006 7:03pm - hungtableed  ""]
They hate us because we do not ascribe to their 7th century traditions and have not yet submitted to their death cult. As they hate most of us, they love cunts like you who would, rather than want to exterminate them before they exterminate us, wish to appease these psycho sub human fascists in an attempt to unnndeeerstaaaand what it is we did to 'deserve' the onslaught they are planning against our people. Anyone who takes the enemy's side is a fucking traitor and should be (under the inevidable re-enactment of the sedition act) thrown in prison for treason.
[Sep 17,2006 7:04pm - Hoser ""]
Someone please just punch her already.

Don't even acknowledge her posts...it just eggs the idiot on.
[Sep 17,2006 7:10pm - hungtableed  ""]
Hoser said:Someone please just punch her already.

the whole idea that it is wrong for a guy to punch a girl is officially defaulted by the fact that she looks like a man.

She's a man baby
[Sep 17,2006 8:04pm - hungtableed  ""]
[Sep 17,2006 10:11pm - PatMeebles ""]
They hate us because of Bosnia. I'm not kidding. And we were the ones who SAVED muslims in the Balkans.


If you really don't understand why they hate us, then you need to get your head out of your ass. They hate us because, like HTB said, we don't suscribe to their 7th century barbarism. Even if one believed it was our fault, there's already a laundry list that someone could come up with. Sure, they say it's because of Isreal, and that they want that land back. But Hitler only wanted the german areas of Czechoslovakia. That's where "peace in our time" came from: appeasement. These people, once they have Isreal (if ever), will not stop. They are unappeasable.
[Sep 17,2006 11:41pm - tbone_r ""]
i think they hate america because of its booming northeast metal scene
[Sep 17,2006 11:54pm - infoterror ""]
hungtableed said:They hate us because we do not ascribe to their 7th century traditions and have not yet submitted to their death cult.





[Sep 18,2006 2:13am - mattfromtnr  ""]
tbone_r said:i think they hate america because of its booming northeast metal scene

he nailed it.
[Sep 18,2006 3:32am - Allah That  ""]
who fuckin cares? Fuck 'em!
[Sep 18,2006 3:52am - americaninfidel  ""]
they hate everyone. They've said repeatedly that its allahs word to spread islam by the sword. You can come up with any justification for them that you want but its simply moving the ball forward one move at a time. They just didnt think we would have fought back. They should have attacked europe first, they would have gained new ground while attaining old ground that they lost to us. Can anyone here imagine what a nuclear armed china would have done if they have flown planes into sky scrapers in Bejing
[Sep 18,2006 4:24am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Another dumb ass copy and paste by this useless douche. I am sure she sits there and finger bangs herself to the responses here. What a slag.
[Sep 18,2006 3:39pm - BSV@school  ""]
Hail, HailtheLeaf!
The last true patriot left on the board! It's a shame all these conservatives hate freedom of speech so much. Nice article btw.
[Sep 18,2006 4:07pm - hungtableed  ""]
americaninfidel said:they hate everyone. They've said repeatedly that its allahs word to spread islam by the sword. You can come up with any justification for them that you want but its simply moving the ball forward one move at a time. They just didnt think we would have fought back. They should have attacked europe first, they would have gained new ground while attaining old ground that they lost to us. Can anyone here imagine what a nuclear armed china would have done if they have flown planes into sky scrapers in Bejing

Red China would have fucked hajji up because their general population is still male dominated as feminization hasn't taken over and made all their men queer. Unfortunately, the American people (in general) lack the testicular fortitude to fight the war that needs to be fought, (i.e. :nuke: ) however, I am thankful that we still have people with the balls to take the fight over there where it belongs. KILL EM' ALL AND LET ALLAH SORT EM' OUT!

