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So, why did they hate us after all?

[Sep 18,2006 10:49pm - americaninfidel  ""]
You should like the Isrealis... Tel Aviv is the only city in the Middle East that has a gay pride parade. They have opened their arms to you
[Sep 18,2006 10:49pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
inf0terror said:Israel is NAZI too, believe it. Support Israel? Whats to gain? A waste of american blood and taxes. A failed experiment. A true shithole that will taken care of eventually.

you're obviosly on this guys side:
[Sep 18,2006 10:50pm - americaninfidel  ""]
Yea buddy... keep telling yourself the war against Islam is all about us protecting Isreal. Your just a hardline commie lib democrat. You don't seem to have a grasp of anything, I picture you as a strung out 50 year old with a pony tail... a true red diaper doper baby
[Sep 18,2006 10:56pm - inf0terror  ""]
So now its a war on ISLAM? Are you gone dude? Your views are slanted because youre married to one of those nasty kikes. I stand by my convictions. FUCK ISRAEL.
[Sep 18,2006 11:06pm - americaninfidel  ""]
It is a war on Islam... you wont hear that from politicians. But is a war against a strain of a vehemently violent faith. If it all has to do with Isreal then why is it that every major conflict on the earth right now involves MUSLIMS FIGHTING THEIR NON MUSLIM NEIGHBORS! YOU FUCKING RETARD! OPEN YOUR EYES YOU IGNORAMOUS. Chechnya, Sudan, the Phillipines, Kashmir Isreal. Go back a few years... Bosnia, Kosovo.. everywhere in world Muslims are killing their neighbors... who is having problems with Isreal these days?
[Sep 18,2006 11:10pm - americaninfidel  ""]
Oh and algeria, indonesia, Somolia, Sri Lanka, Nepal.... YEA IT ALL HAS TO WITH ISREAL.... ITS ALL BECAUSE OF THE DAMNED JEWS.... and if I guarantee you would never have the balls to call my wife a kike to my face, you peice of shit.. and if you did you wouldnt have the balls to do it again
[Sep 18,2006 11:13pm - inf0terror  ""]
She must be one hell of a beast then yes?
[Sep 18,2006 11:16pm - americaninfidel  ""]
haha, hey buddy once I get back from killing Arabs in Iraq a year from now id be glad to meet you face to face. Tough guy on the internet, but I dare your junky ass to call my wife a kike in front of me. I swear to god no one would be able to identify your remains
[Sep 18,2006 11:16pm - inf0terror  ""]
americaninfidel said:ITS ALL BECAUSE OF THE DAMNED JEWS....

thank you

[Sep 18,2006 11:17pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I don't feel like getting involved in this but it's quite stupid when people harp on France being a pussy country and completely ignore the fact that while the government of France initially fled during WW2 the people of France and the forces Free France fought tooth and nail against the Nazis and Vichy government.

And of course the majority of Europeans are war weary, it was after all on their home soil that the two largest conflicts in human history occured within a quarter century of each other.
[Sep 18,2006 11:17pm - americaninfidel  ""]
Your a shmuck, you have no idea whats happening in the world. Too bad you cant be publicly beheaded by the Imams.. Im sure your anti semetism wouldnt save you
[Sep 18,2006 11:18pm - inf0terror  ""]
americaninfidel said:haha, hey buddy once I get back from killing Arabs in Iraq a year from now id be glad to meet you face to face. Tough guy on the internet, but I dare your junky ass to call my wife a kike in front of me. I swear to god no one would be able to identify your remains

Well god willing they wont be able to ID your remains when you get whacked in Iraq..PRIVATE !
[Sep 18,2006 11:19pm - americaninfidel  ""]
Good point Bob, Its nice to hear a well thought out point every so often.... but Frances govt is still run by limp wristed fags.
[Sep 18,2006 11:21pm - americaninfidel  ""]
Thats ok, better than dying in the gutter like you probley will. There would be a monument immortalizing me in my town. While your death would bring nothing more than maybe just maybe someone thinking... thank god.. another peice of slime has crossed the river styx
[Sep 18,2006 11:21pm - americaninfidel  ""]
Oh and thats private FIRST CLASS to you dick.. hahaha
[Sep 19,2006 12:47am - PatMeebles ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney said:I don't feel like getting involved in this but it's quite stupid when people harp on France being a pussy country and completely ignore the fact that while the government of France initially fled during WW2 the people of France and the forces Free France fought tooth and nail against the Nazis and Vichy government.

And of course the majority of Europeans are war weary, it was after all on their home soil that the two largest conflicts in human history occured within a quarter century of each other.

