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funniest band faces thread

[Sep 1,2004 8:21pm - arsonick ""]
well i was going through some ion dissonance pics and immediately thought of making this thread.



[Sep 1,2004 8:30pm - Hooker ""]
That fucking guy from Killswitch. I've only seen them when he was the drummer but jesus christ he needs to calm down.
[Sep 1,2004 8:35pm - Dissector ""]

[Sep 1,2004 8:37pm - Hooker ""]
Is that Rocky Dennis from Mask with Cher?
[Sep 1,2004 8:51pm - blue nli  ""]
every other abhorred picture with ben or eric makes me die with laughter. then again, i make some horrible faces as well.
[Sep 1,2004 8:57pm - hoser ""]

I look rather gay here.....
[Sep 1,2004 9:47pm - powerkok ""]


[Sep 1,2004 10:31pm - arsonick ""]
what the.. FUCK? hahahaoops!
[Sep 1,2004 10:57pm - Dissector ""]

There's Greg's money shot face.
[Sep 1,2004 11:03pm - assuck ""]
blue nli said:every other abhorred picture with ben or eric makes me die with laughter.

you're not the only one. i'm lookin for some of the really good ones now
[Sep 1,2004 11:05pm - assuck ""]
[Sep 1,2004 11:07pm - assuck ""]
"Goddamn that cymbal looks tasty!"

[Sep 1,2004 11:11pm - assuck ""]
John stopped in mid-cymbal-crash as a naked Gary Coleman ran in the door.

[Sep 1,2004 11:13pm - abhorred ""]

beat this.....

[Sep 1,2004 11:15pm - assuck ""]
i cant even think of a caption for this one

[Sep 1,2004 11:16pm - assuck ""]
thats the one i was looking for but eric beat me to it.
[Sep 1,2004 11:17pm - Dissector ""]
As a band in general, Abhorred has all of us beat.
[Sep 1,2004 11:17pm - honor4death ""]
[Sep 1,2004 11:18pm - Dissector ""]
Greg, you're even in a hunched over position.
[Sep 1,2004 11:21pm - assuck ""]
only Carina could make the champion of tall look even taller...

[Sep 1,2004 11:24pm - abhorred ""]
thats a really cool pic....
[Sep 1,2004 11:24pm - blue nli  ""]
theres something obviously very interesting over there on the left.

my fingers burn, so i must blow on them.
[Sep 1,2004 11:24pm - assuck ""]
Eric attempts to warn Joe from on stage that the "girl" Joe is hitting on is actually Eric's cousin Hank.

[Sep 1,2004 11:25pm - Dissector ""]
Dissector said:[img]

There's Greg's money shot face.

You must have been thinking one of 2 things when this pic was taken
1. "Oh god why did I eat a chili dog and tacos for lunch?"
2. "Oh god why did I ever let Tyler convince me that him sodomizing me isnt gay if I wear a blindfold?"
[Sep 1,2004 11:25pm - honor4death ""]
[Sep 1,2004 11:26pm - blue nli  ""]
Dissector said:As a band in general, Abhorred has all of us beat.

i wholeheartedly agree.
[Sep 1,2004 11:26pm - assuck ""]
John either got tagged in the balls or he's REALLY gotta piss

[Sep 1,2004 11:27pm - blue nli  ""]
oh man, in the time it took me to find pictures, this thread has gotten even more amazing.
[Sep 1,2004 11:27pm - assuck ""]
we do our best to entertain both during, AND after our set
[Sep 1,2004 11:27pm - abhorred ""]
Dissector said:[img]


this is funny......"you are waaaayyyy too good for that cymbal"
[Sep 1,2004 11:28pm - powerkok ""]
you need the guit-fan!!
[Sep 1,2004 11:28pm - assuck ""]
this thread is fuckin fun. but i'll come back to it later.

i'm sick of looking at my self.
[Sep 1,2004 11:28pm - Dissector ""]
assuck said:Eric attempts to warn Joe from on stage that the "girl" Joe is hitting on is actually Eric's cousin Hank.

