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So, why did they hate us after all?

[Sep 23,2006 7:52pm - pam ""]
He's anonymous...that makes him translucent.
[Sep 23,2006 7:52pm - pam ""]
RichHorror said:I'd rather have a Wal*Mart than anyone have a home.

That's because you're a sweet and gentile person.
[Sep 23,2006 7:53pm - RichHorror ""]
Everyone should be able to live in this country, as long as they're white with blue-green eyes.
[Sep 23,2006 7:59pm - anonymous  ""]
americaninfidel526 said:hey anonymous.. what race and or religion are you exactly? I was just wondering what the supreme master race was?

White, Agnostic. But the supreme master race is obviously JEW. Yes? The self ordained chosen people. Thats my whole problem with them. I'm jealous. I wish I were a jew. The same way Homophobes are said to question thier sexuality. The same way nigger haters wish they were bla.... oh fuck that!! Burn those fuckin hebes.
[Sep 23,2006 8:00pm - americaninfidel526 ""]
Oh ok. I didnt realize my wifes skin wasnt white. She must have died it. Fucking Jews. Your a douchebag.
[Sep 23,2006 8:02pm - PatMeebles ""]
pam said:PatMeebles said:pam said:The constitution was written to be INTERPRETED. It was left vague intentionally.

Not vague enough so that people's homes can be given to Walmart, a la Kelo.

Obviously. Go corporate America!

Thanks, pre-Roberts liberal Supreme Court!
[Sep 23,2006 8:02pm - americaninfidel526 ""]
Everyone just mad that Jews are never poor, and dont live in one room apartments like the common heroin attic
[Sep 23,2006 8:04pm - pam ""]
What's a heroin attic?
[Sep 23,2006 8:04pm - PatMeebles ""]
Yes, the rate of heroin-addicted attics is going up quite fast.
[Sep 23,2006 8:06pm - anonymous  ""]
americaninfidel526 said:Everyone just mad that Jews are never poor, and dont live in one room apartments like the common heroin attic

Pretty gay dude, pretty gay.
[Sep 23,2006 8:06pm - RichHorror ""]
Please give me the address of the heroin attic closest to me. I have some vacation time coming.
[Sep 23,2006 8:07pm - all ah that  ""]
attica metallica
[Sep 23,2006 8:08pm - Greenburgstein  ""]
Pork chops and apple sauce my friends. I love it, I tell you.
[Sep 23,2006 9:32pm - Anti-Racism ""]

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