Just like when, in WWII, the US actually had the resolve to complete a real war. But, just like France, we're a different country today.
[Sep 19,2006 12:57am - americaninfidel  ""]
Were to politically correct these days. Back in those days we fire bombed cities like Dresden. When there was a sniper in a church, though most Americans were Christian and Catholic, they blew the church steeple right of the building. They realized war was war. Now a days the politicians have handicapped our military with insanse political correctness. Were to concearned with being Inseeennnsiiiiitive! If we take fire from a mosque we roll right by and break contact. In WW2 we would have fragged out the mosque with grenades and then opened up on anyone inside.
[Sep 19,2006 1:03am - americaninfidel  ""]
If General Patton were alive today... he would tell Donald Rumsfeld that you cant fight a war with Mr Rogers in a helmet. He would order air power to flatten the entire Sunni Triangle and kill thousands until they lost the will to fight. Does that sound harsh? It is, and it should be. Patton would have had the Arabs begging Allah for mercy from us within a year of 9/11. There would be no guantanamo Bay because anyone brought there would have been shot with a 5 man firing squad. There is no such thing as a civilized war... us trying to conduct one just prolongs it and lessens are chances of victory. Hopefully after they level one of our cities with a suitcase nuke well start to fight seriously...
[Sep 19,2006 10:15am - atworkinonlyville  ""]
wow, totally missing the point, way to go people...
[Sep 19,2006 10:20am - ct b0rderpatrol  ""]
i still think we should build a large wall of pork innards around that shathole
[Sep 19,2006 10:31am - patmeebles ""]
atworkinonlyville said:wow, totally missing the point, way to go people...

Nope. I already addressed it, and HTB before me.
[Sep 19,2006 11:30am - TJ_Xenos ""]
I think we need another crusade. Then the crusaders, jihadis, and zionists can all kill each other over the minor differences between their judaic sects and let everyone smart enough to not fall for the "god spoke to man and man wrote the bible" garbage live in peace.
[Sep 19,2006 12:18pm - infoterr0r  ""]
Patton had, shall we say, certain views as to Jewery, that were at odds with the line that was and is being towed. If he were alive today he would surely be looked upon as "anti-semitic". So dont lump this great patriot in with your traitorous bullshit views.


"Most of the Jews swarming over Germany immediately after the war came from Poland and Russia, and Patton found their personal habits shockingly uncivilized.

He was disgusted by their behavior in the camps for Displaced Persons (DP's) which the Americans built for them and even more disgusted by the way they behaved when they were housed in German hospitals and private homes. He observed with horror that "these people do not understand toilets and refuse to use them except as repositories for tin cans, garbage, and refuse . . . They decline, where practicable, to use latrines, preferring to relieve themselves on the floor." it is my personal opinion that this too is a lost tribe -- lost to all decency."
[Sep 19,2006 1:01pm - americaninfidel  ""]
How does Patton being an anti-semite have to do with the fact that he would crush the arabs. He also spoke out against Islam, the Japs, the Russians. Basically everyone. Patton was a racist, I'll agree. Doesn't make him less of a good military commander. And that entire web page is obviously written by American Nazi organizations. No bias there...
[Sep 19,2006 2:55pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
The inevitable course for humanity to thrive is that all religious and ethnic institutions will have to get over themselves at some point, at LEAST until we get off this planet. Then they can set up their Mecca 2.0 and Galactic Jerusalem and have at it with massive subspace nuclear payloads.

But until then they need to cut it the fuck out, everyone here is a bag of flesh and bones filled with blood. That's it. Stop overestimating your own importance and you can stop underestimating everyone else.


Aardvarks. Do NOT trust them.
[Sep 19,2006 4:51pm - infoterr0r  ""]
americaninfidel said:How does Patton being an anti-semite have to do with the fact that he would crush the arabs. He also spoke out against Islam, the Japs, the Russians. Basically everyone. Patton was a racist, I'll agree. Doesn't make him less of a good military commander. And that entire web page is obviously written by American Nazi organizations. No bias there...

He respected the German enemy more than the "oppressed" hebes. So you think Patton was alright in spite of his views? I guess that means you have no problem with people expressing anti semitic sentiments, correct? The dude was unbiased and unabashed in his observations as to the unhuman traits exuded by your precious "chosen" people. Does his being a rascist take away from him being a great American? I think not. He would surely be appaled at this countries blind support of the bastard state of Israel along with being sickened by the traitors in this country who put loyalty to Israel above that of the U.S.A. Go to Iraq boy and fight the jews war for them. They could care less for your "sacrifice". BEAT FEET PRIVATE !!!!
[Sep 19,2006 4:55pm - infoterr0r  ""]
americaninfidel said:How does Patton being an anti-semite have to do with the fact that he would crush the arabs. He also spoke out against Islam, the Japs, the Russians. Basically everyone. Patton was a racist, I'll agree. Doesn't make him less of a good military commander.