HAHAHAHAHA! I just woke up my parents from laughing so hard.
[Sep 1,2004 11:29pm - honor4death ""]
[Sep 1,2004 11:32pm - assuck ""]
the last thing poor Jon Benet Ramsey ever saw:

[Sep 1,2004 11:35pm - abhorred ""]
ben.......you are the fucking man....my stomach hurts from laughing so hard
[Sep 1,2004 11:37pm - assuck ""]
good to know.
[Sep 1,2004 11:37pm - abhorred ""]

ben...go nuts
[Sep 1,2004 11:38pm - abhorred ""]
ben get on aim
[Sep 1,2004 11:39pm - assuck ""]
you gotta gimme something better than that to work with.
[Sep 1,2004 11:40pm - Kalopsia ""]

our good friend tom is at it again ruining aaron's brutal pics
[Sep 1,2004 11:42pm - honor4death ""]

and again in this one
[Sep 1,2004 11:42pm - blue nli  ""]
ahem. you mispelled it. its br00tal.
[Sep 1,2004 11:43pm - Dissector ""]
There's no way I can be in that "pit" and not start cracking up.
[Sep 1,2004 11:43pm - Kalopsia ""]
blue nli said:ahem. you mispelled it. its br00tal.

i thank thee

[Sep 1,2004 11:44pm - assuck ""]
[Sep 1,2004 11:45pm - Dissector ""]
honor4death said:[img]

and again in this one

I bet right before they took stage that night. Glen told everybody he was gonna dress up like Shredder from Ninja Turtles, and the rest of the band thought he was joking, so they jokingly replied "Go ahead dude!" Later to find out he was dead serious...
[Sep 1,2004 11:49pm - Kalopsia ""]
no they knew glen was gonna do it. he had the same outfit on at the March Metal Meltdown
[Sep 1,2004 11:49pm - honor4death ""]
i saw this on toms myspace the other day
[Sep 1,2004 11:50pm - Kalopsia ""]
tom needs to stop being in pictures. he keeps ruining thier brOOtality
[Sep 1,2004 11:51pm - Dissector ""]
Kalopsia said:no they knew glen was gonna do it. he had the same outfit on at the March Metal Meltdown

Way to ruin a joke.
[Sep 1,2004 11:52pm - Kalopsia ""]
[Sep 1,2004 11:52pm - iren_the_viking ""]
ya i have those moments all the time, people always think im full of shit with my half-cocked ideas, i usually am full of shit but now i have built up a lack of credibility so now i can say anything and get the "ya go ahead dude" response. so now anything is possible. dance my puppets...
[Sep 1,2004 11:52pm - Kalopsia ""]
Dissector said:Kalopsia said:no they knew glen was gonna do it. he had the same outfit on at the March Metal Meltdown

Way to ruin a joke.

[Sep 1,2004 11:53pm - iren_the_viking ""]
Kalopsia said:[img]

he's got a pertty mouth ahuck ahuck
[Sep 2,2004 12:01am - Dissector ""]

He looks like a cat getting real pissed off at one of those fake mice with bells that cats play with.
[Sep 2,2004 12:22am - Kalopsia ""]
Dissector said:[img]

He looks like a cat getting real pissed off at one of those fake mice with bells that cats play with.

do u think he noticed the microphone was about 5 inches below his mouth, resulting in him not being heard through the PA?
[Sep 2,2004 1:01am - Abbath ""]
i like metal???.....
[Sep 2,2004 1:06am - Abbath ""]
aegathis and i get a huge laugh at this whenever we see this pic of his guitarist
[Sep 2,2004 1:38am - the_reverend ""]
this is the best thread ever...
carina is sleeping, I hope I didn't wake her up laughing
[Sep 2,2004 2:09am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
anime jim

