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attn: Snooki

[Aug 9,2010 2:46pm - SkinSandwich ""]

arilliusbm said:
arilliusbm said:bag of cape cod jalepeno and cheddar potato chips > jaguar64 > your grandmothers old socks > blades of steel > Paul McCartney > rttp radio show > jersey shore

lol what the fuck I don't remember typing this

It's a helluva drug.
[Aug 9,2010 2:47pm - nekronautnli  ""]

arilliusbm said:
arilliusbm said:bag of cape cod jalepeno and cheddar potato chips > jaguar64 > your grandmothers old socks > blades of steel > Paul McCartney > rttp radio show > jersey shore

lol what the fuck I don't remember typing this

Don't worry I will do a status update about it.
[Aug 9,2010 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
[Aug 9,2010 3:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Aug 9,2010 3:29pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
BTW I would totally subject her Roman back gate to a Gallic sack, if you know what I mean.
[Aug 9,2010 3:31pm - arilliusbm ""]
DYA's semen all have shaved heads. FACT
[Aug 9,2010 3:34pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Nope. Blue paint and Asterix mustaches, every last one of'em.

[Aug 9,2010 3:38pm - arilliusbm ""]
DYA's sperm are so advanced, they have no use for a feeble flagellum. They use rockets instead
[Aug 11,2010 4:10pm - bung hole  ""]

Dice said:Eohhh, let me tell ya what I'd do to this fuckin' skank. I'd drill her fat fuckin' ass like it was the fuckin' Deepwater Horizon. Then I'd pop plentiful amounts of pearly prick pudding on her puckered pooper, put a fuckin' cherry on top and force that fuckin' cunt J-WOW to eat it up like a fuckin' ice cream sundae, WITHOUT NO FUCKIN SPOON! Eohhhhh!!!

theres got to be a porn site that specializes in this. if there is ass smoothie then why not ass sundae?
[Aug 11,2010 5:27pm - oscarct ""]

goatcatalyst said:I will fuck your puckered Guinea maw. Don't even listen to The Situation. He's overcompensating. I'll love you right, girl. I can dance to house music.

i dont think she checks this board anymore
[Aug 11,2010 5:30pm - oscarct ""]
ps I saw the Snookster at walmart at 1 or 2 am..she was making a appearance at some club in town..I was a tad out of it, and should have approached her
[Aug 11,2010 5:35pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

oscarct said:I was a tad out of it, and should have raped her repeatedly
[Aug 11,2010 5:37pm - SkinSandwich ""]
We should all be ashamed of ourselves for this thread getting so many hits and responses.
[Aug 11,2010 5:42pm - oscarct ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
oscarct said:I was a tad out of it, and should have raped her repeatedly

[Aug 11,2010 5:57pm - arilliusbm ""]
bunch o pervs on this board
[Aug 12,2010 10:53am - thetruthaboutmuffdivers ""]
Perez Hilton is reporting that on the next episode, the male housemates decide to pull a stunt on Snooki called "the human cannoli" where they wrap her in a pastry shell, invite their Guido friends over and all take turns fucking her mouth, cunt and anus until she's leaking greasy cum out of all three. Pauly D is rumored to exclaim "How's that fuckin marscapone, Snook?!?!" as she nearly dies of asphyxiation. Must-see-TV!
[Aug 29,2010 5:16pm - Martins nli  ""]
I would TOTALLY suck The Situation's cock!
[Aug 29,2010 5:19pm - goatcatabisk  ""]
Lotsa lulz in this here thread.
[Aug 29,2010 6:17pm - reimroc ""]
[Aug 29,2010 6:43pm - RustyPS ""]

RustyPS said:
Yeti said:i'm with Jim on this one, the fact that any of you would waste one second of your brain power and time on something like this speaks volumes. i hate how the response to my Jersey Shore bashing is "i know it sucks, but it's so funny to watch these people". no, it's not. leave garbage like this to the useless fleshbags, you're actually making yourself stupider by watching. i don't care if they are scum, i don't care if their douchebaggery seems entertaining, shut it off or you're a pussy.
I don't watch that shit...I only know about it by watching The Soup