He respected the German enemy more than the "oppressed" hebes. So you think Patton was alright in spite of his views? I guess that means you have no problem with people expressing anti semitic sentiments, correct? The dude was unbiased and unabashed in his observations as to the unhuman traits exuded by your precious "chosen" people. Does his being a rascist take away from him being a great American? I think not. He would surely be appaled at this countries blind support of the bastard state of Israel along with being sickened by the traitors in this country who put loyalty to Israel above that of the U.S.A. Go to Iraq boy and fight the jews war for m. They could care less for your "sacrifice". BEAT FEET PRIVATE !!!!
[Sep 20,2006 10:44am - HailTheLeaf ""]
CaptainCleanoff said:Another dumb ass copy and paste by this useless douche. I am sure she sits there and finger bangs herself to the responses here. What a slag.

I love your immensely intelligent logic of slagging not the person who wrote the article or the magazine that published it, but the person who reposts it. No comment about the question the article seeks to explore or it's extreme revelence to our current situation as a country. No wonder redneck nascar fans love the GOP.
[Sep 20,2006 10:48am - SuperStar  ""]
seriously though... you should cut the shit. you're gonna give yourself an ulscer.
[Sep 20,2006 10:49am - PatMeebles ""]
HailTheLeaf said:CaptainCleanoff said:Another dumb ass copy and paste by this useless douche. I am sure she sits there and finger bangs herself to the responses here. What a slag.

I love your immensely intelligent logic of slagging not the person who wrote the article or the magazine that published it, but the person who reposts it. No comment about the question the article seeks to explore or it's extreme revelence to our current situation as a country. No wonder redneck nascar fans love the GOP.

Except for the fact that it has no relevance to today because that question has been answered thousands of times by not only us, but by the islamic fascists themselves. Why don't you start listening to what terrorists actually say, instead of plugging your ears and then saying "OMG I don't even know why they hate us!"
[Sep 20,2006 10:53am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
HailTheLeaf said:CaptainCleanoff said:Another dumb ass copy and paste by this useless douche. I am sure she sits there and finger bangs herself to the responses here. What a slag.

I love your immensely intelligent logic of slagging not the person who wrote the article or the magazine that published it, but the person who reposts it. No comment about the question the article seeks to explore or it's extreme revelence to our current situation as a country. No wonder redneck nascar fans love the GOP.

HA! You are just fun to pick on. Loosen up you tight wad. Smoke a joint like you always do. That should untangle your stained panties that are always in a bunch.:pukeface:

PS: Nascar is gay.
[Sep 22,2006 3:49pm - infoterror ""]

[Sep 22,2006 3:58pm - Greenburgstein  ""]
infoterror said:WHAT'S WRONG WITH NASCAR?

Now that is some funny shit my anal loving jewish compatriot I tell you. Delicious, I love it my friend.
[Sep 22,2006 4:39pm - infoterror ""]

[Sep 22,2006 4:42pm - americaninfidel526 ""]
You finally make a statement that makes sense, but it is also anti-christianity, anti-catholicism, anti-hinduism, anti-buddhism, anti-homosexual, anti-capitalism... basically anti-anything but Islam.
[Sep 22,2006 5:16pm - infoterror ""]


[Sep 22,2006 5:27pm - anonymous  ""]
Yeah FUCK Germans and Islam
[Sep 23,2006 2:04am - inf0terror  ""]
Exactly, as well as the odd jewbag or two.
[Sep 23,2006 5:19am - all ah that  ""]
howard stern.
[Sep 23,2006 9:23am - dogmeat78  ""]
all ah that said:howard stern.

I'll second that.

[Sep 23,2006 2:05pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
[Sep 23,2006 2:19pm - anonymous  ""]
OK so lets keep it alive seeing as you seem to be all over things that are gay.
[Sep 23,2006 2:20pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Yeah, and you are anonymous. Who is gay?
[Sep 23,2006 2:24pm - anonymous  ""]
I think we both already established and agreed upon the FACT that it is you, homo.
[Sep 23,2006 2:31pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Haha, you go on thinking that. Now run along now and teabag all your 16 year old little boyfriends.
[Sep 23,2006 2:54pm - anonymous  ""]
Whatever CaptainRimmjob. Youd be wise to make yourself anonymous with some of the faggot shit you come up with, GOOF !!
[Sep 23,2006 3:02pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
It is talking again. Grow up yet?
[Sep 23,2006 3:06pm - pam ""]
Woah. Political copy and paste, jew bashing, AND fighting with an anonymous poster...all in one thread.

It's a gay trifecta.
[Sep 23,2006 4:25pm - americaninfidel526 ""]
pam said:Woah. Political copy and paste, jew bashing, AND fighting with an anonymous poster...all in one thread.

It's a gay trifecta.

haha this is what cheers me up after a hard days work. Of course that is after a twelve pack.

Your right though Captain, Mrs Anonymous is a douche bag
[Sep 23,2006 4:49pm - Hoser ""]
Anonymous people are always someone you know.....scared as hell to reveal their true identity. Hiding behind a computer.

Anonymous are the worst kind of pussies.

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