[img] = [img]
[Sep 2,2004 3:08am - attendmyrequiem in maine  ""]
that vocalist looks like the bassist of Burnt by the sun
[Sep 2,2004 10:58am - assuck ""]
hooray for cheese
[Sep 2,2004 11:02am - christraper ""]
ok so nobodys playing any instruments but i thought it was funny anyways.

and who can forget Bloodfucks unbearably grim "deer caught in headlights" look?
[Sep 2,2004 11:03am - christraper ""]
[Sep 2,2004 11:03am - christraper ""]
just click on the x's itll take you there
[Sep 2,2004 11:05am - assuck ""]
hooray for cheese and chicken
[Sep 2,2004 11:05am - christraper ""]
twas part of a goats head my dear assuck
[Sep 2,2004 11:07am - assuck ""]
looked like chicken... i'll take another gander...still looks like chicken, but i'll take your word for it
[Sep 2,2004 11:09am - christraper ""]
trust me i got that shit all over me at that show
[Sep 2,2004 11:19am - RustedAngel ""]
[Sep 2,2004 11:23am - the_reverend ""]
nothing beats catching someone on the bottom of a head bang
that's like the 3rd shot I've gotten of him like that...
I know I have one of blue some wheres too.
[Sep 2,2004 11:26am - assuck ""]
i'm too damn skinny for my face jiggle like that
[Sep 2,2004 11:26am - succubus ""]

these are great!

i guess i got a lot of Abhorred keepers!

i still love that Jim one!
[Sep 2,2004 11:26am - the_reverend ""]
I don't see it,
but I found this keeper..
[Sep 2,2004 11:36am - assuck ""]
carina, do you have the picture from the evo's show where we are all looking at drummer john and pointing? i couldnt find it
[Sep 2,2004 12:32pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Thread over.


Any picture of Larry is amazing, but this is my favorite.
[Sep 2,2004 12:33pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Sep 2,2004 12:34pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Thanks Joe. I suck at computers.
[Sep 2,2004 2:38pm - Hooker ""]

I don't know about funniest but I get the award for fucking CREEPIEST hands down.
[Sep 2,2004 2:39pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
[Sep 2,2004 2:42pm - ASSUCK ""]
that guy looks like hes about to pass out from being so grim and kvlt
[Sep 2,2004 2:44pm - Hooker ""]
[Sep 2,2004 2:54pm - jake  ""]
frankenstein's monster.


[Sep 2,2004 4:19pm - Hooker ""]
[Sep 2,2004 5:45pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Nobody ever said Metal was pretty.
[Sep 2,2004 5:56pm - Hooker ""]
No shit. Just look at my retarded gumby body. I skate around on one foot most of the time.
[Sep 2,2004 6:01pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Sep 2,2004 6:06pm - Kalopsia ""]
[Sep 2,2004 6:08pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Sep 2,2004 6:10pm - Hooker ""]
looks like a dude with downs syndrome getting a beaner
[Sep 2,2004 6:41pm - Dissector ""]

[Sep 3,2004 12:04am - hoser ""]
who biffed this dude in the face?
[Sep 3,2004 12:13am - Kalopsia ""]
you don't know man??? there was a whole thread about that incident with that kid. i don't know where it is though. i think he was jumped a couple days before the show
[Sep 3,2004 12:14am - Kalopsia ""]
I JUST FARTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH GOD I CAN SMELL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Sep 4,2004 11:32pm - Kalopsia ""]

there i am asleep on the job again
[Sep 4,2004 11:37pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
this thread made my night. i've had too much to drink already. i need to get home tonite sometime... fuck...
[Sep 5,2004 12:43am - dyingmuse ""]
this is almost as comfortable as my coutch....where did i put the clicker and my beer.....honey!!!! where is the goddamn clicker![img]

love the wife beater, stains and all
[Sep 5,2004 12:46am - dyingmuse ""]
did i let the dog out...shit i forgot to put the clothes in the dryer....what song are we doing?????
[Sep 5,2004 12:50am - dyingmuse ""]
gay pride, gay pride...im mean shroud shroud shroud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![img]

yeah i ragged on the other members...i might as shall rag on myself

yeah, i dont think i had enough beer that night!
[Sep 5,2004 2:08am - moran ""]
dyingmuse said: did i let the dog out...shit i forgot to put the clothes in the dryer....what song are we doing?????