I've actually started watching this since the 2nd season started....they all act like absolute idiots, but the unintentional humor is absolutely fucking amazing
[Aug 29,2010 8:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
Anyone who watches this garbage should be shot in the face
[Aug 29,2010 11:06pm - goatcatabisk  ""]
Remind me to slice your dingding tomorrow, James.
[Aug 29,2010 11:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
Only the Arilidingdong is real.
[Aug 29,2010 11:22pm - goatcatabisk  ""]
My brown Wagner would like to have a word with you.
[Sep 8,2010 4:15pm - Luca Tessio Clemenza  ""]
I would flip her upside down, put a funnel in her asshole and pour olive oil, vinegar, basil and oregano in until a nicely mixed vinaigrette dressing pours out of her mouth and onto my antipasto salad.
[Sep 9,2010 8:25am - Yeti ""]
i hope this bitch trips and falls in the Pit of Carkoon.
[Sep 9,2010 8:39am - goatcatabisk  ""]
Not nice.
[Sep 9,2010 8:45am - oscarct ""]
How long till naked pics of this slob
[Sep 9,2010 9:44am - The_Rooster ""]

reimroc said:[img]

Funniest part about this is the creepy out-of-place dude sucking from a straw in the background.
[Sep 9,2010 9:45am - The_Rooster ""]
fat dude is like "can I just get a fahkin Red Bull and Votka brah!?"
[Sep 9,2010 9:53am - RustyPS ""]

The_Rooster said:
reimroc said:[img]

Funniest part about this is the creepy out-of-place dude sucking from a straw in the background.

I think that's Vinnie LMAO
[Dec 1,2010 1:16pm - The REAL Snooki!!!  ""]
Yeah IT'S ME!!! FUCK all you who talk shit! Some of this nasty shit you typed out is really FUCKIN DISGUSTING! To the true fans I LOVE YOU GUYS!
[Dec 1,2010 1:18pm - boblovesmusic ""]
someone's bored
[Dec 1,2010 1:28pm - The_Rooster ""]
I've never wanted to murder a group of individuals so much in my life. Well, maybe SLIGHTLY less than those cunts on the Bad Girls Club, but, nonetheless.

These people are like fucking tumors.
[Dec 1,2010 1:56pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Cool dismissal of Italian culture, bro.
[Dec 1,2010 2:56pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I bet her vajin smells like this:


with a distinct hint of bleach.
[Dec 1,2010 3:42pm - The REAL Snooki!!!  ""]
FUCK YOU!!! And what the fuck is a GALLIC SACK you creep!
[Dec 1,2010 5:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

The%20REAL%20Snooki!!! said:FUCK YOU!!! And what the fuck is a GALLIC SACK you creep!

[Dec 2,2010 3:17am - Randy_Marsh ""]
only reason why people like this whore is because of her tits, but hey...tits can go a long way.
[Dec 2,2010 3:53am - frankofhell  ""]
that fat ugly whore is not worthy of the fame she has whatsoever. only in usa.
[Dec 2,2010 5:34am - the_reverend ""]

Randy_Marsh said:only reason why people like this whore is because of her tits, but hey...tits can go a long way.
her tits don't have too much further to go before they and flopping on her waste.
[Sep 30,2011 4:16pm - silvio berlusconi  ""]
these little woplets make me look like a fucking altar boy by comparison. maaaadonn'!
[Sep 30,2011 4:56pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Haha, I totally forgot I made a "Gallic sack" just for this thread.
[Sep 30,2011 6:00pm - Solouotls  ""]
[Sep 30,2011 6:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
she looks like a fucking nigger
[Sep 30,2011 6:29pm - RacismIsMySignature  ""]
ITT: true selves come out
[Sep 30,2011 6:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i have no problem with black people. i just fucking hate niggers.
[Sep 30,2011 6:37pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Sep 30,2011 7:14pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
She looks exactly like my girlfriend's mom minus 40 years.
[Sep 30,2011 7:42pm - Lamp ""]
I bet if you peeled that skin off of her there'd be some well cooked Thanksgiving turkey underneath.

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