[Sep 18,2006 4:11pm - hungtableed  ""]
americaninfidel said:they hate everyone. They've said repeatedly that its allahs word to spread islam by the sword. You can come up with any justification for them that you want but its simply moving the ball forward one move at a time. They just didnt think we would have fought back. They should have attacked europe first, they would have gained new ground while attaining old ground that they lost to us. Can anyone here imagine what a nuclear armed china would have done if they have flown planes into sky scrapers in Bejing

Red China would have fucked hajji up because their culture is still male dominated as feminization has not, unlike the us, turned the majority of their men into queers. We, unfortunately, lack the testicular fortitude to fight the war that needs to be fought (i.e. :nuke: ) however, I am thankful that we still have some people here with enough balls that they are willing to take the fight over there where it belongs. KILL EM ALL AND LET ALLAH SORT EM OUT!
[Sep 18,2006 5:22pm - Allah That  ""]
nietzsche nietzsche nietzsche
[Sep 18,2006 6:10pm - anonymous  ""]
[Sep 18,2006 6:25pm - americaninfidel  ""]
Do any of you Anti-Semites really think that bombing Isreal would get the Moooooooooslims on our side? Or do you just loathe Isreal so much that you want to promote a war with them and not the throatcutters in dirty nightshirts. At any rate it would be counter productive, and we would fail. If you knew anything about the military's of the world, you would know that Isreals Airforce fucked us up in the war games. They have an airforce far superior to ours. We would still fuck them up in a ground war though.
[Sep 18,2006 6:40pm - anonymous  ""]
We gave them thier fuckin airforce. They wouldnt exist if it wasnt for us. And how does wanting to bomb Israel make one an antisemite? It seems to me that there is a big difference between saying "bomb Israel" as opposed to "kill all the jews". Don't you see the difference between condeming a country verse a people? c'mon. That "anti semite" catch phrase gets thrown around at the drop of a dime doesnt it? Its a weak attack against a legitimate slogan. And yes, I do think bombing Israel would turn more than a few of those muslims around. Hell, Israel deserves it anyway.
[Sep 18,2006 7:08pm - Dogmeat  ""]
anonymous said:We gave them thier fuckin airforce. They wouldnt exist if it wasnt for us. And how does wanting to bomb Israel make one an antisemite? It seems to me that there is a big difference between saying "bomb Israel" as opposed to "kill all the jews". Don't you see the difference between condeming a country verse a people? c'mon. That "anti semite" catch phrase gets thrown around at the drop of a dime doesnt it? Its a weak attack against a legitimate slogan. And yes, I do think bombing Israel would turn more than a few of those muslims around. Hell, Israel deserves it anyway.

Good point. Look at jew crosseyed and youre an antisemite. Conemn the policies of a Nazi government like Israel and youre a rascist. How ironic.
[Sep 18,2006 7:20pm - ct b0rderpatrol  ""]
i say since pork is forbidden in both jewish and islam cultures, we should build a giant wall for pork innards around the whole area, drop some guns inside the pork wall, and may the best nation win

[Sep 18,2006 7:22pm - PatMeebles nli  ""]
BSV@school said:Hail, HailtheLeaf!
The last true patriot left on the board! It's a shame all these conservatives hate freedom of speech so much. Nice article btw.

Yep, by disagreeing, we are attempting to censor.

Actually, I think it's people like you who hate freedom of speech; not us. After all, you don't like it when we speak freely to the point where you think we shouldn't speak at all, hence your original complaint.
[Sep 18,2006 7:22pm - Allah That  ""]
[Sep 18,2006 7:24pm - PatMeebles nli  ""]
I think we should have a bunch of those dunk-a-tanks where the pool is filled with pigsblood and the objects thrown by the crowd at the target are balls wrapped with shredded pages of the Quran (at least the pages that condone violence).
[Sep 18,2006 7:48pm - Dogmeat  ""]
ct b0rderpatrol said:i say since pork is forbidden in both jewish and islam cultures, we should build a giant wall for pork innards around the whole area, drop some guns inside the pork wall, and may the best nation win


Thatd be great, because then the Muslims would kick jew ass for sure. Then I wouldnt have as much of a problem condemning Islam with the troublesome jewbags outta the way. I just dont feel right coming down on muslims while Israel subverts and instigates damn near all of bullshit thats going on.
[Sep 18,2006 7:53pm - Allah That  ""]
damn nazis
[Sep 18,2006 7:53pm - inf0terror  ""]
I see your point, Israel does suck as bad as the arabs.
[Sep 18,2006 7:54pm - inf0terror  ""]
Allah That said:damn nazis

You mean damn JEW nazis dont you?
[Sep 18,2006 7:57pm - Allah That  ""]
[Sep 18,2006 8:01pm - inf0terror  ""]
Oh, well...damn JEW nazis
[Sep 18,2006 9:58pm - americaninfidel  ""]
Dogmeat said:ct b0rderpatrol said:i say since pork is forbidden in both jewish and islam cultures, we should build a giant wall for pork innards around the whole area, drop some guns inside the pork wall, and may the best nation win


Thatd be great, because then the Muslims would kick jew ass for sure. Then I wouldnt have as much of a problem condemning Islam with the troublesome jewbags outta the way. I just dont feel right coming down on muslims while Israel subverts and instigates damn near all of bullshit thats going on.