[Sep 5,2004 2:57am - the_reverend ""]
this is the best thread ever
[Sep 5,2004 4:10am - MyDeadDoll ""]
yes, this kicks some butt... i'm sobering up now... BOOOO
[Sep 5,2004 9:39am - succubus ""]
honor4death said:[img]

and again in this one

actually i LOVE this one
[Sep 5,2004 2:50pm - WhyamIandasshole at home  ""]
[Sep 5,2004 2:57pm - WhyamIandasshole at home  ""]
[Sep 5,2004 4:22pm - Kalopsia ""]

hey look, it's eric rutan
[Sep 5,2004 4:24pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
I don't see the resemblence.
[Sep 5,2004 4:26pm - Kalopsia ""]
the hair being thrown into the air by fan.
[Sep 5,2004 4:27pm - Kalopsia ""]

and look, it's his buddy trey azagthoth!!!
[Sep 5,2004 4:51pm - Abbath ""]
i saw this pic on the random picture thing and started to wet myself
[Sep 6,2004 12:39pm - noosebomb666 ""]


[Sep 7,2004 10:35am - blue ""]
Abbath said:i saw this pic on the random picture thing and started to wet myself

[Sep 7,2004 10:38am - blue ""]
this ones breathtaking.
[Sep 7,2004 10:56am - christraper ""]
blue said:[img]
this ones breathtaking.

HAHAHAHAHHAHA! You look like Alfred Hitchcock on horse tranquilizers!!!!
[Sep 7,2004 12:06pm - ASSUCK ""]
jeff looks like chris cornell in this picture

[Sep 7,2004 12:58pm - Mary ""]
christraper said:ok so nobodys playing any instruments but i thought it was funny anyways.

Hahaha!! It's Lisa!
[Sep 7,2004 1:10pm - christraper ""]
Lisa rocks.
[Sep 7,2004 1:19pm - KING NOOSEBOMB  ""]
ASSUCK said:jeff looks like chris cornell in this picture


[Sep 7,2004 2:50pm - ASSUCK ""]
[Sep 7,2004 4:16pm - KeithMutiny ""]
guess where my other hand is............ j/k
[Sep 8,2004 7:00pm - dyingmuse ""]
moran said:dyingmuse said: did i let the dog out...shit i forgot to put the clothes in the dryer....what song are we doing?????


lol, yes, its him!!!!!!!!!

this thread fucking rocks!!!!!!
[Sep 10,2004 8:02pm - Bradness  ""]
[Sep 10,2004 8:16pm - BornSoVile ""]
KeithMutiny said:[img]
guess where my other hand is............ j/k

haha, i look like a 8 year old in an easter photo. to bad there isn't one with ma niggah nate!
[Sep 11,2004 5:08pm - Kalopsia ""]
[Sep 12,2004 2:00am - Kalopsia ""]
[Sep 12,2004 2:25am - hoser ""]

Mike is here and he's drunk. He had to poop badly in this pic. His poop was bad.
[Sep 12,2004 2:31am - Kalopsia ""]
[Sep 12,2004 2:47am - Kalopsia ""]

did that dude on the left pee himself???
[Sep 12,2004 3:08am - BornSoVile ""]
[Sep 12,2004 12:45pm - Assuck ""]
[Sep 12,2004 12:47pm - Robdeadskin nli  ""]
how do ya post pics....
[Sep 12,2004 12:49pm - Kalopsia ""]
in the Quick Response, click on the link that says "insert image" and add the URL of the image. you can't post pictures from your hard drive on this website. you can only post pictures that are on the internet.
[Sep 12,2004 1:21pm - powerkok ""]
[Sep 12,2004 1:47pm - Kalopsia ""]

paul was enjoying his blowjob in-between songs
[Sep 12,2004 5:18pm - succubus ""]
Kalopsia said:[img]

he was making that face for me..i'm too lazy to look up myne though


[Oct 22,2004 1:38am - Kalopsia ""]
[Oct 22,2004 1:39am - Kalopsia ""]
oh man josh is making this too easy

