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funniest band faces thread

[Sep 1,2004 11:51pm - Dissector ""]
Kalopsia said:no they knew glen was gonna do it. he had the same outfit on at the March Metal Meltdown

Way to ruin a joke.
[Sep 1,2004 11:52pm - Kalopsia ""]
[Sep 1,2004 11:52pm - iren_the_viking ""]
ya i have those moments all the time, people always think im full of shit with my half-cocked ideas, i usually am full of shit but now i have built up a lack of credibility so now i can say anything and get the "ya go ahead dude" response. so now anything is possible. dance my puppets...
[Sep 1,2004 11:52pm - Kalopsia ""]
Dissector said:Kalopsia said:no they knew glen was gonna do it. he had the same outfit on at the March Metal Meltdown

Way to ruin a joke.

[Sep 1,2004 11:53pm - iren_the_viking ""]
Kalopsia said:[img]

he's got a pertty mouth ahuck ahuck
[Sep 2,2004 12:01am - Dissector ""]

He looks like a cat getting real pissed off at one of those fake mice with bells that cats play with.
[Sep 2,2004 12:22am - Kalopsia ""]
Dissector said:[img]

He looks like a cat getting real pissed off at one of those fake mice with bells that cats play with.

do u think he noticed the microphone was about 5 inches below his mouth, resulting in him not being heard through the PA?
[Sep 2,2004 1:01am - Abbath ""]
i like metal???.....
[Sep 2,2004 1:06am - Abbath ""]
aegathis and i get a huge laugh at this whenever we see this pic of his guitarist
[Sep 2,2004 1:38am - the_reverend ""]
this is the best thread ever...
carina is sleeping, I hope I didn't wake her up laughing
[Sep 2,2004 2:09am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
anime jim

[img] = [img]
[Sep 2,2004 3:08am - attendmyrequiem in maine  ""]
that vocalist looks like the bassist of Burnt by the sun
[Sep 2,2004 10:58am - assuck ""]
hooray for cheese
[Sep 2,2004 11:02am - christraper ""]
ok so nobodys playing any instruments but i thought it was funny anyways.

and who can forget Bloodfucks unbearably grim "deer caught in headlights" look?
[Sep 2,2004 11:03am - christraper ""]
[Sep 2,2004 11:03am - christraper ""]
just click on the x's itll take you there
[Sep 2,2004 11:05am - assuck ""]
hooray for cheese and chicken
[Sep 2,2004 11:05am - christraper ""]
twas part of a goats head my dear assuck
[Sep 2,2004 11:07am - assuck ""]
looked like chicken... i'll take another gander...still looks like chicken, but i'll take your word for it
[Sep 2,2004 11:09am - christraper ""]
trust me i got that shit all over me at that show
[Sep 2,2004 11:19am - RustedAngel ""]
[Sep 2,2004 11:23am - the_reverend ""]
nothing beats catching someone on the bottom of a head bang
that's like the 3rd shot I've gotten of him like that...
I know I have one of blue some wheres too.
[Sep 2,2004 11:26am - assuck ""]
i'm too damn skinny for my face jiggle like that
[Sep 2,2004 11:26am - succubus ""]

these are great!

i guess i got a lot of Abhorred keepers!

i still love that Jim one!
[Sep 2,2004 11:26am - the_reverend ""]
I don't see it,
but I found this keeper..
[Sep 2,2004 11:36am - assuck ""]
carina, do you have the picture from the evo's show where we are all looking at drummer john and pointing? i couldnt find it
[Sep 2,2004 12:32pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Thread over.


Any picture of Larry is amazing, but this is my favorite.
[Sep 2,2004 12:33pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Sep 2,2004 12:34pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Thanks Joe. I suck at computers.
[Sep 2,2004 2:38pm - Hooker ""]

I don't know about funniest but I get the award for fucking CREEPIEST hands down.
[Sep 2,2004 2:39pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
[Sep 2,2004 2:42pm - ASSUCK ""]
that guy looks like hes about to pass out from being so grim and kvlt
[Sep 2,2004 2:44pm - Hooker ""]
[Sep 2,2004 2:54pm - jake  ""]
frankenstein's monster.


[Sep 2,2004 4:19pm - Hooker ""]
[Sep 2,2004 5:45pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Nobody ever said Metal was pretty.
[Sep 2,2004 5:56pm - Hooker ""]
No shit. Just look at my retarded gumby body. I skate around on one foot most of the time.
[Sep 2,2004 6:01pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Sep 2,2004 6:06pm - Kalopsia ""]
[Sep 2,2004 6:08pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Sep 2,2004 6:10pm - Hooker ""]
looks like a dude with downs syndrome getting a beaner
[Sep 2,2004 6:41pm - Dissector ""]

[Sep 3,2004 12:04am - hoser ""]
who biffed this dude in the face?
[Sep 3,2004 12:13am - Kalopsia ""]
you don't know man??? there was a whole thread about that incident with that kid. i don't know where it is though. i think he was jumped a couple days before the show
[Sep 3,2004 12:14am - Kalopsia ""]
I JUST FARTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH GOD I CAN SMELL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Sep 4,2004 11:32pm - Kalopsia ""]

there i am asleep on the job again
[Sep 4,2004 11:37pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
this thread made my night. i've had too much to drink already. i need to get home tonite sometime... fuck...
[Sep 5,2004 12:43am - dyingmuse ""]
this is almost as comfortable as my coutch....where did i put the clicker and my beer.....honey!!!! where is the goddamn clicker![img]

love the wife beater, stains and all
[Sep 5,2004 12:46am - dyingmuse ""]
did i let the dog out...shit i forgot to put the clothes in the dryer....what song are we doing?????
[Sep 5,2004 12:50am - dyingmuse ""]
gay pride, gay pride...im mean shroud shroud shroud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![img]

yeah i ragged on the other members...i might as shall rag on myself

yeah, i dont think i had enough beer that night!

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