First you go into a tirade about how is saying "bomb Isreal" an anti-semite comment, you say Then I wouldnt have as much of a problem condemning Islam with the troublesome jewbags outta the way. Hey when I say bomb Iraq or Afghanistan I dont hide my anti-arab sentiment. Your an anti-semite. We all know, just take off the hood already.
[Sep 18,2006 10:02pm - americaninfidel  ""]
anonymous said:We gave them thier fuckin airforce. They wouldnt exist if it wasnt for us. And how does wanting to bomb Israel make one an antisemite? It seems to me that there is a big difference between saying "bomb Israel" as opposed to "kill all the jews". Don't you see the difference between condeming a country verse a people? c'mon. That "anti semite" catch phrase gets thrown around at the drop of a dime doesnt it? Its a weak attack against a legitimate slogan. And yes, I do think bombing Israel would turn more than a few of those muslims around. Hell, Israel deserves it anyway.

If we gave them their airforce, then how is it superior. We just decided that we would give the good technology to them, and not use it ourselves. Good point, I must be a true window looking retard to have overlooked that. Oh and by the way, I beleive it was Britain that gave the territory to Isreal, not us. No need to speak intelligently when we could speak passionatley though, right.
[Sep 18,2006 10:04pm - americaninfidel  ""]
Sorry, window "licking" retard. Pardon the bad grammer and typos, had a few drinks after work
[Sep 18,2006 10:07pm - anonymous  ""]
Damn, you sure do love your jewery...window licker
[Sep 18,2006 10:24pm - americaninfidel  ""]
Yea Im married to a jew... got a problem with that? Should I have her report to your camp with the star of david on her black and white striped shirt
[Sep 18,2006 10:28pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
do you have a flag
[Sep 18,2006 10:30pm - americaninfidel  ""]
What the Isreali flag? Naw, I dont. But I could get one if it would offend this board.
[Sep 18,2006 10:31pm - americaninfidel  ""]
I know, I know. The jews are an easy target to call some of the loathing off fags, which is the true agenda of many of the members of this board
[Sep 18,2006 10:32pm - inf0terror  ""]
No offense to you or your jew, but FUCK ISRAEL. She is not a friend.
[Sep 18,2006 10:35pm - infoterror ""]
[Sep 18,2006 10:36pm - americaninfidel  ""]
Haha no offense to you, but your about as signifigant to the planet as a cum stain. Its ok that you dont like Isreal, because theyll be around to piss you off until you buried. They will keep killing off Arabs, helping us push the ball forward. LONG LIVE ISREALI DOMINANCE!
[Sep 18,2006 10:36pm - inf0terror  ""]
[Sep 18,2006 10:37pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Sep 18,2006 10:38pm - inf0terror  ""]
americaninfidel said:Its ok that you dont like Isreal, because theyll be around to piss you off until you buried. They will keep killing off Arabs, helping us push the ball forward. LONG LIVE ISREALI DOMINANCE!

Dont count on it NAZI

[Sep 18,2006 10:39pm - americaninfidel  ""]
haha im a nazi because Im married to a jew and support isreal.... your a window licker to my friend.. but apparently you devoured some paint chips also
[Sep 18,2006 10:41pm - americaninfidel  ""]
Infoterror,... i bet your parents raised you to be a good little aryan huh, and suckled you on Uncle Adolph when you were a baby
[Sep 18,2006 10:45pm - inf0terror  ""]
Israel is NAZI too, believe it. Support Israel? Whats to gain? A waste of american blood and taxes. A failed experiment. A true shithole that will taken care of eventually.
[Sep 18,2006 10:47pm - americaninfidel  ""]
yea a lot of americans have spilled blood in Isreal. Unlike France, the Man- Boy capital of the world, they acctually fight their own wars.
[Sep 18,2006 10:48pm - inf0terror  ""]

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