[Oct 22,2004 1:45am - Kalopsia ""]

*insert hick comment here*
[Oct 22,2004 1:46am - Kalopsia ""]

hehehe..... a hehe...... hehehehe........... uh....... hehehe...... wanna play with my stars wars figures?
[Oct 22,2004 1:52am - Kalopsia ""]

next month's Gay Pride ad: Music for fags!!!!!!
[Oct 22,2004 5:26pm - WyrmFingerz ""]
blue said:Abbath said:i saw this pic on the random picture thing and started to wet myself


wow vintage Kubrick... was that jeff sans shirt?
[Oct 22,2004 6:08pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
no, that's Kris with a mother fuckin' K.
[Oct 22,2004 6:21pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
excuse me but the best facials go to this man
[Oct 23,2004 12:51pm - assuck ""]
this thread has made a triumphant return
[Oct 23,2004 3:23pm - Kalopsia ""]
assuck said:this thread has made a triumphant return

i just couldn't let this thread die man.
[Oct 23,2004 3:31pm - BornSoVile ""]
dude, i got some real gems out there!
[Feb 14,2009 11:56am - KadoogASSÜCK  ""]
oh man DO IT AGAIN
[Feb 14,2009 12:02pm - KadoogASSÜCK  ""]
KADOOGAN SEZ: I don't know why I bumped this thread, I meant to just post the link in the new one. Oh well.I don't know why I bumped this thread, I meant to just post the link in the new one. Oh well.
[Feb 14,2009 12:09pm - reimroc ""]
Because there's just TOO MUCH HILARIOUSNESS for one thread
[Feb 14,2009 2:23pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

succubus said:honor4death said:[img]

and again in this one

actually i LOVE this one

I love that last week's VR show was EXACTLY the same crew. The only face here I recognize that wasn't at Hell the other day is Shannon.
[Feb 14,2009 2:25pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Feb 14,2009 2:28pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 14,2009 2:35pm - reimroc ""]
[Feb 14,2009 3:20pm - RustyPS ""]
[Feb 14,2009 3:24pm - REIMROC ""]

RustyPS said:HAHA!

whats up dood?
[Feb 14,2009 3:26pm - reimroc ""]
caps-lock username ftw
[Feb 14,2009 3:47pm - Stabby_McGunnakillya ""]

pic is old as hell. This is what happens when you have to shit in the middle of a set
[Feb 14,2009 4:34pm - STLUCI ""]
ok i have to add this one :

<a href="http://s30.photobucket.com/albums/c317/STLUCIFOREVA/?action=view¤t=luci2007january7.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c317/STLUCIFOREVA/luci2007january7.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
[Feb 14,2009 4:39pm - STLUCI ""]
[img]<a href="http://s30.photobucket.com/albums/c317/STLUCIFOREVA/?action=view¤t=luci2007january7.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c317/STLUCIFOREVA/luci2007january7.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
[Feb 14,2009 4:48pm - the_reverend ""]
no html. only UBB.
[Feb 14,2009 4:58pm - succubus ""]
wow....i had forgotten about this thread
[Feb 14,2009 5:11pm - the_reverend ""]
look at all those pictures from back when you used to go to shows.
[Feb 14,2009 5:23pm - rustyps ""]

RustyPS said:HAHA!

whats up dood?

[Feb 14,2009 7:38pm - STLUCI ""]

the_reverend said:no html. only UBB.

how would i do that then ? not that versed in UBB.

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