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Middle East (Cambridge, Ma) - [defcon_4][destruction][hekseri][into_eternity][municipal_waste][randomshots]
[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Feb 4,2007 11:17pm - the_reverend ""]
municipal waste: yeah, I knew people were going to get tossed out. As people crowd surfed, they got yanked down and thrown out. One of these dudes was unhappy about it and tried to stage dive through all the camera people... I quickly rolled around my camera like an armadillo. The looks on the faces of the band when people where getting tossed looked almost pain like they wished they could help, but they were caught in a thrash. I bet they will ask to play the ELKs next time they come through. They had a lot of their antics.. Beer bongs, boogie boards, etc... But the kids couldn't really take full advantage cause of the security situation. Still it was a trashing good time, they played the hits, and for the last song, greg from the red chord (they just got off tour together) was up on stage to sing with them. security tried to throw him out, but the set was over at MW's singer stopped them.
[Feb 4,2007 11:35pm - the_reverend ""]
into eternity: even though I've shot this band since their first tour, the stage dude was mean and kicked us out (i guess he was the roadie for overkill too). So to the drummer's mom who asked me for pictures of her son, I'm sorry I tried. After that, yes, I sung along to some things, but I was more pissed that I couldn't shoot from where I wanted to so I wasn't really happy during their set. Too many missed good shoots. *tear* would someone play a really small violin for me? my life is so terrible b00h000h000!
[Feb 5,2007 2:00am - the_reverend ""]
oh man.. the faces in the background of the picture I took of kevord.. deer caught in headlights anyone?
[Feb 5,2007 2:01am - Kevord ""]
They were shocked by my coolness.
[Feb 5,2007 2:07am - the_reverend ""]
now that you mention it.. you do look pretty cool.
I'm glad you werent smoking, the coolness would have blown the shit out of my camera.
[Feb 5,2007 2:52am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
standing outside in the cold fucking SUCKED, but it was well worth it to finally see destruction. if i didn't have bad knees i would have killed everyone in boston during "thrash till death." excuses, excuses, i know, haha. municipal waste was awesome as well, but i definitely like seeing them better at the elk's lodge, even if it is a sauna times 2 everytime they play there. i got pizza instead of watching into eternity, so their set ruled, hahaha. defcon 4 and hekseri sounded huge, but it seemed like the guitars were a bit too loud or the vocals were a bit too low for most of their sets.
[Feb 5,2007 2:56am - the_reverend ""]
whatever was off from the stage during hekseri was off time 10 during into eternity...
[Feb 5,2007 3:18am - todayistheday ""]
all i want to know is why municipal waste played before into eternity?!?!
[Feb 5,2007 3:20am - todayistheday ""]
markfuckingrichards...i was the kid who asked you if josh was there
[Feb 5,2007 3:29am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
todayistheday said:markfuckingrichards...i was the kid who asked you if josh was there

ah, ok. nice meeting you tonight!
[Feb 5,2007 6:34am - paganmegan ""]
the_reverend said:hekseri: I walked in thinking "who is this male fronted CD they are playing." and then I looked at the stage. Oopies... they sounded awesome on the stage through the PA. When I got to the stage, it sounded sort of off through the cabs on the stage. Not sure why. I got a shot of seth that screams "myspace profile" or if he is ever in a book, that picture will be in it. I have no clue what the cover they did was, but megan told the crowd to fuck themselves.

dude, ripping fuckin corpse!! Come on! Kreator cover bisnatch
[Feb 5,2007 8:58am - RichHorror ""]
Good show. Hekseri sounded really good over that PA, probably the best I've ever heard them. Defcon 4 was awesome. Drinking Destruction's beers and having them cry to momma is rad. MW was awesome but way better at the Elks. Into Eternity is terrible and all the 'HEY HEY HEY' parts made me think I was in Poland in the 40's. Destruction was cool but played too long and started every song like it was Angel of Death.
[Feb 5,2007 9:14am - the_reverend ""]
more like tormentor than angel of death.
[Feb 5,2007 9:19am - RichHorror ""]

Having MW play before Into Eternity was definitely a bad move. I think more people would've still been there for Destruction if it was the other way around.
[Feb 5,2007 11:08am - thuringwethil ""]
I went upstairs during IE
and chilled with a nice falafel sandwich and a beer
[Feb 5,2007 11:09am - thuringwethil ""]
oh and Municipal Waste rule
[Feb 5,2007 11:16am - paganmegan ""]
my head hurts.
[Feb 5,2007 11:24am - thuringwethil ""]
water. lots of it.
[Feb 5,2007 12:17pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
fucking awesome show last night. Missed Hekseri cause of that fucking long ass line. Defcon was amazing for the songs we made it in there for, Municipal Waste was awesome as always, but I'd perfer it at the elks like Rich said cause there you can actually crowd surf. Into Eternity had some "ehh" parts, but overall nothing fantastic at all. Destruction slayed, and they played a good amount of the songs I wanted to hear.
[Feb 5,2007 12:24pm - Kinslayer  ""]
[Feb 5,2007 12:39pm - paganmegan ""]
you're just jealous because you were too shy to ask Schmier for a photo!
[Feb 5,2007 12:40pm - RichHorror ""]
Did you bang?
[Feb 5,2007 12:42pm - paganmegan ""]
RichHorror the king of all that is subtle and polite
[Feb 5,2007 12:55pm - RichHorror ""]
I wanted a sexy story. :(
[Feb 5,2007 12:57pm - paganmegan ""]
sorry. my life is much too boring for such things.
[Feb 5,2007 1:11pm - DomesticTerror ""]
I banged into work sick today. Is that sexy enough for you, Rich?
[Feb 5,2007 1:13pm - RichHorror ""]
Scott: When did metal become so fucking gay?
Rich: When I was in junior high.
[Feb 5,2007 1:15pm - anonymous  ""]
Dark Funeral
Abigail Williams
Cold Northern Vengeance
The Accursed

TONIGHT @ Mark's Showplace 18+ Show
[Feb 5,2007 1:17pm - RichHorror ""]
Kill yourself.
[Feb 5,2007 1:26pm - DomesticTerror ""]
I remember seeing some movie when i was kid, about a society that found a book on Al Capone, and modeled their culture after it. Everyone spoke south side chicago, lived the cheesy mob life. That's what last night's crowd reminded me off, only instead of a mob book, they found a VH1 Heavy Metal special, or the Decline of Western Civilization. A total parody of metal.
"I see a lotta backpatches..." gayness.
Thank you Mr. Horror, for helping me see through the bullshit.
[Feb 5,2007 1:32pm - RichHorror ""]
I am the one and true way.
[Feb 5,2007 1:35pm - the_reverend ""]
seeing scott there was cool. he's got little old man glasses and a little old man scarf.
[Feb 5,2007 1:36pm - RichHorror ""]
He also had a little old man.
[Feb 5,2007 1:47pm - DomesticTerror ""]
I have panache.
[Feb 5,2007 2:46pm - Anthony nli  ""]
What's wrong with dudes wearing back patches and thrash shirts? At least the show had a good turnout. People find a reason to complain about everything.
[Feb 5,2007 3:16pm - toothy  ""]
*cough* homo
[Feb 5,2007 3:22pm - Anthony ""]

eat a dick son
[Feb 5,2007 3:33pm - toothy  ""]

[Feb 5,2007 3:34pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Not complaining, making fun. I get paid to do that. plus, I enjoy it.
[Feb 5,2007 3:57pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, making fun of people is pretty much the best.
[Feb 5,2007 4:11pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Rich, have I told you lately that I love you?
[Feb 5,2007 4:13pm - RichHorror ""]
Yes. With your cock.
[Feb 5,2007 4:17pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You all missed me.
[Feb 5,2007 4:40pm - Revocation ""]
I had a blast at the thrash bash
[Feb 5,2007 4:55pm - DomesticTerror ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:You all missed me.

I did. I brought you a Stanhope cd thinking you'd be there.

[Feb 5,2007 4:59pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I should be at the UNLEASHED show on Wednesday.

Scott, what is that CD?
[Feb 5,2007 5:06pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Doug Stanhope-Deadbeat Hero. best working comic out there.
[Feb 5,2007 5:20pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Oh yeah, he's funny.
[Feb 5,2007 5:25pm - Nuclear Winter  ""]
DomesticTerror said:I remember seeing some movie when i was kid, about a society that found a book on Al Capone, and modeled their culture after it. Everyone spoke south side chicago, lived the cheesy mob life. That's what last night's crowd reminded me off, only instead of a mob book, they found a VH1 Heavy Metal special, or the Decline of Western Civilization. A total parody of metal.
"I see a lotta backpatches..." gayness.
Thank you Mr. Horror, for helping me see through the bullshit.

Insert generic Manowar comment here.

[Feb 5,2007 5:28pm - Kevord ""]
There is a little irony in kids who aren't old enough to remember the 1980's dressing that way.

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